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List of MPs elected in the 1710 British general election

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List of members of Parliament elected in the 1710 British general election, held in October of that year.

1st Parliament (1705-1708)
2nd Parliament (1708)
3rd Parliament (1710)
4th Parliament (1713)
5th Parliament (1715)

This is a list of the 558 MPs or members of Parliament elected to the 314 constituencies of the Parliament of Great Britain in 1710, the 3rd Parliament of Great Britain, and their replacements returned at subsequent by-elections, arranged by constituency.[1]

The reference, in the constituency section of the table, to the numbers of seats in a constituency has no relevance except to make clear how many members were elected in a particular constituency. Peers of Ireland are differentiated from the holders of courtesy titles by including the succession number to the peerage, i.e. The 1st Earl of Upper Ossory is an Irish peer and Viscount Dupplin is the holder of a courtesy title.

Table of contents:

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z By-elections Changes


Aberdeen Burghs (seat 1/1) James Scott – unseated on petition
Replaced by William Livingston 1711


Aberdeenshire (seat 1/1) Sir Alexander Cumming Tory
Abingdon (seat 1/1) Sir Simon Harcourt - ennobled
Replaced 1710 by James Jennings
Aldborough (seat 1/2) Robert Monckton Whig
Aldborough (seat 2/2) William Jessop Whig
Aldeburgh (seat 1/2) Sir Henry Johnson Tory
Aldeburgh (seat 2/2) William Johnson Tory
Amersham (seat 1/2) John Drake ?
Amersham (seat 2/2) Francis Duncombe Tory
Andover (seat 1/2) John Smith Whig
Andover (seat 2/2) William Guidott Whig
Anglesey (seat 1/1) The 4th Viscount Bulkeley Tory
Anstruther Easter Burghs (seat 1/1) Sir John Anstruther, Bt – unseated on petition
Replaced by George Hamilton 1712
Appleby (seat 1/2) Edward Duncombe Tory
Appleby (seat 2/2) Thomas Lutwyche Tory
Argyllshire (seat 1/1) Sir James Campbell Whig
Arundel (seat 1/2) Viscount Lumley Whig
Arundel (seat 2/2) The 8th Earl of Thomond Whig
Ashburton (seat 1/2) Roger Tuckfield – unseated on petition
Replaced by Richard Reynell 1711
Ashburton (seat 2/2) Richard Lloyd – unseated on petition
Replaced by George Courtenay 1711 - sat for Newport
Replaced by Andrew Quick 1711



Aylesbury (seat 1/2) Simon Harcourt ?
Aylesbury (seat 2/2) John Essington ?
Ayr Burghs (seat 1/1) Charles Oliphant ?
Ayrshire (seat 1/1) John Montgomerie ?


Banbury (seat 1/1) Hon. Charles North Tory
Banffshire (seat 1/1) Alexander Abercromby Whig
Barnstaple (seat 1/2) Nicholas Hooper Tory
Barnstaple (seat 2/2) Richard Acland Tory
Bath (seat 1/2) Samuel Trotman Tory
Bath (seat 2/2) John Codrington Tory
Beaumaris (seat 1/1) Hon. Henry Bertie Tory
Bedford (seat 1/2) John Cater Whig
Bedford (seat 2/2) William Farrer Whig
Bedfordshire (seat 1/2) Lord Edward Russell Whig
Bedfordshire (seat 2/2) Sir William Gostwick, Bt Whig
Bere Alston (seat 1/2) Sir Peter King Whig
Bere Alston (seat 2/2) Lawrence Carter Whig
Berkshire (seat 1/2) Sir John Stonhouse, Bt Tory
Berkshire (seat 2/2) Henry St John – ennobled
Replaced by Robert Packer 1712


Berwickshire (seat 1/1) George Baillie Whig
Berwick-upon-Tweed (seat 1/2) Hon. William Kerr Whig
Berwick-upon-Tweed (seat 2/2) Jonathan Hutchinson - died
Replaced by Richard Hampden 1711


Beverley (seat 1/2) Sir Charles Hotham, Bt Whig
Beverley (seat 2/2) Sir Michael Warton Tory
Bewdley (seat 1/1) Anthony Lechmere - unseated on petition
Replaced by Salwey Winnington 1710


Bishop's Castle (seat 1/2) Robert Raymond Tory
Bishop's Castle (seat 2/2) Richard Harnage Whig
Bletchingley (seat 1/2) George Evelyn Whig
Bletchingley (seat 2/2) Thomas Onslow Whig
Bodmin (seat 1/2) Hon. Russell Robartes Whig
Bodmin (seat 2/2) Hon. Francis Robartes Whig
Boroughbridge (seat 1/2) Sir Brian Stapylton, Bt Tory
Boroughbridge (seat 2/2) Craven Peyton Whig
Bossiney (seat 1/2) Hon. Francis Robartes - sat for Bodmin.
Replaced by Henry Campion 1710
Bossiney (seat 2/2) John Manley Tory
Boston (seat 1/2) Richard Wynn Tory
Boston (seat 2/2) Hon. Peregrine Bertie – died
Replaced by William Cotesworth 1711
Brackley (seat 1/2) Hon. William Egerton Whig
Brackley (seat 2/2) Hon. Charles Egerton – unseated on petition
Replaced by John Burgh 1711
Bramber (seat 1/2) The 1st Viscount Windsor - sat for Monmouthshire
Replaced by William Shippen 1710


