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Key publications

  • Gregersen PK, Gallerstein P, Jaffe W, and Enlow RW. Valvular heart disease associated with juvenile onset ankylosing spondylitis: A case report and review of the literature. Bulletin, Hospital for Joint Diseases, 42:103114, 1982.
  • Toguchi T, Burmester GR, Nunez-Roldan A, Gregersen PK, Seremetis S, Lee S, Szer IS, Hurley CK, and Winchester RJ. Evidence for the separate molecular expression of four distinct polymorphic Ia epitopes on cells of DR4 homozygous individuals. Human Immunol.10:69-81, 1984.
  • Lee SH, Gregersen PK, Shen HH, Nunez-Roldan A, Silver J, and Winchester RJ. Strong association of rheumatoid arthritis with the presence of a polymorphic Ia epitope defined by a monoclonal antibody: comparison with the allodeterminant DR4. Rheum Int. 4: (Suppl):17-23, 1984.
  • Gregersen PK, Shen M, Song QK, Merryman P, Degar S, Seki T, Maccari J, Goldberg D, Murphy H, Schwenzer J, Wang CY, Winchester RJ, Nepom GT, and Silver J. Molecular diversity of HLA-DR4 haplotypes. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 83:2642-2646,1986.
  • Karr R, Gregersen PK, Obata F, Goldberg D, Maccari J, Alber C, and Silver J. Analysis of DR and DQ chain cDNA clones from DR7 haplotype. J. Immunol. 137:2886-2890, 1986.
  • Gregersen PK, Moriuchi T, Karr RW, Obata F, Maccari J, Goldberg D, Winchester RJ, and Silver J. Polymorphism of HLA-DR beta chains in DR4, -7, and -9 haplotypes: Implications for the mechanisms of variation.Proc. Nat. Acad .Sci. 83:9149-9153, 1986.
  • Gregersen PK, Goyert S, Song QL, and Silver J. Microheterogeneity of HLA-DR4 haplotypes: DNA sequence analysis of LD "KT2" and LD "TAS" haplotypes. Human Immunol.19:287-292, 1987.
  • Gregersen PK, Silver J, and Winchester RJ. The shared epitope hypothesis: an approach to understanding the molecular genetics of rheumatoid arthritis susceptibility. Arthritis Rheum, 30:1205-1213, 1987.
  • Seyfried C, Gregersen PK, Nepom B, and Nepom G. Functional polymorphisms among HLA-DR4+ DR chains associated with limited peptide diversity. Molecular Immunol. 24:471-477, 1987.
  • Song Q, Gregersen PK, Karr R, and Silver J. Recombination between DQ and DQ generates HLA class II haplotype diversity. J Immunol. 139:2993, 1987.
  • Hurley C, Gregersen PK, Steiner N, Silver J, Bell J, Hartzman R, Radka S, Nepom G, and Johnson A. Polymorphism of the HLA-D region in American Blacks: a DR3 haplotype generated by recombination. J Immunol. 140:885-892, 1988.
  • Merryman P, Gregersen PK, Lee S, Silver J, Nunez-Roldan A, Crapper R, and Winchester R. Nucleotide sequence of a DRw10 beta chain cDNA clone; identity of the third D region with that of the DRw53 allele of the β2 locus and as the probable site encoding a polymorphic MHC class II epitope. J. Immunol.140:2447-2452, 1988.
  • Hurley CK, Ziff BL, Steiner N, Gregersen PK, and Silver J. DR and DQ beta cDNA sequences associated with a DR2 haplotype. Human Immunol. 22:179-184, 1988.
  • Hurley CK, Ziff BL, Silver J, Gregersen PK, Hartman R, and Johnson AH. Identification of a DRl β-chain determinant in American blacks recognized in the mixed lymphocyte reaction. J. Immunol.140:4019-4023, 1988.
  • Gregersen PK, Kao H-T, Nunez-Roldan A, Hurley CK, Karr R, and Silver J. Recombination sites in the HLA class II region are haplotype dependent. J Immunol. 141:1365-1368, 1988.
  • Klohe EP, Watts R, Bahl M, Alber C, Yu W, Anderson R, Silver J, Gregersen PK, and Karr RW. Analysis of the molecular specificities of anti class II monoclonal antibodies by using L cell transfectants express in HLA class II molecules J. Immunol. 141:2158, 1988.
  • Hurley CK, Gregersen PK, Gorski J, Steiner N, Robbins F, Hartman R, Johnson AH, and Silver J. DR3(w18) DQw4 haplotype differs from DR3(w17) DQw2 haplotypes at multiple class II loci. Human Immunol. 25:37-50, 1989.
  • Merryman, P, Crapper, RM, Lee, S, Gregersen PK, and Winchester RJ. Class II major histocompatibility complex gene sequences in rheumatoid arthritis: the third diversity regions of both DR beta genes in two DRl, DRw10-positive individuals specify the same inferred amino acid sequence as the DRβl and DRβ2 genes of a DR4 (Dw14) haplotype. Arthritis Rheum. 32 (3):251-258, 1989.
  • Navarrete C, Seki T, Miranda A, Winchester R, and Gregersen PK. DNA sequence analysis of the HLA-DR12 allele, Human Immunol, 25:51-58,1989.
  • Kao H-T, Gregersen PK, Tang JC, Takahashi T, Wang CY, and Silver J. Molecular analysis of the HLA class II genes in two DRw6 related haplotypes, DRw13 DQwl and DRw14 DQw3 J. Immunol. 142:1743-1747, 1989.
  • Merryman P, Silver J, Gregersen PK, Solomon G, and Winchester R. A novel association of DQ

and DQβ genes in the DRwIO haplotype: determination of a DQwl specificity by the DQβ chain. J. Immunol., 143:2068-2073, 1989.

  • Lang B, Navarrete C, LoGalbo PR, Nepom GT, Silver J, Winchester RJ, and Gregersen PK. Further DNA sequence microheterogeneity of the HLA-DR4/Dw13 haplotype group: Importance of amino acid position 86 of the DRβl chain for T cell recognition.Human Immunology. 27:378-389, 1990.
  • Itescu S, Brancato L, Solomon G, Gregersen PK, Buxbaum J, and Winchester RJ. Diffuse infiltrative lymphocytosis syndrome (DILS) in HIV infection: a host immune response associated with HLA-DR5. Annals of Int. Medicine 112:3, 1990.
  • Celis E, Karr RW, Gregersen PK, and Reinsmoen NL. Functional analysis of MHC class II restricted T cells derived from a caucasian with a DR4 Dw15 DQw8 haplotype. Human Immunology. 29:31-41, 1990.
  • Kaufman LD, Gruber BL, and Gregersen PK. The eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome: clinical follow-up and immunogenetic studies of 32 patients. Lancet, 337:1071-1074, 1991.
  • Gulwani-Akolkar B, Posnett DN, Janson CH, Grunewald J, Wigzell H, Akolkar P, Gregersen PK, and Silver J. T cell receptor V-segment frequencies in peripheral blood T cells correlate with human leukocyte antigen type. J. Exp. Med. 174:1139-1146, 1991.
  • Hashimoto S, Gregersen PK, and Chiorazzi N. The human Ig-β cDNA sequence,a homologue of murine B29, is identical in B cell and plasma cell lines producing all the human Ig Isotopes. J.Immunol.150:491-498, 1993.
  • Molkentin J, Gregersen PK, Lin X, Zhu N, Wang Y, Wang Y, Chen S, Chen S, Baxter-Lowe L, and Silver J. Molecular analysis of HLA-DRβ and DQβ polymorphism in Chinese with rheumatoid arthritis. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 52:610-612, 1993.
  • Gregersen P.K. Discordance for autoimmunity in monozygotic twins - are "identical" twins really identical? Arthritis and Rheumatism, 36:1185-1192, 1993.
  • Hingorani R, Choi I-H, Akolkar P, Gulwani-Akolkar B, Pergolizzi R, Silver J, and Gregersen PK. Clonal Dominance of T cell receptors within the CD8+ CD45RO+ subset in normal human subjects J. Immunol. 151:5762-5769, 1993.
  • Hashimoto S, Chiorazzi N, and Gregersen PK. The complete sequence of the human CD79 (Igβ/B29) gene: identification of conserved exon/intron organization, immunoglobulin-like regulatory regions, and allelic polymorphism. Immunogenetics 40:145-149, 1994.
  • Hashimoto S, Mohrenweiser H W, Gregersen PK, and Chiorazzi N. Chromosomal localization, genomic structure, and allelic polymorphism of the human CD79a (Ig-a/mb1) gene. Immunogenetics 40:287-295, 1994.
