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Samuel Cole (savant)

His first example of DBArt made in Office tools Cincinnati, Ohio in 2024.

Samuel was born 1987 in Cincinnati, Ohio, United States of America.

In 2006 he attended Miami University (OH), and in 2011 University of Cincinnati. He is a database modeler by trade.

After experiencing a happy and common upbringing, severe drug addiction, mental health and physical health problems took over in early adulthood due to prolonged abuse of nitrous oxide, among other drugs such as opiates, amphetamines, benzodiazepines, and alcohol. After surviving suicides and experiencing severe brain damage from continuous, prolonged nitrous oxide use and other drug and alcohol abuse, Samuel's retarded and damaged brain and nervous system bounced rapidly back, healing at an alarming rate, giving rise to new prodigious gifts in guitar, writing, entrepreneurship, data modeling, prediction and maths.