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Draft:Human ingenuity influence on migration

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Human ingenuity influence on migration[edit]

Migration processes have always been associated with the available technologies among the human beings Migration choices as well as the means of travelling from one region to another have always been shaped and d & Migration has always been closely linked to the technologies being employed by humans. ⁤⁤This is an article that aims at elaborating the relationship between creativity, technology, and human travel with a view of enabling one understanding the numerous relations in as regard as migration. ⁤

What and Why/When?[edit]

Migration can be defined in the following manner; it is the process through which an individual or group of individuals changes their place of living for a specific period of time for a specific purpose. This movement can be occasioned by a number of factors such as; economic reasons, social relations, changes in the physical environment, and areas of conflict. Technology, social organization, and policy formulated and designed by human beings affect migration positively or negatively since they make it easy or difficult for people to move.

Historical Influence of Human Ingenuity on Migration[edit]

Early Human Migration[edit]

For the initial human movements the formation of tools and social groups which allowed population to expand its areas of subsistence played key roles. For example technological advancement in developing maritime means made early Austronesians to migrate to the Pacific island while the domestication of animals encouraged mobility in the central Asian steppes through pastoralism.

Industrial Revolution[edit]

Thus, the Industrial Revolution clearly impacted migration launching technological innovations as steam engine and railway. These innovations which include the ferries enabled long distance transport hence making people, especially the poor to move from the rural areas to urban areas, and from Europe to Americas and Australasia.

Modern Era[edit]

In the modern era, advancements in transportation and communication technologies have further globalized migration. Air travel has made international movement quicker and more accessible, while the internet and mobile phones have made it easier for migrants to maintain connections with their homelands and navigate new environments.

Technological Innovations and Their Impact[edit]

Transportation Technologies[edit]

Road transportation as a tradition has always remained an effective reason of migration due to improvements in these modes of transport. From the creation of a wheel up to as far as the emergence of the commercial airplane the writers reveal that wherever people transport themselves and their belongings, there is always an increase in the numbers of the geographical areas they can cover for habitation.

Communication Technologies

When it comes to why people migrated in the previous periods, one thing is evident: faster and more efficient means of transport were an important key to migration. From the wheel to the Ryanair commercial airplane, the evolution of transport technology has adjusted the geographical distance that can be feasibly travel and populated.

Agricultural and Industrial Technologies[edit]

Technological progress in the spheres of agriculture and industry affected the migration processes as it changes the specific economic opportunities for both the source and the destination zones. Technological advancement such as mechanization of agriculture and other sectors, and emergence of high-technology industries have dislocated labor and produced new employment opportunities within the country as well as regionally and internationally which causes movement of labor.

Social and Political Systems[edit]

Migration Policies[edit]

Human migration policies are one obvious creation of human ingenuity and politics, controlling the authorized reinforcement of people back over national limits. The range of mechanisms and systems through which governments seek to control who can enter or remain in a country, how long they can stay, what status should be accorded to them, and under which conditions they may leave the country. Measures that would be covered include visas, asylum systems, and border controls. These are official documents or endorsements that are placed in a passport, which allow the holder to enter, leave, or stay for a stipulated duration. Being a crucial means of controlling migration, these can effectively serve the purpose as

Tourist Visas

To permit individuals to enter a country for visiting and sightseeing. In the past, such visas have generally been very short-stay and heavily tied to requirements related to work or duration.

Work Visas: Enable people to work within the host country for a specific employer or in a given industry. Usually, these types of visas are with a particular employer sponsorship and labor market needs and quotas.

Student Visas: Allow for study at an institution within the host country. These visas typically come with restricted work rights and are subject to the visa holder continuing to be enrolled at a recognized institution.

Transit Visas: Issued to allow the traveler to go through a country on the way to another destination. It’s usually short-term and commonly utilized by people who are merely transiting through the host country.

Family Reunification Visas: Allow immediate family members of a resident or citizen to move to the host country. These visas have eased the process of reunifying families.