  • Trejo V, Derom C, Vlietinck R, Ollier WER, Silman A, Ebers G,Derom R, and Gregersen PK. X chromosome inactivation patterns correlate with fetal-placental anatomy in monozygotic twin pairs: implications for immune relatedness and concordance for autoimmunity. Molecular Medicine, 1:62-70, 1994.
  • Morley JK, Batliwalla F, Hingorani R, and Gregersen PK. Oligoclonal CD8+ T cells are preferentially expanded in the CD57+ subset. J. Immunol. 154:6182-6190, 1994.
  • Monteiro J, Hingorani R, Choi I-H, Silver J, Pergolizzi R, and Gregersen PK. Oligoclonality in the human CD8+ T-cell repertoire in normal subjects and monozygotic twin pairs: implications for studies of infectious and autoimmune diseases. Molecular Medicine 1:614, 1995.
  • Dono M, Hashimoto S, Fais F, Trejo V, Allen S, Lichtman SM, Schulman P, Vinciguerra VP, Sellars B, Gregersen PK, Ferrarini M, and Chiorazzi N. Evidence for IgM+ progenitors of IgG+ CLL B cells that undergo intraclonal differentiation and diversification. Blood 87:1586, 1996.
  • Hingorani R, Monteiro J, Furie R, Chartash E, Navarrete C, Pergolizzi R, and Gregersen PK. Oligoclonality of TCRBV3 chains in the CD8+ T cell population of rheumatoid arthritis patients. J. Immunol. 156:852, 1996.
  • Monteiro J, Batliwalla F, Ostrer H, and Gregersen, PK. Shortened telomeres on clonality expanded CD28-CD8+ T cells imply a replicative history that is distinct from their CD28+CD8+ counterparts. J.Immunol. 156:3587-3590, 1996.
  • Monteiro J, Hingorani R, Pergolizzi R, Apatoff B, and Gregersen, PK. Oligoclonality of CD8+ T cells in multiple sclerosis. Autoimmunity 23:127-138, 1996.
  • Fais F, Sellars B, Ghiotto F, Yan X, Dono M, Allen SL, Budman K, Dittmar K, Kolitz J, Lichtman SM, Schulman P, Schuster M, Vinciguerra V, Rai K, Stevenson FK, Gregersen PK, Ferrarini M, and Chiorazzi N. J. Clin Invest. 98:1659-1666, 1996.
  • Batliwalla F, Monteiro J, Serrano D, and Gregersen, PK. Oligoclonality of CD8+ T cells in health and disease: aging, infection, or immune regulation? Human Immunology 48, 68-76, 1996.
  • Jawaheer D, MacGregor AJ, Gregersen, PK, Silman AJ, and Ollier WER. Unexpected HLA haplotype sharing in dizygotic twin pairs discordant for rheumatoid arthritis. J. Med Genetics, 33:1015-1018, 1996.
  • Serrano D, Monteiro J, Allen SL, Kolitz J, Schulman P, Lichtman SM, Buchbinder A, Vinciguerra VP, Chiorazzi N, and Gregersen PK. Clonal expansion within the CD4+CD57+ and CD8+CD57+ T cell subsets in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. J.Immunol., 158: 1482-1489, 1997.
  • Mobini N, Yunis EJ, Alper CA, Yunis JJ, Delgado JC, Yunis DE, Firooz A, Dowlati Y, Bahar K, Gregersen PK, Ahmed AR Identical MHC markers in non-Jewish Iranian and Ashkenazi Jewish patients with pemphigus vulgaris: possible common central Asian ancestral origin. Hum Immunol 1997 Sep 15;57(1):62-7
  • Monteiro J. Derom C, Vlietinck R, Kohn N, Lesser M and Gregersen PK. Commitment to X inactivation precedes the twinning event in monochorionic MZ twins. Am. J. of Human Genetics 63:339-346, 1998
  • Ivanova S, Botchkina G, Al-Abed Y, Miestrell M, Batliwalla F, Dubinsky JM, Iadecola C, Wang H, Gregersen PK, Eaton JW and Tracy KJ. Cerebral Ischemia enhances polyamine oxidation: identification of enzymaytically formed 3-aminopropanal as an endogenous mediator of neuronal and glial cell death. J. Exp. Med. 188:327-340, 1998.
  • Herbein G, Mahlknecht U, Batliwalla F, Gregersen PK, Pappas T, Butler J, O’Brien WA and Verdin E. Apoptosis of CD8+ T cells is mediated by macrophages through interaction of HIV gp120 with chomokine receptor CXCR4. Nature 395:189-194, 1998.

Eiraku N, Hingorani R, Shinji I, Machigashira K, Gregersen PK, Monteiro J, Usuku K, Yashiki S, Sonoda S, Osame M and Hall WW. Clonal expansion within CD4+ and CD8+ T cell subsets in huyman T lymphotropic virus type 1 infected individuals. J. Immunol. 161:6674-6680, 1998 Batliwalla F, Bateman B, Serrano D, Murray D, Macphail S, Maino V, Ansel JC, Gregersen PK and Armstrong CA. A fifteen year follow up of AJCC stage II malignant melanoma patients treated postsurgically with Newcastle disease virus: correlation with alterations in the CD8+ T cell repertoire. Molecular Medicine 4:783-794, 1998

  • Gregersen PK, Chitnis S, and Monteiro J. Increased X-inactivation skewing in SLE?. Immunology Today 20:156, 1999
  • Seldin M, Amos C, Ward R and Gregersen PK. The genetics revolution and the assault on rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis and Rheumatism, 42(6):1071-9.1999.

51. Chitnis S, Derom C, Vlietinck R, Monteiro J and Gregersen PK. X chromosome inactivation patterns confirm the late timing of monoamnionic monozygotic (MA-MZ) twinning. Am J Hum Genetics 65(2):570-1, 1999.

  • Gregersen PK, Kowalsky E, Kohn N and Marvin EW. Absolute pitch: prevalence, ethnic variation, and estimation of the genetic component. Am J Hum Genet 65(3):911-3, 1999
  • Monteiro J, Derom C, Vlietinck R, Kohn N, Lesser M, and Gregersen PK. Commitment to X inactivation precedes the twinning event in monochorionic MZ twins. Am J Human Genetics 63:339-346, 1998.
  • Gregersen PK, Chitnis S, and Monteiro J. Increased X-inactivation skewing in SLE? Immunology Today 20:156, 1999. \
  • Than S, Kharbanda M, Chitnis V, Bakshi S, Gregersen PK, Pahwa S. Clonal dominance patterns of CD8 T cells in relation to disease progression in HIV-infected children. J Immunol. 1999 Mar 15;162(6):3680-6.
  • Seldin M, Amos C, Ward R, and Gregersen PK. The genetics revolution and the assault on rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis Rheum 42(6):1071-1079, 1999.
  • Chitnis S, Derom C, Vlietinck R, Monteiro J, and Gregersen PK. X chromosome inactivation patterns confirm the late timing of monoamnionic monozygotic (MA-MZ) twinning. Am J Human Genetics 65(2):570-571, 1999.
  • Gregersen PK, Kowalsky E, Kohn N, and Marvin EW. Absolute pitch: Prevalence, ethnic variation, and estimation of the genetic component. Am J Human Genetics 65(3):911-913, 1999.
  • Hirose N, Williams R, Alberts AR, Furie RA, Chartash EK, Jain RI, Sison C, Lahita RG, Merrill JT, Cucurull E, Gharavi AE, Sammaritano LR, Salmon JE, Hashimoto S, Sawada T, Chu CC, Gregersen PK, Chiorazzi N.A role for the polymorphism at position 247 of the beta2-glycoprotein I gene in the generation of anti-beta2-glycoprotein I antibodies in the antiphospholipid syndrome. Arthritis Rheum. 1999 Aug;42(8):1655-61
  • Chitnis S, Monteiro J, Glass D, Apatoff B, Salmon J, Concannon P and Gregersen PK The role of X chromosome inactivation in female predisposition to autoimmunity. Arthritis Research 2000, "http://arthritis-research.com/content/2/5/399"
  • Batliwalla F, Rufer N, Lansdorp P and Gregersen PK. Oligoclonal expansions in the CD8 - CD28- T cells largely explain the shorter telomeres detected in this subset: analysis by flow FISH. Human Immun, 61:951-58,2000.
  • Gregersen PK, Kowalsky E, Kohn N and Marvin EW. Early childhood music education and predisposition to absolute pitch: teasing apart genes and environment. Am. J. Med. Genetics, 98:280-282, 2000.
  • Batliwalla F, Damle RN, Chiorazzi N and Gregersen PK. Simultaneous flow cytometric analysis of cell surface markers and telomere length: analysis of human tonsillar B cells. J. Immunol. Methods, 247:103-9,2001.
