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Archive 1Archive 2

Why do any of you bother with Wikipedia?

The real wiki's out there about imageboards and specifically 4chan are the LURKMORE wiki and some of the other major joke wiki's out there. Wikipedia is massively POV by the mods/admins. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 15:35, 14 February 2008 (UTC)

Overchan V.2?

Does it deserve any mention? I found out about it during the crap that happened to 4chan's /b/ on 2006-08-25.....

I think that Overchan in general deserves a note.


Added it to the list of other English Imageboards. Thought it deserved a mention, since this is the Pokémon Fandom's first foray into the imageboard bandwagon. At least as far as the english fandom goes.

There has been a Pokemon board on 573chan for a long time. This is not a new concept. 06:37, 30 December 2006 (UTC)

420chan too. And btw, go back to Mt. Moon, OP, we told you pokechan sucks already. ~~

Pokemon is an anime and Japanese cultural phenomenon, which is hardly unique for an imageboard to have. --PotatoSamurai 10:16, 30 December 2006 (UTC)

Imageboard Wiki?

I'm wondering if this would merit it's own wiki, listing various imageboards and their respective histories and cultures. Someone could try wikicities with a good proposal. Heck, Homestar Runner has its own wiki.

So does Megatokyo. Soon there will be wiki for everything. That said, I fully support the idea.

WikiChan -Seventh Holy Scripture

this might be a dumb question, but i'm a wikipedia n00b: is there any way i can access the history for the old 4chan article(s)? i still don't understand why people felt it needed to be truncated and shoved into this article. --gb 16:24, Dec 30, 2004 (UTC)

Go here: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=4chan&action=history (Anonymous-san)

arigatou --gb 00:13, Dec 31, 2004 (UTC)

To answer your question, Gb, the $chan article was not very useful and a pain to maintain. When it is incorperated into the imageboard article, it keeps down the meme information, most of which was useless and very PoV on what 'was a meme' or 'was not a meme'. See the milhouse arguements for an example. 4chan just doesn't need an entire article to itself, most on the relavent info has been merged here anyway. hfool/Wazzup? 23:36, 31 Dec 2004 (UTC)

I guess I just don't see the NPOVness of excluding something because it's "not popular enough" or "not very useful". If you ask me, I don't think Babylon 5 is popular or useful enough to warrant 200 pages or whatever (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Babylon_5_articles) , but you don't see me trimming them down. It might be a pain to maintain but so are any number of pages (looks like the GNAA page survived another vote for deletion), is that a good reason to get rid of an article? If the George Bush page gets vandalized a lot should it be removed? And although there are memes which are debatable, there are some which are universally agreed upon. --gb 03:52, Jan 24, 2005 (UTC)


Archived list of memes with no sources --Enric Naval (talk) 05:38, 5 June 2008 (UTC)
The following discussion has been closed. Please do not modify it.

Let's look at this rationally: 4chan is a very small part of the internet. The memes are often only part of the /b/ board, a part of this small part of the great big internet. So, notablity is not established, for one. Let's look at the memes one by one, shall we?

    • Wryyyy is from the Manga of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. It's also featured in a flash that shows some of the more absurd special moves for the characters in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure for the Dreamcast.
  • Pedobear - 2chan's creation.
  • Cockmongler - A /b/ creation.
  • Happy Negro - Another /b/ creation.
  • teh rei - Troll bait, I believe.
  • ZOMG Rei!! - See teh rei.
  • SPIKE DIES - Might be notable by some streach, as it has spread a little outside of 4chan, I think.
  • Waha - 2chan's again.
  • Nevada-tan - More 2channing.
  • It's Battletoads - More trolling.
  • Covercat - Not original.
  • THRUST VECTORING... - An infamous phrase, perhaps it could be sent to the Macross article?
  • Kill it with fire - Not a 4chan creation, or exclusive by any means.
  • Anonymous does not forgive - Come on. This is Gabe's theory without the special language.
  • One does not simply ____ into Mordor. - From SA. Let it stay there.
  • Word filters - Not a meme, as stated in the article.

Now, can we drop the whole business already? Flame me by clicking the edit button and adding ** before your post below mine, not clearing the page. Thanks! hfool/Wazzup? 03:27, 7 Jan 2005 (UTC)

    • Pedobear - 2chan's creation. -so? it's used on 4chan as well.

Cockmongler - A /b/ creation. -and? /b/ is where the memes are used. thats why they are mentioned so the memes don't have to be explained to every noob.
Happy Negro - Another /b/ creation. -see above.
teh rei - Troll bait, I believe. -/b/ is just a big collection of trolls.
ZOMG Rei!! - See teh rei. -see above
SPIKE DIES - Might be notable by some streach, as it has spread a little outside of 4chan, I think.
Waha - 2chan's again. -see pedobear
Nevada-tan - More 2channing. -see above
It's Battletoads - More trolling. -still a meme because it spreads and for that is a meme, also, see teh rei
Covercat - Not original. -explain yourself please?
THRUST VECTORING... - An infamous phrase, perhaps it could be sent to the Macross article? -meme. used a lot, even outside of /b/(i.E. in /k/ & /v/).
Kill it with fire - Not a 4chan creation, or exclusive by any means. -so what? still a meme and used on 4chan(not only in /b/)
Anonymous does not forgive - Come on. This is Gabe's theory without the special language. -and? whats the problem? it's still a meme.
One does not simply ____ into Mordor. - From SA. Let it stay there. -if you are a SA goon, get out of discussing about 4chan since you hate 4chan anyway. also: the phrase was more shopped in /b/ then it was ever in SA
Word filters - Not a meme, as stated in the article. -so... why do you mention them? also, "A HUGE GAPING VAGINA... etc." has become quite of a meme.

-- 23:02, 18 Jan 2005 (UTC)

    • Since the audience for the 4chan section of page is almost certainly people from or interested in 4chan, shouldn't the article explain the common terms/ culture of the board? The sole reason for having the article in the first place is to explain things like this. Information on these memes is not available anywhere else, and they don't justify a mention on articles related to their origin (such as the Macross article). Regardless of where the meme originated, they are prevalent in 4chan, and are surely worthy of explanation in the article. Tadhg 17:58, 7 Jan 2005 (UTC)
      • The problem is determining which ones are worthy of inclusion. Hmm, that sounds like a jugdement of them. So, restated, the problem is that what is a meme on 4chan is open for debate. There could be dozens of memes, or even nearing a hundred that are 'memetic', depending on your point of view. So I'd be happy with a small section talking about memes, and even talking about specific memes, but a list of memes with paragraph-long meanings and notes is overkill. hfool/Roast me 23:52, 7 Jan 2005 (UTC)
        • I agree. The modern memes, such as Cracky-chan (which I notice has recently had its own article created) shouldn't be included, since they would almost certainly be forgotten within a month, replaced with a new one. So what memes should be included? Perhaps limit the list to the longest-standing three (Pedobear, Negro, Rei), similar to the iichan article? Or remove the memes altogether and focus on the "culture" of the board (no rules, flamewars common, "furry bashing" and "Furry Friday", etc), with a brief mention that there are some regular memes bracket example example example close bracket? Tadhg 00:44, 8 Jan 2005 (UTC)
  • Agreed. To preserve NPOV, it's best to include no memes at all. Besides that, memes simply do not belong in an encyclopedia. Write a small tidbit about the community as Tadhg suggested, but do not list any memes. Really, if people would give a damn about those memes they could... well... just visit the damn site. Try again once any of those memes reach this level of importance. :: DarkLordSeth 17:48, 8 Jan 2005 (UTC)
  • (Indent Trim). The second example is a little closer to what I had in mind. I'll add something, but since I don't actually go to the site (WAKAchan forever, baby!), it might not be totally correct. hfool/Roast me 03:00, 8 Jan 2005 (UTC)
  • I'm happy with your changes. Good job. Tadhg 19:37, 8 Jan 2005 (UTC)

