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@Dominiks1970:, the quoted source ([1]) says g Q1a2- M25 is very rare in Europe, where it has highest frequency among Seklers (a Hungarian speaking ethnic group in Transylvania) according to Family Tree DNA database..--Ermenrich (talk) 14:44, 29 January 2023 (UTC)f

Endre Neparáczki and his colegues are not real scientist, they do not follow scientific methode, they strictly serve and execute political orders of the government. As a teenager he already decided that he will prove that the debunked and widely refuted medieval myths and tales represent the only historic truth, and the scholars were all wrong.. And accordingly, they serve this political agenda. For example, they group of that scientists "Magyarságkutató Intézet" were created against the Hungarian Academy of sciences. The researchers of "Magyarságkutató intézet" had low rank in scientific hierarhy. They consider academic scientists and scholars as anti-Hungarians and liberal/communists
HEre you can read five articles about that institution: "Magyarságkutató Intézet" https://hungarianspectrum.org/tag/magyarsagkutato-intezet/ Dominiks1970 (talk) 17:14, 29 January 2023 (UTC)
I don't see any connection between that link and the author of the study. I have my own questions about its findings, but it's a reliable source as far as anyone has established here.--14:30, 30 January 2023 (UTC)
Magyarságkutató Intézet which is the institution of these publications. The above cited five articles are about that institution. Here is the homepage of the institution. Main page: https://mki.gov.hu/en/ or read this: https://mki.gov.hu/en/hirek-en/minden-hir-en/a-hunyadiak-eredete-en

--Dominiks1970 (talk) 17:31, 30 January 2023 (UTC)

@Krakkos and Austronesier:, you both deal a lot with genetics, do either of you have an opinion on this?--Ermenrich (talk) 17:53, 30 January 2023 (UTC)
@Ermenrich: The statement in Neparáczki et al. (2019) looks indeed a bit cherry-picked. AFAICT from other sources, the haplogroup is also found with much higher frequency in present-day Central Asian populations, so it may just be evidence of a wider C. Asian connection. Why the occurrence of the haplogroup among Okunevo and Karasuk individuals should support a Hunnic origin is also not clear to me. –Austronesier (talk) 21:12, 31 January 2023 (UTC)
Austronesier, that's actually sort of been my problem with the entire study - it's stretching evidence that Hungarians have steppe connections, which no one doubts, to argue that they have Hun/Xiongnu connections. Still, in previous discussions no one has been able to find fault with it... @AndrewLancaster:, I understand you're also knowledgeable on this subject, what do you think about it (and the genetics section as a whole perhaps)?--Ermenrich (talk) 21:50, 31 January 2023 (UTC)
Pinging again, with a space inbetween: @Andrew Lancaster:Austronesier (talk) 22:06, 31 January 2023 (UTC)
Guys, have you recognized the political connections and pressure of these "scientists" at the "Magyarságkutató intézet" in the cited 5 articles of Hungarian Spectrum? Dominiks1970 (talk) 12:17, 1 February 2023 (UTC)

@Ermenrich: I am not familiar with this case, but maybe these remarks help:

  • Haplogroup Q-M242 is indeed unusual in Europe and more common far to the east, at least in modern populations. OTOH there can be big differences between modern and ancient frequencies and perhaps more importantly (because it clashes with "common sense" high frequency in a modern area does NOT normally correspond with point of origin.
  • 3 Y chromosomes is not a good data set. It is not only small, but it is also the wrong technology for trying to establish ancestry. Every Y chromosome is a toss of the dice because they are inherited unmixed. If you find out you are Q-M242 what does it mean for you personally, as one person? Not much. Every autosomal test effectively looks at a wide range of ancestors. Probably they've used this test because it is what they had access to. Maybe Ancestry.com should start offering tests to eastern European archaeologists!--Andrew Lancaster (talk) 13:06, 1 February 2023 (UTC)

Y DNA is an old backward technology, it is not suitable to determine personal ancestry, neither suitable for the understanding of the relationship or ancestry of populations, even if you have large sample, it is just simply useless. Y DNA is fantastic, if you want to examine movement of ancient populations, but nothing more. In the era of modern autosomal and full genom researches, the backward Y DNA technology is similar stupidity, as sombody want to build an airplane with steam-engine in the era of modern jet propulsion! Let's don't forget, with Autosomal and full genom researches, you can compute/determine genetic distances of persons and whole populations and put them to PCA maps--Dominiks1970 (talk) 13:44, 1 February 2023 (UTC)

Andrew Lancaster, do you have an opinion on the use of any of the other genetics articles here? This one is actually by some of the same authors [2]. Is there a way we can make the presentation accord with the fact that the evidence is actually pretty sparse in some cases? A lot of them use only a few samples and Y-DNA. The exceptions seem to be [3] and [4]--Ermenrich (talk) 13:53, 1 February 2023 (UTC)
@Ermenrich: I hope no-one minds if I slip a short answer in here, using a big indent to show that I am typing after the mass of material below. This is an old problem on Wikipedia and difficult to find a simple solution. In theory we are not supposed to be reporting every lab result, but only information which has been processed and widely accepted by experts who have then proceeded to comment on them. In effect Wikipedia has however collected Masses of results come quickly from smaller labs. It is sometimes difficult to tell how seriously we should take them, but obviously if we leave it up to Wikipedians to decide which reports to exclude then editors will suspect each other of bias and no doubt they will often be right. (Just banning the whole topic seems impossible of course, because this is a genuinely important field.) In practice I and others have argued that for small reports, even if they come from a proper academic lab, we should still usually try to limit ourselves to the dry data. Strong interpretations of data should come from authors, teams or articles who are highly cited. Even then there are often problems. Population geneticists seem to feel forced to write conclusions about issues they are often ill-equipped to write about, such as language families and archaeology.--Andrew Lancaster (talk) 12:21, 4 February 2023 (UTC)
Andrew, the biggest problem is that: this institution "Magyarságkutató Intézet" and its scientists serve strict political expectations. See: https://hungarianspectrum.org/tag/magyarsagkutato-intezet/ Dominiks1970 (talk) 15:04, 1 February 2023 (UTC)
@Ermenrich I had a read at the talk page while waiting a reply in a other section, and I have this article on my watch list.
I noticed that you removed a "However" from the article, which anticipated some statements contrasting with what previously said, saying (in edit summary) that "someone seems to be making an argument about the nature of the Huns".
OTOH in this section, you seem to start an argument against the authors of the research(es) proposing to "make the presentation accord with the fact that the evidence is actually pretty sparse in some cases".
While the "however" in the article seem logical to me (the reaserches are presented in chronological order, and the late 2020 research conclusion contrasts with the previous one (early 2020), I don't understand why you now attempt to make an argument against the researchers to promote your own idea, when you just preached against such behavior? Why do you want to make the presentation accord with the "fact" the evidence is scarce? What does it even mean? Are you saying we should criticize the authors of the researches or their methods so your idea about the origin (or non origin) of the Huns can be promoted?
@Dominiks1970 You seem knowledgeable about this Hungarian study, and if these researchers are indeed politically motivated I agree the connection with Szekelys in article should be discussed. But keep in mind that some researchers could be politically motivated to make certain researches (on certain topics), and even hope for certain conclusions, but if they can legitimally prove their point, their conclusion is not to be discarded just because of their inspiration.
I don't know much about genetics, but, if I remember correctly Y chromosome is the one passed down from father to son. For some cultures the paternal descent is extremely important (Islam). In the Occident, surnames are inherited from the father, too. So many people would consider that alone the actual meaning of ancestry. Mark. PaloAlto (talk) 15:33, 2 February 2023 (UTC)
I'm sorry, what? Including "however" in this context is not neutral. It reads as an attempt to dismiss the findings of the first study and promote the findings of the second.--Ermenrich (talk) 15:40, 2 February 2023 (UTC)
It sounds normal to me. Reading the article I don't even think whether it is neutral or not. It is just not a problem for a reader. Next statement is in disagreement with previous one, so I use "however".
OTOH if I thought the article must not be neutral and/or I had some specific concept about the Huns or their origin, I may fantasize that that adverb is malicious.
Let's see what the other editors have to say about this adverb.
Anyway, that was not the main point... Mark. PaloAlto (talk) 15:48, 2 February 2023 (UTC)
@Ermenrich You also changed "lack of Xiongnu samples with "scarcity of Hunnic samples", without giving a reason.
Was it just confusion or what? Did you read the research? Mark. PaloAlto (talk) 15:39, 2 February 2023 (UTC)
Székely is not a real separate ethnic group according to modern studies, but rather they are historic social group.
The Székelys speak the Hungarian language "without any trace of a Turkic substratum", indicating that they did not have a language shift during their history, according to scholars, who propose that the Székelys were descended from privileged Hungarian groups. Most place names in Székely Land are of Hungarian origin, showing that the Székelys spoke Hungarian when they settled in the region. The three main Hungarian dialects of Székely Land are closely connected to the Hungarian variants spoken along the western and southwestern borders of the medieval Kingdom of Hungary. The dialect of the Székelys of Marosszék is similar to the dialects spoken by the Hungarian communities near Pressburg (now Bratislava in Slovakia) and in southern Burgenland. The Hungarian variant of Udvarhelyszék is closely related to the tongue of the Hungarians in Baranya County and Slavonia. The easternmost Székely communities' dialect is connected to the Hungarian variant of Burgenland.
Other important social phenomenon supports the social group thesis. If Székely men moved to the cities or towns in Székelyland, they lost their Székely social status and identity immediately, moreover the new townsmen and the Székely villagers considered each other as extraneous. It also confirms that Székelys considered themselves as a special Hungarian social group rather than a real separate ethnic group in the medieval and early modern period. A very similar social phenomenon and a new strong local identity emerged in Hajdúság region of Hungary in the early modern period, when the Hajdú soldiers got feudal privileges and own territory from prince Stephen Bocskai. Dominiks1970 (talk) 17:51, 2 February 2023 (UTC)
@Dominiks1970 Thanks for the interesting information. So the Szekelys looks to be the same as Hungarian.
The fact Hungarians and Szekelys would bed the same does not exclude Hun/Xiongnu ancestry though as the Magyars as a whole could have such ancestry.
You say that they speak Hungarian without Turkish substratum. This however doesn't exclude a Hun or Xiongnu origin. We don't know the language of the Xiongnu and Huns. Crazy thought: suppose they spoke Magyar. Their language was preserved by the Szekelys, while that of the other Xiongnu became Turkish due to later Gokturk influence. Or, more likely, they Szekelys could have shed the Hun/Xiongnu language and adopted the Magyar language in the intervening centuries between the end of Huns and Magyar conquest. Szekely might not have a Turkish substratum but I am pretty sure it has a Slavic substratum. They could have adopted Magyar just like the Avars or some other Balkanic people adopted Slavic, as a lingua franca.
About your previous reply: what concerns me the most is this: "Endre Neparáczki and his colegues are not real scientist, they do not follow scientific methode". I have not looked at the source and don't know the authors, so I wonder what do you mean by this.
If the genetic tests were executed well and aren't compromised, I think that the gathered evidence might still be valuable, no matter the political affiliation of the researchers. However, if their political position is extreme and has been considerably criticized, we might consider mentioning it in the article. Mark. PaloAlto (talk) 18:39, 2 February 2023 (UTC)
He work and follow pre-conceptions. I can give you the link of the PHD thesys of Neparáczki, long before he made his first "researches". He has turanist views. See the Hungarian Turanism article. https://doktori.bibl.u-szeged.hu/id/eprint/3794/1/Neparaczki_PhD.pdf
PAGE 68 support the pre-conception long before his researches:
"Our data is also supported by historical sources, and based on our data, there are many so far the authenticity of a historical source with doubtful credibility can be verified. Thus, for example, medieval Hungarian according to chronicles, the ancestral home of the "occupying" Hungarians is Asia, who are in a fraternal-descent relationship they stood with the Huns. Our chronicles report on the second arrival of the Hungarians instead of the conquest in (Vienna Capable Chronicle). ARC. In László's court, Simon Kézai records that in 1282 a Hungarian clan heads consider themselves to be of Hun origin. The Hungarian folk tradition (say, folktale) also preserved the Hun-Hungarian sense of identity, in addition to the Mongolian, Kazakh, Turkish tradition also holds that the Hungarians are descendants of the Huns and a people related to them, who They came from Inner Asia. Always before the arrival of our ancestors from Inner Asia to the Carpathian Basin they moved in the field of view of great cultural peoples, thanks to which many traces of them appeared between Chinese, Tibetan, Mongolian, Muslim, and Greek written sources, which are the Hun and Onogur (Hungarian) they report on the identity of a people (Thúry, 1897). Based on the genetic results, Árpád's people remained on the Eastern European steppe or thereabouts could have been a branch of the retreating Huns. It follows that folk traditions and chronicles are based on real facts, their data must be taken seriously. So most likely a "second arrival" is also based on real foundations, that is, the Hungarian ethnogenesis from here on is not can be narrowed down to the "occupiers", but should be extended to at least the European Hun era."
He search proofs and interpret everything in genetics to support folk tales and legends, and to support his pre-conceptions.

