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Anikó Zsíros Jankelić

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Anikó Zsíros Jankelić (Serbian Cyrillic: Анико Жирош Јанкелић, romanizedAniko Žiroš Jankelić; born 25 February 1967) is a politician in Serbia. She has served at different times in the National Assembly of Serbia and the Assembly of Vojvodina as a member of the Democratic Party (Demokratska stranka, DS). She is now a member of Municipal Assembly of Senta, serving with the Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians (Vajdasági Magyar Szövetség, VMSZ).

Early life and private career


Zsíros Jankelić was born in Senta, in what was then the Socialist Autonomous Province of Vojvodina in the Socialist Republic of Serbia, Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. She is a teacher of physical education, has taught rhythmic gymnastics, and has worked at the School of Economics and Trade in Senta.[1]



Parliamentarian and local assembly speaker


Zsíros Jankelić was elected to the Senta municipal assembly in the 2004 Serbian local elections and was chosen as its president (i.e. speaker) for the term that followed.[2] She led the DS's electoral list in Senta for the 2008 local elections and received a new mandate after the list won nine seats.[3][4][5] When the assembly convened, she was chosen for a second term as its president.[6]

The Democratic Party contested the 2008 Serbian parliamentary election, which was held concurrently with the local elections, as the dominant party in the For a European Serbia alliance; Zsíros Jankelić was given the forty-eighth position on the alliance's list.[7] The list won 102 seats, and she was not initially included in her party's assembly delegation. (From 2000 to 2011, mandates in Serbian parliamentary elections were awarded to sponsoring parties or coalitions rather than to individual candidates, and it was common practice for the mandates to be distributed out of numerical order. Zsíros Jankelić's position on the list had no specific bearing on her chances of election.)[8] The overall results of the election were initially inconclusive, but For a European Serbia eventually formed a coalition government with the Socialist Party of Serbia (Socijalistička partija Srbije, SPS).

On 18 December 2009, Zsíros Jankelić was awarded a parliamentary mandate as the replacement for Nandor Maraci, a fellow DS member from the North Banat District who had died.[9][10] She served as a supporter of the administration for the remainder of the term. At the local level in Senta, she called a vote of non-confidence in VMSZ mayor Zoltán Pék that led to a change of government in February 2010.[11][12] The DS formed a new government in the municipality, and, in the shifting of personnel that followed, Zsíros Jankelić stood down as assembly president. She continued to serve in the local assembly.[13][14]

Provincial representative and after


Serbia's electoral system was reformed in 2011, such that mandates in elections held under proportional representation were awarded in numerical order to candidates on successful lists. Zsíros Jankelić did not seek re-election at the republic level in 2012 but was instead elected for the Senta constituency seat in that year's provincial election in Vojvodina. The DS and its allies won the election, and she again served as supporter of the administration. She also appeared in the second position on the DS's list in the 2012 local elections and was re-elected when the list won ten mandates. During her term in the provincial assembly, Zsíros Jankelić served as vice-president of the Board of Directors of the Sports Federation of Vojvodina.[15] In 2014, when there was a chance of the provincial government falling, she was a member of the DS's negotiating team with other parties to establish a new administration.[16]

She attempted to return to the national assembly in the 2016 Serbian parliamentary election, appearing in the twenty-fourth position on the DS's list.[17] The list won only sixteen mandates and she was not re-elected. She also led the DS's list in the concurrent local election in Senta and was elected when the list won five mandates. The VMSZ formed a coalition government with the Serbian Progressive Party (Srpska napredna stranka, SNS) after the election, and the DS served in opposition.[18]

In 2020, Zsíros Jankelić made the somewhat unusual move from the DS to the VMSZ.[19] This occurred against the backdrop of a DS election boycott. She was not given a strong position on the VMSZ's electoral list for Senta in the 2020 local elections, appearing in the seventeenth position, and she was not initially re-elected when the list won thirteen mandates.[20][21] The VMSZ won the election and formed another coalition government with the SNS, however, and a number of party delegates resigned to take positions in government; Zsíros Jankelić was given a new mandate as a replacement member on 21 June 2020.[22] She currently serves as a supporter of the local administration.

