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(The author of this page is writing about a fictional country they own, which comes from the game "Nation States". This country doesn't reflect my personal veiws. All people the author writes about do not exist. Any resemblance to a person either living or dead, is purley circumstantial.)

Tropisia (Tra-pis-ee-uh) [TRA-paɪz-i-ʌ] is a primarily island nation located on former Australia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, New Zeland, Papua Nea Guinea, Philippines, Taiwan, and Veitnam. It's a country known for its extensive (or many) civil and political rights, steamy climate, and Royals, who guide the nation a it's leaders.

The Royals, who are made up of the leaders in Tropisia, consist of four main members, and two side members. The main member's wearing (or owning) the titles of King, Queen, Prince, and Princess. Where as, the side members are titled Backup Prince and Backup Princess. These are all the titles required to have a Demonerocracy (di-moʊn-ər-OCK-rɑ-si).

Tropisia is currently the only country currently in the world to be a Demonerocracy government type. A Demonerocracy is a government best described as a mix (or combination) between Monarchy and Democracy. When this government is first established, the people select and vote on six people. Four to take the overall title of "Rulers" (at a minimum age of 24), and two to fill in the backup's postions (these people are usually around the ages of one to seven). After this is done, they become the ruling monarchy. Once the current Queen or King passes away, both people are removed (the living one gifted half a million Tropicin,) the Prince and Princess become Queen and King, and the backups become Prince and Princess. All this leaves room for another election to happen, in order to replace the backups.

The Royals are the only government brach, however they control many sub categories. The King and Queen each rule over what people have modernized into the slang term "Houses". These are the Kayda (keɪ-DUGH) House, run by the King, and the Veren (vɪr-ɪn) House, run by the Queen. Each of these houses rules over different needs, such as budgets, taxes, diplomacy, laws, and other important affairs.

Currently, as of June 20th 2024, the Rulers consist of King Eron Baker (53), Queen Annalaya Achen(47), Prince Grayson Smith(28), and Princess Naiday Adebayo (29). The backups are Backup Prince Minh Cường (16) (siườɛŋ), and Backup Princess Sōna Abadie (15).

Tropisia was founded officially on January 10th 1980, however the people already felt themselves a country 2 years before that.

Due to a famine, the dictator had raised tax on the people in the countryside of Sula and Obi, knowing that a tax raise in bigger provinces would result in rebellion. The people of Sula and Obi knew this to be unfair, namely one man named Adika Hadi.

Adika Hadi was part of, and the leader of the Rebellion of Hearsay. This rebellion lasted six years, and in the end, ended up uniting Indonesia, the Philippines, and Malaysia, all under one nation, known as the Demonerocracy of Tropisia.

At this point, the draft for a new constitution, to truly form the new nation, had been sent out, but hadn't yet been approved, and wouldn't be until two years later, on Janaury 10th 1980. This new constitution, named the "Freedom declaration", was made by Agapito Ambong. It stated six major points regarding law and government. (1.) It is a unalienable and human right to vote for a government, no matter place, time, or date, no matter skin, race, gender, or religion(if you have been on such land for two years, you have as much right to it as the persons whom lived here decades). (2.) This nation is created under the world's [or United Nation's] law's, yet has the right to create or put in place it's own. (3.)Religion is a personal matter and shouldn't be involved in any state or federal affairs. (4.)Each person has unalienable rights, which no matter the state of that person, mental physical or otherwise, cannot be removed... the right of free speech, the right of privacy, the right to healthcare, the right to a council, the right to voting, the right of silence when in the court of law, the right to represent one's self in the court of law, the right of life, the right to bear property, the right of happiness, and the right to lead a life of liberty. (5.) The people bear the right to rebel against the government. (6.) All people have the ability to work and own a job without government intervention.

The acceptance of this constitution, leading to eleven UN members recognizing it official, including the five permanent members. As of currently the only nations that don't recognize Tropisia are The Sate of Palastine, and the Republic of the Congo. (Or ROC). The first country to accept Tropisia as a new nation was China, on June 4th 1980. This lead to them later becoming allies.

After being accepted as a new country, Tropisia quickly started changing things. On March 27th 1980 they established a new capital named Suntria, located in the south east of Indonesia. On March 30th, they named their national animal to be the Narwhal. On 1981 February 8th, they coronated their starting monarchy. Finally, May 1st 1982, they started making their national currency, the Tropicin. This was the final change over the next three years.

The first war Tropisia was involved with was between itself and China waring against Veitnam, Taiwan, and Loas. At the time, Tropisia had been exporting iron, wood, and gold, to China. However, on August 13th 1987, the Royals had been told by spyware how Taiwan and Veitnam and been working together to destroy and take the ships transporting the items. This lead to a three year war, later joined in by Laos, known as "The War of Sixteen Dead".