  • Chitnis S, Monteiro J, Glass D, Apatoff B, Salmon J, Concannon P, and Gregersen PK. The role of X chromosome inactivation in female predisposition to autoimmunity. Arthritis Res 2:399-406, 2000. (http://arthritis-research.com/content/2/5/399).
  • Batliwalla F, Rufer N, Lansdorp P, and Gregersen PK. Oligoclonal expansions in the CD8 CD28- T cells largely explain the shorter telomeres detected in this subset: Analysis by flow fish. Human Immunol 61:951-958, 2000.
  • Damle RN, Fais F, Ghiotto F, Valetto A, Albesiano E, Wasil T, Batliwalla FM, Allen SL, Schulman P, Vinciguerra VP, Rai KR, Gregersen PK, Ferrarini M, Chiorazzi N.Chronic lymphocytic leukemia: a proliferation of B cells at two distinct stages of differentiation. Curr Top Microbiol Immunol. 2000;252:285-92
  • Gregersen PK, Kowalsky E, Kohn N, and Marvin EW. Early childhood music education and predisposition to absolute pitch: Teasing apart genes and environment. Am J Med Genetics 98:280-282, 2000.
  • Batliwalla F, Damle RN, Chiorazzi N, and Gregersen PK. Simultaneous flow cytometric analysis of cell surface markers and telomere length: Analysis of human tonsillar B cells. J Immunol Methods 247:103-109, 2001.
  • Jawaheer D, Seldin MF, Amos CI, Chen WV, Shigeta R, Monteiro J, Kern M, Criswell LA, Albani S, Nelson JL, Clegg DO, Pope R, Schoeder HW, Bridges SL Jr, Pisetsky DS, Ward R, Kastner DL, Wilder RL, Pincus T, Callahan LF, Flemming D, Wener MH, and Gregersen PK. A genome-wide screen in multiplex rheumatoid arthritis families suggests genetic overlap with other autoimmune diseases. Am J Human Genetics 68(4): 927-936, 2001.
  • Baugh JA, Chitnis S, Donnelly SC, Monteiro J, Lin X, Plant BJ, Wolfe F, Gregersen PK, and Bucala R. A functional promoter polymorphism in the macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) gene associated with disease severity in rheumatoid arthritis. Genes Immunity 3:170-176, 2002
  • Hofmann MA, Drury S, Hudson BJ, Gleason MR, Qu W, Lu Y, Lalla E, Chitnis S, Monteiro J, Stickland MH, Bucciarelli LG, Moser B, Moxley G, Itescu S, Grant PJ, Gregersen PK, Stern DM, and Schmidt AM. Rage and arthritis: The G82S polymorphism amplifies the inflammatory response. Genes Immunity 3:123-135 2002
  • Chavan SS, Tian W, Hsueh K, Jawaheer D, Gregersen PK, Chu CC. Characterization of the human homolog of the IL-4 induced gene-1 (Fig1). Biochim Biophys Acta. 2002 Jun 7;1576(1-2):70-80.
  • Ivanova, S., F. Batliwalla, J. Mocco, S. Kiss, J. Huang, W. Mack, A. Coon, J. W. Eaton, Y. Al-Abed, P. K. Gregersen, E. Shohami, E. S. Connolly, Jr., and K. J. Tracey., Neuroprotection in cerebral ischemia by neutralization of 3- aminopropanal. Proc Natl Acad. Sci U S A 99: 5579-84, 2002
  • Jawaheer, D., W. Li, R. R. Graham, W. Chen, A. Damle, X. Xiao, J. Monteiro, H. Khalili, A. Lee, R. Lundsten, A. Begovich, T. Bugawan, H. Erlich, J. T. Elder, L. A. Criswell, M. F. Seldin, C. I. Amos, T. W. Behrens, and P. K. Gregersen Dissecting the Genetic Complexity of the Association between Human Leukocyte Antigens and Rheumatoid Arthritis. Am J Hum Genet 71:585-94, 2002
  • Graham, R. R., W. A. Ortmann, C. D. Langefeld, D. Jawaheer, S. A. Selby, P. R. Rodine, E. C. Baechler, K. E. Rohlf, K. B. Shark, K. J. Espe, L. E. Green, R. P. Nair, P. E. Stuart, J. T. Elder, R. A. King, K. L. Moser, P. M. Gaffney, T. L. Bugawan, H. A. Erlich, S. S. Rich, P. K. Gregersen, and T. W. Behrens. Visualizing Human Leukocyte Antigen Class II Risk Haplotypes in Human Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. Am J Hum Genet 71:543-553, 2002
  • Gruber SB, Ellis NA, Scott KK, Almog R, Kolachana P, Bonner JD, Kirchhoff T, Tomsho LP, Nafa K, Pierce H, Low M, Satagopan J, Rennert H, Huang H, Greenson JK, Groden J, Rapaport B, Shia J, Johnson S, Gregersen PK, Harris CC, Boyd J, Offit K. BLM heterozygosity and the risk of colorectal cancer. Science. 2002 Sep 20;297(5589):2013
  • Foulkes WD, Thiffault I, Gruber SB, Horwitz M, Hamel N, Lee C, Shia J, Markowitz A, Figer A, Friedman E, Farber D, Greenwood CM, Bonner JD, Nafa K, Walsh T, Marcus V, Tomsho L, Gebert J, Macrae FA, Gaff CL, Paillerets BB, Gregersen PK, Weitzel JN, Gordon PH, MacNamara E, King MC, Hampel H, De La Chapelle A, Boyd J, Offit K, Rennert G, Chong G, Ellis NA. The founder mutation MSH2*1906G-->C is an important cause of hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer in the Ashkenazi Jewish population. Am J Hum Genet. 2002 Dec;71(6):1395-412
  • Jawaheer D, Seldin MF, Amos CI, Chen WV, Shigeta R, Etzel C, Damle A, Xiao X, Chen D, Lum RF, Monteiro J, Kern M, Criswell LA, Albani S, Nelson JL, Clegg DO, Pope R, Schroeder HW, Jr., Bridges SL, Jr., Pisetsky DS, Ward R, Kastner DL, Wilder RL, Pincus T, Callahan LF, Flemming D, Wener MH, Gregersen PK: Screening the genome for rheumatoid arthritis susceptibility genes: a replication study and combined analysis of 512 multicase families. Arthritis Rheum 48:906-16., 2003
  • Baechler EC, Batliwalla FM, Karypis G, Gaffney PM, Ortmann WA, Espe KJ, Shark KB, Grande WJ, Hughes KM, Kapur V, Gregersen PK, Behrens TW: Interferon-inducible gene expression signature in peripheral blood cells of patients with severe lupus. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 25:25, 2003
  • Ulloa L, Batliwalla FM, Andersson U, Gregersen PK, Tracey KJ: High mobility group box chromosomal protein 1 as a nuclear protein, cytokine, and potential therapeutic target in arthritis. Arthritis Rheum 48:876-81,2003
  • Gregersen, P. K. and R. Bucala, MIF, Mif alleles, and the Genetics of Inflammatory Disorders: Incorporating Disease Outcome into the Definition of Phenotype. Arthritis and Rheum. 48:1171-1176, 2003.
  • Offit K, Pierce H, Kirchhoff T, Kolachana P, Rapaport B, Gregersen P, Johnson S, Yossepowitch O, Huang H, Satagopan J, Robson M, Scheuer L, Nafa K, Ellis N. Frequency of CHEK2*1100delC in New York breast cancer cases and controls.BMC Med Genet. 2003 Jan 15;4(1):1
  • Jawaheer D, Juo SH, Le Caignec C, David A, Petit C, Gregersen P, Dowbak S, Damle A, McElreavey K, Ostrer H. Mapping a gene for 46,XY gonadal dysgenesis by linkage analysis. Clin Genet. 2003 Jun;63(6):530-5.
  • Jawaheeer D, Lum R, Gregersen PK, Amos C, and Criswell L. Familial aggregation of rheumatoid arthritis: demographic and clinical characteristics of 512 multicase families. Arthritis and Rheumatism, 50:736-41, 2004.
  • Li W, Gregersen PK. Reconstructing haplotypes in pedigrees: importance of parental information.Am J Med Genet. 2004 Jan 1; 124A(1): 107-9.
  • Damle RN, Batliwalla FM, Ghiotto F, Valetto A, Albesiano E, Sison C, Allen SL, Kolitz J, Vinciguerra VP, Kudalkar P, Wasil T, Rai KR, Ferrarini M, Gregersen PK, Chiorazzi N. Telomere length and telomerase activity delineate distinctive replicative features of the B-CLL subgroups defined by Ig V gene mutations. Blood. 2004 Jan 15; 103(2): 375-82..
