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List of members of the upper house of the Riksdag, 1891

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This is a list of members of the upper house of the Swedish parliament in 1891.

List of members of parliament

Member of Parliament Profession Year of Birth Constituency
Gustaf Rudolf Abelin lieutenant general 1819 Östergötland County
Claes Adolf Adelsköld former major 1824 Blekinge County
baron Gustaf Åkerhielm prime minister 1833 Stockholm County
Lars Åkerhielm minister 1846 Gothenburg and Bohus County
Oscar Alin professor 1846 Uppsala County
August Almén director-general 1833 Västerbotten County
Fredrik Almgren överdirektör 1840 Norrbotten County
Oscar Almgren wholesale dealer 1842 City of Stockholm
Robert Almström manufacturer 1834 City of Stockholm
Frans Albert Anderson director-general 1831 Västernorrland County
Gustaf Andersson land tenure 1840 Östergötland County
Nils Andersson [sv] farmer 1845 Kristianstad County
Per Johan Andersson manufacturer 1830 Älvsborg County
Ludvig Annerstedt former justice 1836 City of Stockholm
Fredrik Barnekow land tenure 1839 Kristianstad County
Herman Behm land tenure 1842 Örebro County
Carl Gottreich Beijer director-general 1811 City of Malmö
Jöns Bengtsson i Hyllinge farmer 1820 Malmöhus County
Axel Bennich former generaltulldirektör 1817 Kalmar County Northern
Gustaf Berg vogt 1844 Jönköping County
Lars Berg county governor 1838 Norrbotten County
Oscar Bergius vogt 1834 Malmöhus County
Carl Otto Bergman lieutenant colonel 1828 Norrbotten County
Axel Bergström county governor 1823 Örebro County
Niklas Biesèrt bruksägare 1831 Jämtland County
Gillis Bildt reichsmarschall, former prime minister 1820 City of Stockholm
Gottfrid Billing bishop 1841 Västmanland County
Knut Björkenstam vogt 1815 Västmanland County
Oscar Björnstjerna major general 1819 City of Stockholm
Knut Bohnstedt former ryttmästare 1841 Örebro County
Fredrik Theodor Borg printer 1824 Malmöhus County
Filip Boström ryttmästare 1843 Södermanland County
Wilhelm Brehmer major 1841 Gävleborg County
Pontus af Burén bruksägare 1835 Blekinge County
Fredrik Daniel Carlborg vogt 1834 Gothenburg and Bohus County
Edvard Casparsson former captain 1827 Uppsala County
Henrik Cavalli landskamererare 1852 Malmöhus County
Axel Cederberg byråingenjör 1837 Västerbotten County
Hjalmar Claëson vogt 1836 Kopparberg County
Charles Dickson physician, kirurgie magister 1814 City of Gothenburg
Ludvig Douglas chamberlain 1849 Östergötland County
Casper Ehrenborg ryttmästare 1846 Kristianstad County
Pehr von Ehrenheim universitetskansler 1823 Uppsala County
Gustaf Ekdahl handlare 1835 Stockholm County
Victor Ekenman vogt 1842 Älvsborg County
Carl Edvard Ekman bruksägare 1826 Östergötland County
Johan Eneroth prosecutor 1840 Kristianstad County
Harald Ericsson bruksägare 1826 Örebro County
Fredrik von Essen minister 1831 Älvsborg County
baron Reinhold von Essen land tenure 1826 Skaraborg County
Albert Evers disponent 1846 Älvsborg County
Oskar Evers director-general 1833 Gothenburg and Bohus County
Helmer Falk colonel 1829 Värmland County
Wilhelm Falk bruksägare 1825 Kopparberg County
Sixten Flach tjänstgörande kabinettskammarherre 1826 Östergötland County
Nils Fock former ryttmästare 1825 Skaraborg County
Hans Forssell president 1843 Gävleborg County
Edvard Fränckel consul-general 1836 City of Stockholm
Christian Fröberg mayor 1835 Västernorrland County
Henric Gahn bruksägare 1820 Kopparberg County
Gustaf Fredrik Gilljam lecturer 1832 Gävleborg County
Magnus Hallenborg ryttmästare 1828 Malmöhus County
Carl Birger Hasselrot vogt 1842 Kalmar County Southern
Robert von Hedenberg captain 1830 Västerbotten County
Adolf Helander former first surveyor 1820 Södermanland County
Karl Husberg director general for administrative affairs 1854 Västerbotten County
Johan Jeansson wholesale dealer 1831 Kalmar County Southern
Paul Jönsson land tenure 1822 Skaraborg County
Robert Kajerdt acting vice-chancellor 1831 Kalmar County Northern
Ingemar Kerfstedt pharmacist 1845 Halland County
Rudolf Klinckowström colonel 1816 Älvsborg County
