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Talk:Museo MAGA

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Application for course page currently pending on Wikipedia:Education noticeboard Limelightangel (talk) 15:40, 5 October 2016 (UTC)Limelightangel[reply]



Guys we have to add the coordinates and the map again because its not there anymore and i don't know who took it off.  Fixed

Also the photo of the front of MAGA's Museum is missing.That photo was also a part of infobox....I am not really sure what happened but in History contribution of our Draft page we can check who took it of and we could send him a massage why he/she did it.

I took it out because it is better and more organized this way and it had nothing to do with the infobox. i put it in the history where it starts to talk about the opening in 2010 so it makes more sense.



Guys the refrences in the history section ar wrong, you have to put the cursor where you want the refrence so please relocate the refrences after the right information and not at the end.  Fixed

Alright man we will defenetlly do it because you are absolutely right.We will check again which reference is for which part of the text and then put it on the place where it belongs.

okay, Milenko1012 and i can change all the references in the history maybe tomorrow because we meet to modify things that are wrong!

Sounds fine for me.

Hey guys we need to add more references because it looks like we have a good amount, but most of them are form the same website (the MAGA museo website).

Locations in guys! go take a look and lt me know feedback on the structure.

Well done Pureeducation!

palazzo leone in Legnano


i will take photos about palazzo in lEgnano probably tomoroow or on thursday afetr lesson . is it fine for you?

Yes man it sounds fine.Take as many of them as you can so we can put at least 2 or 3 photos, because photos look really nice on page.

I will add the photos of the palazzo using the upload wizard. It helps that they are our photos.  Done



Notamerican you have to fill in the part regaurding the education so we can be almost done with the page and start looking for grammer errrors and adding external links from the page. You have to do it before the weekend , is it fine for you?  Not done

Guys Education part is still missing. I think if we couldn't manage to find sources for it so far it is maybe better to take it of in order not to confuse ourself. If on the other hand someone did find sources I suppose to put it on the page because the deadline is now dangerously close.

I apologize for not completing this section, I wanted to find more outside sources that didn't have anything to do with the museum website, but there were very few reliable sources, and almost nothing in english. It may be best to just remove the section altogether.

That is alright mate if you couldn't manage to find reliable information sources it is better just to delete the Education part.

See also


Hey guys I think that it would be nice to add a headline SEE ALSO. A lot of WIKI pages has that part and it basically guides people from our page to other related pages. What you think about it?  Done

But what kind of information could we use?

I get what you mean, it seem's like a very good and interesting idea, start putting in the headline and then we can decide what similar museums to put in. I would say museums that have to do with modern art.

Yes mate that was what I meant. if you want i can do it but really i don't understand i have to put in. i think that there are a lot of modern art musueum but they are bigger and less local , but i know some museum in Lombardia such as angar, mudec, palazzo reale that are located all in Milan. i think that the best solution in to focus on museum in lombardia . or not?

Yes man I completely agree with you, it is better to focus our See Also section only on museums nearby and that is area of Lombardia.BUt maybe we can also put the most famous modern art museum of whole Italy if you know which one is it.What you think?

I totally agree, I will do some research on museums nearby.


If I understood well we are also supposed to add links on already existing wiki pages which mention MAGA in order to guide readers to our page. Have any idea which page could mention MAGA Museum?

Probably Gallarate maybe legnano if it exists, and if there is no info we can add something on the existing page and then create the link. maga museum in mentioned in gallarate page , we can try to do it.

i added Legnano link , i think that it fits perfect . we have to find others

The more links we can get the better, but not sure what kind of words we should be selecting for links in and out of the page?

Museum Collections


Alright guys, I have fixed the table and made it into a list, check out what you think! Also got the map loaded into the info box, maybe we can reformat the pictures so the info box docent drag on for so long?

I think the longer the infobox the better, I saw a lot of other Wiki pages with much longer infoboxes so I don't think we should be worried about that.

I agree with Pureeducation, i would leave the first image and the location, i would take the other picture out and put it on the page. the list looks good, nice work Pureeducation .



Guys don't be surprised when you see that History part is missing. Matilde and me agreed to delete it and to totally change it in order to correct grammar mistakes and to put it in a chronological way. We will also need your help about grammar. So when we finish it, we will edit it to our draft page and please read it and feel free to correct everything that in your opinion should be corrected.

It looks much better than it did originally, grammar is looking much better, and the chronological order is finally in place.

Yeah after the fixing of grammar it looks a lot beter

Museum collections


I think we should remove the big table from this section if we don't have any images to support it. Because without images it is boring, long,and useless. We can maybe find some more interesting way to present some of artists who has their pieces exposed in MAGA but to be honest I don't have a clue how to do it.

we could leave a little part like 5 or maybe even 10 of the art works in the table so it is some info, and if any of the artists exist on wikipedia we can add a link so it would be organised.

That sounds nice, but in any case we should delete a big part of table.I hope that we agree on that point.



Guys the deadline is approaching and I think that we should finish our page till Monday the 5th of December.That means correct references referred to history part, put pictures for Palazzo Leone da Perego and put other pictures that we collected, finally finish the Education part and also check all possible grammar mistakes.  Done

I suppose that is better before submitting it to first let the professor Walker know we think that the page is ready so he may also see it and give us his final remarks before we finally click the submit button.

After we finish this part we may focus all our attention on presentation.

It would be nice to have our page accepted at the 12th December, on the day of our presentation, and to actually show our live Wikipedia page to the other groups. Milenko1012

I totally agree, well done Milenko!!

We should try to get this turned in as soon as possible because it can take some time to be accepted. We just need to fix grammar in multiple sections, upload some pictures and fix the location. Anything else very important to still do?

In my opinion not when we do all of the things that you listed I assume that we can click the submit button.But before clicking the submit button I suggest it would be better to send e-mail to professor so he can tell us if there is anything else we can improve.

I am working on the categories and I know the deadline is approaching. Should we try to create any categories? What do you think? I have been researching all over youtube and wiki how pages to learn about them but I think the answer is to create some categories that fit our page because its so specific. I have linked one already. Any help??  Done