Bramber (seat 2/2) Hon. Andrews Windsor Tory
Brecon (seat 1/1) Edward Jeffreys Tory
Breconshire (seat 1/1) Sir Edward Williams Tory
Bridgnorth (seat 1/2) Richard Cresswell Tory
Bridgnorth (seat 2/2) Whitmore Acton Tory
Bridgwater (seat 1/2) Nathaniel Palmer Tory
Bridgwater (seat 2/2) George Dodington Whig
Bridport (seat 1/2) Thomas Strangways Tory
Bridport (seat 2/2) William Coventry Whig
Bristol (seat 1/2) Edward Colston Tory
Bristol (seat 2/2) Joseph Earle Tory
Buckingham (seat 1/2) Sir Richard Temple, Bt Whig
Buckingham (seat 2/2) Thomas Chapman Tory
Buckinghamshire (seat 1/2) The 1st Viscount Fermanagh Tory
Buckinghamshire (seat 2/2) Sir Edmund Denton, Bt Whig
Bury St Edmunds (seat 1/2) Joseph Weld – died
Replaced by Samuel Batteley 1712
Bury St Edmunds (seat 2/2) Aubrey Porter Ind.
Buteshire (seat 0/0) Alternated with Caithness-unrepresented in this Parliament


Caernarvon Boroughs (seat 1/1) William Griffith Tory
Caernarvonshire (seat 1/1) Sir John Wynn, Bt Tory
Caithness (seat 1/1) Hon. Sir James Dunbar, Bt ?
Callington (seat 1/2) Sir William Coryton, Bt - died
Replaced by Henry Manaton 1712
Callington (seat 2/2) Samuel Rolle Tory
Calne (seat 1/2) William Hedges and Edward Bayntun - double return
William Hedges elected 1710

Whig (not elected)

Calne (seat 2/2) James Johnston and George Duckett - double return
James Johnston elected 1710

Whig (not elected)

Cambridge (seat 1/2) John Hynde Cotton Tory
Cambridge (seat 2/2) Samuel Shepheard Tory
Cambridgeshire (seat 1/2) John Bromley Tory
Cambridgeshire (seat 2/2) John Jenyns Tory
Cambridge University (seat 1/2) Hon. Dixie Windsor Tory
Cambridge University (seat 2/2) Thomas Paske Tory
Camelford (seat 1/2) Bernard Granville – took office
Replaced by Sir Bourchier Wrey 1712


Camelford (seat 2/2) Jasper Radcliffe – died
Replaced by Henry Manaton 1711 – unseated on petition
Replaced by Paul Orchard 1711



Canterbury (seat 1/2) John Hardres ?
Canterbury (seat 2/2) Henry Lee Tory
Cardiff Boroughs (seat 1/1) Sir Edward Stradling, Bt ?
Cardigan Boroughs (seat 1/1) John Meyrick – took office
Replaced by Owen Brigstocke 1712


Cardiganshire (seat 1/1) Sir Humphrey Mackworth Tory
Carlisle (seat 1/2) Thomas Stanwix Whig
Carlisle (seat 2/2) Sir James Montagu Whig
Carmarthen (seat 1/1) Richard Vaughan Whig
Carmarthenshire (seat 1/1) Sir Thomas Powell, Bt Tory
Castle Rising (seat 1/2) Hon. William Feilding Whig
Castle Rising (seat 2/2) Robert Walpole - sat for King's Lynn
Replaced by Horatio Walpole 1710


Cheshire (seat 1/2) Sir George Warburton, Bt Tory
Cheshire (seat 2/2) Charles Cholmondeley Tory
Chester (seat 1/2) Sir Henry Bunbury, Bt Tory
Chester (seat 2/2) Peter Shakerley Tory
Chichester (seat 1/2) Sir Richard Farington, Bt Whig
Chichester (seat 2/2) Sir John Miller, Bt Tory
Chippenham (seat 1/2) Sir James Long, Bt Tory
Chippenham (seat 2/2) Joseph Ashe – unseated on petition
Replaced by Francis Popham 1711


Chipping Wycombe (seat 1/2) Sir Thomas Lee, Bt ?
Chipping Wycombe (seat 2/2) Charles Godfrey Whig
Christchurch (seat 1/2) William Ettrick Tory
Christchurch (seat 2/2) Peter Mews Tory
Cirencester (seat 1/2) Allen Bathurst – ennobled
Replaced by Thomas Master 1712
Cirencester (seat 2/2) Charles Coxe Tory
Clackmannanshire (seat 0/0) Alternated with Kinross-shire and unrepresented in this Parliament
Clitheroe (seat 1/2) Christopher Parker – died
Replaced by Thomas Lister 1713
Clitheroe (seat 2/2) Edward Harvey Tory
Cockermouth (seat 1/2) Nicholas Lechmere Whig
Cockermouth (seat 2/2) James Stanhope Whig
Colchester (seat 1/2) Sir Isaac Rebow Whig
Colchester (seat 2/2) Sir Thomas Webster, Bt – unseated on petition
Replaced by William Gore 1711


Corfe Castle (seat 1/2) John Bankes Tory
Corfe Castle (seat 2/2) Richard Fownes Tory
Cornwall (seat 1/2) George Granville – ennobled
Replaced by Sir Richard Vyvyan 1712


