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Talk:On Heaven and Earth

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Page 55-57: For me too the essence of what is preserved is the testimony of the fathers. In our case, that of the Apostles. In the III and IV centuries makes theological truths of faith revealed and transmitted that are non-negotiable, the inheritance. That does not mean that throughout history for the study and research, not are they find lights spare those truths: as it is Jesus, and Jesus, is set to church, is configured as the true Christian behavior, as they are the commandments. All that is enriched with the explanations. There are things that are debatable, but - I repeat - the inheritance not traded. The content of a religious faith is likely to be deepened by human thought, but when that deepening comes into collision with the inheritance is heresy. Anyway, the religions tuned some expressions with time, although it is a slow process for the sacred bond that we have with the received legacy. Such is the respect that we must be careful not to mess up by going very fast. A medieval theologian expressed so progress in the understanding of the heritage, received revelation: "legitimate rule of all progress and all growing right standard consist of inheritance to be consolidated through the ages, develops with the passing of the years and grow with the passage of time." Answers with the heritage received the new issue of the day takes time and when issues of conscience are played. When I was a kid to a divorced family usually does not House, treading it is less if they returned to get married. Today the Pope invites those who are in a new union to participate in the life of the Church. He asks them to pray, to work in parish communities, in works of charity. By the fact that they are aside from a command does not delete them baptism. I admit that the pace can keep the speed of social change, but leaders Saints, those who are looking for the voice of God, must take the necessary time to be finding the answers. Also there is a risk of other mixing interests economic, cultural, geopolitical. It must be able to distinguish. http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&ei=hGRQUc7VNqzi4APp6IHAAw&hl=en&prev=/search%3Fq%3D%2522Pero%2Bhoy%2Bla%2Bconciencia%2Bmoral%2Bse%2Bafin%25C3%25B3%2Bmucho,%2By%2Ben%2Bel%2Bcatecismo%2Bse%2Bdice%2522%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1366%26bih%3D618&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=es&u=http://en.calameo.com/read/002080055a8b71b163859&usg=ALkJrhg4ZUD-B9u31nDntADVS6xUzVlfLw

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