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Draft:Evangelical and Reformed Synod

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The Evangelical and Reformed (abbreviated E&R) Synod is a conservative Christian religious denomination based in the United States. It was organized in 2023 as a successor denomination to the defunct Evangelical and Reformed Church which became part of the United Church of Christ in 1957. The E&R Synod is composed of around 30 congregations in the United States, Canada, Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania. The Synod identifies itself as being both confessionally and liturgically Protestant, incorporating ministers and congregations from historically Lutheran, Reformed, and Anglican backgrounds. The confessional standards of the E&R Synod include the Augsburg Confession, Thirty-nine Articles, Luther's Small Catechism, Luther's Large Catechism, the Heidelberg Catechism, the Evangelical Catechism, and the Articles of the Marburg Colloquy.

The E&R Synod employs a modified Episcopal Polity, similar to that of the Reformed Church in Hungary. The bishops of the E&R Synod are not monarchical but are subject to the Synod and Classis assemblies. The Synod does not allow ordain women to pastoral ministry or bless Same-sex marriages.

The E&R Synod was originally formed in 2023 as a ministerium for former Evangelical and Reformed congregations within the United Episcopal Church of North America, but due to conflicts with the UECNA's House of Bishops the E&R Synod became autonomous in September of 2024 with member two congregations, 6 ministers, and around 200 laity. At that time the Presiding Bishop of the UECNA, Peter D. Robinson, consecrated the Synod's president, the Rev. Aaron Erastus Long, as a bishop. He was assisted by another retired Continuing Anglican bishop.