  • Karban AS, Okazaki T, Panhuysen CI, Gallegos T, Potter JJ, Bailey-Wilson JE, Silverberg MS, Duerr RH, Cho JH, Gregersen PK, Wu Y, Achkar JP, Dassopoulos T, Mezey E, Bayless TM, Nouvet FJ, Brant SR. Functional annotation of a novel NFKB1 promoter polymorphism that increases risk for ulcerative colitis. Hum Mol Genet. 2004 Jan 1; 13(1): 35-45
  • Killian MS, Monteiro J, Matud J, Hultin LE, Hausner MA, Yang OO, Gregersen PK, Detels R, Giorgi JV, Jamieson BD.Persistent alterations in the T-cell repertoires of HIV-1-infected and at-risk uninfected men. AIDS. 2004 Jan 23;18(2):161-70.
  • Mitchell MK, Gregersen PK, Johnson S, Parsons R, Vlahov D.The New York Cancer project: rationale, organization, design, and baseline characteristics. J Urban Health. 2004 Jun;81(2):301-10.
  • Baechler EC, Batliwalla FM, Karypis G, Gaffney PM, Moser K, Ortmann WA, Espe KJ, Balasubramanian S, Hughes KM, Chan JP, Begovich A, Chang SY, Gregersen PK, Behrens TW.Expression levels for many genes in human peripheral blood cells are highly sensitive to ex vivo incubation. Genes and Immunity (2004) 5, 347–353
  • Begovich A, Carlton VE, Honigberg L, Schrodi SJ. Chokkalingam A. Alexander H, Ardlie K, Huang Q, Smith AM, Spoerke J, Conn MP, Chang M, Chang SY, Saiki R, Catanese JJ, Leong D, Garcia V, Jeffery D, Lee A, Batliwalla F, Remmers EF, Criswell LA, Seldin MF, Kastner DL, Amos CI, Sninsky JJ, &. Gregersen PK. A missense SNP in the protein tyrosine phosphastase PTPN22 is associated with rheumatoid arthritis. Am J. Hum Genet 75:330-337, 2004
  • Kyogoku C, Langfeld CD, Ortmann WA, Lee A, Selby S, Carlton V, Chang M, Ramos P, Baechler EC, Batliwalla F, Novitzke J, Williams AH, Gillett C, Rodine P, Graham R, Gaffney P, Moser K, Petri M, Begovich AB, Gregersen PK and Behrens TW. Genetic association of the R620W polymorphism of protein tyrosine phosphatase PTPN22 with human SLE. Am. J. Human Genet 75:504-507, 2004
  • Smith GS, Lotrich FE, Malhotra AK, Lee AT, Ma Y, Kramer E, Gregersen PK, Eidelberg D, Pollock BG. Effects of serotonin transporter promoter polymorphisms on serotonin function. Neuropsychopharmacology. 29:2226-34, 2004
  • Lee AT, Li W, Liew A, Bombardier C, Weisman M, Massarotti EM, Kent J,Wolfe F, Begovich A and Gregersen PK (2004). The PTPN22 R620W polymorphism associates with RF positive rheumatoid arthritis in a dose dependent manner but not with HLA shared epitope status. Genes and Immunity 6:129-133, 2005
  • Criswell LA, Pfeiffer KA, Lum RF, Gonzales B, Novitzke J, Kern M, Moser KL, Begovich AB, Carlton VE, Li W, Lee AT, Ortmann W, Behrens TW, Gregersen PK.Analysis of Families in the Multiple Autoimmune Disease Genetics Consortium (MADGC) Collection: the PTPN22 620W Allele Associates with Multiple Autoimmune Phenotypes. Am J Hum Genet. 76:561-71, 2005
  • Batliwalla FM, Baechler EC, Xiao X, Balasubramanian S, Li W, Kern M, Gulko PS, Ortmann W, Perrone A, Kantor AB, Furie R, Behrens TW, Gregersen PK. Peripheral blood gene expression profiling in rheumatoid arthritis. Genes Immun. 2005 Aug;6(5):388-97.
  • Addo A, Le J, Li W, Aksentijevich I, Balow J Jr, Lee A, Gregersen PK, Kastner DL, Remmers EF. Analysis of CARD15/NOD2 haplotypes fails to identify common variants associated with rheumatoid arthritis susceptibility. Scand J Rheumatol. 2005 May-Jun;34(3):198-203.
  • Behrens TW, Graham RR, Kyogoku C, Baechler EC, Ramos PS, Gillett C, Baue J, Ortmann WA, Hippen KL, Peterson E, Langefeld CD, Moser KL, Gaffney PM, Gregersen PK. Progress towards understanding the genetic pathogenesis of systemic lupus erythematosus. Novartis Found Symp. 2005;267:145-60; discussion 160-4.
  • Carlton VE, Hu X, Chokkalingam AP, Schrodi SJ, Brandon R, Alexander HC, Chang M, Catanese JJ, Leong DU, Ardlie KG, Kastner DL, Seldin MF, Criswell LA, Gregersen PK, Beasley E, Thomson G, Amos CI, Begovich AB. PTPN22 genetic variation: evidence for multiple variants associated with rheumatoid arthritis. Am J Hum Genet. 2005 Oct;77(4):567-81.
  • Yang N, Li H, Criswell LA, Gregersen PK, Alarcon-Riquelme ME, Kittles R,Shigeta R, Silva G, Patel PI, Belmont JW, Seldin MF. Examination of ancestry and ethnic affiliation using highly informative diallelic DNA markers: application to diverse and admixed populations and implications for clinical epidemiology and forensic medicine. Hum Genet. 2005 Sep 29;:1-11
  • Hofmann MA, Yang Q, Harja E, Kedia P, Gregersen PK, Cupples LA, Schmidt AM, Hudson BI. The RAGE Gly82Ser polymorphism is not associated with cardiovascular disease in the Framingham offspring study. Atherosclerosis. 2005 Oct;182(2):301-5.
  • Derom C, Jawaheer D, Chen WV, McBride KL, Xiao X, Amos C, Gregersen PK, Vlietinck R. Genome-wide linkage scan for spontaneous DZ twinning. Eur J Hum Genet. 2005 Nov 16;
  • Huizinga TW, Amos CI, van der Helm-van Mil AH, Chen W, van Gaalen FA, Jawaheer D, Schreuder GM, Wener M, Breedveld FC, Ahmad N, Lum RF, de Vries RR, Gregersen PK, Toes RE, Criswell LA. Refining the complex rheumatoid arthritis phenotype based on specificity of the HLA-DRB1 shared epitope for antibodies to citrullinated proteins. Arthritis Rheum. 2005 Nov;52(11):3433-8.
  • Matsuoka N, Patki A, Tiwari HK, Allison DB, Johnson SB, Gregersen PK, LeibelRL, Chung WK. Association of K121Q polymorphism in ENPP1 (PC-1) with BMI in Caucasian and African-American adults. Int J Obes (Lond). 2005 Oct 11
  • Gregersen PK. Gaining insight into PTPN22 and autoimmunity. Nat Genet. 2005 Dec;37(12):1300-2.
  • Criswell LA, Gregersen PK. Current understanding of the genetic aetiology of rheumatoid arthritis andlikely future developments. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2005 Dec;44 Suppl 4:iv9-iv13.
  • Irigoyen P, Lee AT, Wener MH, Li W, Kern M, Batliwalla F, Lum RF, Massarotti E, Weisman M, Bombardier C, Remmers EF, Kastner DL, Seldin MF, Criswell LA, Gregersen PK. Regulation of anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies in rheumatoid arthritis: Contrasting effects of HLA-DR3 and the shared epitope alleles. Arthritis Rheum. 2005 Dec;52(12):3813-3818.
  • Plenge RM, Padyukov L, Remmers EF, Purcell S, Lee AT, Karlson EW, Wolfe F, Kastner DL, Alfredsson L, Altshuler D, Gregersen PK, Klareskog L, Rioux JD. Replication of putative candidate-gene associations with rheumatoid arthritis in >4,000 samples from North America and Sweden: association of susceptibility with PTPN22, CTLA4, and PADI4.Am J Hum Genet 2005 Dec;77(6):1044-60
  • Batliwalla FM, Li W, Ritchlin CT, Xiao X, Brenner M, Laragione T, Shao T, Durham R, Kemshetti S, Schwarz E, Coe R, Kern M, Baechler EC, Behrens TW, Gregersen PK, Gulko PS. Microarray analyses of peripheral blood cells identifies unique gene expression signature in psoriatic arthritis. Mol Med. 2005 Jan-Dec;11(1-12):21-9.
