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Draft:The First Balling Congress

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The First Balling Congress (Estonian: Esimene Ballingu kongress) was the inaugural congress of the Balling GroupChat Organization (BGCO) held in the Internet on September 24, 2023. 5 delegates and 5 press correspondents attended the event. It was convened and chaired by Pruh, the founder of the modern Balling movement. The Congress formulated a Balling GC platform, known as the BallerTallinn program, and founded the Balling GroupChat Organization It also adopted the Baller meme as its anthem.

The conference was covered by the international press, making a significant impression; the publicity subsequently inspired the AntiBalling forgery The Protocols of the Elders of Balling.

On September 24, 2023, a transformative event unfolded within the virtual realm of the Balling Groupchat—a tight-knit circle of friends. This momentous occasion, dubbed the Balling Congress, saw the convergence of Pruh, ynw, Freskify, DerpyNub, WillyTheWilliam, Inferno, Dani, Mya, and TT, who donned their digital aliases for this remarkable gathering.

Despite their casual online personas, the Congress was no mere jest; it symbolized the elevation of camaraderie to a political discourse of significance. These friends united with a common purpose—to deepen their bonds through thoughtful exchange.

In an era where superficial interactions often dominate the digital landscape, the Congress stood as a beacon of genuine connection. It transcended the ordinary, transforming casual conversations into intellectual exploration.

This assembly was not just a testament to friendship but also a reaffirmation of the potential for meaningful human connection in the digital age. As the digital gavel fell, Pruh, ynw, Freskify, DerpyNub, WillyTheWilliam, Inferno, Dani, Mya, and TT left an indelible mark, demonstrating that even behind avatars and usernames, authentic bonds thrive. The Balling Groupchat had, on this historic day, evolved into a symbol of enduring friendship and the power of genuine connection in a digital world.[1]

At its unnamed era, 4 individuals gathered together to have the best Gartic Phone session of their life. Willy, the furry. Kifusiek, the guy. Derpy, the noob. And Freskify, the middleman between us all. We were brought together into 1 group to break the boundaries of communication. We were finally able to communicate in peace, without the need for a middleman. As time went on more amazing, or less amazing, individuals were introduced into the group. Derpy had the brilliant idea of naming the group "arctic phon". One day, a crazy individual was added to the group. We know him as the almighty brit, Pruh. He was tired of "arctic phon"-age and decided to revolutionalize the group... He renamed the group to... balling.[2]