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Draft:Cross of the Seven Arms

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Cross of the Seven Arms
Medallion, miniature and rosette of the Cross of the Seven Arms
Awarded by Head of Government of the Principality of Andorra
TypeState order of merit
Established12 May 2022 (2022-05-12)
Country Andorra
Criteriainstitutions or entities that have contributed significantly to the benefit of the country in its economic, social, scientific, historical or cultural promotion, among others
FounderRoser Suñé Pascuet
President of the Council of the Cross of Seven ArmsXavier Espot Zamora
Secretary General of the Council of the Cross of the Seven ArmsImma Tor Faus
First induction2024
Next (lower)Order of Charlemagne

The Cross of the Seven Arms (Catalan: Creu dels Set Braços) is the highest ranking decoration of the Principality of Andorra .

The purpose of the decoration is to reward people - alive or posthumously -, institutions or entities that have contributed significantly to the benefit of the country in its economic, social, scientific, historical or cultural promotion, among others .

The Cross of Seven Arms is regulated by means of Decree 221/2024, of 29-5-2024, approving the Regulation of the Cross of Seven Arms.



The order was first devised by Josep Dallerès , syndic general during the social democratic biennium (2009-2011), but it was nothing more than an idea and no law was created to regulate it. The duo formed by Vicenç Mateu and Mònica Bonell , trustee and deputy trustee between 2011 and 2019, kept the idea of ​​writing a text for its creation, but it was not until the mandate of Roser Suñé , trustee since 2019 , that the distinction was created within Chapter VIII of the 2022 protocol and ceremonial law, drawn up by the General Council in external collaborations.

The distinction refers to an old terminus cross located on the rural road between Canillo and Prats , the subject of a tragic legend:

According to the legend, in the town of Prats there lived a little boy who trembled just thinking that the devil might come to meet him one day. The young people of the town had the bad idea to send him to Canillo to get wine in exchange for inviting him to lunch. Since he resisted and so that he would not be afraid, they gave him a shotgun and sent him towards Canillo.

When he arrived in Canillo it was already getting dark. He went to collect the wine and, as there were many people, he left the gun and the barrel and went for a walk around the village. When the innkeeper had dismissed all the customers, he filled the boy's barrel of wine and curiously took a look at the gun, seeing that it was badly loaded. Believing it to be due to an oversight, he loaded it well, lest, he thought, the owner of the shotgun should defend himself against an animal and the gun would not respond to him.

The boy collected the barrel and the shotgun and took the road back to Prats. Meanwhile, his friends had a surprise in store for him. Suddenly, a gesticulating white form appeared in the middle of the road. The friend didn't think twice: he shot and hurried home shouting that the devil was dead. The rest of the boys made fun of him and asked him to go back to the place to see the dead devil. When they arrived, they found that their friend had disappeared and that the devil had taken him. They had been punished for their wickedness.

In the place where this story happened, it was decided to place a cross so that pedestrians would not forget the consequences of such an ugly act. The cross had seven arms, as seven were the young men who wanted to mock their friend. One of them disappeared, and, by a strange coincidence, the cross also lost one of its arms.

Council of the Cross of the Seven Arms


The governing body of the distinction, which is called the Council of the Cross of the Seven Arms , is in charge of deciding on the awards of the Cross of the Seven Arms.

It is co-chaired by the co-princes , together, and includes the general trustee , the head of government and an Andorran citizen, who is chosen every four years by the other four members. The Minister of Foreign Affairs is its secretary: he participates in Council meetings with a voice but without a vote. In accordance with the Law, the institutional positions that are part of it - all but the Andorran citizen - can delegate their functions to a representative.



The decoration is awarded in a single degree, which has the form of a Collar. When the award goes to an entity using flags, it consists of an Honor Tie. Otherwise, and for posthumous awards, it consists of a Plaque d'Honor.

  • Collar

The Seven Arms Cross Necklace is composed of a double chain, 800 mm long, containing sixteen links, 35 mm by 35 mm, of which eight are square with a circular center, in gold, in the center of which shines the Cross of the Seven Arms - four on the front (showing Christ and four on the reverse showing the Virgin Mary of Meritxell - in silver and at the ends of which a large flower shines. The remaining eight, in gold, represent a vegetal motif represented in the frescoes of Casa de la Vall.The chain is closed by a silver link, 60 mm x 35 mm, in the shape of one of the locks of the Seven Keys .