  • Hu X, Chang M, Saiki RK, Cargill MA, Begovich AB, Ardlie KG, Criswell LA, Seldin MF, Amos CI, Gregersen PK, Kastner DL, Remmers EF. The functional -169T-->C single-nucleotide polymorphism in FCRL3 is not associated with rheumatoid arthritis in white North Americans. Arthritis Rheum. 2006 Mar;54(3):1022-5
  • Li W, Wang M, Irigoyen P, Gregersen PK. Inferring causal relationships among intermediate phenotypes and biomarkers: a case study of rheumatoid arthritis. Bioinformatics. 2006 Mar 21; [Epub ahead of print]
  • Etzel CJ, Chen WV, Shepard N, Jawaheer D, Cornelis F, Seldin MF, Gregersen PK, Amos CI; for the North American Rheumatoid Arthritis Consortium. Genome-wide meta-analysis for rheumatoid arthritis. Hum Genet. 2006 Apr 13; [Epub ahead of print]
  • Graham RR, Kozyrev SV, Baechler EC, Reddy MV, Plenge RM, Bauer JW, Ortmann WA, Koeuth T, Escribano MF, Collaborative Groups TA, Pons-Estel B, Petri M, Daly M, Gregersen PK, Martin J, Altshuler D, Behrens TW, Alarcon-Riquelme ME. A common haplotype of interferon regulatory factor 5 (IRF5) regulates splicing and expression and is associated with increased risk of systemic lupus erythematosus. Nature Genet. 2006 May;38(5):550-555. Epub 2006 Apr 16.
  • Amos CI, Chen WV, Lee A, Li W, Kern M, Lundsten R, Batliwalla F, Wener M, Remmers E, Kastner DA, Criswell LA, Seldin MF, Gregersen PK. R High-density SNP analysis of 642 Caucasian families with rheumatoid arthritis identifies two new linkage regions on 11p12 and 2q33. Genes Immun. 2006 May 4; [Epub ahead of print]
  • van der Helm-van Mil AH, Kern M, Gregersen PK, Huizinga TW.

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  • Gregersen PK, Lee HS, Batliwalla F, Begovich AB.PTPN22: Setting thresholds for autoimmunity.Semin Immunol. 2006 May 25; [Epub ahead of print]
  • Jawaheer D, Lum RF, Gregersen PK, Criswell LA. Influence of male sex on disease phenotype in familial rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis Rheum. 2006 Oct;54(10):3087-94.
  • Lee HS, Li W, Lee A, Rodine P, Graham RR, Ortmann WA, Batliwalla F, Lee KW, Bae SC, Behrens TW, Gregersen PK. Microsatellite typing for DRB1 alleles: application to the analysis of HLA associations with rheumatoid arthritis. Genes Immun. 2006 Oct;7(7):533-43. Epub 2006 Jul 20.
  • Seldin MF, Shigeta R, Villoslada P, Selmi C, Tuomilehto J, Silva G, Belmont JW, Klareskog L, Gregersen PK. European Population Substructure: Clustering of Northern and Southern Populations. PLoS Genet. 2006 Sep 15;2(9)
  • Horvath A, Giatzakis C, Robinson-White A, Boikos S, Levine E, Griffin K, Stein E, Kamvissi V, Soni P, Bossis I, de Herder W, Carney JA, Bertherat J, Gregersen PK, Remmers EF, Stratakis CA. Adrenal hyperplasia and adenomas are associated with inhibition of phosphodiesterase 11A in carriers of PDE11A sequence variants that are frequent in the population. Cancer Res. 2006;66(24):11571-5.
  • Duerr RH, Taylor KD, Brant SR, Rioux JD, Silverberg MS, Daly MJ, Steinhart AH, Abraham C, Regueiro M, Griffiths A, Dassopoulos T, Bitton A, Yang H, Targan S, Datta LW, Kistner EO, Schumm LP, Lee AT, Gregersen PK, Barmada MM, Rotter JI, Nicolae DL, Cho JH. A genome-wide association study identifies IL23R as an inflammatory bowel disease gene. Science. 2006;314(5804):1461-3
  • Bauer JW, Baechler EC, Petri M, Batliwalla FM, Crawford D, Ortmann WA, Espe KJ, Li W, Patel DD, Gregersen PK, Behrens TW. Elevated Serum Levels of Interferon-Regulated Chemokines Are Biomarkers for Active Human Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. PLoS Med. 2006;3(12):e491
  • Wu SP, Leng L, Feng Z, Liu N, Zhao H, McDonald C, Lee A, Arnett FC, Gregersen PK, Mayes MD, Bucala R. Macrophage migration inhibitory factor promoter polymorphisms and the clinical expression of scleroderma. Arthritis Rheum. 2006;54(11):3661-9.
  • Criswell LA, Chen WV, Jawaheer D, Lum RF, Wener MH, Gu X, Gregersen PK, Amos CI. Dissecting the heterogeneity of rheumatoid arthritis through linkage analysis of quantitative traits. Arthritis Rheum. 2007;56(1):58-68.
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  • Sekine H, Ferreira RC, Pan-Hammarstrom Q, Graham RR, Ziemba B, de Vries SS, Liu J, Hippen K, Koeuth T, Ortmann W, Iwahori A, Elliott MK, Offer S, Skon C, Du L, Novitzke J, Lee AT, Zhao N, Tompkins JD, Altshuler D, Gregersen PK, Cunningham-Rundles C, Harris RS, Her C, Nelson DL, Hammarstrom L, Gilkeson GS, Behrens TW. Role for Msh5 in the regulation of Ig class switch recombination. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2007 ;104(17):7193-8.
  • Graham RR, Kyogoku C, Sigurdsson S, Vlasova IA, Davies LR, Baechler EC, Plenge RM, Koeuth T, Ortmann WA, Hom G, Bauer JW, Gillett C, Burtt N, Cunninghame Graham DS, Onofrio R, Petri M, Gunnarsson I, Svenungsson E, Ronnblom L, Nordmark G, Gregersen PK, Moser K, Gaffney PM, Criswell LA, Vyse TJ, Syvanen AC, Bohjanen PR, Daly MJ, Behrens TW, Altshuler D. Three functional variants of IFN regulatory factor 5 (IRF5) define risk and protective haplotypes for human lupus. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2007 ;104(16):6758-63.
  • Baechler EC, Bauer JW, Slattery CA, Ortmann WA, Espe KJ, Novitzke J, Ytterberg SR, Gregersen PK, Behrens TW, Reed AM. An interferon signature in the peripheral blood of dermatomyositis patients is associated with disease activity. Mol Med. 2007 Jan-Feb;13(1-2):59-68.
  • Kallberg H, Padyukov L, Plenge RM, Ronnelid J, Gregersen PK, van der Helm-van Mil AH, Toes RE, Huizinga TW, Klareskog L, Alfredsson L; Epidemiological Investigation of Rheumatoid Arthritis study group. Gene-gene and gene-environment interactions involving HLA-DRB1, PTPN22, and smoking in two subsets of rheumatoid arthritis. Am J Hum Genet. 2007 80(5):867-75.
  • Lee HS, Irigoyen P, Kern M, Lee A, Batliwalla F, Khalili H, Wolfe F, Lum RF, Massarotti E, Weisman M, Bombardier C, Karlson EW, Criswell LA, Vlietinck R, Gregersen PK. Interaction between smoking, the shared epitope, and anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide: A mixed picture in three large North American rheumatoid arthritis cohorts. Arthritis Rheum. 2007;56(6):1745-53.
  • Meyer-Siegler KL, Vera PL, Iczkowski KA, Bifulco C, Lee A, Gregersen PK, Leng L, Bucala R. Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) gene polymorphisms are associated with increased prostate cancer incidence. Genes Immun. 2007 Aug 30; [Epub ahead of print]
  • Goldstein RS, Bruchfeld A, Yang L, Qureshi AR, Gallowitsch-Puerta M, Patel NB, Huston BJ, Chavan S, Rosas-Ballina M, Gregersen PK, Czura CJ, Sloan RP, Sama AE, Tracey KJ. Cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway activity and High Mobility Group Box-1 (HMGB1) serum levels in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Mol Med. 2007 Mar-Apr;13(3-4):210-5.
  • Tian C, Hinds DA, Shigeta R, Adler SG, Lee A, Pahl MV, Silva G, Belmont JW, Hanson RL, Knowler WC, Gregersen PK, Ballinger DG, Seldin MF. A genomewide single-nucleotide-polymorphism panel for Mexican American admixture mapping. Am J Hum Genet. 2007 Jun;80(6):1014-23.