Does iichan deserve a 'meme list' (even though they are all original creations) more than 4chan? Not only was it a smaller site, but it's dissolved into WAKAchan now. --Anonymous

I think that memes which are popular among several of the imageboards (Pedobear, happy negro) should be explained independently of any specific board, while memes that are primarily popular only on one board but are ubiquitous there should be discussed in their "home board"'s section. New "memes" need not apply—only ones that stand the test of time are really worth including (something that just showed up in the past week or so can't even really be called memes yet, just "currently popular subjects"). These things tend to die off pretty quickly: "thrust vectoring" lasted, what, a couple of months? And it was one of the more amusing ones. Gwalla | Talk 23:34, 8 Jan 2005 (UTC)

Most memes are really created at 4chan and get picked up at the others if they get picked up at all, and there is almost no flow in the other direction, so talking aout them under 4chan is likely the best idea. hfool/Roast me 03:25, 9 Jan 2005 (UTC)
  • No memes at all unless it reaches this level of popularity. Untill them, leave them out at all if possible. The current situation ( vague reference, no seperate heading, etc ) is fair enough for now, but highly POV. :: DarkLordSeth 03:41, 9 Jan 2005 (UTC)
  • The 3 Wakaba/Kareha characters aren't really memes anymore but semi-official mascots adopted by the software maker and wakachan board admins -- 04:17, 11 Jan 2005 (UTC)


This article trimming, gentlemen, fails a big one; in fact, I'm quite disgusted with it. It was the 4chan article on Wikipedia that introduced me to 4chan; heck, it introduced me both to 4chan AND to the Wikipedia. And I'm sure the same has occurred for many other regulars. Wikipedia's strength for me has always been its vast details on pop culture, an arena where other encyclopedias dare not to tread. And 4chan, as the Western offshoot of the site that IS the Japanese internet, stands out as a vastly intriguing segment of our popular culture, and a view of popular culture to come.

As further argument against this brutal and nonchalant trimming of the Wikipedia page that meant the most to me; a fine example of a Wikipedia page, no less -- I cite the recent appearance of a certain language that received FEATURED ARTICLE status on the Wiki; a language by the name of Laal. This language has 300 speakers. Those who would therefore deny a Wiki article to 4chan; an indisputably UNIQUE online community of 10,000 users or so--with a potential to touch, as a meme, many many times that number--are clearly talking out of their prudery-stiffened behinds.

  • 300 speakers, and as a linguist, I can tell you, there's absolutely nothing bloody interesting about it.

I, paladin of 4chan on the Wiki, officially give this article the designation of "codswallop". 4Channers, together we shall triumph in the fight for our Wikipedian independence! (Love and Peace)

