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Draft:Jacques Baud

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  • Comment: While the subject may be notable enough to warrant an entry, there are so many missing elements or understatements as to his conspiracy theories and outright denial of war crimes and spreading of disinformation that it would need an entire rewrite. Superboilles (talk) 21:01, 28 May 2024 (UTC)
  • Comment: "He is often criticized for some possible bias. " is hopelessly vague and uncited. What bias? criticized by whom? Rusalkii (talk) 21:29, 9 May 2024 (UTC)

Jacques Baud is a former colonel in the Swiss Armed Forces. He is specialized in intelligence and terrorism. He has also worked for the United Nations and NATO.

He is the author of several books on military strategy and intelligence services. He is also regularly invited to comment the military evolution.



Jacques Baud is born (1955-04-01)April 1, 1955.

Between 1983 and 1990, Jacques Baud was a member of the strategic Swiss intelligence agencies, in charge of the military forces of the Warsaw Pact on eastern Europe and worldwide.[1][2].

In 1995, he was the head of security for Rwandan refugee camps at Goma in Zaire for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees during the crisis in Rwanda[3][4][5].

In 1997, he contributed as an expert to the Mine Action Service of the Department of Peacekeeping Operations of the United Nations in New York[6]

In 2002, he was hired at the Division for Security Policy at the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, a newly created Swiss institution[7].

In 2005, he was the head of the first civil-military and multidisciplinary intelligence center (Joint Mission Analysis Centre (JMAC)) of the United Nations Mission in Sudan (Khartoum)[8][9][10].

Between 2009 and 2011, he was the head of Policy and Doctrine in the Office of Military Affairs of the Department of Peacekeeping Operations[11][12][13].

In 2011, he was asked by the African Union to head the Research Department at the International Peace Support Training Centre (IPSTC) in Nairobi, Kenya[14].

After this mission in Africa, he became the head of small arms proliferation and mine action of the Political Affairs and Security Policy Division for the NATO in Brussels[15][16].

Author and controversies


Jacques Baud is the author of numerous books, most recently on the crises in Syria, Ukraine and Gaza. His books are available in several languages but, mainly French and English.

His book have been criticized by Blick journalist for some possible bias due to not having been on the ground or early conclusion on uncertain situations.[17]. Heidi.news [FR] has also considered what they considered as intentional not mention information[18]. Regarding Pascal_Boniface think tank Institut_de_relations_internationales_et_stratégiques [FR] criticizes[19], Jacques Baud pointed out that some arguments could not come from someone who has read his book. His interview on the French media RT has also been severely criticized by the media Conspiracy_Watch with what they considered as fact in opposition with reliable sources[20]. This later has been used as a recurrent argument to invalidate his position[21]

Jacques Baud is a regular guest on alternative media. In the past, he used to be invited on RTS or France Info[22].


  • Lavauzelle, ed. (1997). Encyclopédie du renseignement et des services secrets (in French). Lavauzelle. ISBN 2-7025-0406-X. (reedited and improved in 1998 and 2002)
  • Lavauzelle, ed. (1999). Encyclopédie des terrorismes (in French). Lavauzelle. ISBN 2-7025-0449-3.
  • L'Harmattan, ed. (2002). Les forces spéciales de l'Organisation du Traité de Varsovie (in French). Harmattan. ISBN 2-7475-2266-0.
  • Lavauzelle, ed. (2003). Encyclopédie des terrorismes et violences politiques (in French). Lavauzelle. ISBN 2-7025-1135-X.
  • Éditions du Rocher, ed. (2003). La guerre asymétrique ou la défaite du vainqueur (in French). Editions du Rocher. ISBN 2-268-04499-8.<ref>
  • Lavauzelle, ed. (2005). Le renseignement et la lutte contre le terrorisme (in French). Lavauzelle. ISBN 2-7025-1269-0.
  • Lavauzelle, ed. (2009). Encyclopédie des terrorismes et violences organisées (in French). Lavauzelle. ISBN 978-2-7025-1493-1.
  • Lavauzelle, ed. (2009). Djihad: l'asymétrie entre fanatisme et incompréhension (in French). Lavauzelle. ISBN 978-2-7025-1498-6.
  • Éditions du Rocher, ed. (2016). Terrorisme (in French). Éditions du Rocher. ISBN 978-2-268-08403-9.
  • Max Milo éditions, ed. (2020). Gouverner par les Fake News (in French). Max Milo. ISBN 978-2-31500-956-5.
  • Max Milo éditions, ed. (2022). Opération Z (in French). Max Milo. ISBN 978-2-31501-037-0.
  • Max Milo éditions, ed. (2022). Poutine, maître du jeu ? (in French). Max Milo. ISBN 978-2-31501-026-4.
  • Max Milo éditions, ed. (2024). L'art de la guerre russe (in French). Max Milo Editions. ISBN 978-2-31501-305-0.
  • Max Milo éditions, ed. (2024). Opération Déluge d'Al-Aqsa (in French). Max Milo Editions. ISBN 978-2-31501-985-4.


