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Draft:La grieta

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La grieta[pronunciation?] ("the rift"), in Argentina, is a term commonly used to describe a binary and Manichean division in Argentinian society between militants in the Justicialist Party and militants in other political parties, which began in the first decade of the 21st century. The division has caused widespread cultural and political polarization, characterized by heightened irrationalism, hate, prejudice, intolerance and fanaticism.[1][2] Those engaging in "la grieta" believe that their faction is the only legitimate one, while the opposing faction must be completely disqualified. Among the pejorative personal stereotypes in "la grieta", the term "negro choriplanero"[3][4] has been coined to refer to members of Cristina Kirchner's faction, while conversely the term "troll macrista" ("Macrist troll") has been coined to refer to members of the opposing side.[5] The ex-presidents of Argentina Cristina Fernández de Kirchner and Mauricio Macri have been noted by many as the primary referents of each side.[2] "La grieta" has been linked to part of the traditional division in Argentina between the so-called "peronistas" ("Peronists") and their political opponents. Some even believe that this division was one of the causes of the military coups in Argentina during the second half of the 20th century.[2] Although this conception of politics has permeated nearly the entirety of Argentine society, its dissemination is largely explained by the constant media attention given to the conflict.




See also[edit]

  1. ^ Rodríguez, Martín; Touzon, Pablo (2019). La grieta desnuda. El macrismo y su época. Capital Intelectual.
  2. ^ a b c Alaniz, Rogelio (29 December 2019). "Grieta, ¿agonía o resurrección?". Clarín.
  3. ^ "Al clase media le molestaba que el negro choriplanero' comprara en los mismos super, ahora a los choriplaneros' nos molesta que el negro que se creyo' clase media;venga a comprar nuestras ofertas..!". Placas Rojas. Retrieved 20 January 2020.
  4. ^ "'Negro de mierda': de dónde viene el insulto tan común y discriminatorio". UNO. 28 November 2019.
  5. ^ "Kirchneristas difundieron una lista negra con trolls macristas: ¿qué nombres aparecen?". IP Profesional. 31 October 2019.