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Highways in Romania

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The current situation of motorways and expressways in Romania
  Under construction (including design-build contracts)
  Environmental permit issued

Controlled-access highways in Romania are dual carriageways, grade separated with controlled-access, designed for high speeds. There are two types of highways, motorways (Romanian: Autostrăzi, sing. Autostradă) and expressways (Romanian: Drumuri expres, sing. Drum expres), with the main difference being that motorways have emergency lanes and slightly wider lanes. The maximum allowed speed limit for motorways is 130 km/h (81 mph), while for expressways the limit is 120 km/h (75 mph). There are no toll roads, but a road vignette is required.

The first construction works began in 1967, and the first highway segment was opened in 1972. However, extension of the high-speed road network lagged behind until after EU accession in 2007, when improved utilization of the allocated EU funds enabled Romania to speed up the expansion of its highway network.

Only A2 and A10 are completed, while A1 is mostly completed with all its remaining sections currently being built. A3 has five segments that are currently in use, with most of the remaining ones being in various stages of construction or tendering. A4, A6, A7 and A11 currently have only small segments in use. DEx12 was the first expressway to be opened in 2022. Construction contracts for all of A0, and part of A7, A8 and A13, are in various stages of execution or tendering.

As of 31 July 2024, there are 1,114.74 km of highways in service (of which 1,024.14 km motorways and 90.6 km expressways),[1] with another 797.4 km with signed contracts in various stages of execution, and another 539.58 km being tendered (25 September 2024).[2][3]

Highways in Romania in September 2024. Please consider this map is not an official map.



In 2012, legislation amendments defined two types of highways: motorways (Romanian: Autostrăzi) and expressways (Romanian: Drumuri expres). Motorways are identified by A followed by a number while expressways are identified by DEx followed by a number.

There are almost no tolls for using roads in Romania, with exception of large bridges. There is one at the Giurgeni – Vadu Oii Bridge over the river Danube on highway DN2A at Vadu Oii and one at the Cernavodă Bridge, on the A2 motorway. Nevertheless, every owner of a car that uses a motorway (A), an expressway (DEx) or a national road (DN) in Romania must purchase a vignette (rovinietă) from any of the main petrol stations or at any post office throughout the country.[4]

The main differences are that motorways have wide emergency lanes (3 m) and slightly wider traffic lanes (by 3.75 versus 3.5 m).[5] Expressways only have a narrow 1.5 m gravel roadside on the right side, added to the 0.5 m asphalted road edges, and may not have acceleration and deceleration lanes in mountainous areas.[6] The maximum allowed speed limit is 130 km/h (81 mph) (80 km/h (50 mph) during poor conditions), while expressways have a maximum speed limit of 120 km/h (75 mph).[7][8] Generally, feasibility studies for motorways have a minimum projected speed of 100 km/h, while for expressways, it is reduced to 80 km/h.[9]



First projects

Motorway plan of 1969 (in red) and the motorways opened by 23 March 2018 (in green)

The construction of the first motorway in Romania began in 1967, and the first segment of the A1 motorway, from Pitești to the capital Bucharest was opened in 1972 with a total length of 96 km. During the building of this motorway, a general plan was released in 1969, detailing the building of motorways in the incoming years, however, due to low volumes of traffic, the communist regime focused on improving current roads instead. Until the collapse of the communist regime in 1989, the building of a second motorway between Bucharest and Constanța had been planned, but only an 18 km long segment of A2 from Fetești to Cernavodă opened in 1987.

In the 1990s, the transition from a centralized economy to a market economy severely limited investment into infrastructure projects, and the entire motorway network totaled 113 km for many years until the construction project of A2 was resumed in 1998. Actual construction began in 2001, and three segments were finally opened in 2004 (BucharestFundulea – Lehliu – Drajna) and another in 2007 (Drajna – Fetești) totaling around 130 km. The A1 motorway was extended also in 2007 with the Pitești bypass. A large sector of A3, termed "Transylvania Motorway", was awarded controversially in 2004 without bidding to the American Bechtel Corporation. Large cost overruns and delays ensued for this project, and after political controversies, most of the contracts were cancelled, and only some 50 km of the Cluj bypass (Gilău – Turda – Câmpia Turzii) were opened between 2009 and 2010, at much larger costs than initially signed in the contract.