Social Networks[edit]

Social networks indeed play a vital role in facilitating migration. They include relationships and connections that individuals have with family, friends, local community members, and other migrants. Acting as critical social infrastructures, such organizations significantly facilitate migration. Social networks have particular relevance to migration by:

  • Information Sharing: They offer valuable information about potential destinations, job opportunities, housing conditions, and legal requirements. Those making the move can learn from the experiences of those who have already done it, reducing uncertainties and risks.
  • Support Systems: Upon arrival, migrants often rely on existing social networks for emotional and practical support. This involves helping with finding accommodation, employment, and navigating local services. Established groups of other migrants can provide a sense of belonging and security.
  • Economic Assistance: Migrants may provide financial assistance—through loans, remittances, and other means—to others within their social network to ensure the necessary resources for migration and settlement. This economic support is crucial for those with minimal means.
  • Integration and Assimilation: Social networks influence how quickly and effectively migrants are absorbed into receiving communities. Access to language courses, cultural events, and local organizations through these networks can help migrants acclimate to their new surroundings.
  • Chain Migration: If a few individuals from one area migrate to another country and settle, they may help others in their community to emigrate. This so-called chain migration can result in a migrant enclave, where new arrivals find familiar faces and cultural continuity.

Contemporary Issues and Innovations[edit]

Digital Platforms[edit]

Over the past three decades, the digital media technologies have been envisaged as a new power dynamic in migration. Such services as specialized online resources regarding employment opportunities, rent-a-flat platforms, and social networking sites may provide people interested in migration with certain information about the available vacancies and experiences, and help them organize their migration processes.

Smart Technologies in Border Management[edit]

Biometric verification as well as artificial intelligence has been incorporated as tools to coordinate the borders and movement of people. These are technologies that are designed to bring, and improve security during the process of migration for the genuine travelers.

Ethical Considerations and Challenges[edit]

These technological advancements are offering migrants substantial benefits, but ethical concerns have to be accordingly reviewed. The most serious concern, therefore, is increased surveillance, since the application of technologies like biometrics and data tracking can actually violate the right to privacy of migrants and also potentially involve misuse of their personal information. Other ethical impermissible violations of the rights against the right to a fair trial and provision to the basic services represent migrants' rights that can be violated with what the state might qualify as strict policies and measures. Brain drain is yet another large issue that affects sending countries. It depletes the local talent pool and obstructs the economic development of countries. Ethical dilemma to be balanced; privacy protection, the rights of the migrants, and the policies that are aimed at greeting the negative impact of the countries that send and receive migrants. Solutions to these problems must be quite complex in themselves and must take into consideration the multifaceted character of migration and the interests of various stakeholders.


People’s creativity does not only influence the area of migration in general but is also a powerful force. Looking at the creation of basic tools that would help early human beings to move to other new areas, or at the modern forms of technological products that help different communities to be connected, one can identify creativity and innovation as the key driving forces of migration processes. With globalization looming large over the horizon, the transition caused by the human abruptness in the migration process will be essential to assist in the formulation of policies in order that humane, fair and efficient mechanisms of migration can be established.


GPT-4 Case[edit]

Within the most recent several years, extending the conversations concerning the impact of the AI on unemployment, a large number of emerging studies came into existence (Ernst et al. , 2019, Martens and Tolan, 2018), and numerous publications consider AI as part of a more complex process of automation (Wang & Siau, 2019). Overall, one can pinpoint two-fold strategies. The first group of scholars put forward the idea that AI will cause a ‘replacement effect’ somewhere, while the second group of scholars articulated the idea of a ‘displacement effect’. There a lot of hype around of GPT-4, most of people thinks that in future it could replace a lot of jobs like document writer, coder and etc. But there is unclear path, so the final answer will shown with the development of AI, in future.

