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Rafig Gasimov

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Rafig Gasimov
Born26 June 1931
CitizenshipSoviet Union and Azerbaijan Republic

Rafiq Yunis-Ali oglu Gasimov (Azerbaijani: Rafiq Yunis-Əli oğlu Qasımov; born June 26, 1931, Yerevan) is an Azerbaijani scientist, professor, and corresponding member of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences.[1][2]



Rafiq Kasimov was born on June 26, 1931, in the city of Yerevan, Armenian SSR. He graduated from the Biological Faculty of Azerbaijan State University. Currently, Rafiq Kasimov serves as the head of the laboratory at the Institute of Physiology named after A.I. Garayev of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. Rafiq Kasimov is a member of the international ichthyological commission and a member of the international sturgeon study group (IUCN/SSG).[3]

Scientific activity


The scientist first explored the possibilities of forming feeding and defensive skills, establishing the timelines for the development and formation of these behavioral skills in early ontogenesis. Rafiq Kasimov identified optimal conditions of temperature, salinity, and illumination for the early developmental stages of four species of Caspian sturgeon (beluga, stellate sturgeon, Russian sturgeon, and Siberian sturgeon). Through the study of the impact of drilling and oil and gas extraction waste on the essential functions of fish, Rafiq Gasimov recommended certain methods for their neutralization. He produced new hybrids of sturgeon and carp. The author has published 243 scientific papers. Under his guidance, 30 candidates and 3 doctors of science have successfully defended their theses.[4][2]

Selected scientific works


His most well-known works are:[2][5]

  • Касимов, Рафик (1980). Сравнительная характеристика поведение дикой и заводской молоди осетровых в раннем онтогенезе. Baku: Elm.
  • Касимов, Рафик (1984). Возрастно-весовой стандарт заводской молоди Каспийских осетровых (совместно с В. И. Лукьяненко, А. А. Кокоза). Volgagrad.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  • Касимов, Рафик (1986). Влияние химических реагентов и бурового шлама на гидробионты и пути снижения его токсичности. Обзорная информация Мин. газ. промыш. СССР.
  • Касимов, Рафик (1987). Эколого-физиологические особенности развития ценных промысловых рыб Азербайджана. Baku: Elm.
  • Касимов, Рафик (2001). Чудесные рыбы Каспия. Baku.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)


  1. ^ "Qasımov Rafiq Yunisəli oğlu" (in Azerbaijani). science.gov.az. 19 September 2021. Archived from the original on 20 September 2021.
  2. ^ a b c Məhyəddinqızı 2017, p. 97-105.
  3. ^ "AMEA-nın müxbir üzvü Rafiq Qasımovun 90 yaşı tamam olur". science.gov.az. 25 June 2021. Retrieved 21 November 2023.
  4. ^ "Rafiq Qasımov" (in Azerbaijani). nkpi.az. 20 September 2021. Archived from the original on 20 September 2021.
  5. ^ "Фундаментальной библиотеки Нижегородского государственного университета им. Н.И. Лобачевского". www.lib.unn.ru. 17 June 2010. Archived from the original on 5 March 2016. Retrieved 21 November 2023.

Works cited

  • Məhyəddinqızı, Şəlalə (2017). Akademik Hüseyn Həsənov. Baku: MM-S müəssisəsi.