Cornwall (seat 2/2) John Trevanion Tory
Coventry (seat 1/2) Robert Craven died
Replaced by Clobery Bromley 1710 – died
Replaced by Sir Christopher Hales 1711



Coventry (seat 2/2) Thomas Gery ?
Cricklade (seat 1/2) Edmund Dunch Whig
Cricklade (seat 2/2) Samuel Robinson ?
Cromartyshire (seat 1/1) Hon. Sir Kenneth Mackenzie, Bt ?
Cumberland (seat 1/2) James Lowther Whig
Cumberland (seat 2/2) Gilfrid Lawson Tory


Dartmouth (seat 1/2) Nathaniel Herne Tory
Dartmouth (seat 2/2) Frederick Herne Tory
Denbigh Boroughs (seat 1/1) John Roberts Tory
Denbighshire (seat 1/1) Sir Richard Myddelton, Bt Tory
Derby (seat 1/2) Sir Richard Levinge, Bt – took office
Replaced by Edward Mundy 1711


Derby (seat 2/2) John Harpur ?
Derbyshire (seat 1/2) John Curzon Tory
Derbyshire (seat 2/2) Godfrey Clarke Tory
Devizes (seat 1/2) Sir Francis Child Tory
Devizes (seat 2/2) Thomas Richmond Webb ?
Devon (seat 1/2) Sir William Pole, Bt took office
Replaced by Sir William Courtenay 1712
Devon (seat 2/2) John Rolle Tory
Dorchester (seat 1/2) Sir Nathaniel Napier, Bt ?
Dorchester (seat 2/2) Nathaniel Napier ?
Dorset (seat 1/2) Thomas Strangways Tory
Dorset (seat 2/2) Thomas Chafin -died
Replaced by Richard Bingham 1711
Dover (seat 1/2) Sir William Hardres, Bt Tory
Dover (seat 2/2) Philip Papillon Whig
Downton (seat 1/2) Sir Charles Duncombe – died
Replaced by Thomas Duncombe 1711
Downton (seat 2/2) John Eyre Whig
Droitwich (seat 1/2) Edward Foley – took office
Replaced by Edward Jeffreys 1711
Droitwich (seat 2/2) Edward Jeffreys – took office
Replaced by Richard Foley 1711
Dumfries Burghs (seat 1/1) John Hutton - died
Replaced by Sir William Johnstone 1713


Dumfriesshire (seat 1/1) Sir William Grierson, Bt – unseated on petition
Replaced by James Murray 1711
Dunbartonshire (seat 1/1) Hon. John Campbell Whig
Dunwich (seat 1/2) Sir George Downing, Bt Tory
Dunwich (seat 2/2) Richard Richardson ?
Durham (City of) (seat 1/2) Thomas Conyers Tory
Durham (City of) (seat 2/2) Henry Belasyse – expelled
Replaced by Robert Shafto 1712


Durham (County) (seat 1/2) Sir Robert Eden, Bt Tory
Durham (County) (seat 2/2) William Lambton ?
Dysart Burghs (seat 1/1) James Oswald Tory


East Grinstead (seat 1/2) John Conyers ?
East Grinstead (seat 2/2) Leonard Gale ?
East Looe (seat 1/2) Sir Henry Seymour Tory
East Looe (seat 2/2) Thomas Smith Whig
East Retford (seat 1/2) Thomas White – unseated on petition
Replaced by Bryan Cooke 1711


East Retford (seat 2/2) Thomas Westby – unseated on petition
Replaced by Willoughby Hickman 1711– died
Replaced by Francis Lewis 1713



Edinburgh (seat 1/1) Patrick Johnston Whig
Edinburghshire (seat 1/1) George Lockhart Tory
Elgin Burghs (seat 1/1) Alexander Reid, Bt. ?
Elginshire (seat 1/1) Alexander Grant Whig
Essex (seat 1/2) Richard Child Tory
Essex (seat 2/2) Thomas Middleton Whig
Evesham (seat 1/2) Sir Edward Goodere Tory
Evesham (seat 2/2) John Rudge Whig
Exeter (seat 1/2) Sir Coplestone Bampfylde, Bt. Tory
Exeter (seat 2/2) John Snell Tory
Eye (seat 1/2) Sir Joseph Jekyll Whig
Eye (seat 2/2) Thomas Maynard ?


Fife (seat 1/1) Sir Alexander Erskine ?
Flint Boroughs (seat 1/1) Sir John Conway Tory
Flintshire (seat 1/1) Sir Roger Mostyn Tory
Forfarshire (seat 1/1) John Carnegie Tory
Fowey (seat 1/2) Viscount Dupplin – ennobled
Replaced by Bernard Granville 1712


Fowey (seat 2/2) Henry Vincent Ind.


