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Jason has been awarded the MTV Lifetime Achievement award. Please restore this information in the trvia section. Warwolf 07:12, 17 September 2006 (UTC)

Um, a source that can verify that would be nice. Bignole 12:18, 17 September 2006 (UTC)
I helped you out and found a clip of the event.Bignole 12:27, 17 September 2006 (UTC)

Aaron Pepin Feb. 12 2007- Hey Bignole, yah. What happened to all the trivia? Was it all wrong or something? Can we please have it back, if it is not a problem?

I didn't take it out. Check the history. Most of it wasn't trivia but original research anyway, but if you want an explaination you'll have to talk to Bloddyfriday.  BIGNOLE   (Question?)  (What I do)  19:26, 12 February 2007 (UTC)


This article claims that Jason suffers from mental retardation. I'm not disputing this claim, and I realize that it's been hinted at in the films. However, I wonder whether his retardation has ever been established explicity or implied very clearly --Mike1981 09:05, 4 December 2005 (UTC)

Good question. I think that there's a line the first one mentioning that he's "special" but that's terribly euphamistic. I'll see if I can find some harder evidence.--Sean|Black 01:10, 4 December 2005 (UTC)

Thanks. I recall that, in F13 Part 1, Pamela starts to say to Alice, "He [Jason] wasn't..." and then hesitates before hastily adding, "a good swimmer." I got the sense that she may have been about to say something about his intelligence. --Mike1981 09:09, 4 December 2005 (UTC)

I have asked the screenwriter of JASON X, Todd Farmer, about the line "Born with hydrocephalus, Jason suffered from mental retardation and severe facial disfigurement." He thinks its factuality is questionable. Todd is by no means all-knowing but he is closer to the subject than the writers of this article. If I am wrong I apologize. I would recommend that a clear source be stated for the whole above quote. That could be a quote from one of the movies or from one of the stories creators. If no clear source is found I think the sentence should be removed.Billyjoekoepsel 09:47, 3 February 2006 (UTC)

There's an interview[1] in which Victor Miller has what I think is the closest resolving answer we may ever receive:
Question:There seems to be some controversy surrounding the actual background of Jason. When writing the script, did you see him in your mind as the deformed, mongoloid child that appears onscreen?
Answer:Jason was, when alive, a slightly retarded kid. He wasn't a deformed creature from the Black Lagoon, but that's how movies are made. I don't think the ending would have been as good if he were a cute blonde kid who looked like Betsy Palmer at 8 years old, do you? Tom Savini's magic made that shot horrifying and we are all the beneficiaries.
I never really bought the regeneration screw-up at the bottom of the lake that the second film's novelisation gives as it fails to make sense as to why after all the restorations its made to his body, why it never corrects his face and head. --Bacteria 20:04, 3 February 2006 (UTC)

I always thought that if he was retarded, wouldn't he chase down all the teens, and not figure out ways to sneak up on them? Like how Leatherface chases them, but Jason sneaks up on them. Pamala says (in Freddy Krougar guise) that Jason was her 'special, special boy'. I think he could've been a little retarded, but not that retarded. Darthan the destroyer 14:17, 13 March 2007 (UTC)

Jason was afflicted with severe facial deformities, Hydrocephalus, an abnormally large head and mental disabilities. (Personally I find it insulting that people keep saying Jason has mental disabilities. People who are mentally challenged are not able to strategize, sneak up on people rather than chasing them, set traps, hide dead bodies purposely, sharpen weapons, and survive in the woods for so long without any help. I also hate when people judge others by how they look. Even though Jason looks different from everyone else it makes him unique and special.) November 7, 2018

Regenerative powers

-experienced sneaky butcher
-Uncertain superhuman strength ,(favorably combined with some slashing and stabbing weapon),
-Restless stamina,
-Pain-nerve-ends burned out
-Randomly working accelerated healing factor (Regenerative powers)
-Unbeatable killer instinct (short of slowly losing his consciousness)
-Near invulnerability
-Setting traps in the woods
-Sharpening his weapons
-Survival skills in the woods

Also, I read somewhere that they're planning to do some kind of remake of the original Friday The 13th movie as well as another Friday movie about Jason's origins. Anybody know if any of this is true or if it's just a rumor?

I read something about that myself not too far back and I think that it's actually true. It's been probably 3 or 4 months ago that I read it but I do remember reading it. I'd be interested to know the origin of his abilities. How can he "heal" if he's dead, why is he so strong, does he have some sort of radar that hones in on horny/intoxicated teenagers?

jason is pretty much a super-charged zombie powered-by unspecified voorhees magical bloodline curse of endless-revenge drive and hunger to plain and simply: KILL an out of control living weapon acting with suprising intellect when something benfits his killing machine efficiency

freddy is pervo-psycho wise-cracking artist killer that slipps over as always-returning evil ghost force thanks to ancient dark gods of the dreamscape (wich are his satanic fans) plus powered-up with believe and fear of something related to his myth

I'm recommending Actors to portray Jason Voorhees should be merged in here. Any objections? Stifle (talk) 13:11, 24 April 2006 (UTC)

None here. That article not only repeats everything that this article has, but it's also in not in the best shape. When it's done, the succession boxes need to be tweaked; I'm not sure "to play" sounds right within the context it's used. --Bacteria 13:37, 24 April 2006 (UTC)
I agree. That article is in poor shape. I'll be bold and work on the merge, also fixing the wording in the succession boxes. --Myles Long 14:58, 24 April 2006 (UTC)
There didn't really seem to be anything to merge (everything in it was either here or in Friday the 13th (film series), so I redirected that article here. I also changed the wording in the succession boxes to "Actors portraying Jason Voorhees" as that seems to be more grammatically correct than "Actors to portray Jason Voorhees." Feel free to change it to a wording that makes more sense. Also, instead of years in the succession boxes, I'd suggest listing the films in which the actor appeared. Any thoughts? --Myles Long 15:12, 24 April 2006 (UTC)

that noise

if jason isn't making the "ch-ch-ch" noise then what is? i'm not trying to be jerky; i just seriously don't know what the fan speculation is. Sparsefarce 22:06, 12 May 2006 (UTC)

Do you have a source indicating that the sound is anything other than background music? I've certainly never seen one.--Sean Black (talk) 22:10, 12 May 2006 (UTC)
no no no. i'm not the one that added that comment in the article. it just got me thinking is all. i always assumed that it was jason making that noise. it never occurred to me that it could be considered music or a soundtrack. i was just wondering what fans' opinions are. how is this covered in, say, the novelizations or comic book versions of the F13 series, as i've never read them? Sparsefarce 22:47, 12 May 2006 (UTC)
It's explained in the DVD commentary, I've added a note to the end of the Trivia section. Slavedriver 19:01, 26 August 2006 (UTC)

Jason is not a psychopath

I noticed this article was added to "fictional psychopaths" wich Jason isn't. Jason's motivation is to avenge his mother by "punishing" anyone who enters crystal lake, who he associates with the death of himself and his mother. Also a phsycopath is defined by a lack of fear, remorse and empathy for the pain of others. Jason just lacks remorse.

Theres no such thing as a dream state.Jason subconsiously fears water,the water brought back memories of his drowning. Thats why Freddy recreated the Jason's drowning, the memoiries terrified Jason and Freddy would have been able to drown him if the van hadn't crashed.

