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Talk:Kfir Alfia

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The Crawford Incident


Grazon, if you can't maintain NPOV on this issue, then leave it alone. Rogue 9 18:57, 27 September 2005 (UTC)[reply]

See that Kfir gets this


[quote]Nazi FAQ "Frequently asked Questions"

What is the NSM's views on drugs?

[b]The NSM is very much against drugs [/b]and those that sell this vile poisonous venom to our Aryan people. The National Socialist Movement is completely against the sale and use of illegal drugs (i.e. marihuana, cocaine, LSD, et al), because drugs destroy everything we stand for. They destroy not only the individual, but the family, and society as a whole. Drugs are a menace for society and the world. We must fight to control this threat, and let our children live, in a world free of such things.

The NSM will fight drugs and drug dealers every where we find them!


What is the NSM's views on child abuse and domestic violence?

Domestic violence and the abuse of our children will not and can not be tolerated.

[b]Liberals in America have taken and warped the laws around that govern child abuse and made the laws very open and broad. [/b]

Not all cases of alleged child abuse are genuine.

The laws have to be re-written so that our courts are not wasting their time on cases that over zealous cases workers have brought before the courts in some sick attempt to destroy as many families as they can.

The protection of our kinder should not also include the destruction of our families in the process. What is required is very intense counseling and other services to help those of abusive behaviors to rethink how they deal with certain situations and better to express themselves in a more positive manner.

Our children and family units are very important to our racial survival, and as such, the laws must be re-written to govern each racial element not as a whole but per each separate racial entity.

What is the NSM's view on homosexuality and child pornography?

[b]Homosexuality is not a genetic defect. It is a chosen lifestyle and a mental sickness. [/b]Homosexuality is a social degeneracy that must be expunged from our society.

We as a civilized people cannot fall trap to the political correctness and turn a blind eye to this perverted lifestyle. It is not normal nor is it acceptable, and it goes against the laws of nature.

Homosexuals serve no greater purpose other than that of their own selfish greed. They contribute nothing to the further survival of our race. Our children are being inundated with the false ideas that homosexuality is normal and acceptable. They see it out in the public, in their schools, and on the TV programs they watch.

With homosexuality comes the threat of our children being subjected to the possibility of sexual pedophiles, kidnappings, rapes, and murders. Most crimes involving the kidnapping, violation, and/or murder of children, where acts committed by homosexual prone monsters.

We can see the evil effects of social [b]liberal[/b] acceptance of homosexuality by the increased number of pedophiles, child pornography cases, and kidnapping of children (in which most cases once this perverted animal has had its way with these poor innocent and helpless children, the child is murdered).

In a National Socialist Society, these individuals would receive an instant death penalty.

Is the NSM strictly an American Organization?

No. While our base of operations is here in America, we have units all over the world. The NSM is but a part of the whole, as we have a solid formed Axis with other Global NS organizations. By joining you are not only joining the NSM but a union of proud Aryan all over the planet from all NS organizations.

Why does the NSM wear the Brown Shirt uniforms?

The NSM follows the teachings of our Führer rigidly. We realize that what he has written about in Mein Kampf has come to pass, and in order to continue his great works and to follow in his foot steps, we wear the uniform of the "Brown Shirts" which is the traditional uniform of the SA, and it is a means to Honour our Führer. 

The wearing of the Uniforms does away with individuality and it helps promote discipline in our ranks. It is a means of Identity, Pride, and Honour.

When you put on your NSM uniform, you are not just representing the NSM but all National Socialist that fought and died for our Race and our Cause! You are showing the jews and the rest of the world that our Führer is not forgotten and that his life's struggle was not in vain!

The "Brown shirt" tradition was brought to America by the great Commander [b]George L. Rockwell[/b], founder of the original American Nazi Party[/quote]

Do you have a point? Might I remind you that Kfir is a Jew; if you're trying to suggest that he's involved in the National Socialist Movement, it's not going to work very well. Also, if you want to make sure that Kfir gets something, he's not hard to contact. Rogue 9 04:59, 16 October 2005 (UTC)[reply]



Does this guy, that heads up a relatively unknown organization, warrent an entry?

I understand this website is all about minutia, but this seems to be pushing it.

Deletion may be appropriate.