In the words of the /b/tards STFU! for crying out loud I think that what they have here is good enough, they didn't need the overblown article, it was getting out of hand, and this is beter because you get info on other image boards and some history, it's an ecyclopedia, not the preachers of the gospel of 4chan, so get over it and calm the heck down. in it's last state it was mearly just a list of MEMEs most of which I don't consider MEMEs, if you think it was usefull in any way shape or form, take a look at this
  • animated is usually a redundant confirmation that the posted .gif is actually animated, or a trolling statement if the picture is a jpeg, or in most cases a nonanimated gif.
  • Ayanami Rei, a character from Neon Genesis Evangelion is sometimes treated with derision when appearing, especially in floods. Images of her were banned for a whole month in response at one point. Reasons for this vilification include the perceived over-exposure and pompousness of the series she appears in (along with its fans) and the fan intepretation of her character as a taciturn, submissive, masturbatory otaku fantasy girl. Related memes are "ZOMG ITS REI!" at pictures of any blue-haired characters; also, "FAP FAP FAP" to imply masturbation.
  • Bad Teeth Man An image of a smiling, dishevelled-looking man(Shane McGowan, Lead singer of The Pogues a Traditional Irish Band) with rotten, crooked teeth and bulging eyes. His image is often posted with humorous comments such as "I'd hit it!" and "I'd buy that for a dollar!" in order to emphasise a point of discussion.
  • "Cock Mongler" was named from a picture of a smiling redheaded man from the website for "The World's Largest Dinosaur" in Drumheller, Alberta. The words "I'LL SUCK YOUR COCK!" was added to an edited version of the photo.
  • Covercat came from a pornographic photograph where the participants were partially obscured by a out-of-focus orange cat sticking its head into frame. The cat has subsequently been photoshopped into (or rather, over) a variety of images.
  • "Eyebrows," or "Amarao-Brows," is a reference to the anime series FLCL. The character Amarao's most notable feature are his enormous, rectangular eyebrows that appear to be made out of dried seaweed (nori). This meme came about during the initial Happy Negro wave, when HN was edited into an FLCL screencapture and given his own set of Amarao-Brows.
  • A gaijin yonkoma is a 4-panel comic with many variations. The two pictures used in every incarnation of the Gaijin Yonkoma series show four IGN staff at E³. One picture shows them sitting in chairs, with little emotion; the other has them cheering wildly, apparently in response to news of a new Legend of Zelda video game. These have also been used as models for anime characters drawn in the same poses, most notably the characters Akane, Mitsuki and Haruka from Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien.
  • "Happy Negro" is the nickname given to Santino Lee, a black porn actor featured in a series of photos from the adult website BangBus.Com. In one picture, he is shown fondling the breasts of another woman with an exaggerated expression of excitement on his face. It is this picture from which the nickname, and Lee's most common image, originates.
  • "Harbl" or "...touch my harbl" is one of the deepest memes in 4chan. Following the path of the true inside joke, if you have to ask what it means you will never know.
  • "I'd hit it" The oldest and most famous phrase on the boards. "I would fuck it." A derisive variant is to specify WHICH weapon the poster would hit it with.
  • "is this loli" Originally from /c/ controversy about whether posted images are too sexual to belong there. (The rules at the time permitted "mild nudity") Often the term is used to troll other posts.
  • Kill it with fire. The "kill it" is from an unknown source. "With fire," comes from a Xenosaga doujin-strip of three panels where Kos-mos has her look change into a "magical girl" costume and her response is "My physical appearance is down 80%. Shion. I need to be cleaned. With fire." It's equivalent to "sage," but a sage of something ugly.
  • lol internet was the 100,000th post on /b/, by Anonymous, in an earlier incarnation of 4chan. It's famous because another poster who was trying to get the 100,000th post claimed he'd decided to commit suicide because of his failure.
  • A master is out. Commonly invoked alongside the picture of a person (loli) or pet animal peeking out around a corner or a door that has been opened just a creak. The cause for this meme was a picture posted by a user from japan showing a dog looking around the corner. The sentence suposed to suggest that the dogs owner("a master") was out of the house("is out"), and he(the Dog) is waiting for him to return.
  • Milhouse is a Matt Groening character from The multi-seasonal Simpsons cartoon. Milhouse was a successfully "forced meme", indirectly also spawning the recursive meme "Milhouse [is not a meme]" with the words in brackets being repeated once or as many times as necessary.
  • "Moot", the owner of 4chan, was turned into a meme after he posted a picture from someone's vacation in Mexico of a man playfully sticking his head into a ruin. The man's face is photoshopped often onto other pictures in the same manner as Happy Negro and Cock Mongler.
  • Multitrack Drifting is a reference to a particularly rediculous chapter of "Dorega no D", a spoof of the popular manga "Initial D", a Japanese comic about downhill drift-style auto racing. In this spoof, the main character is shown "drifting" a passenger train. "Multitrack Drifting" is often combined with "One Does Not Simply [x] Into Mordor" and/or Ronald McDonald.
  • "One does not simply ... into Mordor." This famous quote from the Movie Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring was abused as the subject of a SomethingAwful Photoshop Phriday subject and became a running joke when it migrated to 4chan. Various situations with the character Boromir's head photoshopped into them have been created around the subject; for example, a Star Trek transporter scene is "One does not simply teleport into Mordor." Mordor was eventually word-filtered into "a huge vagina the size of a hallway."
  • "Needs more [...]" A request for a photoshop. Sometimes just a trolling statement, as in "Needs more loli." For particularly disturbing images, "Needs more covercat" is the standard.
  • "Nevada-tan" is the nickname of a 11-year-old Japanese schoolgirl who murdered another student in the classroom with a box cutter because she constantly mocked and taunted her. Her real name was never discovered, but in her class photo she was wearing a hooded sweatshirt with the words "Nevada". Drawings of Nevada commiting the murder and other various guro-related activities appear often on 4chan.
  • "Osakaphone" was a short-lived fad before the fourth death of 4chan where it was common to post an ASCII image of Osaka from Azumanga Daioh holding a phone to her ear and saying various things. It was often accompanied with the ASCII Pedo Bear. Related is a flash video, somewhat commonly uploaded to /f/, where a sped-up verson of the song "Bananaphone" by Raffi accompanies the same ASCII rendition of Osaka, with a Gundam in a banana costume in the place of the original phone.
  • Pedo Bear is an ASCII art bear copied over from the 2ch character Kuma (Bear). On 2ch, Kuma represents wilderness and nature, often exclaiming his dislike for work. In his free time, he fights Ronald McDonald and chases cute girls. On 4chan, however, he was "transformed" into a pedo during a /b/ AA flood. Other ASCII animals have been imported and assigned fetishes.
  • Queen of Punk Generally used to refer to the frequently flooded images of Canadian punk rocker Avril Lavigne - postergirl for the angry, disenfranchized youth of modern suburbia. Avril seems loved and hated in equal measure on 4chan and often serves as a catalyst for huge flame wars.
  • sauce plz Humourous mispelling of the word "source", as in asking "What is the source of this image?" As an attention-grabbing pun, the request for "sauce" is sometimes accompanied by a picture of ketchup. It was also the cause of a wordfilter that automatically changed "source" into "sauce".
  • "Spicy hot loligasms" has come to be associated with the two main characters from Futari wa Pretty Cure. The origins of the phrase are certain Habanero-tan comics and the notorious poster Buki Buki, also known as Buki^2, who was known for making suggestive exclamations such as "Hot!" while posting pictures of young girls in /c/ (the cute board). He was once represented as a blue penguin in a edited image, and the association stuck.
  • "SPIKE DIES" (all caps) was a troll message refering to the death of Spike from Cowboy Bebop. It was considered an unannounced spoiler, although some posters argued that what actually counts as a spoiler for such a popular anime is subjective. Variations include replacing the name with a more current one (rude) or a very old or well known one (tongue-in-cheek).
  • "Thrust vectoring owns the sky! This thing can turn on a dime, Macross Zero-style!" is a phrase in reference to the OVA series Macross Zero, which features aircraft able to change direction in an incredibly small amount of space. It was first posted as a comment on a picture of a F/A-22 Raptor, and then later placed next to pictures of other aircraft or vehicles, but was also seen on marques.
  • "The Undernet (or other names like Ubernet or Underweb) is REAL! I found this... I think it is a hit to a way to find a way in..." Current running joke making fun of Lord Nat for his discovery of the map of the way into the Undernet.
  • Waha is a meme adopted from Futaba channel.
  • Yotsuba, (literally, "Four Leaves") besides being the name of the site, is also the name of a manga character and its eponymous manga, named "Yotsubato!" ("Yotubato!"); Yotsuba, an energetic if dim little girl with four green pigtails, is sometimes joked to be the site's spokeswoman.
  • y halo thar is a meme that needs a better definition which includes the addition of "buttsecks? lolol"
  • Yaranaika Taken from a manga/doujinshi page involving homosexual themes, this meme is associated with both words and the faces from the said manga/doujinshi. Translated, the phase implies a sexual pick-up line. One of the oldest 2chan memes, adopted by 4chan.
  • You forgot Poland was extracted from the political debates of the Bush/Kerry 2004 election. No one quite gets this one either. However, this meme also started one of the most annoying "failed memes" in current history.
  • ZOMG TORRENT PLZ is a request for files or images to be offered on BitTorrent. It's a jab at the demands of the internet user for instant gratification.
  • ZOMG NONE!!!1 is an exclamation derived from the rules section of 4chan, which state that there are no rules that govern the /b/ board. Often spammed by a user via proxy immediately after receiving a siteban or IRC ban.
  • ZOMG is an exclamation combining the two internet shorthand corruptions "ROFLZ" and "OMGZ".
  • WRYYYYYYYY - <-- please someone tell me what does this mean!!! ;_;
It's something the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure character Dio shouts. It means nothing; it's just a scream. Popularized on 4chan by a flash animation that used stick figures to demonstrate the super moves used by a few characters in the JJBA fighting game. Gwalla | Talk 22:47, 20 Mar 2005 (UTC)
  • AAIIIIRRR! - fair enough, now tell me what does aaaiirr mean? whats up with the messed up eyes?
    • A reference to a scene in the movie Total Recall, wherein Arnold Schwarzenegger's character is writhing around on the ground fighting for air while his eyes pop out.
  • zOMG is a typo, not a contraction/mashup - the shift key is next to the z key. originated outside of 4chan.
    • ZOMG has also been wordfiltered to 'zoomj'.

i got 4chan booted off godaddy.com :lol:


[1] contains all the same stuff as [2], right? So why link BOTH? and [3] is a german board, go start an article about imageboards on de:! humblefool® 01:02, 23 Apr 2005 (UTC)

No, [4] is all the boards, [5] is a portal to only the worksafe sections, more or less considered to be seperate.

