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Talk:Adele Kurzweil

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Unclear sentence


I can't work out what this sentence is trying to say: Other than the diary of Anne Frank the suitcases bear elements of the escape respectively the deportation itself in it. Clemens Stockner, could you explain what it means? Schazjmd (talk) 22:16, 15 October 2020 (UTC)[reply]

I changed it a bit and made it more precise. Hope it's clear now. --Clemens (Talk) 08:43, 16 October 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Clemens Stockner, I'm sorry but Other than the diary of Anne Frank that does not imply the experience of violence or even the Holocaust the suitcases contain elements of the escape respectively the deportation itself. is equally incomprehensible. If you could explain here your thinking behind that sentence and what you're trying to convey, I may be able to suggest better wording. Schazjmd (talk) 14:37, 16 October 2020 (UTC)[reply]
If I may chime in: Clemens' original sentence in the German version of this article is "Anders als etwa das Tagebuch der Anne Frank trügen die Koffer als Fundstücke jedoch Elemente der Flucht bzw. der Todestransporte in sich." Clemens is referring to the work by Gstettner at this point, which is more clear in the phrasing of the German sentence ("trügen" is indirect speech). What Gstettner wants to say, I think, is that the suitcases - according to Gstettner - convey more directly some elements of the experience of a refugee and of the deportation than Anne Frank's diary. Maybe use "Unlike" instead of "Other than"...? Gestumblindi (talk) 22:08, 17 October 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Gestumblindi, that is so helpful, thank you! Would the following properly convey the meaning? The contents of Kurzweil's suitcase illustrate the violence of the refugee and deportation experience. ? We could include unlike Anne Frank's diary but I question whether that comparison is needed in the context of this article. Schazjmd (talk) 22:18, 17 October 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Looks fitting to me, and I would agree that the comparison to Anne Frank's diary is not necessary, but I would wait a bit for Clemens' response first. Gestumblindi (talk) 22:23, 17 October 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Clemens hasn't edited in awhile. I'm going to replace the sentence for now, and it can be modified as needed when Clemens returns. Schazjmd (talk) 19:52, 23 October 2020 (UTC)[reply]
fixing Clemens Stockner ping Schazjmd (talk) 19:54, 23 October 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Sorry for not answering for a while. I am just not as active in the English Wikipedia as I am in German. The change is OK for me. --Clemens (Talk) 07:57, 24 October 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks! Schazjmd (talk) 14:48, 24 October 2020 (UTC)[reply]