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Talk:Guild Wars: Eye of the North

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Added to AfD. Mikkelm 10:34, 6 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Is this another utopia like page? We shouldn't write about every rumor we read. Look what gaile has to say about this: "Just a quick word to let you know that we haven't made any official announcements about Guild Wars in, oh, a couple of months. Sure, there's a little *ahem* info circulating this week. But you guys know the drill: Until we say it, it's not official. I can tell you that some of what you've read is right, some of it is wrong, and quite a bit of it is misleading. Unfortunately, we can't offer a fact check quite yet."--Ofer1992 13:03, 6 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Based on the fact that the domain eyeofthnorth.org has been registered, I think the name is likely. However, all details shown in the article are in question due to the statement from the Community Relations Manager (Gaile Gray) which Ofer1992 quoted. That statement has been posted by her on numberous fansite forums - two of which are here and here. Sadly, I believe that forum postings cannot be used as a verifiable source on Wikipedia (I could be wrong, I didn't research very far) regardless of who the community knows to be behind the postings - although I also question the validity of basing this article on a "news story" posted by an on-line tech tabloid which claims "NCsoft has announced" despite the fact that no such press release has been found to exist. --- Barek (talkcontribs) - 19:19, 6 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]
You are correct: web-based bulletin boards and forums are generally not considered reliable primary or secondary sources. Have ArenaNet formally disclaimed this article on their web-site? That sould be citable as a primary source. Kaustuv Chaudhuri 14:28, 8 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Gaile Gray has said some of the information is true, and some if false. She can't tell us which is wrong or right.-- 03:46, 7 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]
I have a bad feeling about this, but this might be because I realy hate the idea of this expansion thing.--Ofer1992 12:45, 7 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]

NOTE: The above discussion and the AfD took place prior to the release of information that was provided by the game publisher via their media partners. The information was published and received by magazine subscribers the week of March 19th, 2007 (citation links in the article). -- 23:02, 23 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]

I think the article info should include that you need one of the other Guild Wars games in order to play it. I'm not positive about this but I read it in one of the new Guild Wars interviews. I know i read the above quote but still i think it should be included. 03:15, 3 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Maybe you read it on this page? Because it is there. First paragraph. --Aspectacle 06:36, 3 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Written in wrong tense


well this article sounds like the game has not been released yet, which it hasEru illuv 08:07, 3 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]

spoiler tag


How is a basic story line summary that's equivalent to what you would find on any game's box in a store considered a spoiler? In fact, most game boxes at the store tell even more of a story that what's shown here. To me, the spoiler tag in not needed. --- Barek (talkcontribs) - 20:42, 23 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]



As soon as I read the name Guild Wars: Eye of the North, the first thing I thinked about is the obvious refenrence to GWEN. Might that be on purpose? Or just a suspiciously strange coincidence?

It is certain that Gwen will be in GW:EN, and most of the fan community believe the similarities of names is everything but coincidental, but it isn't quite official enough to put in the article.--Per Abrahamsen 05:45, 26 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]
I don't think it's that obvious, GW:EotN is the most normal way to shorten it so I couldn't see it having anything to do with Gwen untill people started pointing it out, and even then, it seemed stupid to me. 14:48, 19 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Turns out Gwen *is* in the game, featured as one of the 10 new Heroes. She is the Mesmer Profession Hero. Saddly, I can't link the source reference from my work PC, but that has been shown in numerous areas. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) 00:17, August 24, 2007 (UTC)
If you take Gwen to the under world, it shows some proof that she is Gwen from presearing (if this wasn't already obvious to you) She and her mother will begin a dialogue, and in which is disputed to show some proof of the link. The guildwars wiki has noted that Gwen is indead the presearing Gwen.

Question about release date


It says the release date is in the 3Q which in the fiscal year is between april 1st to june 30th, my question is why is it so soon from the first announcement(only leaves about 2 months left)? It just seems like it might be later than that. Any ideas?

Unless it specifically states fiscal year, any reference to a quarter should always assume calendar year. Also, I'm not sure where you got your fiscal year information; but from what I see on ncsoft.com, their corporate fiscal year matches the calendar year - so even by that measure their Q3 will equal July to September. --- Barek (talkcontribs) - 20:26, 1 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Ah ty for clearing that up, I thought my info was a bit off.

First and only


I just noticed someone mentioned that this is the "first and only" expansion although I read somewhere else that ArenaNet hasn't ruled out the possibility of another before the release of GW2... although this might be just some fanboi optimism :). Anyone got confirmation that ANet is adamant they won't produce another? --Rambutaan 23:28, 27 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

They've said that it is highly unlikely. However I remember reading somewhere that they have a third, unnamed project going besides GW:EN and Guild Wars 2. --Loogie talk? there is much talk... 14:58, 2 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]
The unnamed project was likely the bonus missions package that they just announced as being available to those who spend over a certain amount on their online store - their website mentions the details, I think you need to buy before some date to qualify to get it free. --Order of the Nameless 21:23, 6 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Information that was released in E3


The E3 video linked all over the fansites has some information that might be too premature to add to the main article, so I am listing them here.