He heads up an organization of over 12,000 people worldwide (most in the United States) that has changed the landscape of protests in the United States in a not insignificant fashion. I see no reason for deletion. Rogue 9 13:16, 12 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]
12,000 people?? Xavier86 21:33, 4 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Ayn Rand


"anti-war activist Ayn Rand"

Ayn Rand may have spoken out against several wars, but does that make her an activist? Even if it does, why focus on that one particular aspect of her? It's not what she's well known for, and I can't see what relevance it has to this bio.

deleted superfluous info


Deleted superfluous info already covered at the Protest Warrior site. No need to duplicate here NBGPWS 01:01, 22 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Unless a consensus is reached to merge with the Protest Warrior article, the deletions are unwarranted.
1. sign your name neverborn 2 the info deleted is already on PW, so NOT duplicate it here.NBGPWS 06:30, 24 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Apologies, thought I hit sign. Once PW article is unlocked, I think this should just be merged into it, honestly. Any objection? --Neverborn 22:02, 24 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]
fully agree.--Smegpt86 23:48, 29 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Yep, support merge. CWC(talk) 16:39, 7 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]
On second thoughts, given the edit wars at the Protest Warrior article, it might be better to keep this one separate. CWC(talk) 03:03, 21 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Changes made 7-Jul-2006


This para was sorta ... interesting:

Kfir has additionally referred to atheists and secular humanists as "religious fanatics".[1] He additionally condemned feminists as being hateful of Christianity.[2] He has additionally stated he intends to begin picketing abortion clinics and gay rights events in the future to show support for social conservatism.[3]
  1. It was Alan Lipton who used the phrase "religious fanatics", and he was referring to "the Left".
  2. It was Alan Lipton who criticised the "typical leftist feminist ...[who] makes excuses for and supports a culture that enforces the burqa, female genital mutilation, honor killings, forced marriage and public stonings for adultery". (His answer starts "I think the only valid conclusion is that their primary motivation is a hatred of Judeo-Christian morality, and therefore they will align themselves with anything they perceive to be an ally of convenience against it.")
  3. There is nothing in the third link about abortion clinics or gay rights events. Stri–ike three! Yer out!

I have edited the article to correct these pernicious lies. (Wow, some people really hate this guy!) I also

After having checked the third link, it turned out the previous user was lying. This exchange occured in the interview: "We've concentrated on the war, so far," he said, "but the war in Iraq won't go on forever, and we plan to tackle other issues.
"We staged a counter-protest this spring in Washington, D.C., when they had that huge march for abortion. We're going to be protesting abortion more and more, and we'll probably get involved in the defense of marriage, too."
All of these issues, he said, are connected. "The antiwar groups use the Iraq War issue to attach to all the other issues they push — abortion, gay rights, socialized medicine. They're communists, anarchists, and they want to overthrow the current government of the United States.
So it seems the previous user lied. Hence, it is being reinserted. -- 00:09, 20 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]
  1. Even if there was any truth to the third sentence I deleted, the first two sentences are clearly lies and should not have been reinserted.
  2. Nowhere in the quoted text (or in the entire chalcedon.edu article) do the terms "picketing", "abortion clinics" or "gay rights events" occur.
  3. Kfir has said that that chalcedon.edu article is inaccurate. See http://forum.protestwarrior.com/viewtopic.php?t=149806&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=75 at "Thu May 04, 2006 12:04 am":
This is a misquote. Though it's been a while, I do remember this interview. The interviewer asked me about our involvement with regard to the abortion issue, and I mentioned that some PWers attended the anti-abortion rally in DC that spring. It was by no means an official PW operation.
It did seem that the interviewer was interested mainly in our stance on religious issues, and I did tell him that the PW membership is made up of conservatives of all stripes.
I can't directly speak for Alan, but abortion and gay rights is not a burning issue for me. Obviously this is not the case for some conservatives, but it certainly isn't a litmus test for PW membership.
If you want to get a good idea of the issues PW has taken a stance on, the PW sign gallery is a good place to start.
A contested source like this is not allowed in Wikipedia, especially in an article about a living person.
I've removed the 3 sentences again. I also added a link to the Dallas Observer article with the line about Austin's "conservative economics and liberal culture."
I've also fixed User:'s wikisyntax errors above. Cheers, CWC(talk) 05:10, 20 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]



I strongly support the proposed merge to Protest Warrior. JBKramer 18:46, 23 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I completely agree Xavier86 21:31, 4 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Xavier86 has now done the merge. Good work. Thanks! CWC(talk) 14:01, 22 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]