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Draft:TENC Model

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TENC Model in tourism and hospitality stands for Tangibles, Environment, Nutriments and Commitment. It is discovered by Animesh Bastola during the study of tourist satisfaction [1] in 2024. It was developed as a measurement tool to measure the level of tourist satisfaction in community homestay of Belaka Municipality of Udaypur District, Nepal. The concept was brought up after reviewing different research model and measurement tool. The SERVQUAL [2] model which was discovered by Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry in 1988 to measure the level of service quality is taken as a reference to develop TENC model. The TENC model is further referenced by LODGSERV [3] developed by Knutson et. al. in 1990 which introduced the quality index for the lodging sector. Lodging Quality Index (LQI) [4] is also a part of reference to develop TENC model which was developed to scale the customer's perception of lodging quality. The purpose of TENC model was to test the variables affecting the tourist satisfaction in homestay and to find out the commitment of local people and homestay operators towards their customer. TENC model includes 25 different measurement index that helps to identify the level of tourist satisfaction. Tangibles, Environment and Nutriments include five measurement items each, Commitment include six measurement items and tourist satisfaction include four measurement items. Tangibles in TENC model refers to the tangible facilities provided in the room by homestay. Environment refers to the locality and surroundings, Nutriments refer to the food hygiene and food availability and Commitment refers to the behavior of local people and homestay operator towards their customer. The measuring index of Tangibles as per the TENC model are: comfortable furniture, interior and exterior decoration, up to date facilities, clean rooms and visibility of brochures and pamphlets. Similarly, for Environment the measuring index are: location, rides (safari), safety and security, cultural shows and traditions of local people. Moreover, Nutriments include: organic food, clean and hygienic kitchen, clean and hygienic equipment/utensils, dining space, availability of local foods. Furthermore, Commitment include: neat appearances of homestay operators, friendly and confident, attentive to inquiries, willingness to help, skillful and helpful and polite. Finally, tourist satisfaction include the scaling items like: hospitable service, return of value, expectation vs experiences, overall operation. TENC model concludes that Tangibles, Environment, Nutriments and Commitment are important variables to measure the affects of tourist satisfaction in homestay.


  1. ^ Bastola, A. (2024). Variables Affecting Tourist Satisfaction at Tapeshwari Buffer Zone Community Homestay in Belaka Municipality. Journal of Janta Multiple Campus, 3(1), 1-16.
  2. ^ Parasuraman, A., Zeithaml, V.A. and Berry, L.L. (1988) SERVQUAL: A Multiple-Item Scale for Measuring Consumer Perceptions of Service Quality. Journal of Retailing, 64, 12-40.
  3. ^ Knutson, B., Stevens, P., Wullaert, C., Patton, M., & Yokoyama, F. (1990). Lodgserv: A Service Quality Index for the Lodging Industry. Hospitality Research Journal, 14(2), 277-284.
  4. ^ Getty, J. M., & Getty, R. L. (2003). Lodging quality index (LQI): assessing customers’ perceptions of quality delivery. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 15(2), 94-104.