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Talk:Middle Magdalena Valley

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Erinn Buhyoff's Comments


Section Reviews




Great Intro! Very concise and informative, but I feel as though you might want to add some general non-geologic place markers such as the basin's vicinity to major cities etc. This might make the page more accessible, and will allow a wider audience to get a feel for the exact region you are talking about. Also the map is nice, but i think you should find one that specifically points out the area, because from looking at it, I can't really tell where the basin is, or where most of the other geologic markers you place it in reference to are located. I know finding a good map is hard (my page doesn't even have one yet) and I'm sure you're on the look out for a better one.

Basin Development


This section is also very concise and gets straight to the point. If you want to add more, I might suggest that you elaborate more on what a back arc basin is and how it forms. Same goes for an intermontane basin. Also there are many references to major geologic events (pangaea rifting, colombian sea closing, etc.) so if you feel as though this section is lacking, you can also elaborate on those, but that also might make it too wordy and less concise, so be careful.

Geologic Structures


I agree that this section needs more because I feel like you can tell me a lot about the nature of the basin through the information in this section, but be careful not to make it too technical or exclusive to certain audiences. Definitely talk about what these different structures mean and what their implications are for the basin itself, not just what types of structures are present. Other than that this section is excellent and packed full of info.



Excellent section! Make sure to add whatever you need to the second sequence section, but other than that this section is awesome. Also you might be able to elaborate on the events that caused each formation, but only do that if you feel as though this section really needs it.

Natural Resources


I'm no petroleum geologist so a lot of this goes right over my head but it seems you know exactly what you're talking about! I understand that only a very specific audience would be interested in this section anyways, but I still think that you could dumb it down a bit and not be too technical, and maybe it will interest someone who isn't in the natural resource industry. Still, very good section and it looks like you know what you want to add/are missing. I like the table idea because table/graphs make everything better!

Figure Reviews


Again, your map should probably be more specific on where this basin is exactly, especially when your specific basin is the middle one in a region where those 3 share relatively the same region. Another map could be placed in the basin development section, but that map could be one showing different geologic events that ultimately formed the basin. Definitely try to find a cross section of the basin and put it in the structures or stratigraphy section, or even a strat column would be nice too. I like the idea for the table for the natural resource section. Something like that would definitely make the raw data in this section easier to digest.

Overall Review


Great draft! I can tell you put a lot of work into this (a lot more than me), and I think you're actually really close to having it in a publishable state. My main overarching concern for the page though is the accessibility. It's definitely hard to the present the information in a generalized way, especially when geology is such a niche subject with its own language/terms, but its something we could all work on so that more people can understand/learn to love geology. Excellent job and I look forward to seeing this page develop!