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Talk:Cattle mutilation/Notices

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I've heavily edited the section on natural causes to make it more scientific and even handed, and I've moved the section about Ruby Brouma to a new section about people critisising the idea of mutilation by natural causes.

If you want to revert any of this, could you please discuss it here first.

Could somebody also please check what I have done for POV, suitability of language, and general spel/gram.

perfectblue 13:00, 23 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]



I've deleted the following as it is a hoax, and will replace it with a brief summary.

An account by Alexander Hamilton of Leroy, Kansas, supposedly occurred about April 19, 1897, and was published in the Yates Center Farmer’s Advocate of April 23. Hamilton, his son, and a tenant witnessed an airship hovering over his cattle pen. Upon closer examination, the witnesses realized that a red "cable" from the airship had lassoed a heifer, but had also become entangled in the pen’s fence. After trying unsuccessfully to free the heifer, Hamilton cut loose a portion of the fence, then "stood in amazement to see the ship, cow and all rise slowly and sail off." (Jacobs, 15) Some have suggested this was the earliest report of cattle mutilation. This was part of a larger wave of so-called mystery airship sightings. (In 1982, however, UFO researcher Jerome Clark debunked this story, and confirmed via interviews and Hamilton's own affidavit that the story was a successful attempt to win a Liar's Club competition to create the most outlandish tall tale). [1]

perfectblue 16:46, 25 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Section Removed


I've removed the following section as it is no longer relevant. The link to earthfile has been removed and included elewhere.

Subsequent cases

Reports continue through recent years, though as noted above, precise numbers are very difficult to determine.

According to a 1997 NIDS report, ranchers in Utah were weighing and tagging calves one morning. They tagged an 87-pound individual, then, less than an hour later, reported that they made a shocking discovery: "In a 45 minute period in daylight, 100 yards from any cover, with the rancher about 200-300 yards away, the calf had most of its body weight removed, including entrails, and appeared to have been placed carefully on the ground with no blood present or near the animal." Report available at this external link; Warning: Contains graphic photos [2] and [3] which also contains extremely graphic material.



I've retitled 'mundane' and 'fringe' to conventional and unconventional (there is nothing mundane about killing cattle).

My intention is that all of the 'regular' things like freaks, pervert and wild animals can be labeled 'conventional', while anything to do with conspiracies, aliens and the supernatural can go under unconventional.

perfectblue 12:30, 31 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]