The highway network in 2010

Accessing EU funds


After joining the European Union in 2007, Romania was able to access funds for infrastructure development more easily, especially for those part of the Pan-European Corridor IV overlapping with A1 and A2 motorways. Many segments of the A1 motorway were started, and by the end of 2011 around 85 km were partially or fully opened: A1 segments Timișoara – Arad and Sibiu bypass; A2 segment Murfatlar – Constanța; A4 Constanța bypass and A11 Arad bypass.[10] In 2012 more segments were opened on A1 (Deva – Simeria), A2 (Cernavodă – Murfatlar), A4, and the first A3 segment not built by Bechtel (Bucharest – Ploiești). More segments were opened over the next few years: on A1 (part of Lugoj – Deva, Sibiu – Orăștie – Simeria, Arad – Nădlac, Timișoara – Lugoj), A6 (Balinț – Lugoj), and A4. A total of 726.6 km of motorways were in use in Romania in December 2015.

Political debates and changes in priorities of left-leaning parties after 2014 greatly slowed down motorway projects.[11] With no new openings in 2016, a small segment part of Lugoj – Deva opening in 2017,[12] almost half of the A10 (AiudTurda), and part of A3 (UngheniIernut, Gilău – Nădășelu, and the entrance into Bucharest[13]) brought the total to over 800 km at the end of 2018. Two more segments of the A1 opened in 2019 (between Coșevița and Deva), providing an almost fully opened motorway (excluding a segment of 13.5 km) between the border with Hungary and Sibiu.[14][15] In 2020, more segments were opened, on A3 (Biharia − Borș, Iernut − Chețani, Râșnov − Cristian),[16][17][18] on A10 (Sebeș – Alba Iulia), and the first segment of A7 (Bacău bypass)[19] bringing the total to over 900 km of highways.[20] In 2021, A10 completely opened (Alba Iulia – Aiud) and a segment of A3 (Târgu Mureș – Ungheni) opened to traffic.[21][22] In 2022 the first segment of an expressway-class road in Romania open for traffic, the DEx12 expressway: between Balș and Slatina (16.0 km),[23] and Slatina bypass.[24]

The highway network in 2020

Current projects

The official highway plan, proposed by the Ministry of Transport and CNADNR (CNAIR) in 2014.

As of December 2023, over 750 km of controlled-access roads have contracted for construction. These contracts include: part of the A3 (some 68.6 km), all segments of the A1 between Sibiu – Pitești (122.9 km), almost all of the Bucharest Ring Motorway (91.4 km), a section of the A8 (29.9 km), as well as most segments of the A7 (319 km).

Currently the only completed motorways are A2 and A10. The unfinished segments of A1 and A3 are in various stages of tendering and construction, with multiple segments likely to finish by 2024-2028.[25]

A few more motorways have received active discussion, including the termed A0 Bucharest Motorway Ring Road as an outer ring to the Bucharest Ring Road, with construction contracts signed or tendered for all of its 100 km length. The A7 motorway, between Ploiești and the border with Ukraine, has been planned to be part of the Pan-European Corridor IX, but so far only the Bacău bypass has been built. However, PNRR funding is ensured for most of its segments, with tendering contracts existing for its first 320 km till Pașcani. Beyond Pașcani, the Corridor IX is envisioned to be covered by the A8 (the East–West Motorway, a link between Moldavia and Transylvania), with the first construction contract signed in 2023. Highways crossing the Carpathian Mountains have been delayed due to large costs, with debates on whether to build the A3 (through long-term concession contracts) or the A1 (EU funds would cover most of the cost). The A13 motorway is planned to serve as an alternative to link the A1 and the A3, then to the A7, with the first 68 km currently being under construction.