Jason's love for his mother also proves he isn't a phsychopath since a phsycopath is sopposedly incapable of caring for someone.

alright jason is not a psycho,but he has no fear wich made it very difficult for freddy to effectively destroy him

It seems ficitional killers are too often associated with pretty much every term related to insanity used in pop culture. These include the terms "serial killer" and "psychopath," and I wish these two respective categories will stop be added to this article. Both of these are based on deep psychological issues; Jason is simply a killing machine, his only defined objective being simple revenge. If someone wants to adhere to the idea that Jason is a serial killer, I'll supply the reasons on why he isn't. But for now, a psychopath implies a mental illness, and there is not evidence that Jason suffers from such a thing. Psychopaths are characterised considerably by manipulation to satisfy their own wants, and Jason's only desire is implied to be nothing more than the kill itself (and even that maybe more of an impulse likened to a shark than a personal want). And to clarify, in terms of fear, in this context it is related to one's actions, not in terms of phobias like Jason's implied fear of water. There isn't enough evidence for me to believe that Jason has a mental illness, and I will continue to remove the incorrect categories unless someone can properly support otherwise. --Bacteria 10:12, 19 June 2006 (UTC)

alright i agree. according to your claim freddy is the real psycho and jason is simple minded

I strongly disagree with you saying jason is simply a killing machine, jason seems to blaim humanity as a whole for the death of his mother,can you blaim him, all he's ever been shown is hate and rejection from everyone exept his mother. The way he sees it, they took her away from him. he's not a shark, if you still think so I suggest watching friday the 13th part 2 or Freddy vs. Jason.

Incase anyone cares, a serial killer is defined as a person who commits 3 or more murders with "cooling off periods" in between. All of the friday the 13th films take place over the course of several days or less and usualy in the same location, thus Jason would be defined as a mass murderer or spree kiler.

I think saying Jason "blames humanity" is being a bit overdramatic. In my opinon, I believe he is simply acting out a misunderstood sense of revenge. Of course, debating why he kills is rather moot as the films are never entirely consistent, or at least clear on what Jason's motive(s) actually is. There's the implication of revenge by murdering everyone involved in Camp Crystal Lake. In Jason Goes to Hell, he seems to simply kill everyone in order to just get his body back (and the fact that it implies that he's a demon doesn't help the whole "human emotion" thing). But, of course, in Freddy vs. Jason, we get a gander at the idea that Jason's motivation can easily be swayed, and the fact that he can so easily be fooled backs up my theory that he has a rather child-like naivity about what he's doing. And the concept that Jason is a killing machine is not entirely my own thoughts. Many behind the scenes have spoken of Jason in such a way, and is literally referred to as a shark in the Jason Lives novelisation. In fact, the revelation that he has a small brain in Jason X is a reference to a specific legendary killing machine: Tyrannosaurus. In all honesty, the films have so scattered the elements, that I don't think you can find an irrefutable thread in Jason's logic and engine throughout the entire series.--Bacteria 02:14, 21 June 2006 (UTC)

ok, I guess we should just say he's not a phsycopath and leave it at that.

Quick quibble: the statement "In fact, the revelation that he has a small brain in Jason X is a reference to a specific legendary killing machine: Tyrannosaurus." is folly. Tyrannosaurus was one of the larger-brained therapods. The Tyrannosaurids were beaten out only by the Dromaeosaurids ("Raptors") and the Troodontids (like Stenonychosaurus) in intelligence; at least among the non-avian Dinosaurs (if modern Dinosaurs are included, the list is shot to hell, since Crows have almost human-like intelligence, at least compared to other Dinosaurs). More likely, the "small brain" thing is a reference to sharks. --Corvun 17:30, 19 August 2006 (UTC)
I don't doubt that you're wrong (and I did try to verify it on the site's article), but I'm just citing the writer from the Jason X audio commentary. True or not, that was their intention. --Bacteria 03:35, 21 August 2006 (UTC)
So the Jason X writer actually referred to T. rex as a legendary, small-brained killing machine? Y'know, I once dated a chick who'd gotten it into her head that the lagendarily small-brained Stegosaurus (who, back in the day, was supposed to have a "helper brain" at the end of its tail because it's brain

supposedly wasn't even large enough to handle the beast's motor function) was a typical Dinosaur. I had no idea how widespread this misconception really was till just this moment. A cited quote (and a quick note in parentheses indicating that T. rex is actually considered one of the smarter dinosaurs, or something) would be definite fodder for the "trivia" section of the article! --Corvun 05:16, 22 August 2006 (UTC)

I think Jason is nothing more than a very agressive Guardian of his lake. Jason almost never goes out of his way to mindlessly kill people. In part 8 that movie should have been a bloodbath beyond any ever seen in most horror movies, but it was not. In that movie he didnt even kill the ones who stopped him after he smashed the radio, and they were easily in the death range and should have been toast. Also on the subway train bit why didnt the place become red with blood there either?

In Freddy vs Jason. Fred is the real monster of the movie because he tricked Jason into doing his mothers bidding, and he did this very well..well enough to the point where it lead to a confrontation between the two.

As for the fear of water, I dont think hes actually scared of water as what it is. Moreover water is the symbol of everything he hates, and cant control. Jason is always in control of any situation he is in, water represents fluidity and no control at all, and he is afraid of the lack of control, not the water itself.

Jason is a Sociopathic Entity at his core. Sociopaths are mostly harmless and can even be quite good at things. Jason Knows the difference between right and wrong, as he didnt kill the innocent kids in part 6 and I really doubt he would have ever harmed them, nor does he destroy his surroundings mindlessly. Psychopaths dont truly know the difference between right and wrong, they just are the worlds greatest pretenders and can adapt to any situation, much like Freddy does.

Jason is a Good Kid who always listened to his mother and im guessing if his mother wasnt such a nutcase to begin and his surroundings were different he would have been a cool person to be around. He is a sociopath and highly impressionable. He just did what his mother did before him. Then he died. After that I believe his guardian status kicked in. If he truly was a serial killer of the highest order, the entire town would have made sure he was cremated because he would have for sure went after the rest of the town and killed them all much like Freddy did to His home town.

Freddy basically just killed children, and continued to do so after his death. sure the occasional adult was involved but they were just trying to stop him and got in the way. He is psychopathic and truly evil.

Jason rarely ever goes after people they always come to him. He protects his home and knows it better than most people ever do. He kills until they stop coming, once they stop, so does he. If he does go after people its for personal reasons usually, this shows he knows what he is doing, and is able to pick and choose his victims.

I say hes sociopathic, not psychopathic as people say he is.

I agree. I think Jason is a sociopath, not a psycopath. I think he just wants people to get off camp crystal lake and just leave him alone. He deosn't kill for fun like freddy. Like in Jason lives, it looks as if Jason were giving Tommy a chance to leave after he puched Hawe's heart out. I think Jason really doesn't hate water. That was just a screw up in Freddy vs. Jason. That's what I think. Even though he is alot more destructive than Freddy and Mike Meyers, Jason is just a trapped child in deniale, not wanting revenge on the people that killed him, just people to get out of his way and leave him alone, or something to that effect. (Oh, that whole killing teenagers because of sex and drugs thing, I have 2 theorys: I think that is for revenge, or just a coincidence. Because, notice he also kills people who don't have sex and drugs, people who go to the camp mostly do drugs and screw because there is no one ther to whitness them do these "crimes".) Aaron Pepin

Part 2 note

Actually, the beginning of part 3 shows Jason on the floor of his makeshift shack lying down. He removes the machete that Ginny put in his shoulder and crawls away. Since the scene at the end of part 2 has him still with the machete in his shoulder, that furthers the hallucination idea.