Gatton (seat 1/2) William Newland Tory
Gatton (seat 2/2) Paul Docminique Tory
Glamorganshire (seat 1/1) Sir Thomas Mansel – ennobled
Replaced by Robert Jones 1712


Glasgow Burghs (seat 1/1) Thomas Smith ?
Gloucester (seat 1/2) Thomas Webb Tory
Gloucester (seat 2/2) John Blanch ?
Gloucestershire (seat 1/2) John Symes Berkeley Tory
Gloucestershire (seat 2/2) Matthew Ducie Moreton Whig
Grampound (seat 1/2) Thomas Coke Tory
Grampound (seat 2/2) James Craggs Whig
Grantham (seat 1/2) Marquess of Granby Whig
Grantham (seat 2/2) Sir William Ellys Whig
Great Bedwyn (seat 1/2) Lord Bruce - sat for Marlborough
Replaced by Thomas Millington 1711


Great Bedwyn (seat 2/2) Sir Edward Seymour, Bt. 16 June 1711 Tory
Great Grimsby (seat 1/2) Robert Vyner Tory
Great Grimsby (seat 2/2) Arthur Moore Tory
Great Marlow (seat 1/2) Sir James Etheridge Tory
Great Marlow (seat 2/2) George Bruere and James Chase - double return
George Bruere elected

Whig (not elected)

Great Yarmouth (seat 1/2) Richard Ferrier Tory
Great Yarmouth (seat 2/2) George England ?
Guildford (seat 1/2) Denzil Onslow Whig
Guildford (seat 2/2) Robert Wroth
Replaced by Morgan Randyll 1711



Haddington Burghs (seat 1/1) Hon. Sir David Dalrymple Whig
Haddingtonshire (seat 1/1) John Cockburn Whig
Hampshire (seat 1/2) George Pitt Tory
Hampshire (seat 2/2) Sir Simeon Stuart, Bt. Tory
Harwich (seat 1/2) Kenrick Edisbury ?
Harwich (seat 2/2) Thomas Frankland Whig
Haslemere (seat 1/2) Sir John Clerke, Bt Tory
Haslemere (seat 2/2) Theophilus Oglethorpe Tory
Hastings (seat 1/2) Hon. William Ashburnham Tory
Hastings (seat 2/2) Sir Joseph Martin ?
Haverfordwest (seat 1/1) John Laugharne Tory
Hedon (seat 1/2) William Pulteney Whig
Hedon (seat 2/2) Hugh Cholmley Whig
Helston (seat 1/2) George Granville - sat for Cornwall
Replaced by Robert Child 1710


Helston (seat 2/2) Sidney Godolphin ?
Hereford (seat 1/2) Hon. James Brydges ?
Hereford (seat 2/2) Thomas Foley Tory
Herefordshire (seat 1/2) The 3rd Viscount Scudamore Tory
Herefordshire (seat 2/2) John Prise – resigned
Replaced by Sir Thomas Morgan


Hertford (seat 1/2) Charles Caesar Tory
Hertford (seat 2/2) Richard Goulston ?
Hertfordshire (seat 1/2) Ralph Freman Tory
Hertfordshire (seat 2/2) Thomas Halsey Tory
Heytesbury (seat 1/2) Edward Ashe Whig
Heytesbury (seat 2/2) William Ashe Whig
Higham Ferrers (seat 1/1) Hon. Thomas Watson-Wentworth Whig
Hindon (seat 1/2) Edmund Lambert Tory
Hindon (seat 2/2) Reynolds Calthorpe and George Morley – double return
George Morley elected 1710– died
Replaced by Henry Lee Warner 1711
Whig (not elected)



Honiton (seat 1/2) Sir William Drake Tory
Honiton (seat 2/2) Sir Walter Yonge and James Sheppard – double return
Replaced by James Sheppard elected 1711
Whig (not elected)


Horsham (seat 1/2) Charles Eversfield - sat for Sussex
Replaced by John Middleton 1710


Horsham (seat 2/2) John Wicker Whig
Huntingdon (seat 1/2) Edward Wortley Montagu Whig
Huntingdon (seat 2/2) Francis Page Whig
Huntingdonshire (seat 1/2) John Proby – died
Replaced by Sir John Cotton 1710


Huntingdonshire (seat 2/2) John Pocklington Whig
Hythe (seat 1/2) Hon. John Fane – unseated on petition
Replaced by John Boteler 1711


Hythe (seat 2/2) The Viscount Shannon– unseated on petition
Replaced by William Berners 1711 - died
Replaced by The Viscount Shannon 1712




Ilchester (seat 1/2) Samuel Masham – took office
Replaced by Sir James Bateman 1712


Ilchester (seat 2/2) Edward Phelips Tory
Inverness Burghs (seat 1/1) George Mackenzie ?
Inverness-shire (seat 1/1) Alexander Mackenzie ?
Ipswich (seat 1/2) William Churchill Whig
Ipswich (seat 2/2) Sir William Barker Tory


Kent (seat 1/2) Sir Cholmeley Dering, Bt – shot in duel
Replaced by Sir William Hardres 1711


Kent (seat 2/2) Percival Hart ?
Kincardineshire (seat 1/1) Sir Alexander Ramsay, Bt ?
King's Lynn (seat 1/2) Sir Charles Turner Whig
King's Lynn (seat 2/2) Robert Walpole – expelled and void election
Replaced by John Turner 1712


Kingston upon Hull (seat 1/2) Sir William St Quintin Whig
Kingston upon Hull (seat 2/2) William Maister Tory
Kinross-shire (seat 1/1) Mungo Graham - unseated on petition
Replaced by Sir John Malcolm, Bt 1711


Kirkcudbright Stewartry (seat 1/1) John Stewart Whig
Knaresborough (seat 1/2) Christopher Stockdale Whig
Knaresborough (seat 2/2) Robert Byerley Tory


