Draft:Ian William Davis/Salo Krajven

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Ian William Davis/Salo /Krajven(too many names to list) it is a matter of debate screen ferrin the start of his birthplace. It is argued if Davis was born (which as of 2024 ) is technically Baltimore, Maryland,)- but could easily be forged/ modified as he has done with many things. When Davis was affecting time in Florida, he was going to be deported to Croatia (which at the time wad technically his place of birth) however the wad intervention and was released in Florida.

Ian Davis has intentionally created so many different identities and lives that it is impossible to know which life he has lead. Its known that Special Operations soldiers are truants to create confusion and chaos through disinformation and essentially counter Intel.

What is known is Davis has a very long list of bodies behind him. There have been many assassination that he wad involved in that included high value targets of the United states.