5 Chan

I've edited the 5chan section slightly to indicate the prescence of a holding page that suggests the sites return. Please advise if it is of any use.

UPDATE: The holding page is no longer there. I guess the project fell through. 2nd UPDATE: The domain doesn't seem to work now. I've deleted the reference from the article.

Header image

I'm thinking an image that showed the an example imageboard section and its format (i.e. /a/), rather then just the title pages of some popular ones, would contribute more to the article. -Seventh Holy Scripture

I've been thinking

Perhaps it's time to spin the 4chan article back off from imageboard. I mean, if Casey and Andy can have an article, so can a site many times larger than it! humblefool® 1 July 2005 05:33 (UTC)

iichan and wtfux

Should the merger of wtfux and iichan be mentioned?

12chan and CP

12chan is infamous for hosting child pornography on boards dedicated to "jailbait", "male jailbait", "boys", and "girls"

I don't recall 12chan ever hosting child pornography. It might've been gray area, but there was never any nudity or abuse. -- (talk) 12:26, 6 May 2010 (UTC)

Removed 711chan

Because we prefer not to have our website shown here.

kkthxbb —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 13:40, 2 March 2010 (UTC)

I don't understand a thing

Who's responsible for writing such a poor article with so many slang words? (talk) 14:37, 13 December 2009 (UTC)

Request to add PushTheNet

Please enter the following entry to your wiki as PushTheNet is against the traditional hacks, raids, and negative aspects of imageboard culture and have been attacked by 7chan and 711chan as well have been hacked in the proccess. Please see the article on PushTheNet on ED for proof.

May I suggest the following as the addition:


PushTheNet is an imageboard with a philosophy against typical imageboard culture activities such as hacking, raiding, and other "gray area" elements of imageboard culture. In a retaliation of ideas, many other imageboards such as 7chan and 711chan have attacked in the form of spam floods and hacking in attempts to get rid of the imageboard stating that PushTheNet should not exist.

Cool story, Tahko. Same philosophy as Chan3 and Hurrchan.  :| CourtneyXY (talk) 09:22, 20 March 2010 (UTC)

Kusaba is no more

I've said this before but this article needs to be updated, I can do so if someone allows me to do so. I have relevant information but have no access in order to update the article. {{editsemiprotected}}

Not done: please be more specific about what needs to be changed.


Kusaba is dead Megachan.net Imageboards And has split into 3 or more Imageboard softwares.

Serissa Serissa Kusaba2 Kusaba 2 KusabaX KusabaX Each continuing the legacy of Kusaba and furthering the development of Imageboard software.

Links in the article are outdated and need revising. Please give me access to the artilce so that I can make nessessary changes and bring this page up to date.

comment added by Vampirebloodx —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 03:04, 11 February 2009 (UTC)

I updated the link to Kusaba X, since the kusabax.org domain no longer works. ZionistConspiracy (Talk) 00:20, 3 April 2010 (UTC)

Page needs revising

"There are currently three imageboard software packages in widespread use: Futallaby,[2] Kusaba,[3] Wakaba.[4]" I've been reading over it and I've noticed a few mistakes/errors and I'd be happy to correct any and bring this article up to date.

Your request to be unblocked has been granted for the following reason(s):

This article needs to be updated and brought up to date.

Request handled by: Vampirebloodx (talk) 07:22, 5 February 2009 (UTC) It says I've been given access to the article yet I still can't edit anything. What's going on?


KonataChan deserves a reference in this article. It's a chan site focussed on Anime, Manga Video Games & More. The site got raided by 7Chan and 4Chan and Since has grown into it's own community. —Preceding unsigned comment added by Vampirebloodx (talkcontribs) 14:28, 2 February 2009 (UTC)

I don't think "being raided" satisfies the notability requirements, nor does having its own community. That's the kind of useless information which can stay on ED. There's already a link to Overchan, so if people want to explore chan culture, they have ample scope to do so. Jokl (talk) 12:43, 17 August 2009 (UTC)


More?o_O? —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 04:43, 30 November 2008 (UTC)


The article about 420chan is completely wrong. Kirtaner has never been involved in attacks on either Perverted Justice or Hal Turner's website. It is, in fact, the invasion /i/ board that is doing the damage.

Aww, come on, give Kirty credit. There isn't any more article on 420 though. Shame. --Anonymous 22:38, 15 October 2007 (UTC)

420 smoke dongs everyday also heres my ip —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 04:39, 24 February 2008 (UTC)

We don't WANT an article, for the same reasion 7, 711, 12, and really anyone else does not want one. (talk) 22:01, 25 April 2008 (UTC)

7chan were the ones that did the attacks against Hal Turner when they had an /i/ board. I suggest the writer of the 420chan section lurk moar. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 14:27, 22 July 2008 (UTC)

I fail to see the relevence of this section, as well as the 4chan and futaba sections, to the actual point of this article. This article is susposed to explain what an imageboard is and what is does, not what imageboards are out there.

and off the record, the *chans prefer not to have wikipedia article, they prefer not to be in the public's eye11:38, 25 July 2008 (UTC)

Off the record? Are you sure? Really? Because it feels like someone might notice this secret meeting <_< >_> —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 00:29, 31 August 2008 (UTC)

Damn straight. Rules 1 & 2. Wiki admins should be asked to ban content on chans by the mods. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 06:11, 10 October 2008 (UTC)

Lately, "fans" of new imageboards have been editing in their links in the external links section and continue editing in with no given reason even after reverts that have been explicitly justified.

Examples: (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5)

Here you can talk about why your or any particular imageboard should be listed! Please talk here before making any more unjustified changes to the external link list! Note also that you should sign your comments with "--~~~~"!

Note that there is already a collection for all imageboards, The Overchan, and that there is a common rule in Wikipedia, called Wikipedia is not a propaganda machine, meaning that an article on Wikipedia is not an appropriate place to advertise your new websites. --zerofoks 13:26, 22 October 2005 (UTC)

Well, I requested a page/section protection and was probably right as the spammers keep on editing the link: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Imageboard&diff=26200562&oldid=26195254 --zerofoks 18:02, 22 October 2005 (UTC)
I'm going to unprotect as hopefully the anons have gone, but let me know if it starts up again. Cheers, SlimVirgin (talk) 19:26, 25 October 2005 (UTC)
Okay, thanks. I edited in this note, I think it can be commonly accepted on here:
<!--The following list is supposed to be a selection of relevant and/or important imageboards or sites about imageboards. Please justify new entries on the talk page. Unfounded new entries can be removed without further comments. This list is supposed to stay compact and concise. -->
--zerofoks 13:16, 26 October 2005 (UTC)

People really need to stop this stuff, nearly every time I look at this page there are four-five new urls that need to be removed

Echoghost 23:30, 20 May 2006 (UTC)

Make a new article called "List of Image Boards" or something and let people spam there? -Zabadab 10:05, 22 May 2006 (UTC)

If there's going to be a list of these image boards, why is the list being censored? I can understand not wanting every random 4chan clone listed, but over the past while I've seen several semipopular boards deleted and less popular boards left in the list.

