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Draft:Isidore Bealetret

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Lets dive into isidore bealetret from 'arsene lupin the hollow needle'. its like the insane detective vs thief vibe but with a fresh twist because isidore is 17 years old. and he is really, really smart. Background: so, isidore is not the average teen, he is really smart but isnt a nerd. he also knows a lot of detective stuff. see him as the teenager variant of sherlock holmes. Role in "the hollow needle": imagine being 16 and stumping up in the world of arsene lupin. that is exactly what isidore does in "the hollow needle". he is on the mission to catch arsene lupin. the whole story is full of mysteries made by lupin that isidore has to solve. Character viles: intelligence: isidore is like a super-computer.he is the literal exprasion of a einstein-teen not backin down: even though isidore has a lot of setbacks in the book, he doesnt give up and always comes back to fight lupin complicated lupin fan: here is a problem: even though isidore tries in the book to stop lupin, he is low-key a fan which is not really helpfull when you try to catch lupin conclusion: isidore is the main character and eventually catches lupin but lets him go because the motives of lupin were just that he wanted to be with the love of his life