  • Remmers EF, Plenge RM, Lee AT, Graham RR, Hom G, BehrensTW, de Bakker PIW., Le JM, Lee H-S, Batliwalla F, Li W, Masters SL, Booty MG, Carulli JP, Padyukov L, Alfredsson L, Klareskog L, Chen WV, Amos CI, Criswell LA, Seldin MF, Kastner DL and Gregersen PK. STAT4 and Risk of Rheumatoid Arthritis and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. New England J. Med., 2007, 357:977-986
  • Plenge RM, Sielsted M, Padyukov L, Lee AT, Remmers EF, Liew A, Khalili H, Chandrasekaran A, Davies L, Alfredsson L, Li W, Liu C, Tian C, Chen WV, Altshuler D, Carulli JP, Ph.D., Criswell LA, Amos CI, Seldin MF, Kastner DL, Klareskog L, Gregersen PK. Whole genome association study in rheumatoid arthritis identifies TRAF1-C5 as a new susceptibility locus. New England J. Med.,2007, 357:1199-209
  • Fury W, Batliwalla F, Gregersen PK, Li W.Overlapping probabilities of top ranking gene lists, hypergeometric distribution, and stringency of gene selection criterion.Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2006;1:5531-4.
  • Lee HS, Remmers EF, Le JM, Kastner DL, Bae SC, Gregersen PK. Association of STAT4 with rheumatoid arthritis in the Korean population. Mol Med. 2007 13:455-60
  • Plenge RM, Cotsapas C, Davies L, Price AL, de Bakker PI, Maller J, Pe'er I, Burtt NP, Blumenstiel B, Defelice M, Parkin M, Barry R, Winslow W, Healy C, Graham RR, Neale BM, Izmailova E, Roubenoff R, Parker AN, Glass R, Karlson EW, Maher N, Hafler DA, Lee DM, Seldin MF, Remmers EF, Lee AT, Padyukov L, Alfredsson L, Coblyn J, Weinblatt ME, Gabriel SB, Purcell S, Klareskog L, Gregersen PK, Shadick NA, Daly MJ, Altshuler D. Two independent alleles at 6q23 associated with risk of rheumatoid arthritis.Nat Genet. 39(12):1477-82, 2007
  • Tian C, Plenge RM, Ransom M, Lee A, Villoslada P, Selmi C, Klareskog L, Pulver AE, Qi L, Gregersen PK, Seldin MF.Analysis and application of European genetic substructure using 300 K SNP information. PLoS Genet. 2008 Jan;4(1)
  • Hom G, Graham RR, Modrek B, Taylor KE, Ortmann W, Garnier S, Lee AT, Chung SA, Ferreira RC, Pant PV, Ballinger DG, Kosoy R, Demirci FY, Kamboh MI, Kao AH, Tian C, Gunnarsson I, Bengtsson AA, Rantapää-Dahlqvist S, Petri M, Manzi S, Seldin MF, Rönnblom L, Syvänen AC, Criswell LA, Gregersen PK, Behrens TW. Association of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus with C8orf13-BLK and ITGAM-ITGAX. N Engl J Med. 2008 Jan 20
  • International Consortium for Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Genetics (SLEGEN), Harley JB, Alarcón-Riquelme ME, Criswell LA, Jacob CO, Kimberly RP, Moser KL, Tsao BP, Vyse TJ, Langefeld CD, Nath SK, Guthridge JM, Cobb BL, Mirel DB, Marion MC, Williams AH, Divers J, Wang W, Frank SG, Namjou B, Gabriel SB, Lee AT, Gregersen PK, Behrens TW, Taylor KE, Fernando M, Zidovetzki R, Gaffney PM, Edberg JC, Rioux JD, Ojwang JO, James JA, Merrill JT, Gilkeson GS, Seldin MF, Yin H, Baechler EC, Li QZ, Wakeland EK, Bruner GR, Kaufman KM, Kelly JA. Genome-wide association scan in women with systemic lupus erythematosus identifies susceptibility variants in ITGAM, PXK, KIAA1542 and other loci. Nat Genet. 2008 Feb;40(2):204-10. Epub 2008 Jan 20.
  • Lee HS, Lee AT, Criswell LA, Seldin MF, Amos CI, Carulli JP, Navarrete C, Remmers EF, Kastner DL, Plenge RM, Li W, Gregersen PK. Several regions in the major histocompatibility complex confer risk for anti-CCP-antibody positive rheumatoid arthritis, independent of the DRB1 locus. Mol Med. 2008 May-Jun;14(5-6):293-300.PMID 18309376
  • Taylor KE, Remmers EF, Lee AT, Ortmann WA, Plenge RM, Tian C, Chung SA, Nititham J, Hom G, Kao AH, Demirci FY, Kamboh MI, Petri M, Manzi S, Kastner DL, Seldin MF, Gregersen PK, Behrens TW, Criswell LA. Specificity of the STAT4 genetic association for severe disease manifestations of systemic lupus erythematosus. PLoS Genet. 2008 May 30;4(5):e1000084.PMID 18516230
  • Chang M, Saiki RK, Cantanese JJ, Lew D, van der Helm-van Mil AH, Toes RE, Huizinga TW, Ardlie KG, Criswell LA, Seldin MF, Amos CI, Kastner DL, Gregersen PK, Schrodi SJ, Begovich AB. The inflammatory disease-associated variants in IL12B and IL23R are not associated with rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis Rheum. 2008 May 31;58(6):1877-1881. PMID 18512797
  • Chang M, Rowland CM, Garcia VE, Schrodi SJ, Catanese JJ, van der Helm-van Mil AH, Ardlie KG, Amos CI, Criswell LA, Kastner DL, Gregersen PK, Kurreeman FA, Toes RE, Huizinga TW, Seldin MF, Begovich AB.A large-scale rheumatoid arthritis genetic study identifies association at chromosome 9q33.2.PLoS Genet. 2008 Jun 27;4(6):e1000107
  • Johnsen AK, Plenge RM, Butty V, Campbell C, Dieguez-Gonzalez R, Gomez-Reino JJ, Shadick N, Weinblatt M, Gonzalez A, Gregersen PK, Benoist C, Mathis D. A broad analysis of IL1 polymorphism and rheumatoid arthritis.Arthritis Rheum. 2008 Jul;58(7):1947-57, PMID 18576312
  • Liu C, Batliwalla F, Li W, Lee A, Roubenoff R, Beckman E, Khalili H, Damle A, Kern M, Plenge RM, Coenen M, Behrens TW, Furie R, Carulli JP, Gregersen PK. Genome-wide association scan identifies candidate polymorphisms associated with differential response to anti-TNF treatment in Rheumatoid Arthritis. Mol Med. 2008 Jul 10. PMC2443997.
  • Musone SL, Taylor KE, Lu TT, Nititham J, Ferreira RC, Ortmann W, Shifrin N, Petri MA, Ilyas Kamboh M, Manzi S, Seldin MF, Gregersen PK, Behrens TW, Ma A, Kwok PY, Criswell LA. Multiple polymorphisms in the TNFAIP3 region are independently associated with systemic lupus erythematosus. Nat Genet. 2008, 40:1062-4
  • Kosoy R, Nassir R, Tian C, White PA, Butler LM, Silva G, Kittles R, Alarcon-Riquelme ME, Gregersen PK, Belmont JW, De La Vega FM, Seldin MF. Ancestry informative marker sets for determining continental origin and admixture proportions in common populations in America. Hum Mutat. 2008 Aug 6. [Epub ahead of print]PMID 18683858
  • Zhao X, Okeke NL, Sharpe O, Batliwalla FM, Lee AT, Ho PP, Tomooka BH, Gregersen PK, Robinson WH. Circulating immune complexes contain citrullinated fibrinogen in rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis Res Ther. 2008 Aug 18;10(4):R94. [Epub ahead of print]
  • Raychaudhuri S, Remmers EF, Lee AT, Hackett R, Guiducci C, Burtt NP, Gianniny L, Korman BD, Padyukov L, Kurreeman FA, Chang M, Catanese JJ, Ding B, Wong S, van der Helm-van Mil AH, Neale BM, Coblyn J, Cui J, Tak PP, Wolbink GJ, Crusius JB, van der Horst-Bruinsma IE, Criswell LA, Amos CI, Seldin MF, Kastner DL, Ardlie KG, Alfredsson L, Costenbader KH, Altshuler D, Huizinga TW, Shadick NA, Weinblatt ME, de Vries N, Worthington J, Seielstad M, Toes RE, Karlson EW, Begovich AB, Klareskog L, Gregersen PK, Daly MJ, Plenge RM.Common variants at CD40 and other loci confer risk of rheumatoid arthritis. Nat Genet. 2008 Oct;40(10):1216-23. Epub 2008 Sep 14.
