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Talk:Phi Sigma Gamma

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Alumni organization


Anyone know how we can collect all the old memorabilia and catalogue it to post pics here or all members we can possibly include and create class pages. I would be willing to coordinate. A lot of the older members with a lot more knowledge are already gone. Would be nice to preserve the last of us somehow.

Email drmikemysynergyhealth@gmail.com Mmallis21 (talk) 16:36, 3 March 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Mike. This is a common problem for these societies, when an old manager or executive director suddenly retires or dies. The newsletter ceases, correspondence falls off, boxes are tossed out when an estate is wound down, and records are lost. You can create a website archive, but what happens when no one pays the bill for the archive, and it lapses? Those of us working on the Fraternity and Sorority Project here on Wikipedia are doing what we can to update these summary articles, but you will obviously have a trove of material not suitable for an encyclopedia, but important to save.
Previously, the Baird's Manual was the go-to reference for all Greek Letter organizations, from the social/academic groups to the professional and honor groups. It was last published in 1991. Their records have been maintained though, in a continuing online archive, now managed by the University of Illinois. This office actively collects records about the social and academic fraternities and sororities, expanded to include the newer multicultural organizations. They do not publish material about the honor or professional houses. However, you might check with them to see if they will accept your archived material for a future push toward supporting the honor and professional groups. I think that is what Baird's would have intended.
Failing this, some dormant organizations as they wind down their offices have handed over their materials to other professional offices or national museums supporting their profession.
Like all businesses, each a labor of love, it is important to have a plan to manage the end game. Best wishes, Jax MN (talk) 16:56, 3 March 2022 (UTC)[reply]