Lanarkshire (seat 1/1) Sir James Hamilton of Rosehall ?
Lancashire (seat 1/2) Hon. Charles Zedenno Stanley Whig
Lancashire (seat 2/2) Richard Shuttleworth Tory
Lancaster (seat 1/2) Robert Heysham Tory
Lancaster (seat 2/2) William Heysham Tory
Launceston (seat 1/2) Lord Hyde – succeeded to peerage
Replaced by George Clarke 1711


Launceston (seat 2/2) Francis Scobell Tory
Leicester (seat 1/2) Sir George Beaumont Tory
Leicester (seat 2/2) James Winstanley Tory
Leicestershire (seat 1/2) Marquess of Granby – succeeded to peerage
Replaced by Sir Thomas Cave 1711


Leicestershire (seat 2/2) Geoffrey Palmer Tory
Leominster (seat 1/2) Edward Harley Tory
Leominster (seat 2/2) Edward Bangham ?
Lewes (seat 1/2) Peter Gott – died
Replaced by John Morley Trevor 1712


Lewes (seat 2/2) Thomas Pelham Whig
Lichfield (seat 1/2) Richard Dyott ?
Lichfield (seat 2/2) John Cotes Tory
Lincoln (seat 1/2) Richard Grantham ?
Lincoln (seat 2/2) Thomas Lister Tory
Lincolnshire (seat 1/2) Lewis Dymoke ?
Lincolnshire (seat 2/2) Lord Willoughby d'Eresby Tory
Linlithgow Burghs (seat 1/1) Hon. George Douglas Whig
Linlithgowshire (seat 1/1) John Houston Tory
Liskeard (seat 1/2) William Bridges ?
Liskeard (seat 2/2) Philip Rashleigh Tory
Liverpool (seat 1/2) Sir Thomas Johnson Whig
Liverpool (seat 2/2) John Cleiveland ?
London (City of) (seat 1/4) Sir William Withers Tory
London (City of) (seat 2/4) Sir Richard Hoare Tory
London (City of) (seat 3/4) Sir George Newland Tory
London (City of) (seat 4/4) Sir John Cass Tory
Lostwithiel (seat 1/2) John Hill Tory
Lostwithiel (seat 2/2) Hugh Fortescue Whig
Ludgershall (seat 1/2) John Richmond Webb Tory
Ludgershall (seat 2/2) Thomas Pearce ?
Ludlow (seat 1/2) Sir Thomas Powys Tory
Ludlow (seat 2/2) Acton Baldwyn Tory
Lyme Regis (seat 1/2) Henry Henley ?
Lyme Regis (seat 2/2) John Burridge Whig
Lymington (seat 1/2) Paul Burrard Whig
Lymington (seat 2/2) Lord William Powlett ?


Maidstone (seat 1/2) Sir Thomas Culpeper Whig
Maidstone (seat 2/2) Sir Robert Marsham Whig
Maldon (seat 1/2) John Comyns ?
Maldon (seat 2/2) Thomas Richmond – died
Replaced by William Fytche 1711 – resigned
Replaced by Thomas Bramston 1712



Malmesbury (seat 1/2) Thomas Farrington – died
Replaced by Sir John Rushout 1713


Malmesbury (seat 2/2) Joseph Addison Whig
Malton (seat 1/2) William Palmes Whig
Malton (seat 2/2) William Strickland Whig
Marlborough (seat 1/2) Lord Bruce – ennobled
Replaced by Richard Jones 1712


Marlborough (seat 2/2) Hon. Robert Bruce Tory
Merionethshire (seat 1/1) Richard Vaughan Tory
Middlesex (seat 1/2) Hon. James Bertie Tory
Middlesex (seat 2/2) Hugh Smithson Tory
Midhurst (seat 1/2) Lawrence Alcock Tory
Midhurst (seat 2/2) Robert Orme – died
Replaced by John Pratt 1711


Milborne Port (seat 1/2) Sir Thomas Travell Whig
Milborne Port (seat 2/2) James Medlycott ?
Minehead (seat 1/2) Sir John Trevelyan Tory
Minehead (seat 2/2) Sir Jacob Bancks Tory
Mitchell (seat 1/2) Abraham Blackmore ?
Mitchell (seat 2/2) Richard Belasyse ?
Monmouth Boroughs (seat 1/1) Clayton Milborne Tory
Monmouthshire (seat 1/2) John Morgan Whig
Monmouthshire (seat 2/2) The 1st Viscount Windsor – ennobled
Replaced by James Gunter 1712 – died
Replaced by Thomas Lewis 1713



Montgomery (seat 1/1) John Pugh Tory
Montgomeryshire (seat 1/1) Edward Vaughan Tory
Morpeth (seat 1/2) Sir Richard Sandford Whig
Morpeth (seat 2/2) Christopher Wandesford ?


