User talk:Hajji Piruz/Historical Provinces of Iran

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Provinces of the Achaemenid Empire
Persia | Elam | Babylonia | Assyria | Saspires | Alarodians | Media | Sacae | Yauna | Macedon | Pamphylia | Paphlagonians | Cappadocia | Caria | Lydia | Thrace | Armenia | Cilicia | Cyprus | Phoenicia | Palestine | Taxila | Egypt | Gandara | Sattagydia | Ichthyophagi | Oreitians | Gedrosia | Carmania | Caspians | Pausicae | Pantimathi | Daritae | Maka | Drangiana | Arachosia | Bactria | Parthia | Aria | Chorasmia | Sogdia | Kush | Moschi | Tibareni | Macrones | Mosynoeci | Mares | Arabia


Provinces of the Sassanid Empire
File:Sassanid empire map.PNG
Abarshahr | Adiabene | Albania | Arabistan | Aria | Armenia | Asuristan | Atropatene | Balasagan | Carmania | Hyrcania | Iberia | India | Kushanshahr | Machelonia | Maishan | Margiana | Mazun | Media | Mokran | Paratan | Parthia | Patishkhwagar | Persis | Sakastan | Susiana | Turan