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Draft:Ordo Templi Orientis United Rites

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UR-OTO (United Rites Ordo Templi Orientis)




UR-OTO, or United Rites Ordo Templi Orientis, is an international esoteric organization that is part of the universal Hermetic movement, active in all ages. UR-OTO was established as a confederation of several Lodges emanating from the former Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.), reorganized under the style and title of "UNITED RITES of the Ancient Order of Oriental Templars." The organization is characterized by its emphasis on Amicitia (friendship), promoting the union of different O.T.O. traditions and lineages under a spirit of mutual respect.



The Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.) was founded in the early 20th century by Karl Kellner and Theodor Reuss. Originally, the order sought to gather and transmit the esoteric and occult knowledge of Western traditions, combining elements of Freemasonry, Hermeticism, alchemy, and other esoteric disciplines. Over time, the order underwent several transformations and divisions. UR-OTO emerged as a branch that seeks to preserve and expand the principles and rituals of the original O.T.O., adapting them to the contemporary context and promoting a confederation of Lodges with different traditions and practices. The constitution of UR-OTO was formalized in 2004.

Philosophy and Practices


UR-OTO's philosophy centers on Amicitia, or friendship, promoting unity and respect among different esoteric traditions and lineages. The order integrates a wide range of esoteric influences, including Hermeticism, alchemy, Kabbalah, ceremonial magic, and Eastern mysticism. Members progress through a system of initiatory degrees, each revealing new aspects of esoteric teachings and requiring an increasing commitment to spiritual practice and self-knowledge.

UR-OTO's rituals are designed to facilitate divine connection, personal transformation, and spiritual realization. The ceremonies often incorporate symbols and traditional practices of ceremonial magic, as well as innovative elements adapted to contemporary spiritual needs. The order also celebrates seasonal and lunar festivals, which are important moments for spiritual communion and the renewal of initiatory vows.

Organizational Structure


UR-OTO maintains a traditional hierarchical structure with specific degrees and rites for each level of initiation. The leadership of the order consists of a governing body that oversees the activities and progress of the members. The organization encourages the creation of local groups (Lodges), where members can gather for study, rituals, and joint practices.



Full Membership: Individuals interested in obtaining initiation in UR-OTO are invited to contact any UR-OTO Lodge for more information on the initiation process and participation.

Associate Membership: Anyone at least eighteen years old can request Associate Membership through Baphomet Lodge by sending a request to Memberships@UR-OTO.net. This membership is granted to all who apply and meet the minimum requirements.

Baphomet Lodge


For individuals without access to a local Lodge, UR-OTO offers the cyber-Lodge Baphomet, which operates in cyberspace and provides initiation and full membership via email. Baphomet Lodge offers a simple ceremony to be performed at home, conferring the Minerval Degree (0°). All contact with Baphomet Lodge is conducted via email, linking members to the UR-OTO current. There was also a Yahoo groups list, accessible at [1].



Local groups may petition the Areopagus for a Charter, the entity responsible for overseeing and granting permissions within UR-OTO. The Areopagus can be contacted through the Master of Baphomet Lodge. Any member of the Sovereign Sanctuaries of the Gnosis without UR-Gnosis may petition the Areopagus for enrollment in the UR-Sanctuary.

Influence and Contributions


UR-OTO has been influential in preserving and revitalizing traditional esoteric practices. Its members have contributed to the development of new methods and perspectives in contemporary magic, as well as the dissemination of esoteric teachings through publications, lectures, and workshops. The order continues to attract spiritual seekers who wish to explore the depths of occult knowledge and participate in a community dedicated to spiritual growth and self-realization.

Connections and Relations


UR-OTO maintains cordial relations with other esoteric and initiatory organizations, recognizing the importance of collaboration and the exchange of knowledge between different traditions. The order values the diversity of spiritual paths and seeks to promote mutual understanding and respect among the various currents of Western esotericism.



UR-OTO remains a significant presence in the contemporary esoteric landscape, offering a path of spiritual development and self-knowledge for those who seek to explore the hidden mysteries of existence. Through its rituals, teachings, and community, the order keeps the flame of esoteric knowledge alive and inspires its members to reach new heights of spiritual realization.



1. Crowley, Aleister. The Confessions of Aleister Crowley: An Autohagiography. Penguin Books, 1989. 2. King, Francis. The Secret Rituals of the O.T.O. Samuel Weiser, 1973. 3. Symonds, John, and Kenneth Grant. The Confessions of Aleister Crowley: An Expanded Edition. Arkana, 1989. 4. Hutin, Serge. Les sociétés secrètes. Presses Universitaires de France, 1971. 5. Grant, Kenneth. The Magical Revival. Skoob Books Publishing, 1991. 6. UR-OTO Constitution, 2004. 7. Baphomet Lodge Yahoo groups list. 8. Official UR-OTO website.