10:45, 30 May 2006 (UTC)~Enda80

Non-film information

I've noticed that the article has begun to incorporate information that is not seen on film, taken from the books and/or comics. The problem is that this article, nor the Friday the 13th series article, make mention of the canonicity of these spin-off publications. If they're not canon (and this issue is something I'd like to see addressed), then we need a seperate section to handle his off-screen apearances, not integrating them into the established history. --Bacteria 11:30, 8 June 2006 (UTC)

  • Because of this, and because several of the "other appearances" were actually references, homages or pastiches of Jason, I amended the header to include emulation and put in another example. Hopefully this will distinguish between actual F13 canon and articles or instances where the Jason character is featured, but not in an official F13 capacity. Slavedriver 22:34, 4 July 2006 (UTC)

I don't get the chainsaw thing? Why did people get rid of my explanation. all i said was that people get Jason and Leatherface confused and think Jason weilds a chainsaw when really Leatherface does. could that be put back in? Technobabble1 03:25, 23 October 2006 (UTC)

First, it wasn't a complete sentence, and it had grammer issues (which it isn't the responsibility of other edits to make major corrections to edits, which does not include copyediting). Also, the statement had nothing to do with Leatherface and Jason being confused for one another. People do not confuse the characters, they confuse the weapons the characters use. Also, you were introducing "speculation", not fact. Bignole 03:30, 23 October 2006 (UTC)

Oops. sorry, i'll work on my grammer. I didn't expect others to clean my grammer up, I didn't know it was bad. still the fact that there is a true masked chainsaw murdurer in movie culture sounds like a reasonable thing to note. even if the idea of the chainsaw jason being a result of confusion is "speculation". 23:43, 23 October 2006 (UTC)Technobabble1 03:15, 24 October 2006 (UTC)


  • These sections become confusing to those unfamiliar of Jason's story (including me). The childhood section says nothing about his having survived the drowning, how he survived, Why he chose to become a hermit, and how he was far enough in the forest not to notice or do anything during his mom's destroying the camp and stuff, and how he was close enough to hear his mother's struggle as mentioned at the beginning of "jason resurfaces". I would have assumed he somehow turned into some kind of zombie from the bottom of the lake when his mother was struggling, and took revenge when Alice woke up in the canoe, which would have made sense for a horror story. But the whole thing just ends up like a huge fragment. Anyone have a mop?--Dagibit 23:39, 6 August 2006 (UTC)
  • It should be read and probably reworded, but a lot of information is not known. It is known that he didn't "drown" intitially and never died till Part 4. You could assume (though it is just assumption) that the drowning caused amnesia which did not get reverted until he witnessed Alice behead his mother (which he wouldn't have known it was his mother till afterward). Then again, you could also assume that his mother was just crazy and, even though she knew he was alive and was taking care of him, still used the motive that the counselors allowed him to drown in an effort to keep up a reason to kill. Bignole 02:18, 7 August 2006 (UTC)
  • I say he did drown and got washed to the other side of Crystal Lake. But got resurrected because his mom dabbled into the occult, which would most likely explain as to how and why Jason's heart is possessed by a demonic force. So technically, if you support my theory as to how Jason ended up surviving his death, Jason has been dead since 1957. Anyway, after he got resurrected, he lived as a hermit in a shack. But, I think someone used to live in the shack because how the hell did he get clothes, right? I mean how often would you find some clothes in the woods or something? I say he killed the hermit for his clothes, and the sack he worn on his head he most likely got because it got washed away with him. Do you remember in FvJ when the kids put the sack of in Jason's head and he threw it off? He might have dumped it in the water and when he drowned, it washed away with him. Plus, I think the motive for him living as a hermit was because his house might have been a long way from Crystal Lake. And I think he did see the stuff that was going on in part 1. But, didn't do anything because he might have been in an abandoned part of Crystal Lake. Plus, before his mom got decapitated, Jason might have been taking a walk and when he saw Alice and his mom fighting, that got his attention. Then, after he sees his mom decapitated, he rushes over when Alice gets into the canoe, steals the corpse (and the head) when Alice fell asleep, returns to his shack, and makes a shrine from the candles on the altar of the former hermit's shack. The story of Jason has a lot of space that has been left opened, which creates debate and theories about him. 13jason13voorhees13 02:09, 15 May 2007 (UTC)
  • Yea, a lot of thing aren't known and there are a lot of theorys. The ending of part one is a halucination by Alice. Either Jason actualy drowned and came back to life (typical for campire ghost stories, which the series basicly is) or he survived. As for why Jason stayed in the woods, thats probably the biggest mistery in the entire series, my best guess would be that he was just to ashamed and confused to go back.
  • Ok, as long as that's the way it was in the movie then theres nothing wrong. I guess Ill clean it up a bit later when I feel like it. It will (or at least should) also include all those theorys and point out parts that just aren't described in the movies. Thanks guys.--Dagibit 19:26, 7 August 2006 (UTC)
The "issues that are not resolved in the movie" is a good idea, but not the "theories" section. Theories, unless generally supported by a reputable source (i.e. Victor Miller, or one of the other creator/writers of the series), are usually taken as POV, and as you may know will get removed. Bignole 19:36, 7 August 2006 (UTC)

I think the whole Childhood section is a whole uncordinated mess right now. I keep meaning to go in and straighten it up, sticking to what we know, i.e. information that is backed up in the films (the article on his mum also suffers from uncited sources). I was also considering adding a Questions section that would address the issues that fans keep talking about, but are never addressed in the films and/or remain sketchy because of continuity issues. Theories wouldn't necessarily be original research since much of the speculation is based on the novelisations, which some fans have circulated into the mythology, even though the books don't seem to be entirely canonical. The issue of his drowning definately needs to be addressed from the perspective of the article, but it and other enigmas don't need to be shoehorned into the narrative flow like it is now. --Bacteria 09:44, 11 August 2006 (UTC)


This article needs some work, and I believe it has enough information to be done well enough to be a featured article. Here is an example of a featured article about a fictional film character. I think we could use this as a guide to better this article. Bignole 14:31, 17 August 2006 (UTC)

I just create an infobox for Jason. There are a couple bits of information that I wasn't sure about (i.e Height, weight). Bignole 15:23, 17 August 2006 (UTC)
I'm currently working at the main body of the article, again using Jabba as the guide. If you wish to see the progress then please go here. If you wish to add something to that, or have an idea then please go here. Bignole 17:58, 17 August 2006 (UTC)

I'm not sure we should give the year of his death. I removed this from an edit long ago on the grounds that there's nothing definitive that the Jason we see stalking around in the second, third, and fourth films is actually "alive." It's the drowning issue in general that raises questions. I think we should leave it just as an "unknown" or "unspecified." --Bacteria 09:53, 9 September 2006 (UTC)

Actually, it's clear that he didn't drown as a child. If he had drown then he wouldn't have aged to an adult. If his body was already dead, then it would stop aging, cause that would mean it was alive. But, since he is an adult when he kills Alice, he never truly died in the lake. Bignole