  • Portals to the underground areas will be created by the Asuras. It is unknown how they correspond to the worldwide "earthquake" event mentioned in PC Gamer.
  • The main groups in the game have "respect" values (similar probably to Kurzick/Luxon faction) that are gained by playing minigames.
    • The Norns, being a warrior race, have a minigame where you fight allies and foes from the other guild wars games in single combat. Presumably the opponent list will not include the big baddies such as Shiro or Glint, who I doubt can be taken down by a single player. In the preview it seemed that the player would be able to design his own skillbar, but I am doubtful if this will be the case in the end because Mesmers and Necros will obviously dominate otherwise. I hope it won't be as lame as the Doppelganger.
    • The Asuras' minigame is called Polymock and involves selecting one of three different creatures and then battling as that creature using a creature-specific skillbar. The presenter claimed that this was similar to the Pokemon games.
  • Each "level" in the multilevel dungeons has a final "boss". They are not (necessarily?) bosses in the traditional GW sense, but rather bosses in the Sorrows Furnace iron giant sense.
  • The graphics in the game will be given a do-over, with better textures and particle effects. There was an excellent example of a burning forest with large areas of fire--far more dynamic than any environmental feature we have seen in the game so far.
  • The Eye of the North is a specific location in the game. Apparently it is the largest in-game structure that ArenaNet has built. It will serve as the base of operations for the players and many (most?) of the quests in the game will begin here.
  • The Hall of Monuments, accessed from the Eye of the North, will have five categories of listings: titles, elite armors, high level weapons, heroes and minipets. Each entry will unlock a specific feature in Guild Wars 2 that will not be obtainable any other way. The presentation of items in the Hall of Monuments will be in the form of "pillars". Each character will have an individual instance (created when they enter?), but they will be able to "invite" friends.
  • Some of the monsters will be/spawn jellies.
  • The Asuras built giant automatons for defense. These will eventually be controlled in some fashion by the players.

I'm sure there will be more information released at PAX. On that note, I don't know if we should add that the pre-release pack has a release date of July 20; it might be too much detail and could be construed as hyping a product. Eric Sandholm 23:54, 14 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Most of the E3 information is just confirming what has mostly already been released, with a few extra tidbits here and there. I think you'll find a lot more information will be released at PAX, since their community relations manager has stated that with the downscaling of E3, PAX will be the sort of focus event for Eye of the North information. --Loogie talk? there is much talk... 21:01, 15 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]
The above are some points that either weren't in PC Gamer or were stated in a very confused fashion. It's true that some of them (Polymock, etc.) were announced earlier in some interviews at game sites, but I we don't think we have anything solid to source. Incidentally, ArenaNet's CR manager is not the most reliable person. Eric Sandholm 22:47, 15 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Reputation Points


The Minigames section contains something about reputation points.
This is part of the game's mechanisms, therefore non-players won't know what is meant by this. I'm propose removal.
Secondly, the part about Polymock says you will receive a Mirage Iboga Polymock Piece after beating how.
(What is a Mirage Iboga?). This is part of an in-game quest. Should ne removed as well. -- (talk) 12:16, 6 April 2009 (UTC)[reply]



I've cleaned up some of the tense problems, trying to change everything to present tense (as appropriate). I also went thru the Plot Summary page and removed the citations that were basically just in-game quotes. I added a description that the "factions" referred to numerous times throughout the article are the Norn, the Asura, the Dwarves, and the Vanguard. Finally, I removed the word "Deldrimor" from the plot summary and replaced it with "allied", as I think adding yet another in-game faction name just unnecessarily complicates the article more. (talk) 06:55, 11 February 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Sylvari Introduced


I hope I'm doing the edit thing right. This article says that the Sylvari were introduced in GW:EN, but they were not. The Sylvari are tree-people who were all born ten years before the events of Guild Wars 2 and were a pleasant surprise for unwitting players when they were revealed for GW2. I guess it should probably be removed, but I have no idea how to do that/don't want to do it improperly. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 17:22, 27 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]

The Deep and Urgoz's Warren


The article mentions The Deep and Urgoz's Warren as dungeons in the Guild Wars: Factions campaign. This is incorrect. The Deep and Urgoz's Warren are both classified as Elite Missions, not Dungeons. While it may seem pedantic to nit-pick the differences, I assure you, it is not. The biggest difference between a dungeon and a mission is that if you party wipe (every member of your party dies) within a mission, you have to start over from the beginning. If you party wipe within a dungeon, you are resurrected a short while later with your progress saved. All this is to say: I'm removing the reference to Urgoz's Warren and The Deep as Dungeons. (talk) 00:52, 5 June 2020 (UTC)[reply]

After much thought, even though the terminology does not jive, the sentiment does. I do believe Urgoz and The Deep need an honorable mention, even if under false terminology. They are, if nothing else, the "dungeons" of Factions. They are difficult, and they are elite, and they are, more or less, end game. These are the ONLY two zones within the entirety of Guild Wars that are 12 man, if that speaks as to their difficulty. I am reverting my original edit because semantics are less important than sentiment. (talk)