Nairnshire (seat 0/0) Alternated with Cromartyshire-unrepresented in this Parliament
New Radnor Boroughs (seat 1/1) Robert Harley – ennobled
Replaced by Lord Harley 1711


New Romney (seat 1/2) Walter Whitfield – died
Replaced by Edward Watson 1713


New Romney (seat 2/2) Robert Furnese Whig
New Shoreham (seat 1/2) Sir Gregory Page Whig
New Shoreham (seat 2/2) Nathaniel Gould ?
New Windsor (seat 1/2) Richard Topham Whig
New Windsor (seat 2/2) William Paul – died
Replaced by Samuel Masham 1711 – ennobled
Replaced by Charles Aldworth 1712



New Woodstock (seat 1/2) Sir Thomas Wheate Whig
New Woodstock (seat 2/2) William Cadogan Whig
Newark (seat 1/2) Sir Thomas Willoughby, Bt – ennobled
Replaced by Richard Sutton 1712


Newark (seat 2/2) Richard Newdigate ?
Newcastle-under-Lyme (seat 1/2) Rowland Cotton Tory
Newcastle-under-Lyme (seat 2/2) William Burslem ?
Newcastle-upon-Tyne (seat 1/2) Sir William Blackett, Bt. Tory
Newcastle-upon-Tyne (seat 2/2) William Wrightson Tory
Newport (Cornwall) (seat 1/2) Sir Nicholas Morice Tory
Newport (Cornwall) (seat 2/2) George Courtenay Tory
Newport (Isle of Wight) (seat 1/2) John Richmond Webb - sat for Ludgershall
Replaced by William Seymour 1710


Newport (Isle of Wight) (seat 2/2) William Stephens Tory
Newton (Lancashire) (seat 1/2) Thomas Legh Tory
Newton (Lancashire) (seat 2/2) John Ward Tory
Newtown (Isle of Wight) (seat 1/2) Sir James Worsley Tory
Newtown (Isle of Wight) (seat 2/2) Henry Worsley Tory
Norfolk (seat 1/2) Sir John Wodehouse Tory
Norfolk (seat 2/2) Sir Jacob Astley, Bt. Tory
Northallerton (seat 1/2) Roger Gale Whig
Northallerton (seat 2/2) Robert Raikes ?
Northampton (seat 1/2) William Wykes ?
Northampton (seat 2/2) George Montagu Whig
Northamptonshire (seat 1/2) Sir Justinian Isham Tory
Northamptonshire (seat 2/2) Thomas Cartwright Tory
Northumberland (seat 1/2) Earl of Hertford Whig
Northumberland (seat 2/2) Thomas Forster Tory
Norwich (seat 1/2) Robert Bene ?
Norwich (seat 2/2) Richard Berney ?
Nottingham (seat 1/2) John Plumptre Whig
Nottingham (seat 2/2) Robert Sacheverell ?
Nottinghamshire (seat 1/2) The 1st Viscount Howe ?
Nottinghamshire (seat 2/2) William Levinz Tory


Okehampton (seat 1/2) John Dibble Whig
Okehampton (seat 2/2) Christopher Harris Tory
Old Sarum (seat 1/2) Thomas Pitt ?
Old Sarum (seat 2/2) William Harvey Tory
Orford (seat 1/2) Clement Corrance Tory
Orford (seat 2/2) Sir Edward Turnour Tory
Orkney and Shetland (seat 1/1) Sir Alexander Douglas Tory
Oxford (seat 1/2) Sir John Walter Tory
Oxford (seat 2/2) Thomas Rowney Tory
Oxfordshire (seat 1/2) Sir Robert Jenkinson Tory
Oxfordshire (seat 2/2) Francis Clerke ?
Oxford University (seat 1/2) Sir William Whitelock Tory
Oxford University (seat 2/2) Wiliam Bromley Tory


Peeblesshire (seat 1/1) Alexander Murray ?
Pembroke Boroughs (seat 1/1) Sir Arthur Owen – unseated on petition
Replaced by Replaced by Lewis Wogan 1712
Pembrokeshire (seat 1/1) John Barlow Tory
Penryn (seat 1/2) Samuel Trefusis Tory
Penryn (seat 2/2) Alexander Pendarves Tory
Perth Burghs (seat 1/1) George Yeaman ?
Perthshire (seat 1/1) Lord James Murray ?
Peterborough (seat 1/2) Viscount Milton Whig
Peterborough (seat 2/2) Charles Parker Tory
Petersfield (seat 1/2) Leonard Bilson Tory
Petersfield (seat 2/2) Norton Powlett Whig
Plymouth (seat 1/2) Charles Trelawny Tory
Plymouth (seat 2/2) Sir George Byng Whig
Plympton Erle (seat 1/2) Richard Edgcumbe Whig
Plympton Erle (seat 2/2) George Treby Whig
Pontefract (seat 1/2) Sir John Bland Tory
Pontefract (seat 2/2) Robert Frank ?
Poole (seat 1/2) Thomas Ridge – expelled
Replaced by William Lewen 1711


Poole (seat 2/2) Sir William Phippard ?
Portsmouth (seat 1/2) Sir Charles Wager – unseated on petition
Replaced by Sir James Wishart 1711


Portsmouth (seat 2/2) Sir John Jennings – unseated on petition
Replaced by Sir William Gifford 1711


Preston (seat 1/2) Henry Fleetwood Tory
Preston (seat 2/2) Sir Henry Hoghton, Bt Whig


Queenborough (seat 1/2) Colonel Thomas King Whig
Queenborough (seat 2/2) James Herbert III ?


