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Piotr I Półkozic

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Piotr (I) of the coat of arms of Półkozice (died around 1239[1]) was bishop of Płock around the years 1232–1239. He was previously a canon of Płock.



He was probably a Płock canon in 1207.[2] Active during the foundation process of the Order of the Dobrzyń brothers. In 1232, he was elected a bishop of Płock by the cathedral chapter, according to Jan Dlugosz half of them[3] supported him. Supported by the prince of Mazovia, Konrad I, with whom he held the office of Vice-Chancellor. Thanks to his support, he received a commission from Pope Gregory IX and probably even in the year of the election he appeared as a bishop.[4] He conducted extensive mediation activities in disputes between Piast princes of the district. He sat on the 6 October 1237 papal commission settling a dispute between the prince of Wrocław, Henry I the Bearded and the prince of Wielkopolska, Władysław Odonic. He witnessed on the divisional document between Mazovia and Kujawy between the older sons of Prince Konrad - Bolesław I and Kazimierz I in 1238.[5] He supported the economic development of his diocese. In 1237 he issued a location privilege for the city of Płock, contributing to its subsequent development. In 1239, on the part of the Masovian dukes, Konrad I and Bolesław I obtained exemption privileges for the Płock Church. He was buried in the cathedral of Płock.


  1. ^ This is how the death of Piotr P. Nitecki, Biskupi Kościoła w Polsce w latach 965–1999. Słownik biograficzny [Bishops of the Church in Poland dates in the years 965-1999. Biographic Dictionary], Warsaw 2000, pp. 345-346, but already in the territorial and chronological index attached to this publication, it is exactly in favor of 1239; T. Żebrowski, Zarys dziejów diecezji płockiej [Outline of the history of the Płock diocese], Płock 1976, pp. 32-33, states that Piotr died exactly in 1239.
  2. ^ T. Żebrowski, Zarys dziejów diecezji płockiej, (Płock, 1976), p.32.
  3. ^ Ioannis Dlugossii Vitae episcoporum Plocensium abbreviatae cum continuatione Laurentii de Wszerecz, wyd. W. Kętrzyński, (w:) Monumenta Poloniae Historica, vol. VI, (Kraków 1893), p.604.
  4. ^ T. Żebrowski, Zarys dziejów diecezji płockiej, (Płock, 1976), p.32.
  5. ^ T. Żebrowski, Zarys dziejów diecezji płockiej, Płock 1976, s. 32 – bez podania roku. Dokument wraz z omówieniem kwestii datacji: Zbiór ogólny przywilejów i spominków mazowieckich, wyd. J.K. Kochanowski, (Warszawa, 1919), p.410-413 (document nr 361).