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Draft:Abish Brodt

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  • Comment: The single additional source added since the previous decline is not helpful in establishing notability. Greenman (talk) 20:25, 15 December 2021 (UTC)

Avraham Abish Brodt (Born June 10, 1947 Cracow, Poland) is an American Hasidic Jewish chazzan (cantor). As a singer, he is best known for his collaboration with composer and singer Shmuel Brazil of Regesh.

Early life and career


Abish Brodt's family originated in Mielec, Poland. The town's Jewish musical heritage was associated with the Ropshitz and Sanz Hasidic dynasties.[1]

As a youth, Brodt attended High Holy Days services at Beth Medrash Elyon in Monsey, New York where he was influenced by the Tefillos of its Rosh Kollel Rabbi Simcha Schustal. As a result of this, Brodt's later work was said to have been a blend of Hasidic and Yeshivish elements.[1]

Brodt was the cantor at Agudas Yisroel Bais Binyomin[2] in Midwood, Brooklyn for 30 years, before moving to Lakewood, New Jersey in 2017.[1] He was a featured performer at the 10th, the 11th[3] and the 13th Siyum HaShas.[4][5]



Solo albums

  • Machnisei Dimah (1998)
  • Nigunei Skulan - Hoshivah Li (2000)
  • Ribono Shel Olam (2002)
  • Levaker Beheichaloi (2013)
  • Brocho Meshuleshes (together with his grandson Shulem) (2019)

Regesh with Shmuel Brazil

  • Regesh 1 (1982)
  • Regesh 2 (1984)
  • Regesh 3 - Shabbos 1 (1985)
  • Regesh 4 - Symphony (1987)
  • Regesh 5 (1989)
  • Regesh 6 - Live Mesiba (1990)
  • Regesh 7 - Shabbos 2 (1991)
  • Regesh 8 - Torah (1993)
  • Regesh 9 - Uvo Letzion Go'el (1995)
  • A Regesh Wedding (1996)
  • Regesh 10 - Vyatzmach (2001)
  • Regesh Gold (compilation album) (2005)
  • Regesh 11 - Yesod Hachasidus (2009)


  • HASC - A Time for Music 5 (1992)
  • Gideon Levine: The Best of the Best 1 – Ano Avdo (with Shlomo Simcha) (1996)
  • Suki & Ding: Siyum Hashas (1997)
  • Hameshorerim – Tzamah Lecha (1999)
  • Mesikos 1 - Yevoreich
  • Mesikos 3 - Eilov – Veal Kol Zos (together with his son Nechemia) (2002)
  • Shmuel Brazil & Yacov Young: Habeit Na (2002)
  • Tantz Mit Neginah – P'sach (2002)
  • Yonason Schwartz & Ruvi Banet: Chosons Tish & Chupah (2003)
  • Yonason Schwartz & Ruvi Banet: An Oneg Shabbos (2004)
  • Yiddishe Briliyanten – Trern Gleizel
  • Shabbos Chazak – Azamer Bishvochin (with child soloist Meir HaLevi) (2006)
  • Amein V'amein 2 - Yiddish Gleib – In Dein Tefilah (2014)
  • Baruch Levine & Yisroel Werdyger: Vhaarev Na in Yiddish (2017)
  • Mesivta Kesser Torah – Ma Ahavti (Single) (2022)


  1. ^ a b c Goldstein, Riki (September 18, 2017) "When Reb Abish Brodt Davens Everyone Looks In the Machzor", Mishpacha. Retrieved December 13, 2021.
  2. ^ https://www.aibb.org/
  3. ^ Golding, Dovid Nachman (November 13, 2019) "A Daf a Day Forever", Mishpacha. Retrieved December 13, 2021.
  4. ^ Borchardt, Reuvain (January 1, 2020 "Live Updates From the 13th Siyum HaShas", Hamodia. Retrieved December 13, 2021.
  5. ^ Donn, Yochonon (January 8, 2020) "Hundreds of Thousands Celebrate the 13th Siyum Hashas of Daf Yomi", Yated Ne'eman.Retrieved December 13, 2021.

Category:1947 births Category:21st-century American Jews Category:Hazzans Category:Jewish American musicians Category:People from Lakewood Township, New Jersey Category:Living people