Such tales myth like that (please do not laugh) : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hunor_and_Magor from that medieval Gesta: Gesta Hungarorum, which contradicts the historiography of all more ancient Byzantine Frank-German Kievan and Polish chronicles and sources .

Dominiks1970 (talk) 20:18, 2 February 2023 (UTC)

Thanks for the link and your translation. I don't understand Hungarian but I believe you. So this researcher seems to have some pretty strong beliefs.
So, he would not follow the scientific method because he doesn't reason inductively, but already has the answer and looks for evidence to back his strong views, I suppose.
What I ask is: if his studies were conducted legitimately, and if they indeed show some evidence of a Szekely-Hun relation, should we consider publishing them in spite of the researcher's background and personal beliefs? I believe yes
So, provided everything is legitimate, we need to determine whether there is indeed such evidence. I get the point of @Austronesier (I think). However, if Q1a2 was indeed find among the Szekelys it must mean something, as, beside the Hungarians (if they indeed aren't the Huns) among Central Asians only the Avars and Huns populated those (Magyar/Transylvanian) lands in great numbers (excluding the brief invasion by Mongols, who did not settle), and possibly some Cumans. Were Q1a2 Avar, we should have it at higher level among Slovaks and Czechs and general Hungarians. However, the source apparently states it is rare in Europe. Mark. PaloAlto (talk) 20:52, 2 February 2023 (UTC)
Hi Ermenrich, Erminwin, Krakkos, Austronesier, Mark. PaloAlto, Andrew Lancaster, Norden1990, Gyalu22!
I see Dominiks1970 is a new registered user who has rather a personal or political problem with Hungarian scholars. He wrote: "Endre Neparáczki and his colegues are not real scientist, they do not follow scientific methode" I think we are not genetic scholars here in the Wikipedia to decide this, I think Dominiks1970 is also not a scholar. I think this is not our problem if he does not like some genetic results, and genetic is a science, a math.
Many genetic studies were made by the Institute of Hungarian Research (Neparáczky is the director of the archeogenetic research branch), were published in very high ranked scientific journals, like Helyon.
Heliyon is a very prestigious Q1 ranked journal, a top ranked scientific journal where only 17% of the articles are accepted.
If Neparáczky and many other scholars who are participating in these studies would be not a real scholars, then why do top scientific journals accept their scientific works?
These analized genomes by the Institute of Hungarian Research (Hunyadi family, Hungarian kings, 265 ancient genomes from Huns, Avars, old Hungarians...) were uploaded and to international database, these samples were aproved, for example mytrueancestry uses this data instantly. It is not surprising, because I am Hungarian, for example I can see many genomes matches with these uploaded old locally samples, however I did my personal test with a foreign 3rd party genetic company, which proves the genetic data are correct. (I mean as a Hungarian person, I uploaded my genetic profile anomyously and the website does not show me Chinese, Japanese or African genom matches, but a lot of local Carpathian Basin sample matches, which was expected.)
Why do genetic sites aprove the genetic studies of Neparáczky team if he is not a real scholar?
Also there are many cooperation with other countries, for example regarding the Hunyadi genetic:
Researchers from the Institute of Hungarian Research, the University of Szeged, the University of Pécs, the Hungarian Institute of Justice, researchers from the Croatian Ministry of Culture and Media, and a researcher from Atlanta's Praxis Genomics LLC participated in the research.
This is also very big genetic study with lot of scholars regarding Huns, Avars, Hungarians by the same Institute of Hungarian Research:
Other similar studies published by the same Institute of Hungarian Research:
This book was published by the Institute of Hungarian Research regarding the genetic studies where explain the researches:
I suggest to read 3 chapters from these academic scholars: Makoldi Miklós, Neparáczki Endre, Török Tibor
Similar genetic studies by other scholars from many other countries, these foreing scholars are usually refering to the studies of Neparáczky, and the Hungarian studies also usually refering to other foreign studies:
It seems for me it is just a personal harrasment from Dominiks1970 who say that those people "are not real scientist, they do not follow scientific methode" If Neparáczky and many other scholars who are participating in these studies would be not a real scholars, then why top scientific journals accept their works? Morover I see many similar genetic studies from French, German, etc scholars who are refering to the genetisc studies of Neparáczki, why if Neparáczky would be not a real scholar?
Dominiks1970 says that "Neparáczky is turanist", the Hun-Hungarian things are "laughable folk tales and legends, and pre-conceptions". It is fact and not a preconception that the Hungarian-Hun connection and tradition was the standard in all Hungarian literature and also in non-Hungarian literatures before the Finno-Ugric theory became the mainstream theory at the end of the 19th century.
Probably he does not like if a modern science does not support a theory which is based only a language. Because Finno-Ugric theory is just a theory, it was always a lot of Hungarian scholars who does not accept it, which proves that Dominiks1970 has a political motivation (as he emphasized many times) that he does not like to show results which support other theories. The Finno-Ugric theory started as a language theory then it became the theory of the origin of the Hungarians. The problem with this theory: For example, the Afro-Americans are speaking English, but they did not originate from England. For example, I think we cannot determine the origin history of an Afro-American person in New York from the English language. For example, the Avars, the Pechenegs, or Cumans also became Hungarians in the Carpathian Basin, they speak a “Finno-Ugric” language, but their origin cannot be “Finno-Ugric”.
The Finno-Ugric theory, this linguistic theory, this origin of the Hungarian people theory, today it has shrunk to a third, there is no longer a theory of origin, there is no longer a common cultural landscape. For example, Hungarians have a golden deer or a miracle deer cult (like Scythians and Huns), a flying táltos horse that eats ember (the táltos is a figure in Hungarian mythology, a person with supernatural power). The northern Finnish and Uralic folks have a bear cult. The Hungarians used blood oaths like the Scythians, the Hungarians were horse archer warriors and used the same weapons as the Huns, Avars, and Scythians, while the Finnish and Uralic folks did not.
Today the Finno-Ugric origin dogma is over. Nowadays in Hungary, there is a paradigm shift in Hungarian prehistory. In the 1960–80s, the framework of the prehistory research was based on Finno-Ugric linguistics. Nowadays Hungarian prehistory is based on a new methodology: archeology, archaeogenetics, analyzing the old sources, and reconciliation of the researches of academic disciplines. In the previous decades, based on the Finno-Ugric dogma, the Hungarians researchers investigated only the Ural region and neglected the other areas, but nowadays Hungarians scholars started again to explore other regions regarding the origin of Hungarians, such as Scythian regions, the Caucasus region, excavation of Hun cemeteries in Mongolia with collaboration and sharing knowledge with foreign scholars. Doubtless, in the previous decades, Hungarian scholars who researched the Finno-Ugric theory, language things, archeology, etc made many useful types of researches, which can be used in a different way regarding the latest modern genetic researches. According to the recent researches, the Ural region was just a short dwelling place.
However the Finno-Ugric theory has also useful materials, that a Scythian folk, the Mansi which used horse burials even in the 19th century, the Mansi moved to the north to the forested regions from the steppe zone in the Iron Age, they could give words to north, then these words were taken by the local fisher and hunter folks. The Finno-Ugric peoples lived in the north, there are possible connection with the Scythian peoples who lived southward, but the culture came from the south to the north and not inverse, so if the Finnish language has some similar words, it means the Finno-Ugric peoples was taken words from the Scythians in the past.
By the way I do not know what does mean "turanist", but Neparáczky just explained what was the standard in the past, why would be this a preconception to explain what was the standard history in the past? Dominiks1970 says that only Hungarian folk tales say about the Huns, however this is also not true, I know and I able to present a lot of amount of medieval foreign sources (German, Italian, Byzantine...) who are clearly say the Hungarians are Huns, Avars, and Scythians. Even the English name of Hungarians is "Hun-garian".
Just 1 example: Anglo-Saxon cotton map from 1040, in the territory of the Kingom of Hungary named: "Hunnorum gens" (Hun race)
Dominiks1970 literally say that everybody was silly in the past before the 19th century, because he has personal problem with some genetic studies.
By the way this Hun-Hungarian conncetion is very complicated. Summarizing these studies:
And many above linked genetic studies suggest the Huns emerged from the Asian Scythians: Scythian tribes moved east, archeologists found a lot of blonde mummies in the Tarim Basin in Eastern China. The Asian Scythians played a key role in the formation of the Asian Hun Empire. The predominantly European-looking Asian Scythians merged with the local population in East Asia and southern Siberia, followed by other European Sarmatians during the Xiongnu period, later Alan elements. The Asian Hun Empire had a civil war and the losing Xiongnu tribes belonged largely to the Europid anthropological type who were displaced to Central Asia in the first century. Expanding to the west they integrated the related Sarmatian tribes and mixed with Sakas, and then they suddenly emerged as European Huns. Genetic continuity is detected between Xiongnus and European Huns.
According to these genetic researches, the Hungarian conquerors had many genomes from the Huns, the Hun cultural impact could be more significant. The proto-Hungarians and Huns admixed around 300, later the old Hungarians integrated more additional Hun remains on their way through the steppe zone. This means there were original Huns among the Hungarian conquerors who represented the population of the former Hun Empire. The genetic studies proved the Hun, the Avar, and the Hungarian populations were present during the centuries together in that huge steppe zone, and genetic continuity was detected between them.
A significant part of the Hungarian conqueror elite completely lacked the "proto-Ugric" heritage, instead showing themselves to be of Hun or Avar descent, with varying degrees of Iranian (Alan) and local admixture.
The horses were domesticated in the Eurasian Steppes. The domestication of horses got a huge impact on the development of human civilization. It was a continuous movement of the horse archer nations between the west and the east in the past. The western end of the Eurasian steppe zone is the Carpathian Basin, and the eastern end is the Ordos region. The Scythian nations moved east to conquer the eastern regions, they controlled the full steppe area. This 8000 km long area was the ancient homeland of the horse archer Scythian folks, they were a tribal confederation, and the Hungarian tribes were among them. According to modern genetic studies, the old Hungarians was less homogeneous group than today's Hungarians in the conquering Hungarian period. The blood oath was a Scythian tradition and many tribes together became a new nation through this custom. The vast majority of old Hungarians were Europids. Even a lot of Hungarian conquerors had blue eyes, light brown, red, and blonde hair. The name of the tribal confederation always came from the name of the strongest leading tribe, who was raised on the shield, who was the elected leader among them. The Huns were also not only Huns. In Hungary, there are Iazyges, Palócs, Székelys... in the Carpathian Basin, but it is called "Magyar-country" in the Hungarian language because Árpád was raised on the shield from the Megyer tribe, and this tribe and he was the elected leader. But it was more tribes always in the Carpathian Basin. But there were many comebacks in many waves such as the Huns, the Avars, the Hungarians. The Carpathian Basin had constantly a base population and according to the latest archaeogenetics results, this base population had a relationship with the returning nations.
Archaeogenetics study by French academics, Tamir Ulaan Khoshuu, Asian Hun cemetery in Asia:
Xiongnu Y-DNA connects Huns & Avars to Scytho-Siberians | Indo-European.eu
The study is confirming the presence of Andronovo or Scytho-Siberian ancestry in the Asian Huns. Moreover, these haplotypes also matched those of ancient Hungarian rulers, which indicate the persistence of some Asian Hun paternal lineages in the gene pool of early Hungarian conquerors. Close matches were also found with Scytho-Siberians. The database search also revealed a shared haplotype between a Hun person in the cemetry and King Béla III of Hungary (1172–1196), one of the most significant rulers of the first Hungarian dynasty as well as a matching haplotype between an another Asian Hun person in the cemetry and another male individual found in the Royal Basilica in Hungary where King Béla III was buried. More Asian Hun individuals also carried haplotypes similar to those carried by the 10th century Hungarian conquerors and by 7–8th century Avar individuals. The genetic study suggests that some modern subclades, those related to Avars or Hungarian Conquerors became first integrated among Scythians. The Eurasian R1a subclades R1a1a1b2a-Z94 and R1a1a1b2a2-Z2124 were a common element of the Hun, Avar and Hungarian conqueror elite and belonged to the branch that was observed in Asian Hun samples. Moreover, similar haplogroups were also major components of these groups, reinforcing the view that Huns, Avars and Hungarian conquerors derive from the Asian Huns as was proposed until the 18th century and declared in medieval documents.
My personal story:
I am in Europe, for example 6 family members of me did a personal genetic test with 23andme in anonymous way in different time and the results showed that we are close relatives, because this is simple math, the website connected my father and my mother together with me that I have their child, and the website connected to us 2 of my well knows cousins who are living in the USA who are made the same test with the same company, which means the genetics is not a false science. Then I uploaded my result to mytrueancestry. Many Hungarians are making personal genetic tests and the majority of Hungarians have similar results as I saw many. According to these genetic tests, there are 3 main components in the today's Hungarian genetic: the Hungarians have a vast amount of shared genomes with local ancient Stone Age and Bronze age samples from the Carpathian Basin which was the western part of the Scythian civilization and where later the Hungarian state was established around 900. Hungarians also have a big Scythian impact on their genetics from the Scythians and from Scythian folks (Sakas, Sarmatians, Huns, Avars, Hungarian tribes of Árpád). And of course, Hungarians have Germanic and Slavic genetic impacts. For example I can see mostly local Carpathian Basin and Scythian samples from the whole Eurasian Steppe in my genetic map, I have also many Asian Scythian sample matches from the Iron Age (Pazyryk Scythian, Sauromatian, Saka Scythian...)
If you see mytrueancestry then you will see selecting modern nations that the Hungarian genetic is most close to the Scythians among the ancient nations which was claimed in that "laughable medieval folk tales" and a lot of foreign sources.
OrionNimrod (talk) 11:01, 3 February 2023 (UTC)
WP:NOR. We are not here to share our thoughts and assumptions about scholars, theories, peoples. Nevertheless, it is really interesting that peoples in our region are obssessed with their alleged relationship with obscure short-living fallen "empires" - the Romanians with Dacia, the Slovaks with "Great" Moravia, and the Hungarians with the Huns. Borsoka (talk) 14:52, 3 February 2023 (UTC)
Hi Borsoka, That is why I linked here above many scientific genetic studies regarding the ancient steppe folks because that is not WP:NOR. Did you see these genetic links above? I shared that links, because a new registered user said that those sourced studies made by "not real scholars..." which is his personal opinion. You are Hungarian, you know well the Hungarian history, you know well this Hun-Scythian thing is more than 1000 years obsession, you know well Hungarians were always all the time obsessed with the Huns (all medieval Hungarian literature, and still many things even after the 19th century Finno-Ugric theory, today's Hungarian national hymn mention the Huns, Attila painting in the Hungarian parliament...), morover a lot of foreign medieval sources from many countries much eralier than the medieval Hungarian documents wrote the same that the Hungarians had Hun connection. Romanian, and Slovak obsessions are quite new comparing this. Anyway genetic is science, and we are not here to deny their results, which made by many academic scholars from many countries. If there are more academic theories, we can present all. OrionNimrod (talk) 15:08, 3 February 2023 (UTC)
I agree with @OrionNimrod@OrionNimrod here. He was just replying to another user by showing why, in his opinion, the criticized researcher is reliable. And he added sources too. Also, I thought Wp:nor was for articles and not talk pages.
Thanks Orion Nimrod for your long and detailed reply.
I have to say that, regardless of the actual origin of the Magyar/Szekelys, there is no doubt that all Hungarians descent from the Huns. In fact, I am pretty sure all Europeans descent from the Huns. Consider that they say half Europeans descend from Charlemagne, and about 20 milion people from Genghis Khan. These are singles individuals who lived later/much later than the Huns, a whole people, in position of ruthless command and probably polygamous and very sexually active at least in the upper classes (consider that even on the day of Priscus visit to Attila, the Hun king got a marriage with a random woman on his way).
However, if I am not mistaken, you can descend from someone (distant ancestor) and have none of their genes.
It is interesting that the Szekelys apparently share dna with the Huns. Whether this is because they are actually the Huns who just changed name, or because they mixed with the heavily Hun-mixed Pannonians we don't know, and probably never will. Mark. PaloAlto (talk) 16:44, 3 February 2023 (UTC)

