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Talk:Hello Saferide

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Is the info about Hello Saferide, Annika Norlin och Säkert! really meant to belong in the same article? —Preceding unsigned comment added by Kaddkaka (talkcontribs) 22:06, 21 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]



Ok, once again: in this context, the name "Säkert!" means a sarcastic "Sure!" or "Yeah Right!". Quoting the Swedish wikipedia:

Hennes svenska projektnamn, Säkert!, är enligt henne själv en översättning av östersundsmålets "läju" (lär ju)[2], som är en lokal variant av det sarkastiska "eller hur?!" (på engelska sure), eller helt enkelt "säkert" som svar på ett överdrivet eller direkt lögnaktigt påstående. Det har alltså inte, som man skulle kunna tro, något med safe som i Saferide att göra.

where [2] points to Norlin's Säkert! FAQ:


in which she mentions that original title was the dialectical word "läju", which she illustrates as follows:

  • Person 1. - Jonas Pettersson picked me up in his EPA tractor and we watched Dirty Dancing five times in a row.
  • Person 2. - Läju!

but she later decided to use the swedish translation instead, since nobody outside her native Jämtland had ever used "läju" for anything. Ta dam! —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 13:46, 3 February 2008 (UTC)[reply]

The name Hello saferide


I remember hearing on the radio, or possibly reading, a more elaborate story about what the name came from. Something about the school buses being called Hello Saferide in the american town where Annika was an exchange-student or something like that. Maybe someone ambitious can look it up and add it :) (talk) 16:47, 27 January 2011 (UTC)[reply]

She talked about it in her Sommar i P1 session. I think it was a carriage service you could call if you were stuck drunk on town and needed a ride home. -- Henriok (talk) 22:50, 15 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]