Should we establish criteria for notability at 20,000 google hits? This would eliminate 420chan, Einskanal and WTFux from the current list. -Seventh Holy Scripture 23:40, 11 June 2006 (UTC)
No, 420chan and WTFux have had a greater impact than that would imply. Einskanal can go (Onechan is a better example of a German imageboard anyways), and some of these three-posts sites like Chiliblue definitely need to go. -- 21:08, 21 June 2006 (UTC)
Okay, I looked at the links and noticed there were basically three types: large imageboards (i.e. 4chan, FChan), reference (i.e. Overchan), and smaller imageboards that are not unique in any way and shouldn't have been put there (Renchan, Not4chan, Chiliblue, maybe a few others) that I removed. I added Anonib, a unique imageboard-creating service, as well as links to the major imageboard scripts (changed this after I saw the larger section, orz) and reorganized them into the first two groups.
Created a seperate section for lolicon boards

IMG! is a new and mostly work safe imageboard and is a good example to what an imageboard is without having to worry about adult or shock imagery. Please add the following:

Dead boards?

I just reverted an edit. Go me. I know everyone here hates me and stuff but I still want to propose that the section is kept; no not because I want to be in the spotlight but because otherwise people on other image boards spread BS info that simply isnt true... we've all seen it happen, I've even done the same on 5chan. If a board was mentioned on the Imageboard page and then died, it deserves to stay mentioned since it was obviously important enough at the time and was known by enough people. Instead of lies being spread, it'd be more helpful for the entire community (if you could call the bunch of trolls that) if there was some place that had accurate information. Zabadab 22:53, 12 November 2005 (UTC)


SOme anon added this. I kneejerked it out, then put it back minus the remarks. Don't know if you want it, though.Mikereichold 08:16, 28 January 2006 (UTC)

I added both moeboard and e-shuushuu, two of my favorite image boards, yet shuushuu keeps being removed for unknown reasons while moeboard is kept. Please explain.

moeboard is fairly well known, while shuushuu is not. Being someone's 'favorite' isn't enough to justify a board's inclusion; it should be popular enough that the average editor has heard of it, or notable in some other way. -Seventh Holy Scripture 19:39, 14 February 2006 (UTC)


These boards seem to post copyrighted material without the apparent consent of the copyright owners.

  • Linking to copyrighted works is usually not a problem, as long as you have made a reasonable effort to determine that the page in question is not violating someone else's copyright. If it is, please do not link to the page. Whether such a link is contributory infringement is currently being debated in the courts, but in any case, linking to a page that illegally distributes someone else's work sheds a bad light on us.Wikipedia:External links

Can anyone clarify what the copyright status of the material on these boards is? -Will Beback 02:24, 13 March 2006 (UTC)

Almost everything on these sites is violating someone's copyright somehow. Unfortunately, that's the way it is. That said, I really don't like what you're trying to imply here. Do you think these links should be removed just because of that? Have you even visited any of them to see for yourself what it's like? Sorry to get snippy, but it seems like you're jumping to conclusions.--Sporkot 00:44, 15 March 2006 (UTC)
Yes, from what I saw it looked like much of the artwork is commercial. Linking to such sites is similar to linking to websites of pirates sharing music or video files, thereby abetting their activities. -Will Beback 01:46, 15 March 2006 (UTC)
The indexes we are linking to do not contain infringing material. TrueMirror 03:17, 15 March 2006 (UTC)
I'm not sure I understand what you are saying. Do you mean that all of the boards linked from the article that carry copyrighted material do so with the copyright owners' expressed permission? Can you tell me how you know this? -Will Beback 05:58, 15 March 2006 (UTC)
index.htm TrueMirror 18:57, 15 March 2006 (UTC)
What commercial artwork are you referring to? As stated in the article, most of the content on the image boards is related to anime and would fall under fair use because it does not devalue the potential market for anime products. Unlike pirate music and movie sites, imageboards with screencaps, fan arts, etc. do not supply a substitution for the legitimate works. Thatdog 08:37, 15 March 2006 (UTC)
Stated in which article? There's no mention of fair use in Imageboard. -Will Beback 17:33, 15 March 2006 (UTC)
Oops. I could have sworn fair use was mentioned in this article but it seems I read it elsewhere. In any case, perhaps this article would benefit from a section dealing with the legality of copyrighted content on imageboards. Thatdog 18:45, 15 March 2006 (UTC)

Not4chan is most likely dead as well

As it hasn't been active for several weeks, Not4chan is probably down for the count. Should the administrator confirm this, or it remains down, it should be added to the dead boards list.

Sure, just be sure to explain what a "Dead Board" is and make sure that the information is relevant and concise. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 00:30, 31 August 2008 (UTC)

Bulletin board system?

Is "bulletin board system" (in the intro of this article) really the right term for this? BBS was an old term for a system you dialed up directly to, these days I don't believe the term is used any more, I believe "message board", forum, webforum, etc are the terms used. --Xyzzyplugh 13:38, 31 August 2006 (UTC)

420chan not dead

Putting in a correction - there are plans to ressurect it. It's just taken us a while to gather the money. Only a week or two off. Kirtaner 02:07, 8 September 2006 (UTC)

I fail to see how RBGchan contributes to this article. It looks like nothing more than a dumpsite for images. Also, is Ko-chan really a "major image board"? It doesn't seem that known to me.

Please tell me why these should not be removed. 20:55, 8 September 2006 (UTC)

Also Anoib is not major and shouldn't be put under that heading, but it is of interest as it is useful for those wanting their own imageboard.
Guro- and fchan are not major eather, but are of interest as they are for very specific communities. Perhaps these links should be moved to their respective articles. — 21:58, 8 September 2006 (UTC)
Well, gurochan and fchan are involved in a good deal of inter-imageboard drama and thus well-known, but I can't say that counts for anything on here. -Seventh Holy Scripture


Is this significant enough to warrant its own section? It's obvious some Japanese dude added it --PotatoSamurai 09:32, 30 December 2006 (UTC)

Other image board software

I am aware that 4chan's software (yotsuba) is closed source (various opinions on why that is I'm sure have been the topic of many debates around the internet, as I personally have witnessed misinformation on this subject in the past), is this the reason it is not listed under image board software?

This also brings up other image board softwares that I'm unsure about the source availability of. For example, 573chan is running a derived version of Thorn that they have dubbed "drydock." I'm just looking for a consensus of some sort before I go around editing articles about image board softwares that may not even be available to the public.