Neparáczki set up a pre-conception, (like a true believer) that he will prove that (the often ridiculous) medieval gestas were right. Iterestingly such Gestas are supported only by some nationalist Romanian scholars with anti-Hungarian sentiment (including the self-appointed scholar Nicolae Ceasusescu ) , Hungarian scholars always rejected it, similar to the Czech , Serb, German Austrian and Slovak scholars, and it is widely considered unreliable source among western scholarship (UK and USA). So Neparácki wnat to prove a pre-conception. He use backward technology for that, the so-called Y chromosomes (instead of modern full geno and autosomal genetic researches), which can not provide personal and ethnic group sized ancestry, neither can depict genetic distance maps of various ethnic groups and paste it into a PCA map. Y chromosomes are good to depict male migrations, especially important in migration period, but can not prove ethnicity. Using Y DNA in the age of modern full genome and autosomal DNA researches is like trying to use a steam engine to propel an airplane in the age of modern jet propulsion.

Scythian civiliaztion and Hun civilization are oxymorons. The mening of the word "nomad" is the opposite of the word civilization. Nomads did not have even civilization, since the word civilization refer to settled agricultural people, who had cities towns and permanent villages. Civilized/civilization derived from the Latin term: city civis civilis etc. Original scythians has nothing to do with conqueror Hungarians, they were indo-iranian speaker people. Another turanist fairly tale are the Sumerian origin of Hungarians.

The remnants of the Huns fled to the east after 453 and were soon dispersed, so neither in the Carpathian basin nor before that, when the Hungarian tribal confederation was formed, they could no longer become part of the Hungarian confederation.

Due to the organizational habits of equestrian nomadic peoples, all major nomadic tribal confederations consisted of ethnic groups with diverse languages and cultures. Some tribes split into two and even joined different alliances, a new alliance was often designated by the neighboring peoples with the name of the nomadic alliance that previously lived in the same area. During the time of Attila, the central camp of the Huns was in the southern part of the Hungarian Great Plain, but when, after the death of the great king (453), the former allies of the Huns inflicted a heavy defeat on them, the Huns retreated to the east, and certainly merged into the successive Turkish tribal confederations, because under their own name they did not appear later. Thus, the Hungarians who arrived in the Carpathian basin more than four hundred years later could no longer find Huns here.

The Huns who migrated back to the east remained as an independent ethnic group for only a few decades. Therefore, when the Hungarian tribes living in the Turkish tribal confederations in the 8-9 In the 19th century, they became considerably stronger and organized their own tribal confederation, although – like all other nomadic confederations – they included other ethnicities besides the Hungarian-speaking ones, the Huns were could not be among the peoples who joined to Hungarians.