But I think that's applying assumptions where the fiction at hand leaves holes. The series doesn't put much light on the issue, going as far as to tip-toe around it. And recall that if there is something supernatural regarding Jason, evident as the series progresses, then the aging issue is moot - the details of the so-called drowning incident is never given, and several years between the drowning and his resurfacing occur, leaving who knows what to to go down in that time. At the least, the article is inconsistent on this, glaring over these details, and I'm sure confusing anyone who is unfamiliar with the films. --Bacteria 06:14, 10 September 2006 (UTC)

It's hardly assumption, it's deductive logic. We know he supposedly drowned as a boy many years before the events of the first film. The second films shows him alive, as an adult, and easily aware of pain. The same thing occurs in the third and the fourth. Once he is brought back to life in the sixth film he no longer cries out in pain. So, obviously his body was still alive in the second through fourth films, because you would often taper backwards in pain when he himself was attacked. There is nothing "supernatural" about Jason until the sixth film. All previous films with him as the main character are more "superhuman" than "supernatural". He's resilent, but he isn't immortal, at least not till he is brought back to life in the sixth film. I have tried to read the article all the way through, because frankly it's all fanboy stuff. That's why I started working on a proper article in my sandbox. I've just been busy with school and work to focus on all the sources that it needs. But, as for his death date, it's clear that it is the date of the fourth film. He never returns to life without something bringing him back (exception being 9th and 10th which didn't provide a reason). His body ages like 15 years (not literally, just don't know how long after he supposedly drowned and when he first appeared in Part 2) which cannot be done if you are dead. Decomposing and maturation are completely different. Also, his cries of pain when he is wounded show that he's very much alive. There are continuity errors surrounding the films but a dramatic increase in age isn't a continuity error over some "aging zombified body", that's showing that he didn't really die as a boy. It even goes along with the story that's told at the camp fire, 5 years after Alice dies, where the legend states that Jason actually witnessed his mother's beheading and sought revenge against the one that did it. Bignole 06:42, 10 September 2006 (UTC)

I think I know why jason is alive in JASON X: krueger resarected jason in FREDDY VS. JASON and he was right and I qout "you can't die you'r just sleeping" well as jason wasin't killed in this movie he might have stayed alive till the opening wich is in 2008 and f.v.j. was in 2003 and I know this because the trailers said in 2003 ect. well that's four years apart from each other so unless anyone knows how kruger's severed head could kill jason wich I doute 'cause jason probaly noticed the head winkin' and lafing in his hand and so in other words head+lafe =jason smash! User: Lord ciron o4:05 a.m. can't remember date 2006


jason takes manhattan is no longer considered canon by new line, ever since jason goes to hell rewritten the whole thing, you can tell further this by the novel "hate kill repeat"

according to the black flame's novel "Hate-Kill-Repeat". the events that on some part leading to that of "jason goes to hell" are the following: After slaughtering the police divers who discovered and awakened his body at the bottom of the lake, as well as some nearby campers, Jason was confronted by serial killing couple Norwood and Penelope Thawn of a cult "The Redeemers" On the run from two FBI agents, who wished to contact jason as they believed he shared their 'moral outlook'. However, Jason was uninterested, ramming his machete down Penelope's throat and knocking norwood unconsious, then relentlessly chasing the last survivng camper Halo Harlan (pregnant white-trash teen) down to the hotel phoenix. in wich jason slaughtered most of people there, The carnage climaxes atop the Phoenix Heights hotel. (In which Jason had started a fire), Jason killed Norwood (who tracked him down, wanting to avenge his wife penelope), jason then was thrown off the roof by Halo Harlan whom he'd been pursuing. Having fallen from the roof of the hotel, Jason was impaled on the wings of the metal phoenix statue on the fountain outside. jason eventually pulled him self up and escaped back to crystal lake. after that jason's existence became wide-publicly confirmed and the FBI SWAT ambush-assault team was Organized ironically enough by someone who had been working with the serial killer Norwood who jason killed.

Stunt doubles

It seems there is a disagreement about who should be included in the "portrayed by" section. Thanos6 believes all stunt doubles should be included in the "portrayed by" section, even on pages like Freddy Krueger. My opinion is that "stunt doubles" do not count as "actual portayals" seeing as they are not acting a part but merely providing protection for the actor that is. This does not include "unmasked" and "masked" portrayals, because both are still playing the part of the character, just two different versions. The list of "portrayed by" would become extremely long if we went back and listed every stunt double for the previous "Jason" actors, seeing as not all of them were actually stunt doubles themselves. This argument originated when Thanos6 wanted to include Ken Kirzenger as "Jason" in (Part 8) because of him standing in for Kane Hodder on two of the scenes, because of (as quoted by Kane) "pressure and lack of time". To me, this doesn't qualify as an actual "portrayal", just like any stuntman for Robert England wouldn't classify as an actual "portrayal" of Freddy Krueger, especially when the credits do not list these men as those characters. Bignole 15:43, 26 October 2006 (UTC)

All Jason does is stand around and do stuff, so anybody who wore the Jason getup in the movies, stood around and did stuff deserves a credit, IMO. The "stuntmen" are clearly portraying Jason when they're on camera. They're just involved in different kinds of scenes. 07:06, 11 March 2007 (UTC)

Yes, but someone playing his feet for 1 scene does not get credit for playing him. It's like directing, you only get credit for doing it if you do it for more than half the film. Like Richard Lester, for instance. On Superman II, this is the reason he is credited as director, and not Richard Donner, because he scrapped Donner's footage so that he could reshoot enough to get his name on the credits. So, if Ken did 1 stunt for Jason, because of time reasons, and I haven't found a source yet that confirms that even taking place, only that Ken was the stunt coordinator for the film, that doesn't constitute him playing Jason.  BIGNOLE   (Question?)  (What I do)  13:44, 11 March 2007 (UTC)

Electricity vs Jason

Made a godzilla reference in jason's capacity to be revived by electricity. JaderVason 06:56, 1 November 2006 (UTC)

Oh come on now, how is that a Godzilla refrence? Electricity kills Godzilla... but that's beside the point. No way that deserves a reference or even makes sense to join the two.


Actually.... Electricity and Lightining bring Godzilla to life on a few occassions. Not in order of any kind but here they are ones I can think of.

In Godzilla vs the Sea monster the shipwrecked people woke Godzilla up using a sword and wire and a lightining strike.

In Godzilla vs Mechagodzilla Lightining heals Godzilla AND gives him magnetic powers.

In Godzilla 1985 Lightining is what brings Godzilla back to life when hes hit by the cadimum missiles.

And I believe in F13 part 3..I think There is a scene where A girl pulls out a Fangoria magazine and she turns to the page and it states the 25th anviversary of Godzilla just before blood drips on to it and also in part 5 in the main office of the place on the Bulltein board there is a lobby card for Godzilla Vs the Thing posted on their as well.

The two characters are alike in many ways, Both connected to a single point of origin, both created by other people's actions, both are truly unique and neither can really ever be killed, they both have a signature weapon they use to great effect. Both are near unstoppable, and both have been brought back to life and had movies Careers spanning over 20 years and lots of sequels. Godzilla 28 Jason 10 (11?)

The two characters are more connected than most people realize!