However, unless there are any objections to this idea within the next 48 hours or so, I think I will add them myself and then if someone disagrees with what I have done, they'll just have to revert my edits. :p 01:34, 25 January 2007 (UTC)

I think imageboard software should only be listed if a homepage link can be provided. -Seventh Holy Scripture 06:28, 25 January 2007 (UTC)
I went ahead and added drydock, but I am waiting to hear back from WTSnacks about adding yotsuba. I should also think about logging in before I edit again. 20:48, 31 January 2007 (UTC)
By "homepage" I meant a site describing the software, not merely a site which uses it. If the software isn't available for download and the only site which uses it would fail notability guidelines, it doesn't amount to much more then a surreptitious way to place an imageboard link that wouldn't otherwise be allowed in the article. -Seventh Holy Scripture 03:30, 1 February 2007 (UTC)
The site that was added is the "home" page of the software. http://573chan.org/about.php is the page that describes the software I suppose (it's at the bottom). The changelog that was actually linked gives a better indication about the current state of the script than the about page does. As of this time, the software we are running is not open source, mainly due to the fact that we need to clean up the code, but there are plans of it being available for download. As far as "merely a site which uses it," konamichan is the ONLY site running this particular script. If you are requiring the previous editor (I believe they are likely one of our users because of a post on the discussion board) to link to a download page, we don't have that at this time. If you are simply requiring a link to the page of creation, then that task was completed. I'm curious to see how this plays out. I suppose conflict of interest prevents me from interpreting your comment myself, however. tyam 05:12, 1 February 2007 (UTC)

I'm not sure if I should add this as I don't think this script is used much. (if at all) It's called Suigintou (link) and it's pretty much a very basic English language futaba script clone. Zylo-86 (talk) 03:07, 15 August 2008 (UTC)

I'm rather shocked

I expected 12chan to just be like 4chan or 7chan, as in, jokes, anime, and some porn. I have to say I'm quite horrified by what I saw instead, though, and I'm amazed such a blatantly pedophilic site has escaped detection for so long. It's not just that, it's cyber-exploitation, too. Seriously, what the hell are the FBI doing?

And it just so happened that the day after I posted this, 12chan's gone down (maybe for good). :-)

I have to ask, what exactly makes it illegal (besides the child models)? Discussing pedophilic activity isn't illegal, as long as you don't go and list the steps to kidnap someone, or something. 19:15, 19 June 2007 (UTC)
Nah, you're right. But still, it's rather disturbing to find pictures showing 10-12 year old girls in a blatantly sexual context. Hell, I should be used to this by now, it is the Internet, after all. Guess this sort of thing is better kept to the internet rather than escalating any further (freedom of speech, etc.). —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 17:21, 3 September 2007 (UTC)

RELEVANCE DAMMIT! This is not a forum for you to disscuss your thoughts. Either help extend and improve information or go. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 00:34, 31 August 2008 (UTC)

12chan is back up. If someone wants to re-add it in the interest of being a Good Wikipedian, go ahead. I don't want to direct more haters to 12chan, though. Mfrisk (talk) 06:05, 18 December 2008 (UTC)

Why is this article so narrow?

I remember it used to be much larger than it is now. It included information about various imageboard software such as Wakaba, Thorn, etc., and more information about more sites. Imageboard culture is so vast but there's nothing here anymore. What happened? -- 20:07, 29 June 2007 (UTC)

If I remember correctly, someone came in and deemed a few portions of the article (including the software list) to not follow Wikipedia standards, removing them shortly after. --tj9991 (talk) 08:51, 19 December 2007 (UTC)

Vandalism Detected

[6] —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 13:31, 15 February 2008 (UTC)


does require a pass from IRC —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 04:54, 27 March 2008 (UTC)

I hope no one minds...

if I delete the "trolls" on this talk board, most of them are just kids from 4chan trying to sound cool —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs) 03:00, 5 June 2008

I restored one of your removals, and I archived part of the conversation instead. Your second removal was very correct --Enric Naval (talk) 05:42, 5 June 2008 (UTC)

Hey, please don't delete my entry adding IMG. That's a legitimate entry. Thank You. --dontaco2000 (talk —Preceding undated comment was added at 23:14, 27 July 2008 (UTC)


I'm surprised to see that Kusaba isn't included here.

It's pretty much the standard for newer imageboards. Its logo is plastered on 711chan, 12chan, wutchan, dcrchan... the list is endless --Blackfish711 (talk) 15:05, 5 August 2008 (UTC)

Except that... it is. -Seventh Holy Scripture (talk) 20:09, 5 August 2008 (UTC)
oh... disregard that, cocks etc --Blackfish711 (talk) 13:53, 8 August 2008 (UTC)

It's not a page for 4chan, its the definition for "Imageboard". —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 00:35, 31 August 2008 (UTC)

What is a /b/ board?

The term "/b/ board" is used in the article, but no explanation is given the first time it is encountered. What does it mean? (talk) 22:08, 14 January 2009 (UTC)

/*/ refers to the file directory of the board's content on the server. /b/ is generally used to signify the 'Random' board on a particular site, which allows any (legal) content. These boards are typically the highest-traffic board on their site. (talk) 01:57, 10 February 2009 (UTC)

This has gone too far

Re-open this page so we can edit it. This article is missing more or less everything. —Preceding unsigned comment added by Amid.Abdullah (talkcontribs) 22:09, 19 January 2009

Far easier to just post what needs to be changed/edited here on the discussion page and let whoever does have edit rights do it.
IE:'Futaba's five /b/ boards' should read 'Futaba's five 'Random' boards' (talk) 02:11, 10 February 2009 (UTC)


Considering the nature of 12chan, wouldn't that alone make it worthy on inclusion?--Jakezing (Your King) (talk) 01:33, 23 May 2009 (UTC)

888chan and 12chan

The reason I included 888chan is because they are of similar influence in the imageboard world to others on the list. They have done things of note, another thing of note is their part in the Youtube Porn day which received media attention, though the blame was set with 4chan (as is always the goal with these things). With regards to 12chan, they have done nothing except host lots of pictures of child porn, which does not make it a noteworthy site. -Hellogervis

Hell yes it does since it isnt taken down for something illegal--Jakezing (Your King) (talk) 19:58, 23 May 2009 (UTC)
You'd might as well list every CP site then. -Hellogervis —Preceding undated comment added 21:06, 23 May 2009 (UTC).
The publicness of 12chan makes it more notable then that, and this isnt a CP list, its a list of chans--Jakezing (Your King) (talk) 21:30, 23 May 2009 (UTC)
Well in my opinion it shouldn't be there because it's never done anything that has produced media headlines, as all the others have in some regard. Hellogervis (talk) 22:59, 23 May 2009 (UTC)


This imageboard has some users and all, but it DEFINITELY lacks the relevance of the major imageboards. I'm pretty sure 888chan was put in there by the site's users to advertise the site, so im taking it off; considering there are WAY larger imageboards which are way more relevent than 888chan, which are also not included :p (talk) 11:50, 3 July 2009 (UTC)