The origin of ancient nations, is a very complex multidisciplinar science, which includes archeology, history, genetics, lingiusts however people like Neparáczki try to neglect these, and try to re-interpret freely (without competence) even the language and culture of the ancient people. It is a good scientific criticism about his work: (Google translator) https://m-nyest-hu.translate.goog/renhirek/no-para-no-finnugor?_x_tr_sl=hu&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=hu&_x_tr_pto=wapp

Another good criticism, how laughable are the arguments of Neparáczki: https://m-nyest-hu.translate.goog/renhirek/hun-ugor-gentango?_x_tr_sl=hu&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=hu&_x_tr_pto=wapp

Neparáczki is against the proven fact, that Hungarian language belong to the Finno-ugric language group, despite he is not even a linguist!--Dominiks1970 (talk) 14:59, 3 February 2023 (UTC)

Hi Dominiks1970"Neparáczki is against the proven fact, that Hungarian language belong to the Finno-ugric language group, despite he is not even a linguist!"
That is why Neparáczky made gentic studies, not a linguist studies... do you see the published studies are genetic studies? It is not our problem that you deny genetic results because you have preconception that the language group = genetic origin of people. Genetics is science, math, genetic is proven fact. Altough, the Hungarian genetic is very far from Finnish people. The genetic, the origin of the people does not link necessary with the language, for example Afro-Americans speak English but they are not originate from England.
"The remnants of the Huns fled to the east after 453 and were soon dispersed"
There are many Byzantines sources about the Huns above the Black Sea 100 years after Attila. Seems you have lack of knowledge in the topic. Also later the Avars were refered as Huns in many old contemporary sources. These genetic studies connected the Avars and Huns as well.
Please tell your feedback to the top ranked scientific journals and to other genetic scholars that you know these result and methods better than the published documents and you want to supervise the results. OrionNimrod (talk) 15:23, 3 February 2023 (UTC)
No, it is not proven fact, as you try to suggest. With wrong interpretation of archeology and history and written with strong biassed pre-conceptions, genetics can be misleading at best. All of his fantasy is built on backward Y DNA which is not so conviencing like a modern full genom or autosomal researches. Interestingly he never published the results of available autosomal researches, which is suspicious.
Ethnic Hungarian genetics is very far from the highly mixed Asian-like genetics of the Huns, the Hungarian conquerors, and from any Central Asian people like Scythians. Modern Hungarians are genetically not closer to that Central-Asian ancient people like to Khoekhoe people of Africa, or Australian aboriginal people. It means that there is no relationship with them. The closest genetic relatives of modern Hungarians (on PCA genetic distance maps) are the Western Christian neighbouring people, in that order: Slovenians , Austrians , Slavonians and Czechs. Interestingly Slovaks are too oriental and are further from Hungarians than the above mentioned ethnic groups, depsite their migration to the Alföld region and sharing hundreds of years in the same state.
Székelys - as it is revealed from their old letters and correspondence from archival offices - were not real ethnic group on its own, but simply privileged social group, a legal cathegory like the Hajdú people of Hajdúság region. IF they left their village and moved to one of the towns of Székelyland, they ceased to be Székely anymore, and they Székely identity immediatelly gone. It was not until the post 1848 period, where székely townspeople started to adopt the Székely identity. After that a quesy sub-ethnic group identity emerged, biut it is a modern phenomenon.
Even if they have some Asian markers, it does not mean that they are truly an other fantastic ethnicgroup like late-avars, or conqueror Hungarians etc.. fairly tales, but comes from the fct, they were the bulwark against brutal nomadic people like Cumans. Kun military incursions were not realized only in murders, but also, as usual, mass rape of women. Dominiks1970 (talk) 16:12, 3 February 2023 (UTC)
It means that there is no relationship with them. The closest genetic relatives of modern Hungarians (on PCA genetic distance maps) are the Western Christian neighbouring people, in that order: Slovenians , Austrians , Slavonians and Czechs
You need to consider also historical sources here. All these people were in contact with the Huns or their progeny. Further, most of these people were ruled by the Avars, in similar fashion as the Huns a few centuries earlier.
Genetic similarity with them does not disprove an Avar/Hun origin. If anything it confirms it. Mark. PaloAlto (talk) 17:18, 3 February 2023 (UTC)
''they could no longer find Huns there'', but they did find the Pannonian/Scythian population, heavily mixed with Huns due to the land being controlled by them via a ruthless regime for about a century.
If the Q-etc. DNA was indeed found in Huns ''and'' Szekelys it is a matter of interest. Because if it was Avar it should be at higher level in Czechs, and if it was Cuman it should be high level in Hungarians. Mark. PaloAlto (talk) 17:03, 3 February 2023 (UTC)
Hi Dominiks1970, I see just your preconception that you want to determine the result of a genetic study and you are not happy it is not match with your preconception. You can repeat the same but please consult the scholars. Those genetic studies are relaiable academic sources, while your personal problem is: Wikipedia:No original research. The full modern history is based on old sources, if all Hungarian and a lot of foreign medieval sources stated something, and if this thing was proven by genetic science, why it is so painful for you? Do you say every people before the 19th century (before the Finno-Ugric theory) was stupid and liar? And why would be preconception of the scholars if they mention that the Hun-Hungarian connection was declared in medieval documents? It is fact, or it is forbidden to mention?
"Ethnic Hungarian genetics is very far from the highly mixed Asian-like genetics of the Huns, the Hungarian conquerors, and from any Central Asian people like Scythians. Modern Hungarians are genetically not closer to that Central-Asian ancient people like to Khoekhoe people of Africa, or Australian aboriginal people. It means that there is no relationship with them. The closest genetic relatives of modern Hungarians (on PCA genetic distance maps) are the Western Christian neighbouring people, in that order: Slovenians , Austrians , Slavonians and Czechs."
Of course the closest relatives group to Hungarians are their neighbors (the Finish genetic are far from Hungarian but it not problem for you to say "proven fact"), but I am talking about the closest ancient groups: Please check yourself by visiting the website before you deny the Scythian connection:
Archaeogenetics study by French academics:
“We propose Scytho-Siberians as ancestors of the Xiongnu and Huns as their descendants.” “East Eurasian R1a subclades R1a1a1b2a-Z94 and R1a1a1b2a2-Z2124 were a common element of the Hun, Avar and Hungarian Conqueror elite and very likely belonged to the branch that was observed in our Xiongnu samples. Moreover, haplogroups Q1a and N1a were also major components of these nomadic groups, reinforcing the view that Huns (and thus Avars and Hungarian invaders) might derive from the Xiongnu as was proposed until the eighteenth century but strongly disputed since.”
Another archaeogenetics study by French academics, Tamir Ulaan Khoshuu, Asian Hun cemetery in Asia:
"The study is confirming the presence of Andronovo or Scytho-Siberian ancestry in the Asian Huns. Moreover, these haplotypes also matched those of ancient Hungarian rulers, which indicate the persistence of some Asian Hun paternal lineages in the gene pool of early Hungarian conquerors. Close matches were also found with Scytho-Siberians. The database search also revealed a shared haplotype between a Hun person in the cemetry and King Béla III of Hungary (1172–1196), one of the most significant rulers of the first Hungarian dynasty as well as a matching haplotype between an another Asian Hun person in the cemetry and another male individual found in the Royal Basilica in Hungary where King Béla III was buried. More Asian Hun individuals also carried haplotypes similar to those carried by the 10th century Hungarian conquerors and by 7–8th century Avar individuals. The genetic study suggests that some modern subclades, those related to Avars or Hungarian Conquerors became first integrated among Scythians. The Eurasian R1a subclades R1a1a1b2a-Z94 and R1a1a1b2a2-Z2124 were a common element of the Hun, Avar and Hungarian conqueror elite and belonged to the branch that was observed in Asian Hun samples. Moreover, similar haplogroups were also major components of these groups, reinforcing the view that Huns, Avars and Hungarian conquerors derive from the Asian Huns as was proposed until the 18th century and declared in medieval documents."
Do you think the French scholars used also a preconception because they mention the historical view before the 19th century?

OrionNimrod (talk) 16:29, 3 February 2023 (UTC)

