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Archive 1 Archive 2

I think that if there's going to be directional tables at the end of these town articles, they should follow the standard notion of direction, e.g., people refer to Oakville as being west of Mississauga, not south. Similarly, people always refer to Lake Ontario as being south, whether you're in Oshawa or Burlington. It's too confusing otherwise.

After hearing the name butchered by the American press recently (WRT the captured terrorists), can a native add a proper pronounciation to the entry?



It is debatable, but by all reasonable accounts it is a mixture of suburban areas surrounding several old communities.

Attempt to create a city centre

I had a lecture today which included a bit about the (failed?) attempt to create a city centre in Mississauga. I found it very interesting, but don't think I really know enough to write an authoritative account of it. Anyone? Maccoinnich 12:17, Mar 9, 2005 (UTC)

I don't think it was a failed attempt, there seems to be a well-defined City Centre...
Mississauga's official plan calls for a well defined city centre; in reality being a truly car-dependant city, Mississauga's city centre is currently groups of high-rise office and residential buildings surrounded by vast parking lots. There is an active attempt to change this now by the city of Mississauga, as plans for up to 40 new residential buildings have been approved recently for the "city centre" area.
I think that city centre is a work in progress. New by-laws restricting Square One from growing anymore (except up) will stop it's growth. The new proposed street level retail along Square One Drive will also help create a well defined area. The parking lots will be the last thing to get developed, but that's because the land value in MCC has skyrocketed and OMERS (an investment company) realizes that they're gold. They're already zoned for high density mixed use buildings so they will eventually get developed. As well, the new Capital Towers (125m or 31 floors, and the other 122m or 30 floors)opening up just east of City Hall include new street level retail which should also help. Jan 11/06

The Missisauga city centre looks like vomit, like they're trying but it isn't working out, Missisauga just doesn't have a defineable centre in my opinion. TostitosAreGross 14:50, 20 August 2006 (UTC)

Politics in the introduction with no heading

While being in the top ten Canadian cities by population, Mississauga has few cultural institutions for a community its size due to its proximity to Toronto. It is by far the largest city in Canada without a daily newspaper (The Mississauga News is three days a week), and currently doesn't have any television stations or commercial radio stations. Mississauga is beginning to break away from its label as a "bedroom community" to Toronto as 25,000 more workers commute to jobs in Mississauga than leave. Despite this, Mississauga is virtually unknown outside of Ontario.

<Tear dropping>. Who cares? As explained in the article, little Mississauga has grown rather rapidly due entirely to its proximity to the forme Metropolitan Toronto, not City of Toronto (and Toronto city hall turning down, oh, Wal-Mart Canada's head office, which ended up in Mississauga as a result over 15 years ago; and it still has to run its own shuttle buses to/from Islington station in Toronto because Mississauga transit is pathetic, which is why one reason its taxes were lower, but the same crunch hit Mississauga and Hurricane Hazel finally admitted to it about two years ago; to the Toronto Star, which covers the entire GTA).

And just as much as Toronto has absolutely nothing that is "its own", the same is the case around "its (cultural?) news media" -- or should we get them all to stop reporting anything/everything outside the Toronto city limits for some unknown reason? It's much like that suburb of NYC you've never heard of that doesn't have a radio station, TV station and only HAS enough news (much like the Scarborough Mirror, if it even exists anymore -- it was a city and with quite a lot more in population than Mississauga and so what that CFTO/CTV happened to set up shop there?) to support a thrice-weekly newspaper: or write to them to complain about "everything they're missing" as if the City of Toronto doesn't have the same problem over reporting "the news" for dozens of municipalities.

Mississauga was hardly known to Toronto residents until 15 years ago and is totally unknown to the millions who have moved to the City of Toronto and other municipalities in the GTA since, oh, 1998; just as they've never heard of Metropolitan Toronto there is absolutely no reason for anyone to know about Mississauga unless they happen to have a friend or relative there or work there and commute.

Y'all get organized and set up some "cultural?" (which one?) radio station, newspaper, good luck with a TV station when all of the necessary infrastructure is in the City of Toronto, but get your business plans and proposals together, line up investment and go to it. Don't just bitch and whine as the usual "Canadians" do about everything "Toronto" (which they include you in, without even knowing what a Mississauga is because it's the greater Toronto area and does the former City of Etobicoke have a TV station, radio station, daily newspaper and why would it need one when all of the Toronto media covers the entire GTA, at the least?

Who has even tried to set a radio station up in Mississauga? If anyone has and it failed, why did it happen? That might be worth noting and if it was political, then in the Politics section of the mainspace article. Or is all y'all have to say about Mississauga is that it's not the City of Toronto or anywhere close to being any City of Toronto? It's all it reads as: redundant.