A9 is planned to link A1 to Serbia, with plans to sign the first construction contracts not earlier than 2023. Expressways extending the current A11 as well as the DEx6 linking Galați and Brăila are currently being constructed. Plans to extend the current network with expressways exist for A4, A5 (planned to link to Bulgaria), A6, and A14 corridors, as well as several other smaller ones.[25][26]

Future timeline


Contracted segments with estimated openings:[27][28][29][30]

  • A7: Buzău - Focșani (Petrești), section 4 between Milcovul - Petrești (10.94 km) (Q4)
  • A7: Buzău - Focșani (Petrești), section 2 between Vadu Pășii - Râmnicelu (30.8 km) (Q4)
  • A7: Ploiești (Dumbrava) - Buzău, section 2 between Mizil (Baba Ana) - Stâlpu (DJ203G) (26.8 km) (Q4) [1.55 km with section 3]
  • DEx12: Craiova - Pitești, section 4: Colonești - Catanele (A1), subsection between Colonești - Podu Broșteni (19.18 km) (Q4)
  • A1: Pitești - Sibiu, section 5: Pitești - Curtea de Argeș, subsection between Pitești - Mănicești (15.01 km) (Q4)
  • A7: Buzău - Focșani (Petrești), section 1 between Buzău - Vadu Pășii (4.6 km) (Q4) [with Dumbrava - Buzău section 3]
  • A7: Buzău - Focșani (Petrești), section 3 between Râmnicelu - Milcovul (36.1 km) (Q4)
  • DEx12: Craiova - Pitești, section 1 between Craiova - Spineni (17.7 km) (Q4)
  • A7: Ploiești (Dumbrava) - Buzău, section 1 between Dumbrava (A3) - Mizil (Baba Ana) (21.0 km) (Q4)

Total: 183.68 km

  • DEx4: Petreștii de Jos (A3) - Dej, between Petreștii de Jos (A3) - Tureni (DN1) (4.957 km)
  • DEx6: Brăila - Galați (10.77 km)
  • DEx12: Craiova - Pitești, section 4: Colonești - Catanele (A1), subsection between Podu Broșteni - Catanele (A1) (12.635 km)
  • A0: Bucharest South Ring, section 3 between Bragadiru - Bâcu (DJ601A) (15.465 km) [2.5 km with A0-North 1]
  • A0: Bucharest North Ring, section 3 between Pasărea Valley - Afumați (DN2) (2.23 km) [+6.6 km A0-North 2]
  • A1: Pitești - Sibiu, section 5: Pitești - Curtea de Argeș, subsection between Mănicești - Curtea de Argeș (15.34 km)
  • A3: Topa Mică - Suplacu de Barcău (3B), section 3B2 between Sutoru - Poarta Sălajului (12.24 km)
  • A7: Ploiești (Dumbrava) - Buzău, section 3 between Pietroasele - Buzău (13.9 km)
  • A0: Bucharest North Ring, section 4 between Pantelimon (DN3) - Căldăraru (A2)(4.47 km)
  • A7: Focșani (Petrești) - Bacău, sections 1, 2 and 3 between Focșani (Petrești) - Domnești Târg (35.6 km), Domnești Târg - Răcăciuni (38.78 km), and Răcăciuni - Bacău (21.522 km)

