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Bilorichenska coal mine

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Bilorichenska coal mine
Greatest depth720 m
CompanyGovernment of Ukraine

Bilorichenska Coal Mine (Ukrainian: Шахта "Білоріченська") is a coal mine located in Belorechenskiy, Lutuhynskiy district of Luhansk region, Ukraine. It is one of the largest companies in the country

As of June 1, 2011, the confirmed reserves of the mine were reported to be 11.6 million tons. Plans to further increase the storage size are being considered by the company[1]

The coal extracted from the mine is classified as "G" rank, which is characterized as electric-power coke.



The designing and engineering process of the mine took place in the year 1949, being nicknamed "Bilorichenska" after the Belaya River. Planning of the coal mine took place in the 18th being placed in a region where "a burning stone" was found in chalk deposits. Building of the shaft began in December 1950 and the construction of the surface structures followed in September the next year. Finally during 1957 the mine was commissioned.

Through the years 1960 and 1970, the miners of Bilorichenska won several all-union socialist competitions. In 1975, the mine produced approximately 670,000 tons of coal, continuing at this production rate for the subsequent 15 years.[2]

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, production decreased rapidly due to a lack of investments and technology. By 1996, coal production amounted to only 193 thousand tons. By this time, all the coal reserves of the coal beds Almaznyi and Kamenskiy series had been exhausted.

In September 2002, a new shaft commenced operation, equipped with a 3RD-90 heavy-duty complex. Due to this, in 2003, for the first time in its history, the mine acquired a capacity of 750 thousand tons. In 2008, the mine first reached its planned target of "1 million tons of coal" per year.

During the following seven years, a series of faces along the L 6 bed 725m horizon were put into production, namely: the original eastern, 5th western, 2nd eastern, 2nd western, 6th western, 5th bis western, 3rd western and 1st bis eastern. Each of these faces is equipped with modern heavy-duty complexes and machines.

In 2010, coal production at Bilorichenska amounted to 1.182 million tons. In 2011, one more face was put into production, the 7th western. Its production amounted to more than 100 thousand tons of coal per month. A Coal Dry Cleaning Machine was put into operation and a new Diesel House opened at the mine.

As of 2012, the mine had a workforce of over 3000 employees.



After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the mine belonged to the state-owned Luhanskvuhillya coal mining group. In 2001, the mine declared insolvency and the recapitalisation process started. In 2002, the mine obtained a strategic partner: Valentin-Invest, a holding company of Ukrainian businessman Igor Martynenkov, who obtained the majority stake in the mine while the state-owned shares decreased to 25.83%. The recapitalisation plan was approved by the court in 2007. This decision was annulled by the High Commercial Court of Ukraine in 2010.[3]

In 2012, the court decided to return the mine to state ownership.[4] On 14 September 2012, the Ukrainian state took control of the mine by force. Some media sources link this action to the participation of Igor Martynenkov at the parliamentary election running against the candidate of the Party of Regions.[5]

Production safety


At the mine territory, a rescue workers school was built, which later became the basis for the only mine rescue station in Ukraine. To reduce the danger of fire in the mine, in 2004, the mine purchased 14 units of “YUREK-6”, which made it possible to equip all the main and local conveyor lines with fire-fighting systems.

Social responsibility


Bilorichenska mine has renovated a culture centre and a nursing school "Rosinka" (Dewdrop) of Belorechenskiy settlement and opened a museum of Bilorichenska mine. In August 2011, gas lines were connected to the settlement. The water supply and sewage system of Belorechenskiy township are managed by the mine.

See also



  1. ^ profilpelajar.com. "Coal mining in Russia". profilpelajar.com. Retrieved 2022-10-26.
  2. ^ "Tracker Map". Global Energy Monitor. Retrieved 2022-10-27.
  3. ^ "ООО "Шахта Белореченская": банкротство как метод прихватизации?" [Bilorichenska Mine Ltd: bankruptcy as a method of grabbing?]. Ostrov (in Russian). 6 September 2012. Retrieved 23 April 2013.
  4. ^ "Суд вернул шахту "Белореченская" в госсобственность из-за невыполнения обязательств инвестором – Луганская ОГА" [The court returned the Bilorichenska Mine to the state due to outstanding obligations by investor - Luhansk Regional State Administration]. Interfax-Ukraina (in Russian). 4 September 2012. Retrieved 23 April 2013.
  5. ^ "Шахта "Белореченская": между бизнесом и политикой" [Bilorichenska Mine: between business and politics]. Delo (in Russian). 17 September 2012. Retrieved 23 April 2013.