Gestas are not sources, it is a medieval European genre, the European medieval ancestor of modern comics books, like modern Superman , Batman etc...
The writer did not interested about real history, otherwise he would wrote so-called Histora or Chronicle instead of Gesta.
The main goal was not the true recording of the events but creating an amusing story using some historical events as a framework. Thus a lot of hostile tribes and leaders were created to point out the military skills and the well-remembered glory of the winning rulers. (The Hungarian ones in this case.) If somebody wanted to record the events properly, wrote a historia or chronicle and not a gesta.
Important facts that you have to know about the Gesta:
  • 2 Gesta was written only in the 13th century. The Hungarian conquest of the Carpathian basin happened in the 9th century. Thus this is not a contemporary work, was created 300–400 years later.
  • 3 Modern historians analyzed the non-Hungarian personal names used by Anonymus. And the personal names that are known from contemporary sources (Byzantian and Kiev Polish and German chronicles etc). The leaders and states in the Gesta are incompatible and completely different from the leaders, and states in the much older Byzantine, Polish and German chronicles. Anonymus invented fictitious heroes or leaders, who he named after towns, rivers or place names associated with the topography. Anonymus fictional heroes fought imaginary battles against imaginary peoples and powers that did not exist in the Carpathian Basin at the time of the Hungarian conquest. They realized, that Anonymus practically did not use any of the well known names of powerful emperors kings and rulers, who opposed and fought with Hungarians during the conquest period. The only plausible conclusion is that Anonymus did not know these ancient names 300–400 years later and therefore he created some names to have figures in his novel.
  • 4 G. Hungarorum has no value as historical source. It is written around 1200, with 300 years after the Hungarian conquest. It is proven that the Gesta Hungarorum preserves no credible data about the real events from the period of the Hungarian conquest period from the 9th and 10th centuries. It is mostly an invention, fairy tale of Anonymus and Kézai, who lived with 300 years after the events happened. They do not know about the important events of the Hungarian history of the conquest period, like the battles of Brezalauspurg from 907, Brenta of 899, Eisenach of 908, first Augsburg of 910, Rednitz of 910, Puchen of 919, Brescia of 924, Riade of 933, do not know about the most important enemies and allies of the Hungarians of that period like the Byzantine emperors like Leon the Wise, Constantinos Porphyrogenethos, Italian kings like Berengar the I and the II., Hugo from Provence, German princes, kings and emperors like Luitpold prince of Bavaria, his son Arnulph, kings like Louis the Child, Konrad the I, and Henrik the Birdcatcher, or the emperor Otto the I. Instead of them Anonymus invented kings and princes like Gelou, Menumorut, Salan, Glad, and battles which never happened, because no contemporary source (from the 9th to 12th century) knows anything about them.
  • 5 So Anonymus did not know the name of the contemporary names of Emperors kings and other foreign monarchs of the Hungarian conquest period, therefore he created and invented the names of the enemies of Hungarians from various mountains rivers and existing towns of his era, it is called as toponymic Romance.
  • 6 Anonymus writes that the Hungarians met the Cumans there, although in the 9th century the Cumans lived North to China, and came only in the vicinity of Hungary, in the 2nd part of the 11th century. (“Forthwith, the duke of Kiev, despatching envoys, asked the seven dukes of the Cumans, his most faithfulfriends, for help.” - Gesta Hungarorum of Anonymus http://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/18975/1/18975.pdf
More information: https://www.surugadai.ac.jp/sogo/media/bulletin/Ronso35/Ronso35finch.pdf
  • 7 He also writes about ancient Khazars who lived in Eastern Hungary, Transylvania before the Hungarian conquest, which is again false, because the Khazars in the 9th century lived in the Caucasus area,
  • 8 According to Gesta Hungarorum, the Kingdom of Croatia was founded by Hungarians, which is also false because Kingdom of Croatia was established by Croats around 925AD.
  • 9 Because of the previous facts, the historians think, the gesta cannot be used as a reliable source especially not as a reliable contemporary source for personal names and tribal names of the Carpathian basin in the 9th century.
Finno-ugric people are liguistic relatives of Hungarians, it means that earliest Hungarians were genetic cousins of other finno-ugric people , which is proved by genetics. learn about it here: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12520-019-00996-0
Huns have no genetic trace in Hungary, similar to conqueror Hungarian groups, they were small elite warrior groups, who conquered vast territories and ruled over a lot of other ethnic groups.
And you come up with Y haplogroups, which is only good for modelling migrations, but they are fail to prove ethnic relationship (genetic distance and PCA maps) between ethnic groups and individuals. In a comparison of backward Y DNA and modern Autosomal DNA, the difference in data/info capacity is similar huge, as the difference between the capacity of a floppy disc and a blu-ray disc. Dominiks1970 (talk) 18:11, 3 February 2023 (UTC)
@Dominiks1970 I always wondered: if the ancient Hungarian rulers wanted to legitimate their ruler in Pannonia, why would they identify with such a negative, stereotyped people as the Huns?
They could've claimed to be descendants of Avars, Bulgars, Romans, Illyrian Pannonii... Mark. PaloAlto (talk) 18:25, 3 February 2023 (UTC)
Mark. PaloAlto, it is a good question, Attila had a very negative view in the Christian medieval Europe, and Hungarian royals did many thing for the Christianity and got the highest number of saints from a single family to the world. For example Bayan Avar Khagan was more success than Attila because he unified the Carpathian Basin and his empire lasted for 250 years. Btw I know many foreign contemporary sources which clearly say Avars=Hungarians. OrionNimrod (talk) 18:32, 3 February 2023 (UTC)
@OrionNimrodI also believe that the Hungarians are mostly descended from Avars. IMO, they also have Hun descent but because they mixed with the Pannonians, themselves previously mixed with the Huns. Thus the Magyars would have both Avar and Hun descent but not necessarily because these two people mixed. Mark. PaloAlto (talk) 22:05, 3 February 2023 (UTC)
Hi Dominiks1970,
The questioned wiki sentences had sources regarding genetic studies, not about gestas and not about any linguist theory. I see you have just off-topic arguments, because you have personal problem with the result of the genetic studies. Please consult the genetic website that you know it better, you are just spamming the same. I see your argument is only the Gesta Hungarorum. By the way there are many Hungarian and vast amount of non Hungarians foreign high ranked medieval sources who wrote clearly Scythians=Huns=Avars=Hungarians, not only the Gesta Hungarorum. I am able to show all of them. But I supposed we are talking about genetic studies not about gestas, but I see your problem that Neparczky said what the medieval sources claimed in his study, French scholars wrote the same as I showed, do you think it is a big crime to show what was the historical view in the past? OrionNimrod (talk) 18:28, 3 February 2023 (UTC)
@Mark! The most important task of medieval states was national defense and the maintenance of a strong army, although they had judicial functions and a very primitive public administration, but the bulk of the revenues "national income" always went to the army to build castles for defense. This accurately indicates the incredibly important prominent role of armies in medieval societies. The fantasy of Hun kinship is most likely actually King Béla III. forced it on Hungarian history. This is a good article about it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Name_of_Hungary#European_exonyms_for_Hungarians_and_Hungary After that, even the name Hungary was very wrongly tried to derive from the Huns. the original exonym of the Hungarians was Ungari, the name of the country in Latin in the earliest sources was Ungaria. The name of the country of the Huns was Hunnia in Latin. Hunnia and Ungaria, you can see, these are not even similar.
The "H" prefix before the ethnonym and country name appeared in official Latin language Hungarian documents, royal seals and coins since the reign of king Béla III (r. 1172–1196). The German and Italian languages preserved the original form (without H prefix) of the ethnonym.
Let's not forget that the Huns and Attila himself had such a dreaded reputation in medieval chronicles as Hitler, Stalin or Pol-Pot had for 20th century people. Béla believed that if he could create such feared heroes for the Hungarians, then other peoples would be more afraid of them, perhaps less likely to attack him, this might have been a medieval "war psychology" in the eyes of Béla III. Dominiks1970 (talk) 18:57, 3 February 2023 (UTC)
OrioNimród, they are all based on backward Y DNA researches, which are not trustable. I know it is much more harder and expenzive to get autosomal or full genome research from ancient fossiles (and often impossible), but with Y DNA you can prove only migration of ethnic groups, but you can not determine ethnic kinship (genetic distance) between various ethnic groups or between individuals either. Interestingly, Neparáczki admitted that modern autosomal research was also used, but they were not published, as they were "only" used to isolate certain individuals, thereby ruling out the possibility that the overrepresentation of close relatives distorts the research results. This is extremely suspicious, because if, based on modern autosomal or full genome research, it turns out that the genetic distance between the Huns and the Avars and the conqueror Hungarians, etc. is unbelievably enormous, then all his research based on Y DNA markers would be immediately questionable! Dominiks1970 (talk) 19:09, 3 February 2023 (UTC)
Dominiks1970, I see you ignore the vast amount of foreign contemporary sources which was written much earlier than the Hungarians chronicles that claimed the Hun-Hungarian-Scythian-Avar connection. Do you deliberately ignore them? Or do you have no knowledge about them? But I see you cherry picked and attack only one medieval Hungarian source which say the same as the much earlier foreign sources.
Example: Anglo-Saxon cotton map from 1040, in the territory of the Kingom of Hungary named: "Hunnorum gens" (Hun race)
Please blame the old English map with "Hungarian national boost", the Huns had very negative image in the medieval Christian Europe.
Anyway the discussion was about the modern genetic study which were published in top ranked scientific journals, but you bring here a lot of off topic. Your real problem is that you do not like the result, and you do not like that the author mentioned what was the historical view in the past. I think the scientific journals and many foreign scholars who are referring to Neparáczky studies know better than you what is relaible. Perhaps do you want determine a wished result of a DNA study by your preconceptions? You are still forcing your personal beliefs against international academic studies. OrionNimrod (talk) 19:09, 3 February 2023 (UTC)
Thanks for your reply. Your have a point.
But the reputation of fear might work practically for unorganized or little organized chiefdoms such as the Rouran (who sent to Chinese some guys looking worst than all the description of the European Huns combined) and the Huns (both of whom sussisted on raids on neighboring communities organized in states). Or temporary/transitional regimes like the Nazis', Ustashes', Communists, Manchukuo, Mongol empire.
. Or temporary regimes such as the Nazis', Ustashes', Manchukuo, Mongol Empire, Communists, etc.
But I don't know if that would be advisable for a blossoming state that needs to think long term, to base its legendary genesis on a people with the reputation of the Huns, since the people you are associating with now are the ones your offsring will call ancestors tomorrow.
Also, in the middle ages there was a lot of importance placed on honor, and the chivalric ideal. The manuscripts of Hungarian chronicles are themselves heavily romanticized. Mark. PaloAlto (talk) 21:55, 3 February 2023 (UTC)

@OrioNimród: A prestigious journal does not mean anything by itself, since his research began on a topic and from a region that had hardly been researched by geneticists until then, so this in itself was considered a pioneering work, so it can be called sensational in its own right. That's why it's no wonder that it immediately hits the magazines. These have not been verified by other research groups. I'll say it again so you understand, this was just a Y DNA research, the value of this should be treated in its place. Anyone can easily dispute these results until modern full genome or autosomal genetic distances are determined between these ethnic groups.

And yes, the conquerors had finno-ugric genes. See: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-019-44272-6 Nature is also a well known scientific magazine. --Dominiks1970 (talk) 19:28, 3 February 2023 (UTC)

Dominiks1970, well I do not see in the text what you state, and this study did not analyze the conquerors but the modern Hungarians, but I see your linked source refer to foreign genetic study of conquerors and refer to Neparáczy many times many studies :) Neparáczy also published in Nature... or Nature will be not enough good now because "Neparáczy is not a real scholar accoriding to you"? Neparáczy published in many scientific journals and those scholars also did not ignore him.
And another one from the text: Neparáczki, E. et al. Revising mtDNA haplotypes of the ancient Hungarian conquerors with next generation sequencing. PLoS One 12, 1–11 (2017).
"Archaeogenetic studies also confirm the admixed genetic background of the early Hungarians. Comparing the Hungarian Conqueror mtDNA dataset to a large modern-day population dataset and archaeogenetic database, researchers found strong genetic affinities towards modern populations of Inner Asia, North and East Europe, Central Russia, and Late Bronze Age populations of the Baraba region, situated between the rivers Ob and Irtis21."
"Similar findings come from the maternal gene pool of historical Hungarians: the analyses of early medieval aDNA samples from Karos-Eperjesszög cemeteries revealed the presence of mtDNA hgs of East Asian provenance21."
OrionNimrod (talk) 19:45, 3 February 2023 (UTC)
Dominiks1970 (or should I call him Stubes99?) is guided by his political views and not by reliable sources. Hungarian Spectrum is a political (not scientific) blog that is (quoting its WP article) "highly critical of the current government in power in Hungary, led by Viktor Orbán". Nothing about Hungarian researchers' personal life in this and similar sites he was informed from should be believed. I don't know how that changes anything anyways. Neparáczky et al. are recognized experts who have published in many reputed scientific journals OrionNimrod has mentioned, and their results are not questioned by any independent professionals. Their methods are indeed scientific and documented on their YouTube channel. Gyalu22 (talk) 16:55, 4 February 2023 (UTC)

There are no such large database. Only soe big American and an Israely global commercial companies, and the FBI have reliable huge ethnic-related huge databases enormus large samples, including huge number of Hungarian samples.

Universities and small national research institutes do not have enough money, enough equipment, and enough professionals to take reliable samples from today's modern population. Their results should therefore be viewed with skepticism regarding today's modern populations. What is clear from the data of large commercial research companies is that: all Eastern Slavs also have a much higher proportion of Eastern, i.e. Asian, Mongoloid genes in Romanians than in today's Hungarians.--Dominiks1970 (talk) 20:57, 3 February 2023 (UTC)

Dominiks1970, I see you spam again with full of off-topics. The methods of the genetic studies also explained and published in that studies, it seems these methods was ok for many top scientific journals and many foreign scholar who are referring them in their studies. It seems the method is not good only for you, however interestingly it was not a problem for you to refer to an another Hungarian genetic study which are not Neparáczky and which also not the "your FBI standard", I see you contradict yourself, which means that you have only a personal harrasment against Neparáczky, as it was demonstrated in that long conversation. Wikipedia is not a website for trolling. OrionNimrod (talk) 21:21, 3 February 2023 (UTC)
  • Earlier this day I read the discussion up to that point and still felt in the mood to answer some of the fallacies and simplicisms thrown around here. Since I've got a life and only have found leisure to comment now, but seeing all the fallacies and simplicisms still being repeated and blown up ad nauseam in textwalls with all their typographic splendor, I can for now only join User:Borsoka in being baffled (and of course not really surprised) by all this. –Austronesier (talk) 22:50, 3 February 2023 (UTC)
    @OrionNimrod and @Dominiks1970; @Austronesier has a point because you should be more concise. We understand you have different views on the origin of Hungarians. But let's put this aside for a moment. @Dominiks1970 did right in telling us of the background of the author. However, I believe that no matter his motivations, if he has some evidence we should take him in consideration.
    No matter the type of genetic testing the author chose to carry out (autosomal, haplogrouos, etc.), so unless Dominiks has some criticism on the practical testing (whether the tests may have been falsified) we have the evidence that this Q-etc. was found in both ancient Huns and modern Szekelys. Now we need to see what's the meaning of this. I guess the author suggests a connection in his research (which I haven't read), though this is not made explicit in the article (which goes like this: In modern Europe, Q1a3l2 is rare and has its highest frequency among the Szekelys).
    Do you believe this is evidence of a Hun-Szekely connection? I do, because of what mentioned earlier (unless such haplogroup is also present at as high level among Czechs and Slovaks-Avar related-and Hungarians and Romanians-Cuman related). Even if you don't want to believe in a link, I guess that this bit of information is still worth mentioning in the vague form it is now, because of the rarity of this haplogroup in Europe. After all, we are not claiming Hun descent for the Szekelys but merely reporting the result of this Hungarian test. Mark. PaloAlto (talk) 23:19, 3 February 2023 (UTC)
    Can you explain me, how can you use Y haplogroups markers to determine kinship between ethnic groups? It is not able to determine at all.
    Do you remember the fiasco of turanist András Zsolt Bíró when he tried to prove that madi-yars and magyars have the same roots? He tried to prove it with the haplogroup G? https://www.eupedia.com/europe/european_y-dna_haplogroups.shtml
    See the article: Madjars Dominiks1970 (talk) 10:56, 4 February 2023 (UTC)

