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Draft:Adromischus phillipsiae

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Adromischus phillipsiae is a species of succulent plant native to South Africa, belonging to the Crassulaceae family. This species is known for its distinctive appearance and ability to thrive in arid environments, making it a popular choice among succulent enthusiasts and botanists alike.[1]

Taxonomy and Classification[edit]

Adromischus phillipsiae is classified within the Crassulaceae family, recognized for its adaptation to dry climates and succulent characteristics. It is distinguished within the genus Adromischus for its compact growth form and unique leaf morphology.[2]

Physical Characteristics[edit]

The plant features small, fleshy leaves arranged in rosettes. These leaves often exhibit a warty texture and can vary in color from green to reddish-brown, influenced by environmental conditions and genetic factors.[1]

Habitat and Distribution[edit]

Native to South Africa, Adromischus phillipsiae thrives in rocky outcrops and crevices in arid and semi-arid regions. It is predominantly found in the Western Cape and Eastern Cape provinces, where it benefits from well-drained soils and ample sunlight.[2]

Cultivation and Care[edit]

Successful cultivation of Adromischus phillipsiae requires specific conditions:

- Propagation: Commonly propagated from leaf cuttings, it is a favored method among enthusiasts for expanding collections. - Watering: As a drought-tolerant plant, it requires infrequent watering to prevent root rot. Well-draining soil is essential for optimal growth. - Light Requirements: Prefers bright, indirect sunlight but can tolerate some direct sun exposure, especially in cooler climates. - Soil and Potting: Thrives in well-draining succulent mixes supplemented with sand or perlite to mimic its natural habitat. - Temperature: Best suited to temperatures ranging from 50°F to 80°F (10°C to 27°C) and sensitive to frost.[1]

Conservation Status and Threats[edit]

While specific conservation status information varies, Adromischus phillipsiae faces threats from habitat loss due to urbanization and agricultural expansion. Conservation efforts by botanical gardens and organizations are crucial for preserving genetic diversity and habitats.[2]

Cultural Significance[edit]

Beyond its ornamental value, Adromischus phillipsiae holds cultural significance in South African traditions. Succulents, including this species, are utilized in traditional medicine and are part of local folklore, highlighting their historical importance and ecological adaptability.

Ecological Role[edit]

Adromischus phillipsiae plays a vital role in its ecosystem by stabilizing soils in rocky areas, preventing erosion, and providing habitats for small insects and animals adapted to arid conditions.


Adromischus phillipsiae exemplifies nature's adaptation and resilience in challenging environments. Its unique characteristics make it a prized addition to succulent collections globally, while ongoing conservation efforts ensure its sustainability for future generations.[2]


  1. ^ a b c SuccuCare: Adromischus phillipsiae [1]
  2. ^ a b c d World of Succulents: Adromischus phillipsiae [2]