We all work for tech companies now[edit]

In fact, in the precedent 18 months, we can fairly say that technology has lived up to the hype and saved us through the pandemic. For instance, last year we supported a bank to select and implement robotic process automation to fast track the bounce-back loan process for struggling firms. It took us only mere ten days to go up and running!Surgeons utilise robots, as do hospitals to disinfect wards, and all of us have likely used virtual collaboration tools to work or study, or just to socialise. However, technology is not a force, which is independent of the society and people. It’s more about ‘people’ than it is about ‘tools’, or at least it should be in order to be effective. It helps use to satisfy specific human want. Take vaccines, for example. At the beginning of Covid-19, several pharmaceutical companies assembled cohorts of multi-disciplinary personnel that acknowledges how to harness the potential of cloud, data, and AI for placing new vaccines into the market in a short span. This is a clear depiction of how advance in technology and innovation benefit society especially in the delivery of services.

Economy development[edit]

Customer needs will change. More clients will anticipate getting services through digital means and most of the communications will be handled through robots. Just one example: such as call centres. Even when physical premises are open, they are likely to need to maintain the social distance; therefore, many aspects of any given shift will be conducted in the virtual environment. Hence, due to the difference in load, such relations as customer service through voice calls or SMS might require a large-scale means of ‘interfaces’ with clients. For example, Microsoft, CDC Team Up on Chatbot to Check for Coronavirus Symptoms

Supply chains are adapting. People on the employee and executive level will require more and improved piece-database information about the location of goods, together with information about the required delivery schedules, and forecast information concerning the way in which supply can be fitted to demand. The UK is likely to make them more recurrent in the future because of understanding, analysis, prediction, and traceability of the items that circulate in the supply chain network. There will also be decisions on manufacture to be made especially on how resilience could be attained through automation. Further, I suggested the idea during the discussion with Pamela Mar – the Future of Digital Supply Chains.

Pandemic Response and Technology

The COVID-19 pandemic tested the globe on how it can move without the dependence on technology. Of its myriad responses, the UK's National Health Service (NHS) made use of robotic process automation in service operations in order to make procedures from admission to operation possible, which are likely to be burdened by heavy-serving administrative tasks in previous situations. Similarly, the rapid development and deployment of the COVID-19 vaccine by the companies Pfizer and BioNTech were fully facilitated by cloud computing, data analytics, and artificial intelligence usage in clinical trials.

Remote Work and Globalization

Advances in remote work technologies are making it easier to live and work in a wide range of countries without the requirement of a physical transfer. For example, it is unclear exactly how much Automattic, the parent company of WordPress, relies on a remote workforce, but it is known that it is very close to 100%, and their employees work from anywhere on the globe. This has, therefore, allowed professionals to migrate to other cultural environments worldwide without having to miss employment with companies whose headquarters are from another country, opening up new migration trends based on life choices and opportunities linked with remote work.

Balance in everything[edit]

Obviously there are other promising developments, but what is being offered here mainly applies to the ones that are inexpensive and convenient available. These are: 1) Communication technology (mainly the Internet) that enhances, participation of the general population, awareness and education, as well as of transparency, which could help to minimize. Secondly, there is the influence of corruption on virtual water; thirdly, there are improvements in the means of transport which have led to spectacular rise in the trade in virtual water. 3) desalination by membrane chemical technology which has the ability of desalinating sea water or brackish tap water or to treat waste water to get reusable water at enhanced rates that are within the reach of many industrial and irrigation/groundwater development; 5) the soft energy path of urban and other uses; and 6) the silent revolution of irrigation. immense social and economical advantages although in certain countries this has also led to a colossal le international relations and raise the issue of such threats as sale anarchy and ecological problems. These are some of the aspects that are inter-connected. However, technology alone This means that the wet infrastructure will not solve the main water problems. Achieving a balance between their is imperative forms of investment is important In this regard, various investment: **The following are various investment and it is possible to arrange them in one of the following ways: **It is essential to clarify on the nature of investment as the various types or divisions of investment that are mostly in use are summarized. Now, it shall be further divided into two types, namely the functional and artistic or social values. The management of water conflicts therefore has to factor the following: Social ethic also known as environmental ethic.



