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Draft:Helpful Resume Tips

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See also: Résumé



On average recruiters spend about 6 seconds trying to determine if a candidate is viable for a role within their organization. The resume is usually the first introduction to an organizations recruiter or hiring manager. It is a crucial document to make a strong first impression and will usually determine whether a candidate will proceed through the interview process. Crafting a quality resume is a crucial first step in navigating a search for new employment.

  1. Only include relevant experiences. A resume should serve as a summary of the candidates most relevant experiences and skills. Focus on what directly relates to the job being applied for. Skip outdated or work that is unrelated to recent experience or career goals. Encompassing the last 10–15 years of work experience is usually enough in most cases. For more senior roles, it may be beneficial to include illustrate additional experience.
  2. Customize the resume for each position. Tailoring the resume for each job application or types of roles is important. Highlight skills and accomplishments to align with the specific position requirements. Having only one version of a resume that may not align with the position requirements may not illustrate why someone is a viable candidate.
  3. Use pertinent keywords throughout the resume. Incorporating relevant keywords from the job description that align with pertinent experience may illustrate needed proficiency. Recruiters and hiring managers scan for keywords using software such as Microsoft Word, or in many cases an applicant tracking system that highlights keywords to more efficiently utilize their time and efforts to ensure a candidates relevant experience is not overlooked.
  4. Maintain a "Master Resume Template". Maintaining a comprehensive list of work experiences, skills, and achievements can help to ensure that an applicants experience has not been forgotten if needed. Documenting projects or other things of importance can be used in future versions of the resume. Frequently updating the “Master Resume Template” is recommended.
  5. Limit the resume to one page or two pages. A concise resume that fits on a single page, with a focus on quality over quantity is considered ideal by most people in the corporate world. If experience is of such magnitude, or major projects call for it, expand it to no more than two pages.
  6. Put most relevant experiences at the top of the resume. Arrange the resume in reverse chronological order, with the most recent job experiences listed first.
  7. Make the document easily readable. Use a clean and professional format, avoiding overly elaborate designs or fonts. Long paragraphs with small fonts and very little white space can force the viewers eyes away from the resume. Utilizing bullet points and white space will make the text easier to read.
  8. Use numbers and quantifiable information. Including quantifiable information such as revenue generated, number of people managed, budget amounts, etc. may help to eliminate guesswork on the part of the viewer.
  9. Education, certifications, and other credentials may illustrate why someone is a qualified candidate relevant to the requirements for the position. These sections can illustrate achievement, initiative, ability to learn, and potential to be a successful hire.
  10. Living Document. The resume if not just as a snapshot of a career. Thinking of the resume as a living, evolving document to constantly be updated as projects are completed, duties and positions have changed may be helpful. If something has significance to the organization, it may be helpful for another role in the future. Update the living document frequently.

Implementing these 10 tips may help a candidate gain more credibility to proceed through the interview process.


  1. ^ "Shorten Your Job Search — Less Stress, More Money"[1], July 15, 2020; author Jack Crouse[2], CEO of Technical Staffing Specialists, Inc.[3] Crouse is a multi-decade staffing industry veteran.
  2. 10 Resume Tips to Land Your Next Job[4], author Jack Crouse, April 24, 2024

  1. ^ Crouse, Jack (July 15, 2020). Shorten Your Job Search - Less Stress, More Money (1st ed.). USA: Amazon Kindle Publishing. ISBN 979-8656828390.
  2. ^ Crouse, Jack (January 2004). "Profile Page". LinkedIn.
  3. ^ "Technical Staffing Specialists - Technical Recruiters For Washington, DC". Technical Staffing Specialists. Retrieved 2024-05-02.
  4. ^ Crouse, Jack (April 24, 2024). "10 Resume Tips to Land Your Next Job". www.Medium.com. Retrieved April 24, 2024.