I disagree, I’ve been using imageboards for a while and along with 4chan, the big *chans at the moment seem to be 888chan, 420chan, 7chan, 711chan, 99chan and 12chan. Those are the big English-speaking chans anyway. Anything sourced and relevant to important internet events should be left in. (talk) 18:26, 3 July 2009 (UTC)
but 24chan, 99chan, 1024chan, etc are all around the size of 888chan (look on alexa if you dont believe me), the difference is that 888chan, unlike 420chan, 4chan, and 7chan lacks any real historical value among the major imageboards. 888chan is very average sized amongst the small chans, so it's inclusion is hardly appropriate. It is also notable that r3x and insurgen.info have been trying to advertise as much as possible to compete with partyvan.info (for example, their propaganda warfare on anonnewswire which culminated in the website banning propaganda from either side: http://www.anonnewswire.org/entry/2009/06/03/new-rule/). (talk) 12:47, 6 July 2009 (UTC)
Ok I checked alexa and 888chan has vastly higher rankings then any of the aforementioned *chans you say it is comparable to, higher even than 711chan. Also I believe your link was a result of partyvan.info advertising in order to steal insurgen.info's userbase, not the other way round. Seems you are trying to remove a perfectly good *chan from imageboard as part of your own de-advertising campaign in some squabble you have. Please take it elsewhere. (talk) 16:39, 6 July 2009 (UTC)
711chan really isn't fit for the list either :p Oh and btw, 99chan is WAAAYYY higher than 888chan in alexa ranking. Sorry bro, partyvan.info and insurgen.info are both pretty stupid, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna let wikipedia be used as a medium for a bunch of idiots to advertise their stupid *chans. (talk) 00:53, 7 July 2009 (UTC)
And that is exactly what it comes down to. I don't believe any *chans should be listed on this article unless they have a relevant article on Wikipedia. The listing on this article is too large to be considered examples, which was the purpose it initially served. 2chan and 4chan should be the only listings under "Imageboards", in my humble opinion. tj9991 (talk | contribs) 01:48, 18 September 2009 (UTC)
Yes, that is ideal. I strongly agree with you. Do it please. PLEASE. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 07:02, 11 October 2009 (UTC)
I agree with Tj9991. 711chan and 888chan are both tiny, lets remove anything without a relevent article. I think maybe 420chan should stay but only after an article is written on it (just due to it's sheer size), but that is also debatable. For now let's get rid of everything but 2chan and 4chan. (talk) 18:05, 9 December 2009 (UTC)
The purpose of that section of imageboard is to reference imageboards of note. If they have their own articles that's good but it's not criteria a site must meet to be notable. See Wikipedia:Notability. (talk) 03:09, 10 December 2009 (UTC)
Yes, but some of these imageboards are definitely not very notable, for example: 711chan, 888chan, and to a lesser extent 420chan and 7chan68.192.218.75 (talk) 07:54, 16 December 2009 (UTC) has loaded this discussion with their own talk to make it look like there is consensus for removal. There is not. Then vomited on my talkpage about how there was consensus. Whatever's conflict of interest is, take it elsewhere. Chris (クリス • フィッチュ) (talk) 15:17, 10 December 2009 (UTC)
dude wtf, I was just telling you to check the discussion and shit before you revert everything. Anyways, if you are this set on reverting any changes a zillion times, can we at least set a criteria for which imageboards will be kept? Also, how do I have a conflict of interest? (also this is here, on my shiny new username :D)Arameus (talk) 07:02, 12 December 2009 (UTC)
also 888 isnt up anymore. (talk) 05:08, 13 January 2010 (UTC)

The notability of 888chan appears to be established by number and quality of sources:

  • "My Date With Anonymous: A Rare Interview With the Elusive Internet Troublemakers". LA Times Weekly. Retrieved 2009-12-14. {{cite web}}: Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |publisher= (help)
  • "'Anonymous' Declares War on Australia Over Internet Filtering". Wired News. Retrieved 2009-12-14. {{cite web}}: Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |publisher= (help)
  • "Interview With Anonymous". IT Networks. Retrieved 2009-12-14. {{cite web}}: Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |publisher= (help)

This article isn't overly long, so I don't see a need to delete sourced material just because the website is no longer active. We keep articles about defunct political parties, dead people, conquered nations, out-of-print books, and other things that don't exist any more. That said, if there's a consensus to delete it I won't object.   Will Beback  talk  08:33, 14 January 2010 (UTC)

I see your point, but there are many imageboards who are more influential, have a higher alexa ranking, can be sourced, and STILL exist, so what makes 888chan so special that we include it and not, lets say, krautchan (I'm not trying to support krautchan being on the list, nor am I exactly sure it is more notable than 888chan, I am merely trying to demonstrate my point)? Too include all of the chans that are as documented and relevant as 888 it would make the article massive. The only reason I can see for 888chan's inclusion is the former advertising-heavy orientation of it's owner and userbase. Arameus (talk) 11:11, 15 January 2010 (UTC)

Danbooru-style sites

Why does the article describe Danbooru-style websites as imageboards? Danbooru does not call itself an imageboard — you can verify by checking the main site and the source code (svn://donmai.us/danbooru/trunk). The closest thing to a reliable source on English-language imageboard culture (Dramatica) does not mention danbooru and treats the word "imageboard" as a synonym for "*chan" (e.g. its "Imageboards" page is a redirect to "Chan", and its article titled "List of *chan boards" begins with the words "This is an alphabetical list of imageboards").

If we are going to treat any "board with images" as an imageboard, then we may as well call Flickr, Picasa Web Albums and the like imageboards. IMHO, not every board with images is an imageboard; like most computer terminology, the word "imageboard" should not be interpreted literally. --Tetromino (talk) 15:41, 7 January 2010 (UTC)

There's a growing confusion in the Internet about how to call those (Danbooru-style) boards. Some just call them *boorus but mostly "imageboard" is applied to them too. There are many examples.
For instance, there's a board on SankakuComplex.com. The site itself isn't a board so it has its own subdomain for it and it is called chan.sankakucomplex.com. Even more, it is actually titled "Sankaku Channel" while having totally Danbooru-like view and engine.
Other examples include how users tag bookmarks about those sites on social services such as del.icio.us and Twitter. Try searching for Gelbooru - the first result will be tagged as "imageboard". And so on.
I think the most possible and accurate definition might be something like this: "A site which content consists mostly of pictures (often related to anime or Japanese culture), which main features include flexible tagging of images, separating tags by author, movie, etc. and an ability to assign wiki-pages to those tags". (talk) 13:35, 9 January 2010 (UTC)

Another question. I thought about adding a very brief description about Danbooru API and some links to sites which use it, if this section will be kept. Will it be appropriate here? (talk) 13:35, 9 January 2010 (UTC)

What about mjv-art.org and other not Ruby/PHP projects? (talk) 19:01, 25 March 2012 (UTC)


I believe hurrchan is notable/unique enough to have a section due to its different view on anonymous/raids. —Preceding unsigned comment added by Turbocat404 (talkcontribs) 19:33, 25 March 2010 (UTC)

Because you're probably staff/a devoted member. It has no more notability than a thousand other imageboards, see pushthenet. Chewwy225 (talk) 21:40, 25 March 2010 (UTC)

I think it's a bad idea to only show the negative side of imageboards in this article without mention of any being against the raids and /i/nsurgency. Whether it be hurrchan, pushthenet, or chan3, at least one imageboard of these ideals should be included. (talk) 01:18, 26 March 2010 (UTC)
4chan is technically against raids, 7chan/420chan no longer participate. *chans "against the raids" are dime a dozen, it does not exactly make one notable. There is no "negative"/positive view on imageboards in this article, only neutral inclusion of those that require mention as per Notability in Wikipedia and those that don't. You are using weak arguments to get your site mentioned as part of some advertisement push you have going. If you would check history pushthenet.com tried the same thing, which didn't work. And blanking your userpage then signing out of your account in an effort to create an impression of consensus does not tend to work. No sources = no inclusion, that's the rule. Chewwy225 (talk) 02:56, 26 March 2010 (UTC)
hurrchan should not be mentioned. Just because it has a small community, doesn't mean you should be stamping it all over Wikipedia and Encyclopedia Dramatica. I'd delete it, but it would automatically get re-added (Bot). —Preceding unsigned comment added by Zzzzac1v4 (talkcontribs) 10:48, 26 March 2010 (UTC)
I just took the liberty of deleting it. Have a good day. —Preceding unsigned comment added by Zzzzac1v4 (talkcontribs) 10:53, 26 March 2010 (UTC)