Total: 190.409 km

  • A0: Bucharest North Ring, section 3 between Afumați (DN2) - Pantelimon (DN3) (6.3 km)
  • A0: Bucharest North Ring, section 1 between Bâcu (DJ601A) - Corbeanca (Cherry Park) (17.5 km)
  • A1: Deva - Lugoj, section 2E between Holdea - Margina (9.13 km)
  • A3: Suplacu de Barcău - Borș (3C), section 3C1 between Suplacu de Barcău - Chiribiș (26.35 km)
  • A3: Gilău - Topa Mică (3A), section 3A2 between Nădășelu - Topa Mică (16.8 km); Topa Mică - Suplacu de Barcău (3B), section 3B1 between Topa Mică - Sutoru (13.26 km)
  • A7: Bacău - Pașcani, sections 1, 2, and 3 between Bacău - Trifești (30.3 km), Trifești - Mircești (18.999 km), and Mircești - Pașcani (28.094 km)
  • A8: Târgu Mureș - Ditrău, section 1A between Gheorge Doja (A3) - Miercurea Nirajului (DJ135) (24.39 km)
  • A8: Ditrău - Târgu Neamț, section 2D between Vânători-Neamț (DN15B) - Boureni (DN2) (29.912 km)

Total: 221.035 km

  • A1: Pitești - Sibiu, section 4 between Curtea de Argeș - Tigveni (9.861 km)
  • A1: Pitești - Sibiu, section 3 Tigveni - Copăceni (37.4 km)
  • A3: Suplacu de Barcău - Borș (3C), section 3C2 between Chiribiș - Biharia (28.55 km)
  • A13: Boița (A1) - Făgăraș, sections 3 and 4 between, Arpașu de Jos (DN1) - Sâmbăta de Sus (DJ105B) (17.61 km), and Sâmbăta de Sus (DJ105B) - Făgăraș (DC67) (16.265 km)

Total: 109.686 km

  • A13: Boița (A1) - Făgăraș, sections 1 and 2 between Boița (A1) - Mârșa (DJ105G) (14.253 km), Mârșa (DJ105G) - Arpașu de Jos (DN1) (19.922 km)
  • A1: Pitești - Sibiu, section 2 between Copăceni - Boița (31.33 km)

Total: 65.505 km

In total, some 800 km of highways and expressways are currently contracted with builder after tenders and appeals, to be built by 2028.

Motorways in Romania

Motorway (A) Route[1] Total length
In service Under
Sign E-roads Name From Via To (km) %
Ring Road
Bucharest Bucharest 100.765 43.23 42.90% 57.535
Intended to serve as an outer ring to the existing Bucharest Ring Road. The first segment awarded for construction was on the Southern half in 2018. Currently, construction contracts for all 7 segments have been signed, with the first section between DN1 and A3 being open to traffic in November 2023.[31]