Arbitrary break

  • I fully agree with User:Andrew Lancaster's earlier comment above[5]. Not everything that appears in a peer-reviewed sources is citeable. Due weight applies. Is it a secondary source? If not, are the findings we want to present here cited in multiple other reliable (ideally secondary) sources? Are the citing sources associated with the cited study (→ "in-universe")? WP has long suffered from (at best) indiscriminate or (at worst) cherry-picked amassment of primary research results, especially in the field of population genetics, and even more so if the context is a contentious ideological minefield. So preference for secondary sources is vital here, as recommended (but not prescribed) in WP:SCHOLARSHIP.
    A few comments about the material discussed here, escpecially the notion "Genetics is science, math". Yes, molecular biology is based on an exact science (= chemistry), but: population genetics (including archeogenetics) is based on the mathematical science of statistics. This statistic-based research depends crucially on sample quality, size and (NB!) choice. We still have an enormous lack of representative ancient genomes and in many areas, the statistical bias introduced by this will never be resolved due to natural conditions that accelerate decay of aDNA. And as @Andrew Lancaster also correctly pointed out, the interpretation of this inherently ambiguous data best lies in the hands of interdisciplinary teams, and not geneticists alone.
    A focus on Y-haplogroups also introduces bias here, since modern genetics in the last decade has focused on the study of the full autosomal genome as a more reliable tool to understand ancient population dynamics. Uniparental markers provide incidental information, and usually are most helpful in cases of small population sizes with a high amount of inbreeding. The occurrence of a uniparental haplogroup may also attest concrete individual gene flow events that are otherwise completely "washed out" in the full autosomal genome. But that occurrence of a haplogroup is completely non-defining for a personal or population group ancestry.
    So the homework is: how many secondary sources not written by Neparáczky actually cite the Székely thing? If there aren't, we shouldn't bother either to give it undue prominence here.
    Finally, I have noticed an intersting red flag. Several sources by said author always mention "Huns, Avars" in one breath, although the article we're talking about here only has three Hunnic era samples. But the paper is cited in other articles from the same group (remember, "in-universe") as providing a "high number" of Hunnic and Avar samples, insinuating that that Hunnic sample has a significant size that allows for generalization, whereas actually only the Avar data does. –Austronesier (talk) 13:18, 4 February 2023 (UTC)
    Let's return to the topic. Before the 19th century, Székely was not a quasi ethnic group,but a privileged social group (border guards) and status like the Hajdúks in the territory Hajdúság. See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hajduk_(Kingdom_of_Hungary) The only difference, that Székely status is much more older than Hajdú. Since their lethal enemies were the nomadic Cumans, who often broke into the the Székely territory, raped women, that's why Székely population got some Q haplogroup markers . Dominiks1970 (talk) 14:44, 4 February 2023 (UTC)
I think we have sufficient data to say that the statement on the Székelys should be removed. What we still need to establish is whether saying that the Y-DNA of three individuals "are consistent" with Xiongnu origins of the Huns is worth including - indeed, whether several of the other statements to this effect should be kept. Andrew Lancaster and Austronesier bring up excellent points about the nature of these sources and whether they are due or reliable for some of the conclusions they make. The study by Damgaard et al. in Nature (journal) is certainly one thing (338 citations on Google Scholar). Neparaczki et al. 2019 has 43; the critical study by Saveleyev et al. has only 8; Keyser et al. has 18; Necchi-Ruscone et al. 2021 has 42; Necchi-Ruscone et al. 2022 has only 6; Maroti et al. 2022 has 8. Neparaczki appears as an author or co-author in Neparaczki et al. and Maroti et al. I will note that in the studies where Neparaczki 2019 is cited, Neparaczki and other scientists who collaborated with him often seem to be the ones doing the citing [6], and that most of the works citing the study refer to Hungarian genetic history rather than Hunnic.
Both studies besides Damgaard have 3 (Neparaczki 2019) or just 1 (Necchi-Rusconi 2021) "Hunnic" sample (how one determines who is a Hun is another minefield that these papers don't seem to delve into). I would suggest then that despite their citations, they don't really tell us much. I think we should probably summarize them both in a sentence. We need to cite the other studies too, but they should also be summarized in about the same amount of space. Damgaard, on the other hand, should probably be given more space.--Ermenrich (talk) 15:07, 4 February 2023 (UTC)
Looking at Damgaard et al.: it's a bit unclear to me who they consider Huns in their study. They refer repeatedly to "Tian Shan Huns," which is obviously far from Europe. They also refer to "nomads Hun period" (PCA of Xiongnu, ‘Western’ Xiongnu, Tian Shan Huns, Nomads Hun Period, and Tian Shan Sakas, using 39 individuals at 242,406 autosomal SNP positions. This suggests to me a much smaller sample size of "Huns" (whoever is meant) than the number of individuals in the study suggested. All in all, I'm not sure how useful this study is for the article either, but I leave it to those who understand these things better than I.--Ermenrich (talk) 15:20, 4 February 2023 (UTC)
In fact, actually looking at the article reveals that they aren't discussing European Huns at all: We used D-statistics (Supplementary Information section 3.7) to investigate the genetic relationship between Iron Age nomads, the East Asian Xiongnu and the early Huns of the Tian Shan. We find that the Huns have increased shared drift with West Eurasians compared to the Xiongnu (Extended Data Fig. 6). We tested for patterns of shared drift between the Xiongnu and the Wusun, the preceding Sakas and the slightly later Huns (second century ad). We find that both the earlier Sakas and the later Huns have more East Asian ancestry than the Wusun. To apply this information to this article, you'd need to assume that the "Tian Shan Huns" (in Central Asia) are definitely the same people who invaded Europe - which is precisely the sort of thing that's debated by scholars in the disciplines that the authors rely on to make this connection.--Ermenrich (talk) 15:25, 4 February 2023 (UTC)
Exactly. The liberal labelling of the samples as "Tian Shan Huns" (in an otherwise very impressive study) leads to introduce circular reasoning here. There are hints at connections between a certain horizon in the Tian Shan area and the Carpathian Huns ("Similarly there are also only single burial finds from the Tian Shan region, with objects that can be stylistically connected to the European Hunnic ones"[7]), but that's not enough to take "Tian Shan Huns" as genetic proxies for the Huns of the historical record. We can keep Damgaard et al., but only with an explanation what "Tian Shan Huns" actually refers to. –Austronesier (talk) 16:05, 4 February 2023 (UTC)
I think that each and every research about the Huns is valuable due to their paucity, and generally I am of the opinion that if something has a reliable source it may and should be used. Citing the recurring statement we are not sure what's Hun and what's not, this article should basically not exist or have a few sentences. This excuse is also all too often used to discredit the topic by those who don't want to give prominence to the subject for a number of reasons.
I have myself had red flags here, in noticing a problem happening here and elsewhere, where it is always the same few editors always determining what goes into the article.
In this case, I noticed that @Ermenrich has a lot of influence on the topic and some strong beliefs.
For this reason, no matter the decision for each of the discussed issues, I am willing to start an RFC to bring more, uninterested editors to have a say.
I will address now the issues : I agree with OrionNimrod that the statement about Szekelys should be kept. No matter @Austronesier's personal views and preferences about genetic testing, genetic is indeed science, math (and I don't get why Austronesier's critique of testing and population genetics should apply here more than each and every genetic study published in Wikipedia); we have evidence of an haplogroup found in both Szekelys and Huns, and we have a reliable source making the link. We don't need anything else. There is paucity of researches and commentators on the topic, so asking for secondary sources here is useless.
Clearly the Huns and Avars are separate groups as far as we know. But I am positive the scientists and historians who carried out the tests (not Wikipedians such as ourselves) are aware of all these things. So I trust them and not @Ermenrich's suppositions about how wide is the Hun gene pool.
If Damgaard did in fact analyze only Tian Shan Huns, then this fact should be mentioned in the article.
P. S. Ermenrich seems almost stuck in the 1940s, when Maenchen-Hefen was worried about the scarcity of Hun burials/skulls and how to determine which is Hun. Things have changed in several decades, scientists are aware of all the facets, they know their stuff and we should rely on them.
I don't understand much of genetics but I will try to have a read of those researces ASAP, and I hope that some "new" editor (new for this talk page) will do the same. Mark. PaloAlto (talk) 17:41, 4 February 2023 (UTC)
I noticed that @Ermenrich has started editing on the discussed matters, changing the article to his/her view. But they don't have even established consensus and we are still discussing.
Why, for example, I have to wait before republishing an image (about which I am discussing in the section below) but they can immediately change the article to their preferred version? How is this fair? Mark. PaloAlto (talk) 18:29, 4 February 2023 (UTC)
I quoted the full sentence from Savelyev and Jeong instead of what Ermenrich added in his/her several unapproved edits.
Now I wonder whether Savelyev and Jeong should be included in the section genetics at all. It is an interdisciplinary study for which they didn't conduct any new genetic testing. OTOH, they apparently say that no Hun genome was tested up to May 2020 (the eastern steppe heritage is extremely limited in their archeological record, and surprisingly no ancient genome from the Hunnic period Carpathian basin has been reported to test the eastern Eurasian genetic connection). But they failed to notice Neparaczki who had examined three Hun remains from separate cemeteries in 2019. Since Neparaczki was published in late 2019, and Saveljev and Jeong in May 2020, I think they might have been writing /testing at the same time.
Also take note that in his edit, Ermenrich had put an emphasis on the alleged fact that as of 2020 no Hun genome was tested. Following the sentence with "In the same year," with the Keyser et al test. This seemed to fog the fact that Savelyev and Jeong published their interdisciplinary study three months earlier than Keyser et al. Mark. PaloAlto (talk) 19:23, 4 February 2023 (UTC)

I don't get why Austronesier's critique of testing and population genetics should apply here more than each and every genetic study published in Wikipedia What gives you the idea that I don't apply the same standard to other articles or sections of articles about population genetics as I do here? It's exactly this kind of your discourse by making unfounded assumptions about other editors (not to talk about the stuff you say about @Erminrich: "strong beliefs"? what about you then?) that makes this discussion so impalatable for outsiders to join in. We do have relevant policies about inclusion of sources with due weight; I have mentioned them above. Another relevant policy is WP:ONUS: not everything that can be based on a reliable source automatically needs to be included here. –Austronesier (talk) 19:56, 4 February 2023 (UTC)