Being connected and being a homage to another character are not the same thing. Just because Freddy kills people and Jason kills people does not mean that Freddy is a homage to Jason (seeing as Freddy came afterward). Bignole 13:04, 18 December 2006 (UTC)


What happened to the photos of Jason without his mask on? Who deleted them? I can't seem to find it in the page's history anywhere. BugEyedMonster 04:23, 11 November 2006 (UTC)

Date of death

The infobox claims Jason died in 1984 (when he was chopped by Tommy).But Jason drowned in 1957 in Crystal Lake and later returned as an undead.Dimts 09:36, 2 December 2006 (UTC)

We had a little discussion about this above. Frankly, I'm not satisfied about the death date issue all together, and would like to see it come to a reasonable consenus. --Bacteria 09:49, 2 December 2006 (UTC)

In Friday 13th Part 3 Jason gets hanged and after that he gets an axe in the head.But in Part 4 he continues his rampage.

P.S in Freddy vs Jason one of the heroes says something like Freddy died in fire and Jason died in water.Dimts 13:59, 2 December 2006 (UTC)

That was FvJ's problem. Jason couldn't have died in water, because he was a boy when that accident happened and he didn't start killing people till he was an adult. He was never officially buried until the end of part 4, that is why his death is that year. Also, the events of part 2, 3, and 4 take place in the same year so it really doesn't matter which you believe killed him, because they were all in the same days. So, it really needs to be changed to whatever year was being claimed in those films. Since the first film was 1979, and the second one picks up 5 years later, I think 1984 is a reasonable assumption of the year for when he finally died. Part two even states that he didn't die in the lake and that he watched his mother get beheaded, and that is why he haunts the camp. Bignole 14:28, 2 December 2006 (UTC)

But FvJ is in continuity.And in part two those guys were telling camp stories (so it's more like "flavor canon").So it probably should be 1946-?.Dimts 16:39, 2 December 2006 (UTC)

Well, first it was just Lori speaking in her dream, so does that mean her statement was "dream canon"? It can't be 1946-? because he has died. Since his aging process contradicts him dying as a child, the most logical is to say he officially died when he was officially buried. Freddy vs Jason is a cross-over and not always subject to canon. Secondly, why do we ever care about this, because the entire article is written incorrectly. It's written like a fanwebsite when it shouldn't. There is almost no enyclopedic information in it. We should be worried about getting the article into shape, not when Jason "officially" died. Bignole 16:45, 2 December 2006 (UTC)
Why don't we just put 'Unknown' in the meantime, until we come to a consensus? Disinclination 06:06, 21 January 2007 (UTC)
Because he's a fictional character, and I realize that his "date of death" (or birth) for that matter do not conform to WP:WAF. Bignole 14:40, 21 January 2007 (UTC)
Now that I think about it, I really don't think Jason's rebirth/ressurection/whatever is supposed to make sense. For example, Freddy did die for a fact, yet he came back, and has been "killed", but has also come back to the real world (as far as I have read).. and supposedly died once again. Perhaps the whole dying by fire/water isn't always one that is so literal. Freddy came back, but when he died, he went to Hell (flames). Jason "died" in the water several times, at least in the first one and FvJ. Massive flames and water were also present at the final fight scene of FvJ. Maybe its more of a mixture of literal and metaphorical. I'm not saying this should be put up there (I'm definately not), but its something to think about. While I think he truely did die in the lake.. he came back somehow, and kept growing, and saw his mother die. So. *shrugs* This is a doozy. God damn movie makers and their inconsistancies! Lol. Disinclination 02:05, 7 February 2007 (UTC)


This guy has to be taller than 6"5 he stands like two heads above everybody! --User:Crazy Chainsaw

The tallest guy to play Jason was Ken Kirzinger, and he's 6'5" and some change. Bignole 14:38, 21 December 2006 (UTC)
Anyone factor in the boots?

-G —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) 08:07, 15 April 2007 (UTC).

What did he say ?

The article states that Jason spoke in the ninth movie. Just out of curiosty, what did he say?

All I remember is in Freddy vs. Jason, Jason is seen Running away with a limp, and yelling. Darthan the destroyer 14:37, 12 March 2007 (UTC)

Aaron Pepin March 12, 2007- Jason didn't do that in Freddy vs. Jason! In the 9th, Jason supposedly took over the Randy's body. He told Josh to get away from Jessica. The audience thought Jason took over Josh's body by the monotone way he talked in the scene, but it turns out that Jason took over Ryan's body when she stabbed Josh.

When he's a kid. If you bothered to watch the part where he's a kid, then you'd probably see that. Darthan the destroyer 14:23, 13 March 2007 (UTC)

I mean in the 9th movie. He only said help in Freddy vs. Jason. And I thought you ment he was yelling and limping when he was fighting Freddy, my bad. Aaron Pepin April 10, 2007

In-universe perspective

I went through and did some heavy editing to the character history section. Since I'm assuming it was the reason for the "in-universe" tag, and this has been retooled, can anyone with the proper authority in the editing game evulate the section to see if this tag can now be picked off? --Bacteria 23:04, 31 January 2007 (UTC)

Jason's anger

The teenagers Jason attacks are typically those who are involving themselves in premarital sex, drinking, or drugs. This seems to be explained in Freddy versus Jason, as when Jason was drowning he could have been saved, if not for the camp counselors at Crystal Lake being too involved in the aforementioned activities to notice his predicament. Some of the novels also hint that Jason's anger comes from resentment of the fact that his deformity prevents him from experiencing these things himself.

While I think this may be true, its always nice to have a few citations. Are there any quotes someone could grab from a book to refute this? I really think it should stay.. but we need a citation for it, nonetheless. Disinclination 19:20, 11 February 2007 (UTC)

In my sandbox, where I've been working on the article in its entirety, I've managed to find 1 source that refers to Jason as a "morality defender". I'm reading the two non-fiction books that were released as I type this, and I'm looking for at least 3 more sources to help substantiate this "morality defender" theory as part of his characteristic.  BIGNOLE   (Question?)  (What I do)  19:24, 11 February 2007 (UTC)
Have you found anything on the last part, where it says that his targetting of glutton teens (sex, drugs, etc) is because he can't experience it himself? Has it ever been hinted at? Disinclination 19:43, 11 February 2007 (UTC)
Here is the citation I'm using, from the New York Daily News. <ref name="NY Daily">{{cite web | url=http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/movies/story/462246p-388901c.html | title=Jason Voorhees: From mama's boy to his own man | publisher=New York Daily News | date=2006-10-19 | accessdate=2007-01-12}}</ref> I just started the "Making Friday the 13th:The Legend of Camp Blood", and it's about everything, so it will take a bit to get through it all. The website in that citation has commentary from Savini also. I haven't seen anything (yet) about him doing it because of not being able to experience it himself, at least not in the one I'm reading right now. The reason it's taking me so long to get through the book is because I have college textbooks to read and exams to take. Otherwise, I'd probably devote my entire time to reading it. It's go so much in this first book (and the Crystal Lake Memories is even larger) that I'm going to be able to, after I get all the Jason info, work on all the film articles and probably get them to at least GA status.  BIGNOLE   (Question?)  (What I do)  19:47, 11 February 2007 (UTC)
Ahh. I see. Well, good luck with your exams, and thanks for taking the time to work on these articles. Alot of them really need help. I'd try working on them.. which I am. Kind of. But I'm afraid I don't do much other than vandalism control. or fancruft control. Disinclination 20:04, 11 February 2007 (UTC)
In my experience working on this site, vandalism control is probably the most important job on here because of the sheer volume of occurrences. There are only 3 fictional film characters that have made it to FA status, and they're all Star Wars characters: Padme Amidala, Jabba the Hutt, and Palpatine. From all the fictional film character pages out there, that should tell you something about what's going on them. I got tired of reading biographies for people that don't exist. That's what fansites are for. Hopefully, I'll get through the first book fast enough to get some good sources in the page.  BIGNOLE   (Question?)  (What I do)  20:11, 11 February 2007 (UTC)