On the front, the chain starts with a crowned Shield of Andorra, in gold and 45 mm wide, with a halo of simple design and baroque style. The shield is supported by a large silver sexafolia with ornate base, 20 mm by 20 mm, the medallion, in gold and oval shape, 60 mm by 45 mm, with rockery-style ends, on in the center of which shines the Cross of the Seven Arms with a foot, in aged silver. The gold letters VIRTVS VNITA FORTIOR surround the medallion , closed by a sexifolia.

  • medallion

The Cross of the Seven Arms medallion may be worn on less solemn occasions around the neck by Knights of the Cross of the Seven Arms, by means of a 30mm wide chrome yellow silk moiré ribbon. The ladies of the Cross of the Seven Arms can wear it with a complete bow, also in chrome yellow.

  • Miniature

The set is accompanied by an 18mm by 30mm miniature reproducing the medallion and its grandalla suspension in sexifolia with an ornate base, hanging from a 12mm wide chrome yellow ribbon. It is accompanied by a 10mm lapel pin rosette, in the center of which is a representation of the obverse of the Seven Arms Cross and a newspaper pin, in 30mm yellow chrome ribbon, on the center of which there is the same rosette.



The distinction must be awarded at least once every two years. Its concession must be published in the Official Gazette of the Principality of Andorra , in the form of a decree , and the National Chancellery must issue the title.

Co-princes, ex-syndic generals and ex-heads of government automatically receive the distinction.



The distinctions of the Cross of the Seven Arms can be revoked by its Council when there are proven and motivated facts about the dishonorable conduct, public or private, of the distinguished person.

Members of the Cross of the Seven Arms


The first list of members of the Cross of the Seven Arms was published on July 17, 2024, in application of the provisions relating to the automatic awarding of the decoration. [ 5 ]

  • Joan Enric Lives i Sicilia, co-prince of Andorra , July 17, 2024.
  • Emmanuel Macron , co-prince of Andorra , July 17, 2024.
  • Francesc Cerqueda Pascuet , ex-syndic general (1982-1990) , July 17, 2024.
  • Albert Gelabert Grau , former attorney general (1991-1992) , July 17, 2024.
  • Jordi Farràs Forné , former attorney general (1992-1994) , July 17, 2024.
  • Josep Dallerès Codina , exsíndic general (1994-1997), (2009-2011) , 17 July 2024.
  • Marc Forné Molné , former head of government (1997-2001), (2001-2005) , July 17, 2024.
  • Francesc Areny Casal , former attorney general (1997-2005) , July 17, 2024.
  • Albert Pintat Santolària , former head of government (2005-2009) , July 17, 2024.
  • Joan Gabriel Estany , former attorney general (2005-2009) , July 17, 2024.
  • Jaume Bartumeu Cassany , former head of government (2009-2011) , July 17, 2024.
  • Vicenç Mateu Zamora , former attorney general (2011-2019) , July 17, 2024.
  • Roser Suñé Pascuet , ex-syndic general (2019-2023) , July 17, 2024.

Plaque of Honor

  • Óscar Ribas Reig , posthumously, former head of government (1982-1984), (1990-1994) , July 17, 2024.
  • Josep Pintat Solans , posthumously, former Head of Government (1984-1990) , July 17, 2024.
  • Antoni Martí , posthumously, former Head of Government (2011-2015), (2015-2019) , July 17, 2024.



Llei 12/2022, del 12 de maig, de protocol i cerimonial.». Official Bulletin of the Principality of Andorra, 01-06-2022. 2«Decret 221/2024, del 29-5-2024, d’aprovació del Reglament de la Creu dels Set Braços». Official Bulletin of the Principality of Andorra, 05-06-2024. 3«La Creu dels Set Braços en format distinció, ara sí». [Consulta: 22 abril 2024]. 4«Creu dels 7 braços». [Consulta: 22 abril 2024]. 5«Decret 283/2024, del 10-7-2024, pel qual es formalitzen diversos atorgaments de la Creu dels Set Braços i de l’Orde de Carlemany», 17-07-2024. Official Bulletin of the Principality of Andorra, July 17, 2024