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Draft:The Neighborhood war

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The neighborhood war: the cul-de-sac viewed from the police office.

The Neighborhood War


The Neighborhood war, and its remake are Roblox shooting games. The first one was created in April 4th, 2023. The second game was created September 1st, 2023. The main theme around the two games revolve around a neighborhood around a cul-de-sac. There are three teams: Yellow, Red, and Blue. There are 9 houses, and three belong to each team. Red to the east, Blue to the west, and Yellow in the middle. Each team member had their team's color on their shirt.

Old game Mechanics


In the game, you get to choose four types of weapons: Primary Weapons, Secondary Weapons, Melee, and other. The three teams spawn at their own checkpoints. Surrounding the cul-de-sac are hills. At the base of the hills, you can dig trenches using a shovel.

You could use hills for sniping, although they didn't provide much cover, which made it easy for other snipers or players to shoot you.



To the south of the cul-de-sac was a very large brick wall, which the road leading to the cul-de-sac goes through. To the south-west of this wall was the Subway. There was the main entrance down the staircase, and you could use a bomb to blow up other entrances. Sometimes a Subway train comes. If you're in the way of the Train, it will kill you, causing you to spawn back at your team. There were many places to hide in the Subway, making it much harder to invade. You could hide in the freezer, behind the subway pillars, or behind a broken-in wall which had cover behind it.

To the south-east of the wall was the police office. It was a very tall white building which you could snipe on. Through yellow team tunnels, you could also reach the police office. It was extremely easy to defend, and extremely hard to get to. Since it has a close vicinity to Red Team, it is often ruled by them. The building was easily defendable with Landmines, or with void. Void was just a landmine, but it would send you to a void where it slowly killed you.

To the middle of the cul-de-sac was a bridge, which was across a hole. It wasn't really important for crossing; instead it was used as a platform to shoot on.

On blue team's side, they had a little yellow tower, which could be climbed and used for sniping.



Traditions have been established by the players of the game. One included cannibalism, cults, and public executions. In cannibalism, they would often grab the bodies of their victims and use a blade to chop the body and pretend they were "Eating them". They would commonly use a molotov to "cook" them.

Cults were often in the sewers, which were situated under the map. It is very dark in the Sewers, with little to no light.

Public executions could be held anywhere. It could also be held on the top of the hospital to throw them off for fall damage.



Due to notes and other hints in the game, people speculate that there used to be 5 teams: Red, Blue, Yellow, White, and the Mafia.

On one note in the game, it says; "Today's script: Should we keep the Mafia army any longer?"

We also know there was a white team due to the fact there were multiple images scattered around of people with white shirts.

There are multiple theories of what may of happened after that: A virus came and infected multiple people. When they died, the bodies were dumped into the sewers. Their bodies decomposed into skeletons, but the virus survived, turning the bodies into hole beasts. Or they may just be that they had to bury people in the sewers.

Proof of this is a note that reads: "To those who found this relic, avoid digging to many graves or we may restart the skeleton war that started 8 years ago!"

We know it is connected to the hole beasts because it came out the exact same time the hole beasts came out.

Sometime in the future, someone must've dug too many graves and restarted the war: Which is why there are still hole beasts.

The Mafia must've killed white team because there are multiple notes that are death threats.

There is also a room with a dead person, who is wearing a white shirt.

A white team member, supposedly killed by a mafia member with a note besides him.

The survivors from the skeleton war must've escaped via the train: They might of jammed the train or damaged it in some way, which explains why it NEVER stops. The remaining survivors left into the distance and set up barbed wire so nobody else entered, explaining the barbed wire at the end of the map.

There are 12 notes scattered around the map. In these notes the names below are mentioned once or multiple times:

Allen Stinger Paul Terry B.

We only know who Terry B. is because of this note: "Cause of death: Mutilation. Possibly died 3 days ago, orbitoclast found near body." A Orbitoclast was a surgical instrument used for transorbital lobotomies.Maybe this shows that Terry B. was experimenting on something, Hole beasts, but it might be unlikely that it's Hole beasts.

A summary of the lore: The Neighborhood used to be thriving with 5 teams, but either a war, pandemic, caused bodies to pile up into the sewers. They turned into Hole beasts, which they defeated. They left and jammed the train. The Mafia must've ended the white team, and they must've left with the other teams.