  • Korman BD, Seldin MF, Taylor KE, Le JM, Lee AT, Plenge RM, Amos CI, Criswell LA, Gregersen PK, Kastner DL, Remmers EF. The chromosome 7q region association with rheumatoid arthritis in females in a British population is not replicated in a North American case-control series. Arthritis Rheum. 2008 Dec 30;60(1):47-52
  • Ding B, Padyukov L, Lundström E, Seielstad M, Plenge RM, Oksenberg JR, Gregersen PK, Alfredsson L, Klareskog L. Different patterns of associations with anti-citrullinated protein antibody-positive and anti-citrullinated protein antibody-negative rheumatoid arthritis in the extended major histocompatibility complex region. Arthritis Rheum. 2008 Dec 30;60(1):30-38.
  • Chung WK, Patki A, Matsuoka N, Boyer BB, Liu N, Musani SK, Goropashnaya AV, Tan PL, Katsanis N, Johnson SB, Gregersen PK, Allison DB, Leibel RL, Tiwari HK. Analysis of 30 Genes (355 SNPS) Related to Energy Homeostasis for Association with Adiposity in European-American and Yup'ik Eskimo Populations. Hum Hered. 2008 Dec 15;67(3):193-205.
  • Tian C, Kosoy R, Lee A, Ransom M, Belmont JW, Gregersen PK, Seldin MF. Analysis of East Asia genetic substructure using genome-wide SNP arrays. PLoS ONE. 2008;3(12):e3862.
  • Han S, Kim-Howard X, Deshmukh H, Kamatani Y, Viswanathan P, Guthridge JM, Thomas K, Kaufman KM, Ojwang J, Rojas-Villarraga A, Baca V, Orozco L, Rhodes B, Choi CB, Gregersen PK, Merrill JT, James JA, Gaffney PM, Moser KL, Jacob CO, Kimberly RP, Harley JB, Bae SC, Anaya JM, Alarcón-Riquelme ME, Matsuda K, Vyse TJ, Nath SK. Evaluation of Imputation-based Association in and around the Integrin-{alpha}-M (ITGAM) gene and Replication of Robust Association between a Non-synonymous Functional variant within ITGAM and Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Hum Mol Genet. 2009 Jan 6. [Epub ahead of print] PMID 19129174
  • Silverberg MS, Cho JH, Rioux JD, McGovern DP, Wu J, Annese V, Achkar JP, Goyette P, Scott R, Xu W, Barmada MM, Klei L, Daly MJ, Abraham C, Bayless TM, Bossa F, Griffiths AM, Ippoliti AF, Lahaie RG, Latiano A, Paré P, Proctor DD, Regueiro MD, Steinhart AH, Targan SR, Schumm LP, Kistner EO, Lee AT, Gregersen PK, Rotter JI, Brant SR, Taylor KD, Roeder K, Duerr RH. Ulcerative colitis-risk loci on chromosomes 1p36 and 12q15 found by genome-wide association study. Nat Genet. 2009 Jan 4. PMID 19122664
  • Korman BD, Seldin MF, Taylor KE, Le JM, Lee AT, Plenge RM, Amos CI, Criswell LA, Gregersen PK, Kastner DL, Remmers EF. The chromosome 7q region association with rheumatoid arthritis in females in a British population is not replicated in a North American case-control series. Arthritis Rheum. 2008 Dec 30;60(1):47-52. PMID 19116934
  • Feser M, Derber LA, Deane KD, Lezotte DC, Weisman MH, Buckner JH, Mikuls T, O'Dell J, Gregersen PK, Holers VM, Norris JM. Plasma 25,OH Vitamin D Concentrations Are Not Associated with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)-related Autoantibodies in Individuals at Elevated Risk for RA. J Rheumatol. 2009 Mar 13. [Epub ahead of print]
  • Li W, Lee A, Gregersen PK. Copy-number-variation and copy-number-alteration region detection by cumulative plots. BMC Bioinformatics. 2009 Jan 30;10 Suppl 1:S67.
  • Lee HS, Korman BD, Le JM, Kastner DL, Remmers EF, Gregersen PK, Bae SC. Genetic risk factors for rheumatoid arthritis differ in Caucasian and Korean populations. Arthritis Rheum. 2009 Feb;60(2):364-71.
  • Hueber W, Tomooka BH, Batliwalla F, Li W, Monach PA, Tibshirani RJ, Van Vollenhoven RF, Lampa J, Saito K, Tanaka Y, Genovese MC, Klareskog L, Gregersen PK, Robinson WH. Blood autoantibody and cytokine profiles predict response to anti-tumor necrosis factor therapy in rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis Res Ther. 2009 May 21;11(3):R76. [Epub ahead of print]
  • Wu CC, Shete S, Chen WV, Peng B, Lee AT, Ma J, Gregersen PK, Amos CI. Detection of disease-associated deletions in case-control studies using SNP genotypes with application to rheumatoid arthritis. Hum Genet. 2009 May 5. [Epub ahead of print]
  • Lee YC, Raychaudhuri S, Cui J, de Vivo I, Ding B, Alfredsson L, Padyukov L, Costenbader KH, Seielstad M, Graham RR, Klareskog L, Gregersen PK, Plenge RM, Karlson EW. The PRL -1149 G/T polymorphism and rheumatoid arthritis susceptibility.
  • Lee YC, Raychaudhuri S, Cui J, de Vivo I, Ding B, Alfredsson L, Padyukov L, Costenbader KH, Seielstad M, Graham RR, Klareskog L, Gregersen PK, Plenge RM, Karlson EW. Arthritis Rheum. 2009 May;60(5):1250-4.
  • Goldberg TE, Kotov R, Lee AT, Gregersen PK, Lencz T, Bromet E, Malhotra AK. The serotonin transporter gene and disease modification in psychosis: Evidence for systematic differences in allelic directionality at the 5-HTTLPR locus.Schizophr Res. 2009 Jun;111(1-3):103-8. Epub 2009 Apr 10.
  • Liu K, Li QZ, Delgado-Vega AM, Abelson AK, Sánchez E, Kelly JA, Li L, Liu Y, Zhou J, Yan M, Ye Q, Liu S, Xie C, Zhou XJ, Chung SA, Pons-Estel B, Witte T, de Ramón E, Bae SC, Barizzone N, Sebastiani GD, Merrill JT, Gregersen PK, Gilkeson GG, Kimberly RP, Vyse TJ, Kim I, D'Alfonso S, Martin J, Harley JB, Criswell LA; Profile Study Group; Italian Collaborative Group; German Collaborative Group; Spanish Collaborative Group; Argentinian Collaborative Group; SLEGEN Consortium, Wakeland EK, Alarcón-Riquelme ME, Mohan C. Kallikrein genes are associated with lupus and glomerular basement membrane-specific antibody-induced nephritis in mice and humans. J Clin Invest. 2009 Apr;119(4):911-23.
  • Gregersen, P.K., Amos, C., Lee, A., Lu, E., Remmers, E., Kastner, D.A., Seldin, M., Criswell, L.A., Plenge, R.M., Holers, V.M, Mikuls, T., Sokka, T., Moreland, L., Bridges, S.L., Xie, G., Begovich A.B., Siminovitch, K.A. REL, a member of the NF-κB family of transcription factors, is a newly defined risk locus for rheumatoid arthritis 2009. Nature Genetics, 41:820-823
  • Petri M, Singh S, Tesfasyone H, Dedrick R, Fry K, Lal P, Williams G, Bauer J, Gregersen P, Behrens T, Baechler E.Longitudinal expression of type I interferon responsive genes in systemic lupus erythematosus.Lupus. 2009;18(11):980-9.
  • Tian C, Kosoy R, Nassir R, Lee A, Villoslada P, Klareskog L, Hammarström L, Garchon HJ, Pulver AE, Ransom M, Gregersen PK, Seldin MF.European Population Genetic Substructure: Further Definition of Ancestry Informative Markers for Distinguishing Among Diverse European Ethnic Groups.Mol Med. 2009 Aug 24. [Epub ahead of print]
  • Bienkowska JR, Dalgin GS, Batliwalla F, Allaire N, Roubenoff R, Gregersen PK, Carulli JP.Convergent random forest predictor: Methodology for predicting drug response from genome-scale data applied to anti-TNF response.Genomics. 2009 Aug 20. [Epub ahead of print]
  • Chung SA, Tian C, Taylor KE, Lee AT, Ortmann WA, Hom G, Graham RR, Nititham J, Kelly JA, Morrisey J, Wu H, Yin H, Alarcón-Riquelme ME, Tsao BP, Harley JB, Gaffney PM, Moser KL, Manzi S, Petri M, Gregersen PK, Langefeld CD, Behrens TW, Seldin MF, Criswell LA.European population substructure is associated with mucocutaneous manifestations and autoantibody production in systemic lupus erythematosus.Arthritis Rheum. 2009 Aug;60(8):2448-56
  • van der Linden MP, Feitsma AL, le Cessie S, Kern M, Olsson LM, Raychaudhuri S, Begovich AB, Chang M, Catanese JJ, Kurreeman FA, van Nies J, van der Heijde DM, Gregersen PK, Huizinga TW, Toes RE, van der Helm-Van Mil AH.Association of a single-nucleotide polymorphism in CD40 with the rate of joint destruction in rheumatoid arthritis.Arthritis Rheum. 2009 Aug;60(8):2242-7.