Tonight's unexplained deletion and revert 2010-03-26 - if you delete, you need to discuss potential controversial ones

An anonymous IP deleted a section that had been referenced without explaining the nature of the deletion. Since other regular editors have allowed that section to survive, there is no reason to delete even though the reference link is now broken. Your best bet in making deletions is to explain yourself here on the talkpage. --Morenooso (talk) 03:59, 27 March 2010 (UTC)

Repeated advertising/self promotion

This article appears to be a target of continuous advertising, self-promotion, and mention of imageboards that do not meet Wikipedia:Notability standards. Perhaps a separate article such as List of Imageboards would be appropriate and useful in keeping this article clean? ZionistConspiracy (talk) 09:20, 28 March 2010 (UTC)

Normally in other articles I follow like this, if regular editors revert what are considered spam links (a sentence or two that just promotes a person or website. I would recommend posting your intention here first and then doing the reverts (if you don't have a contributions history of doing reverts). If you look at both my userpage and contributions, that is almost one of my specialties. --Morenooso (talk) 13:17, 28 March 2010 (UTC)
I think having to post your intention of revertion here first may become a little tedious over time with the vast amount of reverts we're having to do, and with the availibility of edit summary anyway. Maybe a semi-protection + coming down harshly on "established registered users" who continue to vandadvertise on the page would suffice? Chewwy225 (talk) 16:19, 28 March 2010 (UTC)
You can try to get semi-protection but it is usually only good for a certain amount of time plus admins are reluctant to grant it as Wikipedia is the online encyclopedia anyone can edit. If you look at the delete one warning template, it states When removing text, please specify a reason in the edit summary and discuss edits that are likely to be controversial on the article's talk page. The last part of that sentence is my guide for any deletions I feel I must make on an article. Deletions are usually seen as contentious especially if referenced cited material is deleted. Prior to doing any deletion, I go on a talkpage prior to discuss my intended actions. If I feel it will be really controversial, I will state that I will wait a reasonable period of time to make the deletion. --Morenooso (talk) 03:53, 13 April 2010 (UTC)


What about Fchan? it was created for Furry art because 4chan didn't allow it. No.--Sturmgewehr47 (talk) 22:06, 19 June 2010 (UTC)


I think it needs to be added. It did have that kid that shot up his school. It's also a pretty major *chan (very active).

it did not have a kid that did a school shooting. that was a hoax, but a hoax that was taken for real and announced in television and newspapers by the police. infos in german interview with krautchan admin in german Elvis untot (talk) 11:45, 20 August 2010 (UTC)
Krautchan is relevant beacuse it is unique due to being in German, and also large enough to deserve a mention. —Preceding unsigned comment added by JaredThornbridge (talkcontribs) 11:22, 21 October 2010 (UTC)
Agree, added. --Fixuture (talk) 02:26, 28 March 2015 (UTC)

Tinyboard Software

Tinyboard is a quite stable futaba-style imageboard software package written in PHP, available at [7]. It is currently in beta, but is used on [8], and is stable enough for regular use. Consider adding it to the article under the futaba clone software section. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Seisatsu (talkcontribs) 08:10, 2 April 2011 (UTC)

Agreed. It's in beta right now (v0.9) and it's definitely notable enough for a mention. It's one of the cleanest and best imageboard scripts I've seen so far. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Himetiny (talkcontribs) 08:21, 2 April 2011 (UTC)
Said by the people that work on it. It looks like it's only on one site that does not have any notability, so therefore it should not be considered to be included. (talk) 20:34, 10 April 2011 (UTC)
I use it, it is becoming more popular than before. --Niksfish (talk) 20:40, 25 June 2012 (UTC)
Strange that tinyboard and its fork vichan still aren't mentioned, despite being used on dozens or hundreds of sites at this point, including 8chan which has its own section in the article.2601:204:C000:FC34:DE85:DEFF:FE92:3A2B (talk) 04:57, 16 June 2015 (UTC)
That site doesn't say anything about tinyboard. Never saw it in use. And afaik you need at least some reporting on it for it to be considered notable enough to be added to the article.
The only thing I could find that meantions vichan is this: this. So you probably have to wait until it gets more popular... --Fixuture (talk) 16:52, 16 June 2015 (UTC)

No ponychan?

I see what you did thar.... — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 02:36, 27 August 2011 (UTC)

Tripcode Algorithm

since the now deleted Tripcode page redirects here, would a section regarding the actual "code" behind tripcodes generation be acceptable on this page? iirc tripcodes are used in many imageboard softwares, so this topic is not completely unrelated, and a page about this was created(albeit deleted) (talk) 22:48, 27 February 2012 (UTC)

Please do, I cannot imagine the herpderp going through the mind of the person who decided to merge it here. And by merging, I mean destroying the information that many other sites link to. (talk) 14:53, 17 March 2012 (UTC)

You could request for an admin to give you the original article source from the deleted article (provided you have an account, so it can be pasted into a user subpage or sandbox). There are also various interwikis available, such as ja:トリップ (電子掲示板), ru:Трипкод and zh:Tripcode to translate from to place the general idea of what a tripcode is into this article, provided you understand the language. Though, I do wonder why the article contents weren't properly merged, and the Tripcode article deleted entirely, when the deletion discussion clearly had people suggesting a content merge. I don't see how we can't provide a detailed subsection on tripcodes within this article. -- 李博杰  | Talk contribs email 08:41, 9 April 2012 (UTC)
I was able to retrieve the lost page from http://web.archive.org/web/20101202155014/http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tripcode (talk) 13:18, 5 June 2012 (UTC)

Image board screenshot has no images?

The 4chan screen shot does not display the actual images in the image board. Maybe if somebody scrolled down to the list of images the image would be more representative. --Frozenport (talk) 06:19, 14 August 2012 (UTC)

Wikipedia is a free encyclopedia, free as in libre and not gratis. As Richard Stallman would put it, the "free" in our case should be "freedom", and not "free beer". Displaying actual images would be a copyright violation, as the images in question would not necessarily have a free license. Consider having a read of United States copyright law (the Wikimedia servers are located in Florida) and Derivative work if you have the spare time. In case you were wondering, I was the one who blacked out sections of the current image to make it comply with copyright law: the original image contained a 4chan banner and an image of Milhouse from The Simpsons, which would be both copyrighted images. The text within the image is fine though, as the text contents of the first post at the bottom doesn't have any particular originality that can be copyrighted, and the font used is a FOSS font supplied within many distributions of GNU/Linux (I'm assuming the original creator made the screenshot using a GNU/Linux distribution). -- 李博杰  | Talk contribs email 06:28, 14 August 2012 (UTC)