"Godzilla and Chewbacca from the Star Wars series are the other two in that order" Nice to have a reason to link to the star wars article, but honestly, who the hell doesnt know where Chewbacca comes from? Expecially seeing as Godzilla (as a character) doesnt have "from the Godzilla series" after it. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs) 20:58, 19 February 2007 (UTC)

Yeah. It does look rather unwieldy, doesn't it? I'll edit it out. Disinclination 20:58, 19 February 2007 (UTC)

Tags being taken down

Is there any way we could have a few outside editors go through the article and perhaps see if some of the tags are not longer needed? Editors like Bignole, Bacteria, DCarinate (sorry if I spelt that wrong), and countless others have gone through the article, and it has been seriously reworked since I first started watching this page. Are there any appropriate pages where we can ask for this? Disinclination 20:52, 2 March 2007 (UTC)

Yay! :) Thank you, Bloodyfriday. Disinclination 04:12, 9 March 2007 (UTC)


Aaron Pepin March 12, 2007- Does anyone know a website that lists stuff that has happened to jason? (For example, in Freddy vs. Jason, he was set on fire, slashed with freddys claws, electrecuted, impaled with poles, stabbed, etc.) You can put it on my user page if you want. I've been searching the internet, but I can't find any page.

How would finding this website help you contribute positively to the article, though? Disinclination 19:40, 12 March 2007 (UTC)

Just curious. It could explain why he looks the way he does in the Jason movies. Shows his strength and "invulnerableness." He's been shot, "propellered" disected, burnt, electricuted, drowned, and he is still much more stronger than michle meyers. Something like that. Aaron Pepin

Height and weight

I've removed these from this article, and similar ones because it is not "essential" to the character, as per Wiki's MOS for writing about fictional characters. Even more so, when you have a new actor each film, the height and weight changes, sometimes the weight changes with the same actor (i.e. Kane Hodder put on weight for the later films). I was the one who originally put the information there, but I was incorrect in my assumption that it needed it. This isn't like some characters, where their height/weight is essential to who they are (Jabba the Hutt).  BIGNOLE  (Contact me) 02:15, 24 March 2007 (UTC)

For anyone that wasn't aware, here is a link to the guideline Wikipedia:Manual of Style (writing about fiction)#infoboxes and succession boxes.  BIGNOLE  (Contact me) 12:31, 24 March 2007 (UTC)
For other users: Please see: [2] and [3] and tell me if these informations are necessary or not. R@y 12:50, 24 March 2007 (UTC)
That's not an explaination, that's just a link to two sites that have a size for him. He's fictional, he doesn't have a standard size. It's like trying to attribute continuity to a series that tends to break it every film. What about these: [4] [5] -- That's for Ken Kirzinger and Warren Gillette, the're 6'5" and 6'1" respectively, neither is 6'3". The closest any one of them ever got to 250 lbs (which non did) was Kane Hodder. You are taking an unreliable site's information and using original research to find a middle ground for the information; information that is not essential to the character. The reason being, we have too many people playing the character, his size changes every movie. If it was one person, maybe and that's a big maybe because the information doesn't add anything to the character, but not with 9-10 people playing the character. Treating a fictional character like a real person doesn't fit the Manual of Style of writing about fiction.  BIGNOLE  (Contact me) 12:58, 24 March 2007 (UTC)
The examples cited by R@y are not Reliable Sources as defined by Wikipedia. The sign that the first instance was not such was the phrase "the art of killing" on a rather poor imitatiion of a wanted poster. The second instance is a fan surmisement as to height, weight, etc. Both citations are from a single website that caters to afficionados of the horror genre, and exactitude doesn't necessarily appear to be a requirement there.
On the other hand, Bignole presented references for the different heights of the actors portraying the character, and the sources appear to be reliable. As these heights differ, and as there is no source of information that successive directors of the Jason movies insisted on actors wearing lifts or slouching to be precisely a certain height, we must surmise that the height variance is immaterial to the article.
If people are desperate to have this bit of cruft in, I would recommend taking a look here first. Let's not waste our time on such trivial stuff; the height is not needed. Let it go and move on. Arcayne 17:51, 24 March 2007 (UTC)

R@y88 pointed, on my talk page, to Lando (from Star Wars) being listed as 5'10" while, Billy Dee Williams (the actor) is actually 6ft. First, that isn't a featured article, second, Star Wars is a unique element in the fact that it has MANY "OFFICIAL" websites and companions that go into great detail about this type of fan information. Friday the 13th does not have these official websites, and by official I mean the SW websites are actually approved by Lucas' company, just like all the novels that are written. F13 doesn't do that, so all this information is strictly a subjective matter by fans.  BIGNOLE  (Contact me) 18:36, 24 March 2007 (UTC)

Understood. I'll cooperate then. R@y 17:53, 30 March 2007 (UTC)

Well, we can say Jason, fictional or not, is about 6' 3". Here are the people that have played Jason (Not part 1 or 5)

  • Steve Daskewisz- ?
  • Richard Brooker- 6' 3"
  • Ted White- 6' 5"
  • C.J. Grham- 6' 3"
  • Kane Hodder- 6' 3"
  • Ken Kirzinger- 6' 5 1/2"

Most people who have played Jason is 6' 3", with an average of 6' 3.9". So we can say if Jason is real, is 6' 3". Jason in other Jason movies might be slightly taller or shorter if he wears boots, or normal shoes, ect. Aaron Pepin

Doesn't matter. It isn't a set number, because the character is portrayed by many different people. Unlike Star Wars, we don't have an official "height" and "weight" for the character. Him being fictional, coupled with the different actors, makes it irrelevant. We can't just take an average and claim that is his height, and we can't do a range because it could be ever growing depending on any future films. There may come a time when the character is being portrayed by someone that is really 5'10", and they put in him 4" boots to make him taller. Also, we can't treat him like he's real so saying "if Jason is real then he's about 6'3"" would violate the Manual of Style for writing about fiction.  BIGNOLE  (Contact me) 15:03, 15 April 2007 (UTC)

Well, if we HAD to, we could say on the "Men behind the mask" section that most people who played Jason is around 6' 3", or is biger than most people (I'm not saying we should), giving the director knowlage that Jason is big and should hire someone that size. Is all I'm saying. I see what your saying, I see why you took the tag down, I'm just saying most people who have played him is around that size. I think that the directors kinda noticed this, and hired Kane Hodder. If you were to make a Jason movie, what size man would you hire? We should just say he's large. Bigger than most slasher monsters. As in goes to hell the coriner said "A large cacasion male." Aaron Pepin

Go back down and click the link to my sandbox for Jason. I've got a bit of info in there about people casting Jason based on size. In Freddy vs Jason, one of the reasons Ken was hired over Kane was because Kane was too big (body mass wise). Ken was taller and leaner, although he actually weighed more (more muscle I would assume). I've got that marked my book book for when I go to add it to the sandbox. Don't worry, his size will be mentioned, it's just not something for the infobox.  BIGNOLE  (Contact me) 15:26, 15 April 2007 (UTC)

Choice of weapon?!?!?