  • Nassir R, Kosoy R, Tian C, White PA, Butler LM, Silva G, Kittles R, Alarcon-Riquelme ME, Gregersen PK, Belmont JW, De La Vega FM, Seldin MF.An ancestry informative marker set for determining continental origin: validation and extension using human genome diversity panels.BMC Genet. 2009 Jul 24;10:39.
  • Santiago JL, Li W, Lee A, Martinez A, Chandrasekaran A, Fernandez-Arquero M, Khalili H, de la Concha EG, Urcelay E, Gregersen PK.Localization of Type 1 Diabetes susceptibility in the ancestral haplotype 18.2 by high density SNP mapping.Genomics. 2009 Oct;94(4):228-32. Epub 2009 Jul 8.
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  • Winchester R and Gregersen PK: The molecular basis of susceptibility to rheumatoid arthritis: the conformational equivalence hypothesis. Springer Semin. Immunopathol. 10:119-139,1988.
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  • Ziff BL, Hurley CK, Rosen-Bronson S, Tang T, Hartzman R, Silver J, Gregersen PK, Eckels D, and Johnson AH. Polymorphism of the DR1 Haplotype: Structural and Functional Analysis. Immunobiology of HLA, Immunogenetics and Histocompatibility, 2:187-89, 1989.
  • Johnson AH, Fang-Tang T, Rosen-Bronson S, Robbins FM, Steiner N, Hartzman RJ, and Gregersen PK, Silver J, Ziff B, Hurley CK. DR3 Heterogeneity in American Blacks. Immunobiology of HLA, Immunogenetics and Histocompatibility, 2:202-03,1989.
  • Crapper RM, Gregersen PK, Lee SH, Nunez-Roldan A, Merryman P, and Winchester RJ. A Novel DR51 (DRw11) Chain with a Distinctive Third Diversity Region. Immunobiology of HLA, Immunogenetics and Histocompatibility, 2:212-13,1989.
  • Takahashi TC, Kao HT, Tang TP, Gregersen PK, Silver J, and Wang CY. Molecular Diversity of HLA-DRw6 haplotypes. Immunobiology of HLA, Immunogenetics and Histocompatibility, 2:218-19,1989.
  • Lee SH, Nunez-Roldan A, Merryman P, Gregersen PK, Crapper RM, and Winchester RJ. Molecular Definition of the DRw10 Haplotype. Immunobiology of HLA, Immunogenetics and Histocompatibility, 2:232-34,1989.
  • Hurley CK, Steiner N, Gregersen PK, Silver J, Hartzman R, Nepom G, and Johnson AH. Evolution of DQw2-related Haplotypes. Immunobiology of HLA, Immunogenetics and Histocompatibility, 2:283-285,1989.
  • Gregersen PK, Barr KM, DeFeo C, Bystryn C, Franks A, Sanchez B, Silver J, Winchester RJ, and Nunez-Roldan A. DRB1 Chain Polymorphism in Pemphigus Vulgaris. Immunobiology of HLA, Immunogenetics and Histocompatibility, 2:432-33,1989.
  • Gregersen PK, Todd JA, Erlich HA, Long E, Servenius B Choi E, Kao HT, and Lee JS. First Domain Sequence Diversity of DR and DQ subregion alleles. Immunobiology of HLA, Immunogenetics and Histocompatibility,1:1027-31,1989.
  • Gregersen PK. HLA class II polymorphism: implications for genetic susceptibility to autoimmune disease. Laboratory Investigation, 61:5-19, 1989. Reprinted in Pathology Reviews, 81-95,1990.
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  • Gregersen PK. T cell receptor-major histocompatibility complex in genetic interactions in rheumatoid arthritis. Rheum. Disease Clinics of North America, 18:793-805,1992.
  • Gregersen PK, Hingorani R, and Monteiro J. Oligoclonality in the CD8+ T cell population: analysis using a multiplex PCR assay for CDR3 length. Ann NY Academy of Sciences, 756:19-27,1995.
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  • Patki V, Monteiro J, Gregersen PK, and Chiorazzi N. Evidence for B cell Oligoclonality in the blood and joints of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Ann NY Academy of Sciences, 815:472-474,1997.
  • Gregersen PK. The North American Rheumatoid Arthritis Consortium-bringing genetic analysis to bear on disease susceptibility, severity, and outcome. Arthritis Care and Research, 11:1,1998.
  • Gregersen PK. Invited Editorial. Instant Recognition: The Genetics of Pitch Perception. The American Journal of Human Genetics, 62:221-223,1998.
  • Gregersen PK. Genetics of rheumatoid arthritis: confronting complexity. Arthritis Res 1:37-44, 1999. (http://arthritis-research.com/content/1/1/37).
  • Gregersen PK. Genetics and rheumatic diseases: rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis. The genetics of rheumatoid arthritis. Bull Rheum Dis. 2001;50(2):1-2.
  • Gregersen PK. Pregnant with controversy. J Rheumatol. 2000 Dec;27(12):2738-9.
  • Jawaheer, D. and P.K. Gregersen, The search for rheumatoid arthritis susceptibility genes: a call for global collaboration. Arthritis Rheum 46: 582-4, 2002
  • Jawaheer D, and Gregersen PK. Rheumatoid arthritis: The genetic components. Rheum Dis Clin N America 28:1-15, 2002.
  • Gregersen PK. Teasing apart the complex genetics of human autoimmunity: lessons from rheumatoid arthritis. Clin Immunol. 2003 Apr;107(1):1-9.
  • Gregersen PK, Brehrens TW: Fine mapping the phenotype in autoimmune disease: the promise and pitfalls of DNA microarray technologies. Genes Immun 4:175-6, 2003
  • Baechler EC, Gregersen PK, Behrens TW. The emerging role of interferon in human systemic lupus erythematosus. Curr Opin Immunol. 2004 Dec;16(6):801-7.
  • Metz CN, Gregersen PK, Malhotra AK. Metabolism and biochemical effects of nicotine for primary care providers. Med Clin North Am. 2004 Nov;88(6):1399-413
  • Gregersen P.K. Pathways to gene identification in rheumatoid arthritis: PTPN22 and beyond Immunological Reviews 2005, 204:74-86
  • Gregersen PK and Batliwalla F. 2005. PTPN22 and rheumatoid arthritis: gratifying replication. Arthritis and Rhematism, 52:1952-5
  • Gregersen PK. Gaining insight into PTPN22 and autoimmunity. Nat. Genetics 2005 Dec;37(12):1300-2
  • Baechler EC, Batliwalla FM, Reed AM, Peterson EJ, Gaffney PM, Moser KL, Gregersen PK, Behrens TW. Gene expression profiling in human autoimmunity. 1: Immunol Rev. 2006 Apr;210:120-37.
  • Gregersen PK and Behrens TW.Genetics of autoimmune diseases—disorders of immune homeostasis. Nat Rev Genet. 2006 Dec;7(12):917-28. Review.
  • Gregersen PK. Modern genetics, ancient defenses, and potential therapies. N Engl J Med. 2007 ;356(12):1263-6.
  • Roubenoff R, Beckman E, Weinblatt M, Shadick N, Gregersen PK. Comment on: Ann Intern Med. 2007 Jun 5;146(11):797-808. Biological significance of anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibody in rheumatoid arthritis. Ann Intern Med. 2008 Mar 4;148(5):403 PMID 18316760
  • Korman BD, Kastner DL, Gregersen PK, Remmers EF.STAT4: genetics, mechanisms, and implications for autoimmunity. Curr Allergy Asthma Rep. 2008 Sep;8(5):398-403.PMID 18682104
  • Coenen MJ, Gregersen PK. Rheumatoid arthritis: a view of the current genetic landscape. Genes Immun. 2008 Nov 6. [Epub ahead of print]
  • Tian C, Gregersen PK, Seldin MF Accounting for ancestry: population substructure and genome-wide association studies. Hum Mol Genet. 2008 Oct 15;17(R2):R143-50
  • Gregersen PK, Olsson LM. Recent advances in the genetics of autoimmune disease. Annu Rev Immunol. 2009;27:363-91.
  • Gregersen PK. Closing the gap between genotype and phenotype.Nat Genet. 2009 Sep;41(9):958-9

Thanks, Ocaasi t | c 21:00, 23 February 2013 (UTC)[reply]