Here are the weapons ingame:


Spas 12







Thompson SMG










Akimbo Uzis

Glock 17



Fuel Tank








Katana [Attack Fish

Drip Shoe











The end


The old game sadly got cancelled for having too much gore, which is not permitted on Roblox due to it being a kid's game.

The new game


The game looks similar to the old game at first glance, but it's not. There are some very minor changes with the map, items, Subway, police office, it got changed majorly.



It is almost the exact same. But there are differences: In the middle, there is also a huge, tower, which is great for sniping on. The hills around the cul-de-sac got renovated: You can actually snipe on them with no worries. There are tons of rocks and pointy areas that you can hide behind, mostly behind Blue team.

The neighborhood, new game, the cul-de-sac and tower are in view.

The Subway almost has no differences, besides from the fact that the the train tracks goes on for longer, and in there is a area that you get to by using a tunnel, which is useful for invading the Subway.

The Police office got totally revamped: It was no longer tall, it has a interesting design, and has a entire tunnel system underneath.

If you follow the road leaving the cul-de-sac, it goes on for a surprisingly long amount of time.

The sewer was also totally changed, and it now includes a secret area which will be explained.

Around the mountains are what seem to be Radio stations which are very hard to get to.



The gameplay is almost the exact same, but with sniping, it doesn't even seem related to the first game at all.

There are 3 main ways to snipe:

AWP Sniping

Contender sniping

Explosive Sniper sniping.

AWP sniping is the easiest: basically hitting someone in any limb will severely and lethally hurt them, so it's a very forgiving gun. Shooting someone in the head is always deadly.

But there are negatives to it as well. The AWP is huge: It's very easy to find someone using it. And also, the lens glints when the gun is pointed at you. A bad thing about it also is that it's a primary weapon. If someone gets a close range, it's almost impossible to shoot them with the AWP. Secondary guns don't help, either.

Explosive Sniper Sniping is not as easy. It's actually a gun that you have to journey to get. You must travel behind the [hills] and take a long journey and back to get it. It's not worth it many times.

Most of the time though, it's always lethal. It has the exact same negatives as the AWP, but one really good thing about it is that if you shoot someone in a group, the other people will be affected by the explosion.

Contender sniping is the hardest.

It's a impressive feat to be able to snipe with the Contender. The Contender is only lethal with headshots. You can shoot a limb to knock them down and try to headshot them, but it's seriously hard. Considering the body is very wide, with the AWP you can just aim for it, but with the Contender, you got to get the head.

The Neighborhood war map viewed from a sniping position

But with the Contender, it's small enough to not be seen, it's doesn't glint, and it's a secondary gun, so if a someone tries to kill you, you can switch to another primary gun. Plus the Contender is almost totally silent for other people.



Traditions are somewhat different than in the previous game. There is cults, tunnel men, and glory killing.

Cults roam the sewers, but they can be a lot more advanced because of the Sewer's new size. Normally cults are very strong, and it's usually very hard to find cults in servers.

Tunnel men exist under the Police Office. If you go there, you have a chance to run into one.

Glory killing is done when a player is on low health, you can use your weapon and kill them in a different way. With the bayonet, you stab their chest multiple times, then slice their throat.

Secret area


These are the instructions to get to the area.

1: Go into the [sewer] on RED'S side.

2: Go to the little [waterfall] areas.

The waterfall area entrance which is in the sewers.

3: Go to the last one (There's a [campfire] on the bottom.)

4: Go into the room next to it and [flick] the [lever].

5: Go to the end of the [waterfall] , and position yourself in the [middle].

6: Quickly go [backwards] until you fall, then go foward.

7: You should make it to a secret [tunnel]. Follow it until you reach Feo Cafe.

FeO Cafe, in the secret area.

8: Find the [door] in the cafe and head into the [party] area!



These are all the weapons.






Winchester 1894


Thompson SMG







DB shotgun


Glock 17


Ruger GP100

Akimbo M1911


Sledge Hammer

Fire axe






M48 Tomahawk

M9 Bayonet





Phone IED





Wireless Medkit

