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Crop oil

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Crop oil or crop oil concentrates are petroleum-based additives that are used as adjuvants to increase the efficacy of pesticides in agricultural applications.[1] Crop oils are composed primarily of paraffin or naphtha-based petroleum oil and crop oil concentrates are composed of emulsifiable petroleum-based oil. [2] The addition of a surfactant and/or emulsifier is commonly added in order to increase spray dispersal and uptake by both plant and insect hosts in pesticides and herbicides.



In addition to crop oils and crop oil concentrates, methylated seed oils are also used as adjuvants for herbicide applications.[3]


  1. ^ "Herbicides and additives: Crop Oil". Auckland Regional Council. Archived from the original on 26 May 2010. Retrieved 10 June 2010.
  2. ^ "Spray Adjuvants". extension.psu.edu. Retrieved 2023-04-11.
  3. ^ "Role of spray adjuvants with postemergence herbicides | Integrated Crop Management". crops.extension.iastate.edu. Retrieved 2023-04-11.

See also
