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Draft:Eternal Cognition Paradox

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Published by Likhith NG Age: 14

Introduction: "Eternal Cognition Paradox: Navigating the Boundaries of Time and Knowledge"

In the realm of paradoxes and the uncharted territories of time, there exists a conundrum that defies the laws of causality and challenges our fundamental understanding of existence. This enigma, known as the "Eternal Cognition Paradox," revolves around a young boy's discovery of a remarkable book, one that holds the secrets of time travel, yet raises profound questions about the origins of knowledge, the mysteries of time itself, and the interplay between science and the human mind.

As we venture deeper into the intricacies of this paradox, we will explore a narrative that combines elements of physics, philosophy, and imagination, culminating in a thought-provoking journey that beckons us to contemplate the very essence of reality and the relentless pursuit of understanding. Join us in unraveling the threads of this paradox, where past, present, and future converge in an intellectual odyssey, defying our conventional comprehension of time, knowledge, and existence.

Creation of the paradox (Imaginary Story)

Introduction: In a world filled with intrigue and mystery, a young boy stumbles upon a peculiar book titled "Time." This book is not just any ordinary book; it contains not only the blueprints for building a time machine but also a series of paradoxes, circumstances, and detailed explanations and proofs related to time travel. As the boy reads through the book's chapters, he becomes increasingly fascinated by the possibilities that it holds.

Chapter 1: The Mysterious Book The boy discovers the book "Time" in an old bookstore. He has no idea who wrote it or how it came into existence, but it immediately captures his curiosity. The book contains a wealth of information about time machines, including the intricate mechanics and theory behind them. However, it also warns about potential paradoxes and advises the reader to remain unknown to everyone during time travel to avoid reality collapse.

Chapter 2: The Quest to Discover the Book's Origin Years later, the boy has grown into a young man, and he becomes obsessed with uncovering the book's origin. He eventually succeeds in building a working time machine based on the instructions in the book.

Chapter 3: The Fateful Time Travel The young man, determined to find out who gave him the book, decides to travel back in time to the moment when he first found the book in the old bookstore. However, he's unsure of how to return to the present or prevent the paradoxes and circumstances the book warned about.

Chapter 4: The Bootstrap Paradox Unfolds Upon arriving in the past, the young man realizes he's stuck in a loop without a clear way back to his own time. The book's instructions echo in his mind, urging him to remain unknown to everyone during time travel. He suddenly finds himself in front of his past self's house, where he originally found the book.

Chapter 5: The Dropped Book In his haste to avoid his past self, the young man accidentally drops the book "Time" near his past self, who's coming outside to investigate the noise of the time machine. The past version of the boy picks up the book, creating an infinite loop.

The paradox intensifies as the book has no clear point of origin. It's trapped in a never-ending loop, constantly passing from one version of the boy to another, with no external source of creation. This story highlights the complexities and mysteries of time travel concepts and serves as an intriguing thought experiment.

Biggest Question: If the boy understood only how to build a time machine and didn't understood how to travel back to present or avoid paradoxes at specific circumstances, who wrote about the topic of that? It literally don't exist at all? Also who wrote about the topic of time travel at first place?

You may compare my paradox with the greatest Bootstrap Paradox by Robert Heinlein. Now here's How it differs from Bootstrap Paradox:

Knowledge Loop: While the Bootstrap Paradox typically involves physical objects or information being sent back in time with no clear origin, the "Eternal Cognition Paradox" revolves around knowledge and information caught in an endless loop. It's not about objects being created from nothing but about the perpetuation of knowledge and understanding.

Lack of External Origin: In the Bootstrap Paradox, the origin of the object or information is usually unclear, and it appears as though it was sent back in time by an external source. In contrast, the "Eternal Cognition Paradox" specifically focuses on the lack of an external source, making it distinct from the traditional bootstrap scenario.

Emphasis on Knowledge and Cognition: The "Eternal Cognition Paradox" places a strong emphasis on the perpetuation of knowledge and the consequences of having information that seemingly lacks an initial point of creation. It delves into the concept of understanding and the challenges of time travel related to information and cognition.

Reflection of Ideas: While the Bootstrap Paradox often centers on physical objects, the "Eternal Cognition Paradox" is more abstract, dealing with the cyclic nature of ideas, concepts, and knowledge, which sets it apart in terms of its focus.

In general:

Bootstrap Paradox usually involves objects or information going back in time without an apparent origin. It's like getting a letter from the future, but you don't know who sent it.

On the other hand, the "Eternal Cognition Paradox" is about knowledge and understanding stuck in a never-ending loop. It's not about receiving letters from the future; it's about learning something over and over without knowing where that knowledge came from. It's a mystery of the mind, not just a puzzle of things and time