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Talk:Muhammad Hussain Najafi

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Please discuss frequent removal of Grand Ayatollah by users (unknown IP)


A Grand Ayatollah (or Ayatollah-ul-Uzma or Marja) is a person who:

  1. Holds the degree (ijaza) of ijtihad from senior marja's
  2. Is followed by a number of people in matters of fiqh
  3. Publishes a resalah (though many renowned marja's have refused to publish their resalah)

Muhammad Hussain Najafi received the ijaza (permission) for ijtihad from seven marja's of Hawza Elmiye Najaf in 1379 AH (1960 AD), including
a. G.A. Mirza Javad Tabrizi
b. G.A. Syed Abul Qasim al-Hussain Rashti
c. G.A. Mirza Abdul Karim Zanjani
d. G.A. Najam ud-Din ash-Sharif as-Samarrai
e. G.A. Syed Muhammad Raza al-Musavi
f. G.A. Syed Muhammad Mahdi al-Kazmaini
g. G.A. Syed Ahmed al-Mustanbit.
The copies of seven ijaza's are included in Muhammad Hussain Najafi's resalah, and their scanned copies can be produced on demand. Thus, he fulfills the first condition--NEDian (talk) 11:00, 23 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]
He is being followed by a number of Pakistanis in matters of fiqh, and he published his resalah(online) in 1977, years back. Thus, he fulfills the 2nd and 3rd conditions.
Until someone gives some authentic proof/reference that he is not a Grand Ayatollah (or Marja), Grand Ayatollah should not be removed from his name. --NEDian (talk) 17:39, 24 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]

For your kind information this i have never found him giving speches in Shia Isna Imambargah, Masajid and gatherings other than some certain areas and places. There are only limited number of people they may know him as a scholar. And i can arrange that written fatwa for your kind attention, unfortunitly i am out of Pakistan so you will have to wait for me to arrange such fatwa. One thing the names you have mentioned here are very honorably Ayatollahs but how can they give fatwa if nobody contacted them and translated this non-sense book. I have this book and i already read this book when i will be in Pakistan whoever you are come to me and debate with me if whatever he has written is really according to shia faith of Islam. He is a person with double standards who speaks different in his speaches but his entirely different from what he utters the gatherings. Syed's are Royal family and Khumas is Royal tax and Azadari is bidat these are few examples from his socalled Islah-u-Rasoom book.And what a non sense statement when he is receiving this royal tax from some innocient shia, they dont know his reallity.

For your kind information i belongs to a leading shia family and my father and brother is very well known scholars in Shia community in Pakistan as well as in Hoza Ilmiyah Qum more than what you can imagine.

I know lot shia scholars meetings including in Jamiat-u-Muntazar Lahore where he have some supports that number of Shia scholars bycotted if this so called Allama was there.
this all is for your kind information   —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 13:19, 2 May 2008 (UTC)[reply] 

Please bring references/proofs


Please bring proof of what you say. I have been waiting for such proofs for the last two years from people like you. The article was created with references of each and everything, when you bring proof of what you say, you may then edit the article by adding some heading like "Controversies About Him" etc. Until you bring proofs, don't play with the articles, because we have better references than you at the stage. Wassalam & Ya Ali Madad! NEDian (talk) 21:06, 9 May 2008 (UTC)[reply]

PS: For you kindest information, I belong to a very reputable Shia syed family, too, of which the famous Maulana Manzoor Hussain Naqvi (writer of Tuhfa tul Awam) belonged to. So don't dictate us your terms, bring your proof. NEDian (talk) 21:06, 9 May 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Response to "Fatwas from Seven Marjas against him"


There is Fatwa from seven Meraje (Mujtahideens) that his beliefs are not the same as Shia Asna Ashri.

Response: This is a rumour spread by akhbaris and opponents of Muhammad Hussain Najafi. If there were fatwa's by seven marjas,

  1. Can anyone list the names of those marja's?
  2. Can anyone produce scanned copy of those fatwas?

I have asked G.A. Ali Khamenei, G.A. Fazel Lankarani, G.A. Ali Sistani, G.A. Mohammad Hussein Fadlallah, etc about any such fatwa (through email), but they have shown no knowledge about any such ruling. --NEDian (talk) 11:01, 23 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Response to "Controversial Religious views of Muhammad Hussain Najafi"


An editor (unknown IP) added the following text to the article:

His views are not according to Shia Isna Ashri faith. His writings are entirly different from shia beliefs.

Response: Please provide some authentic proof of this apparently baseless statement.