@Dominiks1970: In many respects, this goes to you too. While you don't try to implicitly label other editors as "biased", you should leave your focus on how to build good content on good sources as they are, with too much emphasis on this or that background of the author(s). If a source is problematic, you should be able to tell it by its content alone. –Austronesier (talk) 20:03, 4 February 2023 (UTC)

Without replying to all the other nonsense about "unauthorized edits" etc. (please see WP:BOLD), I'll note that Savelyev and Yeong cite Neparaczki in their article, so obviously they do not consider that work on Y chromosomes to be a publish genome from the Hungarian basin.--Ermenrich (talk) 20:31, 4 February 2023 (UTC)
But the way you had edited the article, it made it look as if as of 2020 no Hun remains had been tested.
I myself don't know much about genetics. But I thought that Y chromosome testing would be considered genome testing.
Anyway, I still believe that the section Genetics is not the right place for Savelyev Jeong. Theirs isn't a genetic study. To the layman it will look like they have made genetic tests. Also, saying that up to May 2020 no Hun genome had been tested and so no Xiongnu-Hun connection was confirmied is pretty useless, since the first serious testing started after that. Mark. PaloAlto (talk) 20:43, 4 February 2023 (UTC)
The idea is given me by the very fact such sections exist and I haven't noticed any attempts from you to remove them all, As according to your assumptions, all genetic studies would be intrinsically faulted (or potentially so).
I said what I think about Ermenrich not for the sake of accusing them but for the sake of the articles, as well as the editor himself /herself. We cannot afford that some editors have monopoly on any aticle (this isn't the first article and probably not the last where I notice this). That doesn't help build a good encyclopedia. OTOH, sometimes we might have some bias and not realize it ourselves. I noticed some repeated behavior from him/her, and I thought I would mention it.
So why would publishing the source give undue weight? Because in your own opinion Q-... haplogroup is found in other Central Asians and the author should have taken it into account? As if you or any Wikipedian knew more about it than these experiences scientists?
Or because you, personally, think that the paternal descent isn't important to determine ancestry ? Mark. PaloAlto (talk) 20:31, 4 February 2023 (UTC)
Choongwon Jeong appears to be a biologist. The article is a sort of review article, so of course it doesn't include new research. There's no reason to exclude it.--Ermenrich (talk) 20:55, 4 February 2023 (UTC)
Jeong may be a biologist, but theirs is still an interdisciplinary study. It has no place in that section. It would have place in the Origin of the Huns section/article, and indeed they are cited there.
It also appears that Savelyev is one of the scholars opposing the Xiongnu-Hun connection. So if we want to talk about bias we can talk about him.
Yet that's not the reason why I want to exclude his research. I will recap:
A) The "genetics" section is not the right place for an interdisciplinary study
B) The study did not conduct any new genetic testing. In fact, they didn't make any genetic testing at all
C) The claim that up to May 2020 no Hun remains had been tested is incorrect because in November 2019 Neparacki examined three males from separate 5th century Hun cemeteries (and here we should wonder why did Savelyev leave this out?)
D) Major testing on actual European Huns started from July 2020. So why do we need to mention that up to May 2020 no test had been made (and so no Xiongnu-Hun connection proven)? It's obvious Mark. PaloAlto (talk) 21:22, 4 February 2023 (UTC)
P. S. I noticed that the editor who started this discussion, @Dominiks1970, has been blocked. Ermenrich supported him, but ever since he/she was blocked new arguments have been made in favor of the Szekelys inclusion, and they are not able to comment (assuming they are still allowed to). So as far as I know, now it is me and OrionNimrod supporting the inclusion of Q-... haplogroup for Szekelys and Huns, while Ermernirch oppeses it. I assume also @Austronesier opposes. So with 2 vs 2, there is still no consensus for the changes that Ermernich has already made.
I also note that @Dominiks1970 is the one who started making arguments against the scholar, but they have turned out to be themselves biased. So I now doubt whether the scholar is biased at all (notwithstanding that his scientific evidence is valuable regardless) Mark. PaloAlto (talk) 21:06, 4 February 2023 (UTC)
Again, not everything that has been puiblished in a scientific study is due for inclusion here. Wikipedia is a tertiary source. If some piece of information from a primary research paper isn't reflected/cited in other sources, we don't bother with it either. Simple.
Also, it is not my personal opinion that "paternal descent isn't important to determine ancestry". Read modern genomic studies like Maróti et al. (2022), or multiple review articles about the state of the art in population genomics, and you will see how archeogenetics actually works: uniparental markers are of secondary importance for the history of population groups, and mostly serve as additional information, unless we can spot a genuine imbalance based on large sample sizes that allow to detect sex-based bias in geneflow. Btw, you will notice that Maróti et al. do not mention the Székely trivia. If even they don't, why should we? –Austronesier (talk) 21:51, 4 February 2023 (UTC)
  1. Consensus is not a vote;
  2. As Austronesier has already said, accusing other editors of bias is not a winning argument here;
  3. a study being interdisciplinary is not a reason to exclude it from a genetics section if the interdisciplinary study discusses genetics;
  4. You are making some rather bizarre ad hominem arguments about Savelyev now. Savelyev and Jeong cite Neparaczki: Recent studies on mitochondrial and Y haplogroups of Avar elites report a substantial fraction of their haplogroups with broadly eastern Eurasian origin (Csáky et al., 2020; Neparáczki et al., 2019). Neparaczki says: genetic data from Huns of the Carpathian Basin have not been available yet, since Huns left just sporadic lonely graves in the region, as they stayed for short period. We report three Y haplogroups (Hg) from Hun age remains, which possibly belonged to Huns based on their archaeological and anthropological evaluation. Obviously Savelyev and Jeong do not consider this good enough and do not consider Y haplogroups to be "genomes".--Ermenrich (talk) 22:13, 4 February 2023 (UTC)
    To answer your points.
    1)fine, it's not a vote. Then I do not give consent to your edits, especially the one about the Szekelys and I look forward to hearing from @OrionNimrod
    2) I already explained that I have some concerns about your conduct. I need to air my concern for the sake of Wikipedia. I prefer to tell this here rather than make a formal accusation with administrators since I wouldn't even well know how to do it
    3)I disagree. I could cite a bunch of authors claiming the Huns are genetically thought to be Xiongnu or that genetic tests suggest the Szekelys are Huns descendants. I would leave the "Genetic" sections only for actual genetic studies, not to air the opinion of some linguist with a non-Xiongnu Hun origin bias
    4) The fact Savelyev(with a non-Xiongnu origin position) only mention the Avars from Neparaczki study, forgetting to mention the possibly first analysis on European Huns in history, confirming East Asian Xiongnu origin for the Huns, is a reason of alarm and one more reason to keep this interdisciplinary study out of the genetics section.
    Finally, you fail to address what's my main point: why mentioning that up to May 2020 no Hun genome was tested when serious tests started from July 2020?Its a useless statement. The only use it may have is to casually add some argument against the other studies. Mark. PaloAlto (talk) 22:43, 4 February 2023 (UTC)
So you are saying that we should leave out a (2019) study about the Szekely and Hun origin, which can be counted on the fingers of two hands, because they are not cited in other sources? I don't agree with this. I believe Wikipedia policy would support me and that you could keep the trivia out only by making some critic against the researcher (as the blocked editor did) or with the Wp:due rule. But this is a section about a scarcely documented topic, and there is no "minority" or majority views about this genetic details. There is a historical theory about the Szekelys Hun origin (and btw I believe the majority of Szekelys supports it).
Perhaps Maroti et al don't mention the Szekely trivia because their focus is in other stuff.
As for the paternal descent, again, the meaning of ancestry is not restricted to the Scientific, empirical realm. Many people believe that the ancestry is taken directly from the mother and other believe it is from the father (Muslims). So it's kind of offensive to disregard in such way the paternal descent which is so important for many people. This is what determines ancestry for them. The knowledge and teaching is passed down from father to son, so the paternal descent has more importancr than the other chromosomes for many people.
P. S. I will now make an admission that I (who hadn't looked at Neparaczki so far) cannot find the Szekely trivia after a cursory look. You mentioned earlier that you read and found it. Could you quote it for me? Thanks Mark. PaloAlto (talk) 22:25, 4 February 2023 (UTC)
No one is suggesting "leav[ing] out a (2019) study about the Szekely and Hun origin." Such a study does not exist - I'd suggest actually looking at what Neparaczki's study is about. The current version summarizes what it has to do with this article. As to what Neparaczki et al. says about them, just look at the discussion above, where it's quoted.
And whether a majority of Szekelys believe in Hun origins is irrelevant: a majority of historians do not.--Ermenrich (talk) 22:32, 4 February 2023 (UTC)
The first reply was actually for @Austronesier
I now replied to you
P. S. I am not sure the majority of historians doesn't believe in the Szekelys Hun origin Mark. PaloAlto (talk) 22:46, 4 February 2023 (UTC)
@Mark. PaloAlto: They use the form "Seklers", so it is easy to miss when looking for the mention of Székelys. By the way, here is a nice article as a counterpoint to Neparaczki et al.: https://doi.org/10.3390/genes14010133, see page 18. They use the same methodology, so the studies are on par, regardsless of our different views about the importance of uniparental markers in population genetics. –Austronesier (talk) 23:24, 4 February 2023 (UTC)
Thanks, now I was able to find it
So in fact your study does state that the Szekelys have mostly other haplogroups and it mentions a small percentage with Q-M242 as opposed the Hunnic Q1a2 (as an ignorant in this kind o stuff I wonder whether the two are or might be still related? ). It does not exclude a relation though, saying that the Hunnic origin of the Szekelys remains questionable...
We know that Naparaczki found Q1a2 in the European Huns. This is a fact. Then he adds "it has highest frequency among Sekler according to Family Tree DNA database". I don't think he is lying, and if even a low percentage of Szekelys has Q1a2, then the trivia is worth mentioning. However I wonder why your 2022 study fails to mention the Q1a2 at all.
I think with a source confirming Q1a2 presence among Szekelys (even the Family Tree DNA data as primary source), Naparaczki's trivia could be published, perhaps in a footnote.
P. S. One thought regarding the Huns and paternal ancestry has occurred to me: I believe that the best way to determine Hunnic origin among ancient sample would be precisely via the Y chromosome. This because we know that the European Huns (those whose remains we can positively call European Huns' because of cranial shape, artifacts, 5th century burial etc.) were areledy heavily mixed with the Germanic people. They took Germanic women in marriage, and they probably did so even earlier, with the Alans and the Akatziris. Yet, it appears that the Huns were patriarchal, and the right to rule was passed down from father to son(s). Therefore I think that the Y chromosome in ancient Huns findings (especially those of the elite) tells us more about their ultimate origin. I wonder what do you think about this. Mark. PaloAlto (talk) 01:27, 5 February 2023 (UTC)
Again, WP:NOR: we are not here to discuss our theories and assumptions on subjects. For instance, if you think the Hunnic origin of the Székelys is supported by the majority of mainstream historians, you can refer to them. Borsoka (talk) 03:49, 5 February 2023 (UTC)
@Borsokawhy are you repeating Wp:nor without even knowing the discussion?
Ermenrich stated his/her opinion that the majority of historians do not support this theory and I replied to him/her. He/she didn't "refer to them (historians)" and I don't expect him/her to, because this is just a talk page, not an article, and that is not even the point.
We have a reliable source making a genetic connection, supported by science, of the Szekelys to Huns, and we are discussing whether to include it or not. This is not about the historical theory about the origin of Szekelys (that which most historian may or may not support), based on geography, archeology, language, tradition, etc. It is just about genetics.
One user (now blocked) has argued against adding this trivia because he/she didn't think the researcher "followed the scientific method". Another user (@Austronesier) has since suggested we should not include the trivia because it would give undue weight. I believe that because researches on the subject are scarce, there is no such think as a majority or minority views regarding the genetic heritage of Huns / Szekelys, and every information is valuable. Mark. PaloAlto (talk) 13:59, 5 February 2023 (UTC)
Unfortunatelly, sockpuppetry is not unusual. For instance, Dominiks1970 was quite obviously Stubes99's sock, and I am sure that the banned user Giray Altay is also ready to return masquerading as an unexperienced new editor. Above, you were sharing your own assumptions about the Huns' paternal ancestry and its effects on genetics although "talk pages exist solely to discuss how to improve articles; they are not for general discussion about the subject of the article". I fully agree with Austronesier that we should not include the results of Neparaczy's genetic studies because they have not been widely discussed by mainstream scholarship. Borsoka (talk) 14:59, 5 February 2023 (UTC)
If it was so obvious that w Dominick was Giray Altay why didn't you make a report before he/she was blocked, when they were still commenting and supporting what we now know is your view?
I notice that now you have changed. First the problem was that I'd think "Hunnic origin of the Székelys is supported by the majority of mainstream historians" (and so in your eyes "original research) now the problem is my question to @Austronesier.
My question was spontaneous and I am not confident enough with the editor to publish directly on his/her talk page. Come to think of it, it might actually be useful when deciding whether to give prominence or not to Y chromosome analysis over autosomal for Hun remains. So it could serve to improve the article.
You seem more interested in criticizing the way certain editors are discussing rather than commenting on the issues we are all discussing. Mark. PaloAlto (talk) 15:38, 5 February 2023 (UTC)
No one thinks that Dominick is Giray Altay, my friend...
By the way, you forgot Borsoka when you were counting who supported what.--Ermenrich (talk) 15:45, 5 February 2023 (UTC)
Friend? We don't even know each other
As far as I know, Borsoka "voted" only now. Before they were just making comments about the way some editors are discussing. Mark. PaloAlto (talk) 15:59, 5 February 2023 (UTC)
Mark. PaloAlto please read my comments above more carefully. 1. I did not associate Dominiks1970 with Giray Altay. 2. I commented on the issue under discussion by supporting Austronesier's position. 3. I draw your attention to WP:NOR because you were sharing your own assumptions about the Huns' paternal ancestry. Borsoka (talk) 16:03, 5 February 2023 (UTC)
1) My mistake sorry
2) comment : first you said it was because my "claim" of "Hunnic origin of the Szekelys" had no source
P. S. Ermenrich, who had earlier removed the Szekely trivia we are still discussing, has now started to change the content against a Szekely/Hun relationship. While they argue they removed the Szskely trivia because the research did not receive enough scholarship review, etc., they are now supporting their changes with a brand new 2023 article... Mark. PaloAlto (talk) 16:23, 5 February 2023 (UTC)
I'm pretty sure we know each other, Giray Altay.
Statements in a study summarizing the state of the field is preferable to the finds in an individual study, see WP:RS/AC.--Ermenrich (talk) 17:28, 5 February 2023 (UTC)
Ermernrich, I don't like your attitude and accusations. Why do you want so much to control this article? And, do you have a grudge against me? Is there some specific reason why you accuse me or is it just because I don't agree with you?
It doesn't matter the nature of the content in the studies, if your problem is the "reputation" of the source. You also interpreted the 2023 source your own way. At page 18, it states that the Hunnic Szekely relation is still "questionable", after claiming that the Q haplogroup was found in 7.6% Szekelys. Mark. PaloAlto (talk) 17:47, 5 February 2023 (UTC)