That's so fruity! Jason's choise of weapon is not machete! IT'S RANDOM STUFF! You just get the ollusion that that is his favourite weapon because it is one of the only weapons that he uses more than once and in more than one film. He doesn't seem to really care what weapon he uses. I honestly think his bare hands are his choise of weapon! Aaron Pepin

I kind of agree. I think though the machete should stay, but the header should be changed. Something like "Most notable weapon", or something to elicit the effect that he is often shown with the machete, and it is used more than any other weapon in the series.  BIGNOLE  (Contact me) 14:53, 11 April 2007 (UTC)
Maybe "signature weapon" - that which he is known for, like Freddy's knife fingers, etc. -Arcayne (cast a spell) 15:42, 11 April 2007 (UTC)
Yeah, I like that better. I think if we go with that then we should make the same change on the Freddy Krueger article.  BIGNOLE  (Contact me) 15:45, 11 April 2007 (UTC)

I agree. Sorry if I sounded rude, it just looks like that. I think that the article shouldn't say his "trademark" machete, for he gets a new one in each movie. As, in the 3rd, he found one in a barn. And in the 6th, he stole one from that guy. etc. Yah, it is his "trademark" weapon, it just isn't his choise of (most used) weapon. I think the audience most sees Jason weilding a machete or an axe mostly at climactic scenes. I honestly think that the audience first start to see this in the 5th, when "Jason" busts through the door holding a machete. And he doesn't use one in takes Manhattan. etc. Aaron Pepin

That's why I think "signature" is better, because you often see him, in not only movies, but pop culture images, and toys, with a machete in hand. It's like Michael Myers. He often uses, or is seen with a kitchen knife, but he's used other things before. You could say "choice" if you looked at Jason X, as he kind of initially chooses a weapon that looks like a machete, and later discards it for his real machete. But I think "signature" is a bit less presumptuous.  BIGNOLE  (Contact me) 16:32, 11 April 2007 (UTC)

Jason's mannerisms

I think there should be a temporary if not permanant section describing Jason's skills and mannerisms. For example, knife throwning. He throws weapons in part 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, and fvj. He also jumps in the movies 3, 6, 7, and 9. etc. He swims, throws knifes, jumps, breaks through walls, hides people purposely, throws people through windows; all stuff that other slasher people don't do and makes Jason unique. It should also explain Kane Hodder's body vocabulary when he plays Jason. Just for people who want to know about his personality just incase they want to make a Jason book (me) or a Jason movie, etc. Aaron Pepin

No reliable source talking about it, then we can't use it. It's original research to describe it as "skill". Also, he doesn't "swim" he sort of just walks at the bottom of the lakes.  BIGNOLE  (Contact me) 17:18, 11 April 2007 (UTC)

Jason's Atire

Where does Jason get the cloths that fit him? He wears a bathing suit in the 1st one, and when he's an adult, he has overalls or farmer cloths, and farmer shoes. In part 3 to takes Manhattan, he's weiring just a shirt, and jeans, and boots. In goes to hell, he's weiring some sort of blue mechanic's suit. In FvJ, he apears to be weiring a mechanic suit, with a torn up shit, with a potato-sack jacket. And in JasonX, he apears to be wearing probebly the same thing. Where is he getting all this? Does anyone know? I don't remember him killing someone his size and taking their cloths! User:Aaron Pepin

I would assume Jason got the swim trunks by his mother. After he drowned and got washed to the banks of Crystal Lake to rot and his mother resurrected him by dabbling in the occult (which would explain why Jason's heart is a demonic spirit or possessed by one.), he probably stole a hermit's clothes and killed him when he got back to his shack. Now the sack on his head most likely got washed away with Jason. In part 3, he did the same thing with the new set of clothes; he stole them off a clothesline then killed the couple who owned the clothes. He also did the same thing with the mask; stole and killed as well as the gloves and belt in Jason Lives. I honestly don't know how he got the dark blue coveralls in The New Blood. But I do know why the belt and remnants of the gloves disappeared; they were cheap and rotted away while Jason was unconcious after he got chained in the bottom of the lake. He stole another hockey mask after his old one got destroyed, but i don't know how he got the new gloves. But, i do know he didn't steal them. Then, in Freddy vs. Jason, while being in Hell, his appearance had altered during the time he had spent there. They did the same thing with Jason like they did with Freddy. Though not exactly. The effect of being in Hell for Freddy gave his eyes a demonic, bloodshot appearance and his teeth sharp while they made Jason two inches taller, at least ten pounds thinner, gave him a new hockey mask, and a new set of clothes. The shackles and chains off of Jason X he got from being captured. They were basically restraints. But what does remain a mystery is how the clothes he steals fits him if the people he kills for them are shorter than him. 13jason13voorhees13 01:40, 15 May 2007 (UTC)


Does anyone else think that there's too many pictures on this page? It looks a little cluttered. Surely there only needs to be one picture of him unmasked, even if they are from different films.

Been there, tried discussing that..LOL. Yes, I agree.  BIGNOLE  (Contact me) 16:41, 20 May 2007 (UTC)

Maby we can go without the new blood inage. Anubiz 14:15, 21 May 2007 (UTC)

I'm thinking "freddy arm grabs Jason mask", "jason dragged to hell", "new blood", "unmasked part 2"...for starters.  BIGNOLE  (Contact me) 14:17, 21 May 2007 (UTC)

Agread. Anubiz 14:20, 21 May 2007 (UTC)

I removed them, resized others, and moved some that people had placed in the middle of text.  BIGNOLE  (Contact me) 14:27, 21 May 2007 (UTC)

I like it. Anubiz 14:30, 21 May 2007 (UTC)

Pop culture references

I think there should be more detailed mention of Jason's appearances outside the F13 franchise. It's vaguely touched upon, but I think it deserves more attention, provided we limit ourselves to actual Jason appearances insteading of listing everyone who's ever worn a hockey mask on TV. Heres what I've wrote, but I thought I'd put it here first in case there's a specific reason it's not already in the article:

Jason appears twice in the stop motion animated show Robot Chicken. In episode seventeen, Mystery Inc from Scooby-Doo investigate Camp Crystal Lake and are picked off one-by-one by Jason, leaving Velma Dinkley the only survivor. In episode nineteen, Jason appears as a housemate of "Horror Movie Big Brother" alongside other famous horror movie killers.
Jason appears in the episode "It Takes a Village Idiot, and I Married One" of Family Guy, in which Lois Griffin becomes mayor of Quahog with the intention of cleaning up the local lake. Jason is interviewed by Asian corresponder Trisha Takanawa, articulately expressing his happiness at seeing local wildlife return while simultaneously murdering some swimmers. He is later seen as the manager of the "Britches and Hose" store, threatening to kill his employee if anything goes wrong.
In #2 of the original Buffy the Vampire Slayer comic book series (which is not considered canon with the television show), the character of Buffy Summers dresses up as Jason for Halloween.

