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Draft:The João Monjardino Prize

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The João Monjardino Prize annually recognises a scientific article in a specific area of ​​Biomedical and Health Sciences, indicated in the Call for Competition, which describes the results of research carried out by a researcher under 35 years of age on the date of application submission in an institution of the national scientific and technological system. A single original work per candidate, published or accepted for publication (with duly proven acceptance) in a national or foreign specialised magazine in which he/she is the first author or co-author, is admitted to the competition (as long as it is recognised in the publication as having a contribution identical to that of the first author). In collaboration with the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), the annual prize was created in 2003, initially called the Pulido Valente Science Prize, worth 10,000.00 euros, sponsored in equal parts by FCT and FPFPV. From 2021 onwards, the Prize will be named after its main promoter, Professor João Monjardino, a member of the Board of Directors of the Pulido Valente Foundation, for several terms, and President of its Advisory Council until his death in 2020. This prize is intended for research work in the field of biomedical sciences, which has already involved fifty Portuguese institutions across the country. This means that over the last twenty years, the Foundation has provided a budget of 100 thousand euros to promote science and research in Portugal. Some of the recurring themes have been: cancer, neuroscience, immunology, biomedical engineering, and genetic diseases.

