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Talk:Li Jiancheng

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I try to apply for deletion. Also try to set the template. I hope that experts will increase the reference source and verify the content.
British English is not wrong spelling. This should not be the reason for the change, but the reason can be more commonly used in American English.--O1lI0 (talk) 16:06, 15 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]

What do you mean by deletion? I was trying to add the link of the ref, but it was reverted. Elainr (talk) 16:15, 15 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Please read WP:INTREF4.I set the welcome template is to let you read. The template is not an ornament.--O1lI0 (talk) 16:18, 15 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Please understand, I'm trying really hard to translate and explain this part of history in English. The sources themselves, are difficult to explain, living notes of the emperor, how it was written, changed and why, and contradictions, who wrote these notes, which side they were on. All the resources were written in old times. It all affects the reliability. It's not like PubMed articles, I could simply add a number, ISBN. It's simply not like that.Elainr (talk) 16:44, 15 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Note: About the Old Book of Tang 旧唐书, the New Book of Tang 新唐书, the Universal History Zizhi Tongjian 资治通鉴. Why historians universally believed these "official" history books were rewritten to make Li Shimin look better? So these books were written as biographies of different people. For example, there was one chapter about Li Jiancheng's life, another chapter was about Li Yuan, and of course, there was a chapter about Li Shimin. The main job of official historians was to rewrite these 3 chapters. However, there were multiple people involved in the events. It was quite difficult to make up stories for everyone and looked consistent. The timeline was all over the place, for example, the same event happened on 3 different dates. Statements were contradicted to each other. The stories sounded too ridiculous to be true. Also, tombstones, private histories written in that era were found by archeologists. The tombstone inscriptions of old Chinese people were everything they had done in their entire life, especially sth involved with the Royals. For those who died early, their inscriptions were already done, and they were buried everywhere. But they revealed a lot of truth. And history made more sense after putting these pieces together. Elainr (talk) 02:40, 23 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]