I think he was in a few Halloween specials of the Simpsons as well, but I don't know exactly... Paul730 02:50, 10 July 2007 (UTC)

What's there now is unsourced, no need to put further unsource information there. Unless you have reliable sources that discuss the references in popular culture, instead of simply listing them, then it isn't going to help.  BIGNOLE  (Contact me) 02:53, 10 July 2007 (UTC)

Why? Surely all we need to do is source the episode of whatever show features him, including cast and crew credits and an airdate? For example:

Jason appears in the episode "It Takes a Village Idiot, and I Married One" of Family Guy, in which Lois Griffin becomes mayor of Quahog with the intention of cleaning up the local lake. Jason is interviewed by Asian corresponder Trisha Takanawa, articulately expressing his happiness at seeing local wildlife return while simultaneously murdering some swimmers. He is later seen as the manager of the "Britches and Hose" store, threatening to kill his employee if anything goes wrong.[1]
  1. ^ Seth MacFarlane, A.bo., Zac Moncreif (2007-05-13). "It Takes a Village Idiot, and I Married One". Family Guy. Season 5. Episode 17. FOX. {{cite episode}}: Unknown parameter |episodelink= ignored (|episode-link= suggested) (help); Unknown parameter |serieslink= ignored (|series-link= suggested) (help)

Why do we need sources which "discuss" the reference, when we can simply direct the reader to where it came from, and they can see it for themselves. I think simply listing popular culture references, while perhaps not ideal, is better than not acknowledging them. What do you think? Paul730 23:59, 10 July 2007 (UTC)

Because you can find a list anywhere. Lists should be avoided, unless it's a "List of" article...which this isn't. Prose is how it should be written. Check out Jabba the Hutt#Jabba the Hutt in popular culture for how it should look. As for sources, one could pose the question "how do you know it was a reference to Jason?". Looks can be deceiving, as some would say. There was a huge list of "references" (all uncited of course) that was removed some time back apparently. I have it saved in my sandbox if you want to take a look at it. I generally don't like citing episodes as sources for that type of stuff, because it invites a lot of "oooh, I saw him there" in times when it may not have been an intentional reference. Maybe it will be ok if it's a strict "appearance", like you linked in Family Guy, and not simply a verbal association of the character, when dialogue is exchanged and someone says something to the effect of "killing some campers"...or something like that. If Buffy explicitely stated that she dressed up like Jason, and it wasn't a simple association of the character based on the look of the costume, then that would be ok.  BIGNOLE  (Contact me)
You're right about the lists, they could get out of control. Much of the "references" which I looked at in your sandbox were about random guys in hockey masks rather than Jason. On that note, I think Buffy was dressed up as a hockey mask guy rather than Jason, with fans simply inferring who her costume was (I've not read the comic myself), so we can exclude that. However, in the Scooby-Doo sketch, "Jason Voorhees", "Camp Crystal Lake", and "Jason's mother" are all mentioned directly. Jason isn't referred to by name in the Big Brother sketch, but given his company (Michael, Freddy, Pinhead), I think its pretty obvious it was a direct reference to the big guy. In Family Guy, he is referred to as "Mr Voorhees". If I rewrote these references in prose, with these episode cited, would this be an acceptable addition to the article? Paul730 00:56, 11 July 2007 (UTC)
So long as there isn't an inference, I think it should be ok.  BIGNOLE  (Contact me) 01:33, 11 July 2007 (UTC)
I just did it. But I had to restart my computer for something and forgot to sign in. 02:27, 11 July 2007 (UTC)
@#!% I still haven't signed it. There we go. :) Paul730 02:28, 11 July 2007 (UTC)
That's fine. It may be best to title it: "Appearances in mass media", since's it pretty much the appearances in television shows.  BIGNOLE  (Contact me) 02:29, 11 July 2007 (UTC)

Nevermind that. It's fine the way it is for now. When I finally finish the rework of the page, the image that is in the section now will be part of the "Appearances in literature" section. and all the book information will be there. I'm going to copy the work you did and paste that in my sandbox under "Appearances in mass media".  BIGNOLE  (Contact me) 02:31, 11 July 2007 (UTC)

The media references link is dead, BTW. Paul730 02:35, 11 July 2007 (UTC)
You mean the "Fridaythe13thfilms.com" links? Yeah, I noticed that, I've already ditched them from my sandbox and now I have some "fact" tags scattered about. A good portion of what they had is in the books that I'm using as references, I just have to go find those specific things.  BIGNOLE  (Contact me) 02:37, 11 July 2007 (UTC)

Random, potentially pointless factoid; the director of Freddy v Jason said that X-Men director Bryan Singer considered the Jason make-up in FvJ to be the definitive interpretation of the character. Worth mentioning, provided we source it properly? Singer has nothing to do with the F13 franchise, but he is a respected filmmaker, and I do agree with him. Paul730 08:31, 12 July 2007 (UTC)

Proper source. I guess. I'm not sure where it would go. It seems more like a little trivia bit.  BIGNOLE  (Contact me) 11:13, 12 July 2007 (UTC)
The design section of your sandbox, maybe? The source is a DVD commentery. I think by showing that other filmmakers in Hollywood not directly involved in the F13 franchise still take an interest in and are fans of the series, shows the fame and recognisabilty of the character. Like you say, it's a little trivial and may look slightly forced, but I could look up the source and leave it here if you want to use it. Paul730 21:35, 12 July 2007 (UTC)
It would be beneficial is more than 1 filmmaker talked about it. Otherwise, if only Singer has talked about it, then it becomes irrelevant. Though, I wouldn't be surprised if Wes Craven made a comment about him, though that's something that may not be published anyway...or maybe he didn't at all. I would just think that he of all people would have.  BIGNOLE  (Contact me) 21:45, 12 July 2007 (UTC)
I seem to remember Wes Craven mentioning something about Jason in his commentary for Scream 1. (If you're wondering why I know all these commenteries off by heart, I spent most of my childhood obsessed with these films and seem to have brainwashed myself by watching them hundreds of times). It's nothing major, just a little anecdote about how the question in Scream (who was the killer in F13?) was based on a pub quiz he attended in which nobody could get the right answer (believing it to be Jason). It's not really Craven's own opinion about the character, but again, if you want more info I could look it up. Paul730 21:51, 12 July 2007 (UTC)
The only way for a "filmmaker's interpretation of the character" section would work would be if we can get more than just a couple of people commenting. We'd need to be able to populate a section. If you could, see if any of those commentaries (I actually have those films, but I've never watched the commentaries... though I have a lot on my Wiki-plate right now) mention something about characteristics of Jason. That's the section of my sandbox that is truly the weakest.  BIGNOLE  (Contact me) 21:54, 12 July 2007 (UTC)
Mmm. The closest I can think on the spot of is the FvJ commentary; they talk about Jason's loyalty to his mother and, how when he figures out that Freddy's using him, all bets are off becasue you "don't mess with Jason's mama." There's probably something else, FvJ definitely has the most character depth for Jason. I don't have the F13 DVDs, I'm afraid, so I can't use them as references. Having looked at your sandbox though, all the "moral crusader" stuff has also been said of Michael Myers (my personal favourite of the big three). Would it be OR to draw a brief comparison between the two, provided you didn't explicitly say that Jason was influenced by Michael? Paul730 22:10, 12 July 2007 (UTC)
Yeah, I found the one interview where they called Jason a "morality defender" and that's a huge theme in the Friday movies: "have sex, do drugs, Jason's going to kill you". It would be OR to draw any comparisons on our own. I have all the F13 movies, but none have commentaries. I bought them all before that big box set came out, so that set might have commentaries. My info has been coming from the two books that were published.  BIGNOLE  (Contact me) 22:19, 12 July 2007 (UTC)