Lest anyone should believe what Giray Altay's sock has stated about my adding "my own interpretation", this is the quote from the article: Due to the lack of evidence, modern historiography and archaeology do not consider the Székelys to be of Hunnic origin [8].--Ermenrich (talk) 19:43, 5 February 2023 (UTC)

Arbitrary break 2

Austronesier, would you be able to summarize the findings of Maróti et al. 2022? I've been reading the section called "The European Huns had Xiongnu ancestry" over and over again and I can't for the life of me figure out which of the samples they are discussing are actually European, since they also discuss our friends the "Tian Shan Huns" and samples they identify as Xiongnu. I know from elsewhere in the paper that they sequenced 9 skeletons from the Carpathian basin, but I can't account for them all.--Ermenrich (talk) 19:36, 5 February 2023 (UTC)

@Ermenrich: Not to forget the "Kurayly Huns" from Kazakhstan 😂. I have had exactly the same experience earlier. They confusingly cluster them in the main text by genetic profile and period only (e.g. "Hun_Asia_Core" with two European indivduals and two inferential "Huns" from Kurayly and Tian Shen), but not by region. The European samples (Supplemental Data3, filtered for "OWN_Hungary_Hun") are: MSG-1 and VZ-12673 in "Hun_Asia_Core", KMT-2785 and ASZK-1 with a intermediate genetic profile (which they analyze as Sarmatian-derived), and the remaining ones that largly cluster with contemporaneous Europeans: SEI-1 and SEI-5 with "minor Sarmatian components", CSB-3 with "minor Scytho-Siberian ancestr[y]", and Sei-6 and SZLA-646 who "presumably belonged to Germanic groups allied with the Huns". –Austronesier (talk) 20:56, 5 February 2023 (UTC)
PS: Apart from its problematic labeling of indivduals, the article by Maróti et al. is quite interesting and deserves a better coverage than just being combed for Y-haplogroups (which is a direct result of the limited genetic "literacy" of many among those editors who insert genetics-related content into WP). –Austronesier (talk) 21:06, 5 February 2023 (UTC)
Am I summarizing this correctly: In 2020, no Hunnic period genome was available from the Carpathian region,[1] whereas in 2022, two were available.[2]? It's unclear to me what counts as a genome, since Savelyev and Jeong (who is involved in some of the other studies) clearly don't count what Neparaczki et al. did in 2019 as producing "genomes," and then Maroti et al. "sequenced 9 skeletons" in 2022, the same year as the statement about there only being two genomes available by Gnecchi-Ruscone. It appears to me that the two "Huns" in Hun_Asia_Core in Maroti et al. are these same two genomes mentioned here, but then it appears that Gnecchi_Ruscone et al. are deliberately excluding any samples that don't show Asian ancestry in their statement that With the exception of the only two Hunnic-period genomes available (Hun_P_Budapest_5c, Hun_P_NTransdanubia_5c), one newly generated and one previously published (Gnecchi-Ruscone et al., 2021), all pre-Avar individuals from the Carpathian Basin fall in the genetic variability of west Eurasians. I would have thought that this means that the other pre-Avar samples are not "Hun period" but I guess it does not?--Ermenrich (talk) 14:10, 6 February 2023 (UTC)
Neparaczki et al. 2019 indeed don't have full genomes, but only focus on the Y-chromosome and on parts of the autosomal genome (viz. parts "associated with eye/hair/skin color and lactase persistence phenotypes as well as biogeographic ancestry"). The remaining three papers all cover full genomes, even if one gets the impression from the way their data is presented here that they only covered the Y-chromosome. This is just deplorable bias ("it's a man's man's man's world") and limited reading competence on the editors' part, as I have said before, and which is not limited to this article.
Gnecchi-Ruscone et al. (2021) only have one European Hun sample (which is clustered together with the Kurayly Hun sample as "Hun_elite_350CE") that was dug up in 1961 in Budapest. This sample is also covered in Gnecchi-Ruscone et al. (2022), plus an additional one ("Hun_P_NTransdanubia_5c") that has a less markedly East Asian genetic profile. The other "pre-Avar" individuals are from Sarmatian-period sites, so no coverage bias here. (2022). Maroti et al. (2022) have nine Hun-period individuals, one of them being the Budapest Hun but resequenced yielding a higher number of SNPs plus another European individual with a very similar genetic profile.
So at least two of all sampled individuals (including the Budapest Hun) are genetically very similar to elite burials in Western Kazakhstan and the Tian Shan mountains (the "Hun_elite_350CE" cluster in Gnecchi-Ruscone et al. (2021) and "Hun_Asia_Core" in Maroti et al. (2022)). I think, we can report this here with attribution, together with the very diverse genetic profiles of the other seven individuals covered by Maroti et al. I leave it to others if we want to keep the lists of Y-haplogroups; IMO, it's just cruft in this context. –Austronesier (talk) 20:07, 6 February 2023 (UTC)
I agree that we should remove the lists of Y-haplogroups - they don't add anything. Reading this stuff kind of makes my head hurt (I don't have much genetics literacy myself it seems), but I'm willing to give it a go.
Also: Should the genetics section be moved out of the "origins" section? When Krakkos added it, it was at the bottom of the article.--Ermenrich (talk) 21:42, 6 February 2023 (UTC)
Having limited genetics literacy is not that much of problem as long as one doesn't have an axe to grind; unfortunately most people who feel the calling to add genetics-related content here do have their pet axe :) Apart from such disturbances, it can really be a fun topic.
Btw, I've noticed that actually, there's Origin_of_the_Huns#Genetic_evidence. These genetics section are spitting image (except for variable POV-additions here and there). So most of the cleanup/update should probably happen there, leaving only a very brief summary here to avoid content forking. I don't get it why people think there is any merit in mass-duplicating content and why some people think that proper attribution is the only issue. –Austronesier (talk) 22:04, 6 February 2023 (UTC)
Yeah, that section needs work too and having just a summary here is a good idea.
I got a hold of Keyser et al. It appears that they base all of their conclusions about the Huns and Xiongnu on Neparaczki et al. rather than having done any analysis themselves: Some matches were also observed with Avar and Hungarian early-medieval individuals (Csàky et al. 2020; Neparáczki et al., 2018), as noted above for the Y-haplotypes. In their study, Neparáczki et al. (2019) showed that east Eurasian R1a subclades R1a1a1b2a-Z94 and R1a1a1b2a2-Z2124 were a common element of the Hun, Avar and Hungarian Conqueror elite and very likely belonged to the branch that was observed in our Xiongnu samples. Moreover, haplogroups Q1a and N1a were also major components of these nomadic groups, reinforcing the view that Huns (and thus Avars and Hungarian invaders) might derive from the Xiongnu as was proposed until the eighteenth century but strongly disputed since (De la Vaissière 2005). After they were defeated by the Chinese Han dynasty, the Northern Xiongnu had fled northwestward; their descendants may have migrated through Eurasia and conquered the Carpathian Basin. Finally, one mitochondrial haplotype matched an ancient Yakut individual, confirming their southern origin. Taken together, these results show that genetic links may exist between consecutive nomadic populations, especially between elite groups.
Do we still include this and how?--Ermenrich (talk) 22:29, 6 February 2023 (UTC)
  1. ^ Savelyev & Jeong 2020.
  2. ^ Gnecchi-Ruscone et al. 2022.