Carl Klingspor captain 1847 Skaraborg County
Philip Klingspor former captain 1845 Östergötland County
Ludvig Kockum land tenure 1835 Malmöhus County
Emil Königsfeldt vogt 1823 Kopparberg County
Robert von Kræmer major 1825 Älvsborg County
Julius Edvard von Krusenstierna Postmaster-General 1841 Värmland County
Gustaf Lagerbjelke former county governor 1817 Södermanland County
Anders Larsson farmer 1822 Skaraborg County
Liss Olof Larsson fullmäktig i riksbanken 1838 Kronoberg County
Abraham Leijonhufvud lieutenant general 1823 Kopparberg County
Sten Leijonhufvud lieutenant colonel 1826 Södermanland County
Casimir Lewenhaupt former captain 1827 Jämtland County
Karl Liljesköld vogt 1837 Värmland County
Wilhelm Nils Andreas Lindahl former auditör 1825 Blekinge County
John Lindqvist vice-consul 1845 Västernorrland County
Pehr Lithander wholesale dealer 1835 Älvsborg County
Wilhelm Lothigius county governor 1836 Halland County
Christian Lundeberg bruksägare 1842 Gävleborg County
Johan Lundin land tenure 1823 Stockholm County
Carl Herman Lundström bergmeister 1828 Värmland County
Johan Mallmin land tenure 1840 Västmanland County
Alfred de Maré bruksägare 1831 Kalmar County Northern
Ola Nilsson i Ranseröd farmer 1837 Kristianstad County
Carl Nordenfelt mayor 1837 Värmland County
Carl Nyström doctor of philosophy 1839 Gothenburg and Bohus County
Wilhelm Odelberg former lieutenant 1844 Stockholm County
Herman Ölander vogt 1841 Västernorrland County
Gottfrid Olsén manufacturer 1848 Värmland County
Petter Olsson consul 1830 Malmöhus County
August Östergren minister 1832 Gotland County
John Pehrsson farmer 1826 Kristianstad County
John Philipson wholesale dealer 1829 City of Norrköping
count Alfred Piper överhovstallmästare 1834 Malmöhus County
Victor von Post bruksägare 1825 Östergötland County
Patric Reuterswärd Marshal of the Court 1820 Västmanland County
Fredrick Richter fullmäktig i riksbanken 1819 Kronoberg County
Julius Roman vogt 1843 Jämtland County
Axel Ros bruksägare 1833 Värmland County
Per Samzelius statskommissarie 1827 Kalmar County Southern
Johan Sandberg vice-chancellor 1834 Kalmar County Southern
Johan Sanne wholesale dealer 1836 Gothenburg and Bohus County
Werner von Schulzenheim former lieutenant colonel 1833 Örebro County
Edward Sederholm land tenure 1828 Södermanland County
Cornelius Sjöcrona county governor 1835 Skaraborg County
Axel Sjögreen ryttmästare 1836 Jönköping County
Jonas Sjölund hemmansägare 1830 Västernorrland County
Lars Olsson Smith wholesale dealer 1836 Blekinge County
Magnus Söderberg farmer 1835 Jönköping County
Wilhelm Söderhjelm bruksägare 1842 Gävleborg County
Wilhelm Spånberg bruksägare 1842 Jönköping County
count Gustaf Sparre chamberlain 1834 Västernorrland County
Harald Spens county governor 1827 Kronoberg County
Joseph Stephens bruksägare 1841 Kronoberg County
Wilhelm Stråle af Ekna former county governor 1816 Stockholm County
Ernst Stridsberg manufacturer 1839 Älvsborg County
Fredrik von Strokirch Marshal of the Court 1824 Jönköping County
Anton Niklas Sundberg archbishop 1818 Gothenburg and Bohus County
Axel Svedelius captain 1836 Värmland County
Fredrik von Sydow pharmacist 1832 Halland County
Hugo Tamm land tenure 1840 Uppsala County
Gustaf Wilhelm Sebastian Tham fabriksdisponent 1839 Jönköping County
Ragnar Törnebladh lecturer 1833 City of Stockholm
Gustaf Tornérhjelm ryttmästare 1854 Malmöhus County
Curry Treffenberg county governor 1825 Kopparberg County
Carl Trolle-Bonde land tenure 1843 Kristianstad County
baron Gustaf af Ugglas former minister 1820 City of Stockholm
Magnus Unger vogt 1832 Örebro County
Carl Fredrik Wærn acting president 1819 City of Gothenburg
Carl Wilhelm Wallberg manufacturer 1827 Halland County
Isak Wallberg manufacturer 1825 Älvsborg County
August Weinberg land tenure 1848 Skaraborg County
Gunnar Wennerberg minister 1817 Kronoberg County
Olof Widmark first surveyor 1831 Gävleborg County
Sigfrid Wieselgren director-general 1843 City of Gothenburg
Knut Wijkmark farmer 1849 Skaraborg County
Johan Wolmer Wrangel von Brehmer överstekamarjunkare 1836 Malmöhus County