Transcarpathian Bucharest
PiteștiSibiuDevaLugojTimișoaraArad Nădlac
581.04 456.40 82% 122.10
Bucharest–Pitești (109.66 km), Boița–Holdea (189.05 km), and Margina–Nădlac (163.07 km) sections are operational. Between Boița–Nădlac the only sector left are the tunnels from Holdea–Margina (9.13 km). Between Pitești–Sibiu (122.11 km), the Boița–Sibiu sector was opened at the end of 2022.
Sun Bucharest
FeteștiCernavodă Constanța 202.75 202.75 100%
Operational on the entire length since 2012, the first fully completed motorway in Romania.
Transilvania Bucharest
PloieștiBrașovSighișoaraTârgu MureșCluj-NapocaZalăuOradea Borș
603 203.44 33,70% 97.2 40.98
Bucharest–Ploiești (62.79 km), Râșnov–Brașov (6.30 km), Târgu Mureș–Nădășelu (113 km), Nușfalău - Suplacu de Barcău (13.554 km) and Oradea–Borș (5.35 km) sectors are operational. The exits to DN73 at Cristian (3.56 km) and DN15 at Târgu Mureș (4.70 km), although not part of A3, are built to expressway standards.[32][33] The status of the Făgăraș–Târgu Mureș segment (108.0 km) remains unclear.
Agigea Ovidiu 21.8 21.8 100%
Jijila–Constanța (160 km) and Constanța (Cumpăna)–Vama Veche (50 km) planned as distinct expressway sections.[34][35][36][37]
Vlasia Bucharest
Unclear status, with "A5" initially designated as Sibiu - Brașov (which became part of A13 Sibiu - Răcăciuni) and Ploiești - Albița (which partly would later become A7 Ploiești - Siret)
Southern Lugoj
LugojDrobeta-Turnu SeverinCraiovaAlexandria Bucharest
10.5 2,33% 51.5
Opened only between Lugoj and the junction with A1.[38] Feasibility studies for Bucharest - Alexandria and Filiasi - Dr.Turnu Severin - Dr.Turnu Severin - Lugoj sections have been tendered.[39][40] In March 2024 the government approved the technical-economic indicators for the Craiova-Filiași motorway.[41]
Moldova Dumbrava
BuzăuFocșaniBacăuRomanPașcani Suceava
397.224 16.269 4,09% 318.98 61.97
Only Bacău bypass (16.269 km) is in use. Starts from near Ploiești, Dumbrava, on A3-km 53. First contracts were signed in 2022 (16 km from), with the earliest likely opening in 2024. Contracts for all segments from Ploiești to Pașcani have been tendered or signed, with funding mandating to be fully completed by 2026.[42][43][44] The feasibility study of the Pașcani–Suceava motorway section (61.971 km) was approved in early 2024 and the tender in July.[45][46][47] The Suceava–Siret segments are in planning phases, with the last segment from Milișăuți (near Rădăuți) to Siret possibly being designed as expressway.[48]
Union Târgu Mureș
SovataDitrăuTârgu NeamțPașcaniIași Podu Jijiei
306.766 0 54.312 161.495
East–West motorway between regions of Transylvania and Moldavia is structured in three sections: Târgu Mureș - Ditrău (92.195 km + 2.39 km link), Ditrău - Târgu Neamț (118.912 km) and Târgu Neamț - Podu Jijiei (93.269 km). Each section has four lots, with a total of twelve lots. First two execution contracts signed in 2023 and the beginning of 2024 respectively, with the first openings in 2026. Other segments are in different planning stages. Planned to be completed by 2030.
Banat Izvin
73.3 0 69.16
Intended to link Timișoara with Serbia's motorway network, with possible first tendered construction contracts in 2024.
Mihai Viteazu Sebeș
Alba IuliaAiud Turda
70.00 70.00 100%
Building started in 2013, with initial openings in 2018, operational on the entire length since 2021.
Arad Sign of expressway DEx11 in Romania 3.5 3.5 100%
Only junction with A1 is operational since 2011. Additional tendering planned for 2024.
Carpathia Boița
FăgărașCodlea BrașovSfântu GheorgheOnești Răcăciuni
0 68.05
Intended as a link between southern Transylvania and Moldavia. The first segments of the Sibiu–Brașov section were tendered in 2022, and execution contracts for the Sibiu-Fagaraș section being signed in 2023. The other segments are in planning stages.
Northern Suceava
Vatra DorneiBistrița Dej Baia Mare 335
Feasibility studies for Suceava–Baia Mare (335 km) are in early planning stages, likely to be mostly built as expressways.[49][50][51][52][53][54]
A- Coast Constanța
23 AugustMangalia Vama Veche
0 30.59
The first section that is intended to be built is Constanța (Cumpăna) - 23 August (30.59 km).[55][56][57][58][59]
Total 3527.749 1027.889 29,13% 729.707 415.695

Expressways in Romania


In addition to the expressways listed in the main table above, several other expressways have been planned, but which are unlikely to be completed by 2030.[60]