Electoral record


Provincial (Vojvodina)

2012 Vojvodina assembly election
Senta (constituency seat) - First and Second Rounds
Anikó Zsíros Jankelić Choice for a Better VojvodinaBojan Pajtić (Affiliation: Democratic Party) 3,395 31.08 5,183 53.08
Attila Juhász Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians 3,675 33.64 4,581 46.92
József Sándor (incumbent) Coalition: United Regions of Serbia–József Sándor 1,502 13.75
Tatjana Radović Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS)–Party of United Pensioners of Serbia (PUPS)–United Serbia (JS)–Social Democratic Party of Serbia (SDP Serbia) 762 6.98
Tibor Kazinci Hungarian Civic Alliance 670 6.13
Karolj Čizik Coalition: League of Social Democrats of VojvodinaNenad Čanak 427 3.91
Tibor Menjhart Hungarian Hope Movement 289 2.65
Endre Tot Serbian Radical Party 204 1.87
Total valid votes 10,924 100 9,764 100


  1. ^ ANIKO ŽIROŠ - JANKELIĆ, Otvoreni Parlament, accessed 28 October 2021.
  2. ^ LOKALNA SAMOUPRAVA SENTE "Oficijelni veb-sajt opštine Senta". Archived from the original on 2006-01-15. Retrieved 2021-11-29.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link), Municipality of Senta, 15 January 2016, accessed 28 November 2021.
  3. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Senta), Volume 43 Number 4 (27 April 2008), p. 34.
  4. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Senta), Volume 43 Number 5 (12 May 2008), p. 48.
  5. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Senta), Volume 43 Number 9 (11 July 2008), p. 97. For the 2008 local elections, all mandates were assigned to candidates on successful lists at the discretion of the sponsoring parties or coalitions. See Law on Local Elections (2007) Archived 2022-03-17 at the Wayback Machine, Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, No. 129/2007); made available via LegislationOnline, accessed 29 May 2021. Zsíros Jankelić did not automatically receive a mandate by virtue of leading the list.
  6. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Senta), Volume 43 Number 10 (8 August 2008), p. 103.
  7. ^ Избори за народне посланике Народне скупштине одржани 11. маја 2008. године – ИЗБОРНЕ ЛИСТЕ (ЗА ЕВРОПСКУ СРБИЈУ - БОРИС ТАДИЋ), Republika Srbija - Republička izborna komisija, accessed 18 May 2021.
  8. ^ Serbia's Law on the Election of Representatives (2000) stipulated that parliamentary mandates would be awarded to electoral lists (Article 80) that crossed the electoral threshold (Article 81), that mandates would be given to candidates appearing on the relevant lists (Article 83), and that the submitters of the lists were responsible for selecting their parliamentary delegations within ten days of the final results being published (Article 84). See Law on the Election of Representatives, Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, No. 35/2000, made available via LegislationOnline, accessed 28 February 2017.
  9. ^ "Preminuo poslanik Nandor Maraci", Radio Television of Serbia, 15 December 2009, accessed 29 November 2009.
  10. ^ Информације о одржаним седницама 2009. године (18. децембар 2009. године), Republika Srbija - Republička izborna komisija, accessed 28 November 2021.
  11. ^ "'Razlaz' DS-a i SVM u Senti", Radio Television of Vojvodina, 16 February 2010, accessed 29 November 2021.
  12. ^ "Smenjen predsednik Opštine Senta", Radio Television of Vojvodina, 17 February 2010, accessed 23 November 2021.
  13. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Senta), Volume 45 Number 3 (18 February 2010), p. 13.
  14. ^ The municipality's official gazette reported that she was chosen as assembly vice-president the following month, although this is not indicated in municipality's website from this period. See Službeni List (Opštine Senta), Volume 45 Number 7 (31 March 2010), p. 31; Zenta Község Önkormányzata "Zenta Község Hivatalos Honlapja". Archived from the original on 2010-08-14. Retrieved 2021-11-29.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link), Municipality of Senta, 14 August 2010, accessed 28 November 2021.
  15. ^ "Strah se uvukao u Sportski savez Vojvodine nakon konferencije za medije", 021.rs, 9 September 2015, accessed 28 November 2021.
  16. ^ "DS formirao pregovarački tim za Vojvodinu, saradnja sa SNS neprihvatljiva", Nova srpska politička misao, 18 June 2014, accessed 28 November 2021.
  17. ^ Избори за народне посланике 2016. године – Изборне листе (ЗА ПРАВЕДНУ СРБИЈУ – ДЕМОКРАТСКА СТРАНКА (НОВА, ДСХВ, ЗЗС)), Republika Srbija - Republička izborna komisija, accessed 18 May 2021.
  18. ^ "IZBOR IZ SADRŽAJA NA SRPSKOM", Vajdaság, 23 June 2016, accessed 27 November 2021.
  19. ^ "Zenta: Czegledi a listavezető, Zsíros Jankelić is a VMSZ listáján szerepel", Szabad Magyar Szó, 9 March 2020, accessed 28 November 2021.
  20. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Senta), Volume 45 Number 20 (10 June 2020), p. 416.
  21. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Senta), Volume 55 Number 23 (22 June 2020), pp. 3-4.
  22. ^ Službeni List (Opštine Senta), Volume 55 Number 29 (21 August 2020), p. 506.
  23. ^ Source: Резултати избора за посланике у Скупштину Аутономне Покрајине Војводине по већинском изборном систему (2012) (45 Сента), Provincial Election Commission, Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, Republic of Serbia, accessed 8 August 2017.