  1. ^ Erik Nomans, « Jacques Baud – Ein Nachrichtendienst ist kein James-Bond-Klub », Facts, 12/1998, p.26
  2. ^ "Un ancien agent secret suisse au regard hors normes".
  3. ^ "RRC Geneva - Speakers".
  4. ^ Michel Pichon, Rencontres de la Rotonde, Le Nouvelliste, 15 septembre 1999
  5. ^ Ian Hamel, « Jacques Baud – Le plus bavard des espions suisses », Le Matin, 13 mars 2003
  6. ^ "RRC Geneva".
  7. ^ "Neue Risiken und Gefahren fordern neue Denkansätze", Neue Zürcher Zeitung, April 23, 2003
  8. ^ "Un espion suisse au service de l'ONU", swissinfo.ch, March 18, 2005
  9. ^ "Un Suisse derrière les casques bleus au Soudan", swissinfo. ch, April 25, 2005
  10. ^ Kessava Packiry, Le Suisse qui renseignera l'ONU au Soudan, La Liberté, April 23, 2005
  11. ^ Graaff, Bob de; Nyce, James M. (2 August 2016). Handbook of European Intelligence cultures. Rowman & Littlefield. ISBN 978-1-4422-4942-4.
  12. ^ Edited by Cedric de Coning, Andreas Øien Stensland & Thierry Tardy, Beyond the ‘New Horizon’ - Proceedings from the UN Peacekeeping Future Challenges Seminar, Geneva, 23–24 June 2010, p. 101
  13. ^ Echange d'idées sur la sécurité intérieure, Fédération suisse des fonctionnaires de police, Lucerne, 23 septembre 2011
  14. ^ « Recherche sur la paix et la sécurité », Swiss Peace Supporter, Juin 2012, p.14
  15. ^ "Regional Organizations and the PoA" (PDF).
  16. ^ Eric G. Berman & Kerry Maze, Regional Organizations and the UN Programme of Action on Small Arms (PoA), Small Arms Survey, 2015, pp. 118</ref<ref"Jacques Baud, Political Affairs and Security Policy Division, NATO". 18 July 2014.
  17. ^ "L'Ukraine et l'OTAN ne gagneront pas la guerre, c'est un Suisse qui l'écrit" (in French).
  18. ^ "Les méthodes de l'espion suisse Jacques Baud pour disculper la Russie en Ukraine" (in French). 27 May 2022.
  19. ^ "Jacques BAUD réagit à la critique de son livre par Pascal BONIFACE" (in French).
  20. ^ "Sur RT France, Jacques Baud coche toutes les cases du conspirationnisme géopolitique" (in French). 7 September 2020.
  21. ^ "Jacques Baud, de l'inconvénient d'avoir raison trop tôt" (in French). 6 February 2024.
  22. ^ "L'Europe face à la guerre : "On est dans une situation où on ne veut plus perdre la face", selon Jacques Baud" (in French). 8 October 2022.