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Draft:Alan Paul Moses

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Alan Paul Moses

Alan Paul Moses (born 12 May 2010 ]) is a junior national badminton player from Tamil Nadu, India. Known for his exceptional skills and dedication to the sport, Alan has made significant strides in his young career, becoming a prominent figure in Indian badminton.

Early Life and Background

Alan Paul Moses was born and raised in Tamil Nadu, India. From a young age, he exhibited a keen interest in sports, particularly badminton. Encouraged by his family and coaches, Moses began formal training in badminton at the age of [5]. His natural talent and relentless work ethic quickly set him apart from his peers.


Junior Achievements

Moses’s career took off in the junior circuits, where he showcased his prowess by winning numerous local and national tournaments. His agile footwork, powerful smashes, and strategic gameplay earned him recognition and respect in the badminton community. Notably, Moses clinched titles at [mention specific tournaments and years, if available].

National Recognition

Alan Paul Moses’s consistent performance in junior tournaments led to his selection for the national team. Representing Tamil Nadu and India at various national and international competitions, he has become a formidable opponent on the court. His contribution to the team’s success has been invaluable, and he continues to inspire young athletes with his dedication and sportsmanship.

Training at Prakash Padukone Academy

In recognition of his potential, Moses was selected for training at the prestigious Prakash Padukone Academy. This opportunity has allowed him to train under some of the best coaches in the country and refine his skills further. The academy, named after legendary badminton player Prakash Padukone, is known for producing top-tier badminton talent.

Playing Style and Equipment

Moses is known for his aggressive playing style, characterized by swift movements and precise shots. He currently uses a PU (polyurethane) grip for his badminton racket, which provides him with the necessary grip and comfort during intense matches.

Personal Life

Outside of badminton, Alan Paul Moses is dedicated to his academics and maintains a balance between his studies and sports. He is also involved in various community activities, promoting sports and encouraging young talents in his hometown.

Future Prospects

With his impressive track record and unwavering commitment to the sport, Alan Paul Moses is poised for a bright future in badminton. He aims to continue representing India on the global stage and hopes to inspire the next generation of badminton players

