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Presidential succession

  1. Is either https://www.constituteproject.org/constitution/Zimbabwe_2013.pdf or https://www.zimlii.org/zw/legislation/act/2013/amendment-no-20-constitution-zimbabwe considered a reliable source?
  2. In light of recent developments, I feel that it would be useful to expand the article to include a section on presidential succession. Pages 175 and 149 respectively of the documents at (1) contain Sch 6, par 14 "14. Special provision for election and tenure of first President and appointment of Vice-Presidents"
    1. Sub-paragraph 1. "Notwithstanding section 92, in the first election and any presidential election within ten years after the first election, candidates for election as President do not nominate persons in terms of that section to stand for election as Vice-Presidents."
    2. Sub-paragraph 2. "Without delay the person elected as President in any election referred to in subparagraph (1) must appoint not more than two Vice-Presidents, who hold office at his or her pleasure." - in other words, the President can dismiss the Vice-Presidents.
    3. Sub-paragraph 3. "Where--
      1. a. one Vice-President is appointed in terms of subparagraph (2), that person is the first Vice-President for the purposes of this Constitution;
      2. b. two Vice-Presidents are appointed in terms of subparagraph (2), the President may from time to time nominate one of them to act as President whenever he or she is absent from Zimbabwe or is unable exercise his or her official functions through illness or any other cause."
    4. Sub-paragraph 4. "Notwithstanding section 101 but subject to subparagraphs (5) and (6), if the person elected President in any election referred to in subparagraph (1) dies, resigns or is removed from office--
      1. a. the Vice-President or, where there are two Vice-Presidents, the Vice-President who was last nominated to act in terms of subparagraph (3)(b), acts as President until a new President assumes office in terms of subparagraph (5); and
      2. b. the vacancy in the office of President must be filled by a nominee of the political party which the President represented when he or she stood for election.
    5. Sub-paragraph 5. "A political party which is entitled to nominate a person in terms of subparagraph (4)(b) must notify the Speaker of the nominee's name within ninety days after the vacancy occurred in the office of President, and thereupon the nominee assumes office as President after taking the oath of President in terms of section 94, which oath the nominee must take within forty-eight hours after the Speaker was notified of his or her name."
  3. Pages 51 and 44 respectively of the documents at (1) contain (NB references to Vice-Presidents omitted, as they currently serve at the President's pleasure) 97. "Removal of President ... from office
    1. The Senate and the National Assembly, by a joint resolution passed by at least one-half of their total membership, may resolve that the question whether or not the President ... should be removed from office for—
      1. (a) serious misconduct;
      2. (b) failure to obey, uphold or defend this Constitution;
      3. (c) wilful violation of this Constitution; or
      4. (d) inability to perform the functions of the office because of physical or mental incapacity; should be investigated in terms of this section.
    2. Upon the passing of a resolution in terms of subsection (1), the Committee on Standing Rules and Orders must appoint a joint committee of the Senate and the National Assembly consisting of nine members reflecting the political composition of Parliament, to investigate the removal from office of the President ...
    3. If—
      1. (a) the joint committee appointed in terms of subsection (2) recommends the removal from office of the President ...; and
      2. (b) the Senate and the National Assembly, by a joint resolution passed by at least two-thirds of their total membership, resolve that the President ... should be removed from office; the President ... thereupon ceases to hold office.
  4. External sources
    1. Chifera, Irwin (25 March 2016). "Experts Say Zimbabwe Constitution Can't Address Mugabe Succession". Voice of America Zimbabwe. Retrieved 19 November 2017.
    2. Matyszak, Derek (1 October 2014). "Succession and the new Constitution". New Zimbabwe. Retrieved 19 November 2017.

Alekksandr (talk) 13:11, 19 November 2017 (UTC)[reply]

The first domain https://www.constituteproject.org is a reliable source as it is used in over 200 pages of Constitutions and related pages here on Wikipedia. For the proposed edit If no one object with a better rationale I think you can just do it, and it will be helpful to check some similar pages and see how such passages are quoted.  — Ammarpad (talk) 14:05, 19 November 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Now done. Alekksandr (talk) 17:43, 19 November 2017 (UTC)[reply]
thumbs up Great!  — Ammarpad (talk) 18:08, 19 November 2017 (UTC)[reply]

The ten years are up


Looks like the ten years wait for some of the provisions to come into effect have now elapsed. So what has happened? 2600:1004:B151:9C78:0:1A:F857:101 (talk) 17:16, 15 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]