Why isn't the Mississauga Times, or whatever it's called, a daily newspaper? Political or other conspiracies (document them from a credible source) or because it can't sell enough ad space to run a daily paper? Hmm? What "big (cultural? news" is poor Mississauga missing out on, over the fault of its own entrepreneurs? Flat tires, someone who doesn't water their front lawn enough (or does but it's covered by forest) so it's brown/sparse, "due to Toronto" as well, of course?

The whole section is nothing but irrelevant and totally biased WHINING (the usual anti-Toronto drool from the poor, poor inferiority complexes out there and biggest city my ass and if it weren't for the City of Toronto, no one would ever have moved to Mississauga for anything, because it has nothing but "muncipality" of Toronto overflow and Toronto is by far the largest "municipality" in the Canadas to get the same information as every other "municipality" does from Statistics Canada, when just its resident population was/is higher than all four "provinces" of the Atlantic Canadas and all three territories combined, or Manitoba, Saskatchewan and all three territories combined -- SEVEN OF ONLY 13 [FEDERAL] SUB-NATIONAL JURISDICTIONS IN THE CANADAS, yet we know more about the population growth, economic indicators, everything Statistics Canada reports on -- because it doesn't bother with municipalities, just "provinces" and territories. Ya know why? Because it is very politically correct to discriminate against Toronto in the Canadas, and it makes everything else in the Canadas look absolutely pathetic; that's why. But Toronto alone means the GTA, not "just" the economy and everything else in the "municipality" of Toronto, which should be 18 provinces if PEI gets to be a province).

That is something that every municipality in the GTA should be bitching to the federal government about. And it's strange but my sister and bro-in-law have lived in Mississauga for 20 years now (sold a shack at Sheppard and Bathurst when news of the Sheppard subway line was released, got triple the house in the Southdown Rd./Truscott area, where they didn't even clear cut the trees because there are old COTTAGES just to the south of it where people from Toronto used to have their summer homes/cottages) for nothing, turning a profit off the land in Toronto and getting four times the house for less money: but higher property taxes because back then Mississauga charged artifically high property taxes to provide all of the bizarre (rural-like; no line-ups, people who actually speak English, know what they're doing and actually help you) at government offices, provincial and otherwise.

We never go to any MTO office to get our plates/driver's licenses renewed: it's a lot faster/easier to drive to Mississauga and have to do a double-take after walking in, every time, due to no line-ups, places that have been painted recently, have smiling people behind counters as though it's some hotel or something. Walk out, check the sign again "Ontario Ministry of Transportation" ... but in some "other Ontario" in the bubble-land of Mississauga.

But Toronto city hall turned down almost all commercial development other than residential because it actually gets to keep those revenues, which resulted in them locating in Mississauga and elsewhere in the GTA and then the provincial property assesors head in and now y'all have the same problems as the City of Toronto, but on a much smaller scale -- property taxes are real, not over-inflated and keep going up and up as businesses in Mississauga demand more and better infrastructure (particularly public transit), which Mississaga simply cannot afford, due to the Ontario and confederate feds, due to "warring" in the GTA from your 24 city/town halls out there (we have 1 in the "City" of Toronto even though it out-populates seven of 13 federal sub-national jurisdictions) and 4 regional governments (City of Toronto has no regional government, so how could Mississauga even claim to have a "lower-tier" government when it's got the Peel regional government/council to help bitch for it against the City of Toronto of all places) instead of getting our acts together as a united political force that cannot possibly be ignored by the "Ontario" or confederate feds, given that it out-populates every province in the Canadas other than the usual: the rest of the Windsor-Quebec City corridor and the Ontario section of it should be united FOR ITSELF just as every other jurisdiction in the Canadas is against it AND for themselves and only themselves without a care (or clue in most cases) in the world where the tens of billions in "provincial" and federal handouts come from.

This is an encyclopedia, not some little phpBB2 forum to mouth off in; around articles, and at best all that can be attributed to Mississaugas complaints is the stupidity and/or the laziness of its residents, as with everywhere else in the Ontarios and Canadas. If you can show a profit for a "Mississauga-only" radio station (which in the City of Toronto, that matters, is City of Toronto only?) then go to it and get the investment lined up and get it up and running. Otherwise, STFU before this ends up in the mainspace article to present the other side of your biased, narrow-minded, self-pitying (but doing nothing about anything but bitching and moaning) views.

"Poor, poor" Mississauga, connected to the City of Toronto. Perhaps if y'all moved to Newfoundland or the like ... you'd have to rely upon CBC radio/TV stations subsidized by Toronto and other city-region revenues where there are real markets. And what "distinct culture" is there in Mississauga compared to the City of Toronto? You sound like nothing but the usual "Canadian" crybabies in your article. --S-Ranger 09:26, 18 September 2006 (UTC)