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Draft:George Loeb

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AfC submission/draftnewGEORGE LOEB George David Loeb Jr. was born 3 February 1957 in Teaneck New Jersey. Raised in North Miami,Florida, George graduated from NoMiami High School (class of 1975) and earned an Assoc.of Arts w/honors from Miami-Dade Community College in 1977. Loeb was employed in restaurants, retail management and in the automotive parts and service field. Later, returning to school, Loeb attended the Univ of Colorado, living in Boulder 1981-82, 83-85. There he met and married Barbara "Barb" Krueger whom Loeb describes to this day as "a saintly woman". The Loebs later moved to Jacksonville Florida where George graduated from the Univ Of North Florida (BBA1985) While in Jacksonville Loeb made powerful enemies first as cofounder of Citizens For A Better Florida Inc., inventors of a unique and aggressive anti-telemarketing no-call list. Loeb also angered corrupt politicians and big business interests as an open forum public speaker and writer of numerous "letters to the editor" published primarily by the major daily newspaper, The Florida Times-Union. Loeb was also a member and Reverend in the highly controversial Otto North Carolina based White racial organization known then as Church Of The Creator. Among his accomplishments there,Loeb arranged for COTC founder Ben Klassen's only nationally televised interview. [end intro/bio]VICTIM OF CIRCUMSTANCE: 17 May 1991 Returning from a late afternoon swim, the Loeb's drove to a grocery store located in Neptune Beach, Florida, a Jacksonville suburb. Making a difficult left turn across heavy traffic, there was a near-collision between the car driven by George Loeb and a car that one witness said was "jetting toward the exit". That other car was driven by troubled black U.S. Navy sailor Harold j Mansfield. His personalized Oklahoma license plate said YUBLKN. According to the witness Mansfield began " leaning on his horn.. to show his anger" [The horn was also a specialty item, and very loud] Next Mansfield began wildly cursing calling Loeb "redneck" and "m-f cracker". At his wife's insistence George Loeb drove on into the lot and parked. The other car was seen driving away, down busy Atlantic Blvd. The Loeb's had just returned to their car after shopping, when the other car was seen again, rapidly approaching. [It was undisputed: 20 to 30 minutes after the initial, and minor. traffic related dispute the other driver, Mansfield, had returned to the scene with an accomplice and a brick] Mansfield's car came to a screeching halt next to Loeb's car. Mansfield got out with the brick, and quickly came forward, yelling, saying to Loeb "I'm going to smash you're M-f head in" Breaking open the glove compartment, Loeb took hold of his wife's 25 caliber handgun and fired one shot at the last possible second, killing Mansfield. At trial Mansfield's accomplice Stephen Anthony Rutledge told the court that he "believed" that Mansfield had dropped the brick and surrendered prior to the fatal shot. THAT, was clearly perjured testimony. Questioned closely, Rutledge admitted that he had not said anything of the sort in the two statements he made just after the homicide. Due to horrible errors by appointed counsel, the jury never saw the crucial statement's- They are made available here below. [witness statemants should be here,] Plain as it is, even exposed as it was at trial, the perjured testimony of Rutledge had its consequences: it gave the trial judge an excuse to allow admission of the States so-called "race-hate evidence", supposedly to " explain" why Loeb might have shot an "unarmed" black man.! Thus, the so-called race-hate evidence became the central feature of Loeb's trial All brought about through the perjury of Stephen Rutledge. Through the perjury of other witnesses through other atypical judicial rulings, and through other instances of ineffective assistance Loeb was, very intentionally deprived of anything resembling a fair trial... Thus George Loeb was convicted of premitated murder, DESPITE THE FACTS that show, beyond all doubt, that this was really nothing more than a case of self-defense, brought about by the criminal actions of the decedent Harold Mansfield, and his accomplice Stephen Rutledge. Despite those facts Loeb was sentenced to "Life" Due to further ineffective assistance, George Loeb has never had a Post-Conviction Petition heard on the merits Loeb remains in prison to this day. He has served nearly 33 years. Barb Loeb filed for, and was granted a divorce in 1996.

GEORGE LOEB TODAY. HOW YOU CAN HELP No longer a Creator, (saved 1996, Confirmed Catholic 2015) George has continued writing on a variety of controversial political issues. His items have appeared on numerous websites and in print. He is currently seeking new forums willing to post center-right submissions. Loeb also needs your help in directing your friends and acquaintances to this and other related sites. Mention the GL Wiki in chats etc, Remember every new click helps. More so, George Loeb seeks a friend, or friends, willing to create and manage a dedicated GLInnocentInmate web site where additional details about his unfair trial and lost appeals can be made available to the public. [ "Our rights are being routinely violated, and steadily eroded. Citizens on both the left and the right need to know, and to act as one to end injustice in America" If you can help, I will help as well"] Finally, and most importantly, George Loeb needs help in hiring a Florida Post-Conviction attorney, For information on how you can help with that, or to make a donation, email George by setting up an account at Securustech.net. George David Loeb Jr 292124 po box 23608 Tampa, Florida George Loeb gives his thanks to all involved in the effort towards true justice in all cases