Expressway (DEx) Route[1] Total length
In service Under
Sign E-roads Name From Via To (km) %
DEx1 Bessarabia Mărășești
BârladVaslui Albița
160 0
Intended as a connection between Bucharest and Chișinău.[61][62][63][29] Around 2010, it was a priority for the government, but has been disfavored towards the A8 project, and unlikely to have built segments in the near future.
Sign of expressway DEx4 in Romania
Sign of expressway DEx4 in Romania
Someș Turda (Petreștii de Jos)
Cluj-NapocaGherla Dej
0 4.957
The first section that is intended to be built is Petreștii de Jos (A3) - Tureni (DN1) which 4.957 km.[64][52]
Sign of expressway DEx6 in Romania
Sign of expressway DEx6 in Romania
Danube Brăila Galați 10.77 0 10.77
Tendered in 2021 with a likely opening date in 2024.
Sign of expressway DEx7 in Romania
Sign of expressway DEx7 in Romania
Bukovina Suceava
55.7 0
Undergoing feasibility studies.
Sign of expressway DEx8 in Romania
Sign of expressway DEx8 in Romania
Dobruja Brăila Tulcea Constanța 187.7 0
Operational on the A4 Constanța bypass (22.20 km). Brăila - Constanța (187.7 km)[65][66][67][68][69]
Sign of expressway DEx11 in Romania
Sign of expressway DEx11 in Romania
Crișana Arad
Chisineu-CrisSalonta Hungary Oradea
120.47 0 120.47
Feb 2024 tendered all DEx11.[70]
Oltenia Oarja
SlatinaBalș Craiova 121.115 71.6 59.11% 49.52
Initially intended to be built as a motorway. The first segment opened in 2022, with the segment Valea Mare–Colonești (71.6 km) currently operational. All the remaining segments are currently under construction.
Horea, Cloșca and Crișan Satu Mare Oar
10.9 0 10.9
Tendered in 2024.
Sign of expressway DEx16 in Romania
Sign of expressway DEx16 in Romania
Sign of expressway DEx11 in Romania
19.0 19.0 100% -
The Oradea Bypass is operational with DEx16 (12.9 km), and DN1Y (6.1 km) still at highway standard, which is a continuation of the DEx16 expressway.
Muntenia Buzău
Făurei Brăila
111.661 0
The triangle with A7 is closed with the Milcovia expressway. Undergoing feasibility studies.
Milcovia Focșani
Brăila 73.524 0 73.524
The triangle with A7 is closed with the Muntenia expressway. Tendered in September 2024.[71]
Vlad Țepeș Găești
Târgoviște Ploiești
76 0
The triangle with A7 is closed with the DX18 Brăila - Tecuci - Focșani expressway, named Milcovia highway. Undergoing feasibility studies.
Valahia Bucharest Ring Road
Târgoviște 62.21 0
Undergoing feasibility studies.
Bistrița Bacău
Piatra Neamț 52.12 0
Undergoing feasibility studies.
Avram Iancu Românași
Jibou 20 0
CNAIR approved the signing of the partnership agreement with the Sălaj County Council for the realization of the technical documentation.
Jiu Filiași
Târgu Jiu 58.597 0 58.597
Undergoing feasibility studies. In March 2024 the government approved the technical-economic indicators for this expressway.[72]
Maramureș Baia Mare
Satu Mare (Bypass) 55 0
The section is in the planning phase.
Mihai Eminescu Suceava
Botoșani 26 0 - - -
The section is in the planning phase.
Pucioasa Fieni 12.687 0 12.687
Tendered in 2024.
Total 1,308.454 90.6 6,92% 65.247 276.178



South of Suceava at 47.592262 N 26.260704 E there is the shortest motorway in the world with a length of 1 meter. However, it cannot be used by traffic, but is a memorial erected by businessman Stefan Mandachi to protest for a rapid expansion of the Romanian motorway network in order to reduce the high number of fatal traffic accidents on Romanian roads. [1]


See also



  1. ^ a b c d 1,114.74 Km (2024-07-31). "Motorway (A) and Expressway (DEx) in use [Rețea în trafic - Autostrăzi și Drumuri Expres]" (PDF). www.cnadnr.ro (in Romanian). Ministry of Transportation - Romania (CNAIR). Retrieved 2024-08-03.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
  2. ^ "Highways in service". www.forum.peundemerg.ro (in Romanian). Peundemerg.ro. Retrieved 21 December 2023.
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