  1. If this individual is not an Asna Ashari, then to what school of thought he belongs?
  2. Has any other marja stated that this person's beliefs are not those of Asna Ashari scholars, or is this just another rumour? --NEDian (talk) 11:09, 23 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Visit to Hawza Elmiye Qom


In 2006, Shaikh Muhammad Hussain Najafi visited Qom, and had meetings with Naser Makarem Shirazi and Hossein Noori Hamedani (the pictures of his meetings are also embedded in the article). His 50-page long interview was also published in the official magazine "Hawza" of the Hawza Elmiye Qom. This further proves that his views about certain issues may be different from the other marjas, but no marja has issued any fatwa against him. NEDian (talk) 19:03, 29 April 2008 (UTC)[reply]




  • Faizan ur-Rahman fi Tafsir ul-Quran

It is a 10-volume comprehensive Tafsir of Quran.[1][2]

  • Masail ush-Sharia (Translation of Wasael ush-Shia)

It is the Urdu translation of the great Shia book of Hadith Wasael ush-Shia by Shaikh al-Hur al-Aamili. 10 volumes out of 20 have been published.[3][4]

  • Kawakib-e-Muzayya (Translation of Al-Jawahar as-Sunnia fil-Ahadees-al-Qudsia)

It is the Urdu translation & explanation of Shaikh al-Hur al-Aamili's book on Hadith Qudsi.[5]

  • Ahsan ul-Fawaid fi Sharh al-Aqaid

It is a 2-volume Urdu translation & explanation of Sheikh Saduq's famous Risala "Al-Aqaid". It contains all the Shia beliefs, and their truthfulness in the light of Quran and Hadith.(Read online in Urdu)[6][7]

  • Usool ush-Sharia fi Aqaid ush-Shia

This book discusses the beliefs of Ghali's, Tafwizi's and Shaykhi's (which they have spread in the name of Shia Islam), and negates them in the light of Quran and Hadith.[8][9]

  • Aitaqadat-e-Imamia

It is the Urdu translation & explanation of Allama Majlisi's "Risala tul-Lailia". (Read online in Arabic/Urdu)[10][11]

  • Aqsam-e-Tauheed
  • Mukhtasir Aqaid ush-Shia
  • Qawaneen ush-Sharia fi Fiqh-e-Jafariya (Tawzih ul-Masail)

It is a 2-volume fiqhi book, covering all the aspects of human life according to Jafari Jurisprudence, including the modern human issues. The superiority of Jafari Jurisprudence over other Islamic Schools of Jurisprudence has been proved in the light of Quran and Hadith. (Read online in Urdu)[12][13]

  • Khulasa tul-Ahkam

It is an abridged version of Qawaneen ush-Sharia.[14]

  • Hurmat-e-Ghina Aur Islam

This book discusses the hurmat of ghina in Islamic Sharia.

  • Hurmat-e-Reeshtarashi

This book discusses the hurmat of shaving beard in Islamic Sharia.

  • Namaz-e-Juma Aur Islam

It is a book proving that Juma Prayers are wajib even in Imam Mahdi's Ghaibat. It was published by Syed Muhammad Dehlavi in Karachi.[15]

Ayatollah Najafi translated Mafatih al-Janan during his stay at Najaf, but did not publish it as another translation was published from Lahore.
Grand Ayatollah Bazurg Tehrani has mentioned it in his famous book "Az-Zariya ila Tasaneef ush-Shia" (A list of Shia Books), and Grand Ayatollah Hussaini in his book "Ziyarat".[16][17]

  • Zaad-ul-Ibad li-youmil-Ma'ad

It is a collection of supplications from reliable Shia books.[18][19]

  • Saadat ud-Darain fi Maqtal al-Hussain

It is a comprehensive account of the Battle of Karbala in 61 AH and the tragic martyrdom of Husayn ibn Ali, all narrated from reliable sources only.[20][21]

  • Faiz ur-Rehman (Translation of Lu'lu wal Marjan)

Ayatollah Najafi translated Allama Noori's famous book Lu'lu wal Marjan during his stay at Najaf, but did not publish it as another translation "Jawahir ul-Bayan" was published from Sargodha.
Grand Ayatollah Bazurg Tehrani has mentioned it in his famous book "Az-Zariya ila Tasaneef ush-Shia" (A list of Shia Books), and has written that its foreword about hurmat of ghina is indeed useful.[22][23]

  • Shuhda-e-Khamsa kay Haalat-e-Zindagi

It contains biographies of the five martyr Shia ulema:

  1. Shaheed-e-Awal Muhammad Jamal uddin Makki Amili
  2. Shaheed-e-Sani Zain uddin Amili
  3. Shaheed-e-Salis Qazi Nurullah Shustari
  4. Shaheed-e-Rabey Mirza Muhammad Kamil Dehlavi
  5. Shaheed-e-Khamis Mohammad Baqir al-Sadr[24]
  • Isbat ul-Imamat

It is a book on the issue of Khilafat & Imamat, and establishes that Imam Ali was the true successor to the Prophet.
Grand Ayatollah Bazurg Tehrani has mentioned it in his famous book "Az-Zariya ila Tasaneef ush-Shia" (A list of Shia Books).[25][26][27][28]

  • Tahqeeqat ul-Fariqain fi Hadis as-Saqlain

It is a book presenting extensive research from both the Shia & Sunni books of Hadith, as regards the truthfulness of Hadith of the two weighty things (Hadis as-Saqlain).
Grand Ayatollah Bazurg Tehrani has mentioned it in his famous book "Az-Zariya ila Tasaneef ush-Shia" (A list of Shia Books).[29][30][31]

  • Tajalliat-e-Sadaqat fi Jawab Aftab-e-Hidayat

It is a 2-volume book in response to the anti-Shia book "Aftab-e-Hidayat" by Maulvi Karam Deen.[32][33]

  • Tanzeeh ul-Imamia amma fi Risala Mazhab ush-Sha

It is the book in response to the anti-Shia risala "Mazhab ush-Shia" by Pir Siyyalvi.[34]

  • Khatm-e-Nabuwwat bar Khatmi Martabat

This book proves Khatme Nabuwwat (i.e. Prophethood has come to an end after Muhammad.)