Radnorshire (seat 1/1) Thomas Harley Tory
Reading (seat 1/2) Owen Buckingham Whig
Reading (seat 2/2) John Dalby ?
Reigate (seat 1/2) Sir John Parsons Tory
Reigate (seat 2/2) John Ward ?
Renfrewshire (seat 1/1) Sir Robert Pollock, Bt ?
Richmond (Yorkshire) (seat 1/2) John Yorke Whig
Richmond (Yorkshire) (seat 2/2) Hon. Harry Mordaunt Whig
Ripon (seat 1/2) John Aislabie Whig
Ripon (seat 2/2) John Sharp Tory
Rochester (seat 1/2) Admiral Sir John Leake ?
Rochester (seat 2/2) William Cage Tory
Ross-shire (seat 1/1) Charles Ross Independent Whig
Roxburghshire (seat 1/1) Sir Gilbert Eliott Whig
Rutland (seat 1/2) John Noel – unseated on petition
Replaced by Richard Halford 1711


Rutland (seat 2/2) Lord Finch Tory
Rye (seat 1/2) Phillips Gybbon Whig
Rye (seat 2/2) Sir John Norris Whig


St Albans (seat 1/2) William Grimston ?
St Albans (seat 2/2) John Gape Tory
St Germans (seat 1/2) Edward Eliot Tory
St Germans (seat 2/2) John Knight Whig
St Ives (seat 1/2) John Hopkins Whig
St Ives (seat 2/2) John Praed Tory
St Mawes (seat 1/2) Sir Richard Onslow Whig
St Mawes (seat 2/2) John Tredenham – died
Replaced by John Anstis 20 January 1711


Salisbury (seat 1/2) Charles Fox Tory
Salisbury (seat 2/2) Robert Pitt Tory
Saltash (seat 1/2) Sir Cholmeley Dering, Bt - sat for Kent
Replaced by Jonathan Elford 1710


Saltash (seat 2/2) Alexander Pendarves - sat for Penryn
Replaced by Sir William Carew 1711


Sandwich (seat 1/2) Sir Henry Furnese – died
Replaced by John Michel 1713


Sandwich (seat 2/2) Josiah Burchett Whig
Scarborough (seat 1/2) William Thompson Whig
Scarborough (seat 2/2) John Hungerford Tory
Seaford (seat 1/2) William Lowndes Whig
Seaford (seat 2/2) Thomas Chowne ?
Selkirkshire (seat 1/1) John Pringle ?
Shaftesbury (seat 1/2) Edward Seymour - died
Replaced by Henry Whitaker 1711


Shaftesbury (seat 2/2) Edward Nicholas Tory
Shrewsbury (seat 1/2) Richard Mytton Tory
Shrewsbury (seat 2/2) Edward Cressett ?
Shropshire (seat 1/2) John Kynaston ?
Shropshire (seat 2/2) Robert Lloyd ?
Somerset (seat 1/2) Sir Thomas Wroth, Bt Tory
Somerset (seat 2/2) Sir William Wyndham, Bt Tory
Southampton (seat 1/2) Adam de Cardonnel – expelled
Replaced by Roger Harris 1712


Southampton (seat 2/2) Richard Fleming ?
Southwark (seat 1/2) Charles Cox Whig
Southwark (seat 2/2) John Cholmley – died
Replaced by Edmund Halsey 1712 – unseated on petition
Replaced by Sir George Matthews 1712



Stafford (seat 1/2) Walter Chetwynd – unseated on petition
Replaced by Henry Vernon 1711


Stafford (seat 2/2) Thomas Foley – ennobled
Replaced by Walter Chetwynd 1712


Staffordshire (seat 1/2) Hon. Henry Paget – ennobled
Replaced by Charles Bagot 1712


Staffordshire (seat 2/2) William Ward ?
Stamford (seat 1/2) Hon. Charles Cecil Tory
Stamford (seat 2/2) Hon. Charles Bertie Tory
Steyning (seat 1/2) Sir Henry Goring, Bt ?
Steyning (seat 2/2) William Wallis – election void
Replaced by The Lord Bellew of Duleek 1711 – election void
Replaced by Robert Leeves 1713



Stirling Burghs (seat 1/1) Henry Cunningham Whig
Stirlingshire (seat 1/1) Sir Hugh Paterson, Bt ?
Stockbridge (seat 1/2) The 4th Earl of Barrymore Tory
Stockbridge (seat 2/2) George Dashwood ?
Sudbury (seat 1/2) John Mead ?
Sudbury (seat 2/2) Robert Echlin ?
Suffolk (seat 1/2) Sir Thomas Hanmer, Bt Tory
Suffolk (seat 2/2) Sir Robert Davers, Bt Tory
Surrey (seat 1/2) Sir Francis Vincent, Bt ?
Surrey (seat 2/2) Hon. Heneage Finch ?
Sussex (seat 1/2) Sir George Parker, Bt ?
Sussex (seat 2/2) Charles Eversfield Tory
Sutherland (seat 1/1) Sir William Gordon ?


