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Draft:Kaury in Project Blue Peace

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Kaury is kind of animal in the world of Project Blue Peace write by VanilaFrozen that first introduce in Project Blue Peace - Song Of War.

Kaury is result of a phenomenon infinity nutrient that make plant overgrown and lead to an big raise animal population, despite that gigantic animal population the number of plant did not come down but still continue to grow more and more.

This lead to to the another significance in rising of population in wild, this lead to the rapid evolution that make animal begin to more dangerous and horrific.

After thousand years of that evolution, Kaury appear as a peak of it.

Kaury has evolved to the stage that we can call it a small civilization, it has high specialization in social and have strong power in wild. This was not too much until it evolve to high-level morphological diversity.

Therefore, it make Kaury's element be more complex and more in variety of functions. We will go to the specific of Kaury's herd:

The Queen Kaury:

- It work as a leader of a herd, usually there is no less that 2 queen in the herd, it have shared-power to control and specially it never have any conflict with each other. This type of Kaury can be consider as a president in human society.

The Worker Kaury:

- They are multifunctional but mainly maintain the life of the whole herd and perform many jobs with low to medium specialization requirements, in addition to being they have ability to work together to solve a problem. They can be considered like workers in humans.

The Fighter Kaury:

- Mainly have function for fighting but most of its time, this type serve as a logistical transportation for the herd. This type have some more sub-type in it:

  • +The Melee: Specialized to fight in close combat, it have sharp claw serve as a sword, normally it look like human fighter - have two arms and standing straight, however some of this sub-style have for many arm or some tentacles
  • The Ranger: Specialized to fight in wide combat, it have many variant of shooting, launching or do any thing to launch the projectile to the enemy, sometime the Worker Kaury can use it hand to throw rock or something more and can be still considered as a The Ranger ones.
  • The Tanker: Specialized in advancing, it have thick shell as armor and strong claw and limb to destroy anything that it was commanded to destroy, it also have ability like the ranger. Its weak point is low mobility make it vulnerable when going alone
  • The Artillerist: Specialized in vast range combat, it very weak in close combat, how ever, it can launch the projectile up to 40 kilometer to the enemy, for to be functional, the Artillerist will come with the protection of The Tanker and the Information from The Scout. It Weak point is it have average mobility make its good point not contain advancing
  • The Scout: Specialized in taking information about battlefield, it have good memory, light shell as armor and have incredible mobility make it the most wanted to kill thing on the battlefield by enemy. It weak point is it is very weak and can be easily killed if it is caught up by enemy.
  • The Specialist: Like its name, it work for variety role like logistic, build road, build the defense, ambush enemy, infiltrating behind enemy line or more, it nearly can be considered all-role fighter Kaury.

Note: There is no navy or air Kaury, they mainly active on land.

The Reproducer Kaury:

- This is a special Kaury, they have a large body and low mobility, as the name implies, this Kaury has the function of producing subsequent litters for the whole herd, in addition they have the function of rearranging the young into differentiated areas to develop them different specialization

The Knowledge Kaury:

- They are not considered an individual but a part of the whole nest, Kaury knowledge is things like a lump of meat, immobile, they still have full senses and will only be used for learning purposes. There is not many information about this type of Kaury

The Ecology Kaury:

- Like Kaury Knowledge, they are not considered an individual but a constituent component of a nest or rather, a building of giant bone and flesh structures.

The Collector Kaury:

- Gathering whatever they deem useful to the nest, Kaury types are usually smarter than others except Knowledge Kaury, they usually have a lot of pockets on their body, high mobility, but they only have weak fighting ability, often accompanied by Crusaders Kaury

The Crusaders Kaury:

- They are Kaury that will go and explore the world, they have high concealment and good fighting capability. The also have high mobility but there stamina can not last for long so at every beginning of a expedition, they will carry a lot of nutrient and energy of nest