  • A'dab ul-Mufeed wal Mustafeed (Translation of Munia tul-Murid)

Ayatollah Najafi translated Shaheed-e-Sani's famous book Munia tul-Murid during his stay at Najaf, but did not publish it as another translation by Mufti Inayat Ali Shah was published.
Grand Ayatollah Bazurg Tehrani has mentioned it in his famous book "Az-Zariya ila Tasaneef ush-Shia" (A list of Shia Books).[35][36]

  • Islah ul-Majalis wal-Mahafil

This book discuss the wrong customs associated with majlis of Imam Hussain, and how to correct them.

  • Islah ur-Rusoom az-Zahira ba Kalam al-Itrat at-Tahira

It is a comprehensive book discussing all the bid‘ah's and false customs in Islamic society, and how to correct them. [37][38]


  1. ^ [1]
  2. ^ Hojatol Islam Tahir Abbas Qomi, Mard-e-Ilm Medan-e-Amal Mein, pp. 158-159
  3. ^ [2]
  4. ^ Hojatol Islam Tahir Abbas Qomi, Mard-e-Ilm Medan-e-Amal Mein, pp. 156-158
  5. ^ Hojatol Islam Tahir Abbas Qomi, Mard-e-Ilm Medan-e-Amal Mein, pp. 158
  6. ^ [3]
  7. ^ Hojatol Islam Tahir Abbas Qomi, Mard-e-Ilm Medan-e-Amal Mein, pp. 136-142
  8. ^ [4]
  9. ^ Hojatol Islam Tahir Abbas Qomi, Mard-e-Ilm Medan-e-Amal Mein, pp. 136-153
  10. ^ [5]
  11. ^ Hojatol Islam Tahir Abbas Qomi, Mard-e-Ilm Medan-e-Amal Mein, pp. 154
  12. ^ [6]
  13. ^ Hojatol Islam Tahir Abbas Qomi, Mard-e-Ilm Medan-e-Amal Mein, pp. 155-156
  14. ^ Hojatol Islam Tahir Abbas Qomi, Mard-e-Ilm Medan-e-Amal Mein, pp. 156
  15. ^ Hojatol Islam Tahir Abbas Qomi, Mard-e-Ilm Medan-e-Amal Mein, pp. 156
  16. ^ Hojatol Islam Tahir Abbas Qomi, Mard-e-Ilm Medan-e-Amal Mein, pp. 159
  17. ^ Grand Ayatollah Shaikh Bazurg Tehrani, Az-Zariya ila Tasaneef ush-Shia (A list of Shia Books)
  18. ^ [7]
  19. ^ Hojatol Islam Tahir Abbas Qomi, Mard-e-Ilm Medan-e-Amal Mein, pp. 159
  20. ^ [8]
  21. ^ Hojatol Islam Tahir Abbas Qomi, Mard-e-Ilm Medan-e-Amal Mein, pp. 159-160
  22. ^ Hojatol Islam Tahir Abbas Qomi, Mard-e-Ilm Medan-e-Amal Mein, pp. 160
  23. ^ Grand Ayatollah Shaikh Bazurg Tehrani, Az-Zariya ila Tasaneef ush-Shia (A list of Shia Books)
  24. ^ Hojatol Islam Tahir Abbas Qomi, Mard-e-Ilm Medan-e-Amal Mein, pp. 161
  25. ^ [9]
  26. ^ [10]
  27. ^ Hojatol Islam Tahir Abbas Qomi, Mard-e-Ilm Medan-e-Amal Mein, pp. 154
  28. ^ Grand Ayatollah Shaikh Bazurg Tehrani, Az-Zariya ila Tasaneef ush-Shia (A list of Shia Books)
  29. ^ [11]
  30. ^ Hojatol Islam Tahir Abbas Qomi, Mard-e-Ilm Medan-e-Amal Mein, pp. 154
  31. ^ Grand Ayatollah Shaikh Bazurg Tehrani, Az-Zariya ila Tasaneef ush-Shia (A list of Shia Books)
  32. ^ [12]
  33. ^ Hojatol Islam Tahir Abbas Qomi, Mard-e-Ilm Medan-e-Amal Mein, pp. 155
  34. ^ [13]
  35. ^ Hojatol Islam Tahir Abbas Qomi, Mard-e-Ilm Medan-e-Amal Mein, pp. 161
  36. ^ Grand Ayatollah Shaikh Bazurg Tehrani, Az-Zariya ila Tasaneef ush-Shia (A list of Shia Books)
  37. ^ [14]
  38. ^ Hojatol Islam Tahir Abbas Qomi, Mard-e-Ilm Medan-e-Amal Mein, pp. 162

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