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Abbir Cella[edit]

There is no sound base to the identification of Germaniciana and Abbir Cella, and archaeologists and epigraphists commonly reject it. See Beschaouch Azzedine. La découverte d' «Abbir Maius » municipe de Caracalla en Afrique proconsulaire (Tunisie). In: Bulletin de la Société Nationale des Antiquaires de France, 1974, 1976. pp. 118-123. https://doi.org/10.3406/bsnaf.1976.8335 : p. 119.

Abbir Cella is safely identified with (not just "has support as") the ruins at Henchir el Naam, s. CIL VIII, no. 814 = 12344.

But the episcopal see of St Cyprian and others, not localized beyond some guesses, has to be separated from it. --Ulysses 2001 (talk) 20:01, 15 January 2021 (UTC)[reply]