Tain Burghs (seat 1/1) Sir Robert Munro, Bt Whig
Tamworth (seat 1/2) Joseph Girdler Tory
Tamworth (seat 2/2) Samuel Bracebridge ?
Taunton (seat 1/2) Sir Francis Warre Tory
Taunton (seat 2/2) Henry Seymour Portman Tory
Tavistock (seat 1/2) Sir John Cope Whig
Tavistock (seat 2/2) Henry Manaton – unseated on petition
Replaced by James Bulteel 1711


Tewkesbury (seat 1/2) William Bromley ?
Tewkesbury (seat 2/2) Henry Ireton – died
Replaced by William Dowdeswell 1712


Thetford (seat 1/2) Sir Thomas Hanmer - sat for Suffolk
Replaced by Sir Edmund Bacon 1710


Thetford (seat 2/2) Dudley North Tory
Thirsk (seat 1/2) Sir Thomas Frankland – resigned
Replaced by Thomas Worsley 1711


Thirsk (seat 2/2) Ralph Bell ?
Tiverton (seat 1/2) John Worth – election void – re-elected ?
Tiverton (seat 2/2) Thomas Bere and Richard Mervin - Double return. election void
Replaced by Sir Edward Northey 1710
Whig (not elected)

Tory (not elected)


Totnes (seat 1/2) Francis Gwyn Tory
Totnes (seat 2/2) Thomas Coulson ?
Tregony (seat 1/2) Viscount Rialton – succeeded to peerage
Replaced by Edward Southwell 1713


Tregony (seat 2/2) John Trevanion sit for Cornwall
Replaced by George Robinson 1710


Truro (seat 1/2) Hugh Boscawen Whig
Truro (seat 2/2) Henry Vincent Whig


Wallingford (seat 1/2) Simon Harcourt ?
Wallingford (seat 2/2) Thomas Renda ?
Wareham (seat 1/2) Thomas Erle Whig
Wareham (seat 2/2) George Pitt - sat for Hampshire
Replaced by Sir Edward Ernle 1710


Warwick (seat 1/2) Hon. Francis Greville – died
Replaced by Charles Leigh 1710


Warwick (seat 2/2) Hon. Dodington Greville ?
Warwickshire (seat 1/2) Lord Compton – ennobled
Replaced by Sir William Boughton 1712


Warwickshire (seat 2/2) Sir John Mordaunt Tory
Wells (seat 1/2) Maurice Berkeley ?
Wells (seat 2/2) Edward Colston Tory
Wendover (seat 1/2) Sir Roger Hill Whig
Wendover (seat 2/2) Henry Grey Whig
Wenlock (seat 1/2) George Weld ?
Wenlock (seat 2/2) Sir William Forester Whig
Weobley (seat 1/2) John Birch Whig
Weobley (seat 2/2) Henry Cornewall ?
West Looe (seat 1/2) Sir Charles Hedges Tory
West Looe (seat 2/2) Arthur Maynwaring – died
Replaced by John Trelawny 1713


Westbury (seat 1/2) Hon. Henry Bertie Tory
Westbury (seat 2/2) Francis Annesley ?
Westminster (seat 1/2) Thomas Medlycott Tory
Westminster (seat 2/2) Sir Thomas Crosse, Bt Tory
Westmorland (seat 1/2) Daniel Wilson Whig
Westmorland (seat 2/2) James Grahme ?
Weymouth and Melcombe Regis (seat 1/4) Hon. Maurice Ashley Whig
Weymouth and Melcombe Regis (seat 2/4) James Littleton– election void - unseated on petition
Replaced by Thomas Hardy 1711


Weymouth and Melcombe Regis (seat 3/4) William Betts – election void - unseated on petition
Replaced by William Harvey 1711


Weymouth and Melcombe Regis (seat 4/4) Anthony Henley – died
Replaced by Reginald Marriott 1711


Whitchurch (seat 1/2) Thomas Vernon ?
Whitchurch (seat 2/2) Frederick Tylney ?
Wigan (seat 1/2) Sir Roger Bradshaigh Tory
Wigan (seat 2/2) Henry Bradshaigh – died
George Kenyon 22 April 1713


Wigtown Burghs (seat 1/1) William Cochrane Tory
Wigtownshire (seat 1/1) Patrick Vanse – unseated on petition
Replaced by John Stewart 1711


Wilton (seat 1/2) John London - unseated on petition
Replaced by Peter Bathurst 1711


Wilton (seat 2/2) Charles Mompesson ?
Wiltshire (seat 1/2) Sir Richard Howe Tory
Wiltshire (seat 2/2) Robert Hyde ?
Winchelsea (seat 1/2) Sir Francis Dashwood Whig
Winchelsea (seat 2/2) Robert Bristow II ?
Winchester (seat 1/2) George Rodney Brydges Whig
Winchester (seat 2/2) Thomas Lewis Tory
Wootton Bassett (seat 1/2) Henry St John – sat for Berkshire
Replaced by Edmund Pleydell 1710


Wootton Bassett (seat 2/2) Richard Goddard ?
Worcester (seat 1/2) Thomas Wylde ?
Worcester (seat 2/2) Samuel Swift Tory
Worcestershire (seat 1/2) Sir John Pakington Tory
Worcestershire (seat 2/2) Samuel Pytts ?


Yarmouth (Isle of Wight) (seat 1/2) Henry Holmes Tory
Yarmouth (Isle of Wight) (seat 2/2) Sir Gilbert Dolben, Bt Tory
York (seat 1/2) Sir William Robinson Whig
York (seat 2/2) Robert Benson Tory
Yorkshire (seat 1/2) The 2nd Viscount Downe Tory
Yorkshire (seat 2/2) Sir Arthur Kaye, Bt Tory



See also



  1. ^ "Constituencies 1690-1715". History of Parliament Online. Retrieved 9 August 2018.
  • The House of Commons 1690–1715, eds. D. Hayton, E. Cruickshanks, and S. Handley (2002)