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Talk:Saheb Qiblah Fultali/Archive 1

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Archive 1

January 2010 - December 2010

About Fultali Saheb

Assalamualikum brother's and sister's. I am going to write about my Murshid Pir a kamil Murshid a muqammile Hazrat Abdul Latif Saheb Qiblah Fultali (R:).

Firstly, I would like to say how he became a big oli of this time.

When he was a teenager he went to Madrasa (Islamic School) in Bodorfur which is located in India. He was doing everything that he should be or suppose to do. He passed all his examination. After he (Foultoli saheb) passed his degree his Teacher (Bodorfuri saheb) asked him weather he will marry his (Bodorfuli saheb) daughter or not. Also one thing which is his daughter was unable to walk due to some problems on her leg. Foultoli saheb knew all this also he was a good mankind also was a great human being who has no jealous or passion inside him. Foultoli saheb said to his teacher(Bodorfuli saheb) that you are my teacher, you taught me for ages therefore, i will listen everything you tell me. I am willing to marry your daughter.

Like this Foultoli saheb got married with bodorfury saheb's daughter and came back to Bangladesh. He was very poor and use to have no pond. They only had a small hole where they use to have bath. One day his (Foultoli saheb's) father-in-law (Bodorfuri saheb) came and said he want's to have shower/bath. Foultoli saheb told him that they do not have any pond where he can have bath even they do bath on the small hole. My brother's and sisther's we can not understand Allah's OLI's game, we do not knw what the do only Allah know but all I can say everything they do, they do it with Allah's wish Allah tells them what to do. Bodrfuri saheb said that is fine, I will also have bath in the hole. When he (Bodorfuri saheb) was going he gave Foultoli saheb some money and said start diging a pond. From this point everything started; more and more people helped him and became his Murid (Followers). You might be thinking how did he became oli. My brother's and sister's it is Allah who choses who to be Oli therefore Allah choses him to be a Oli; but all the building needs some stairs to reach upstairs. And his stairs was His wife daughter of Great Oli Hazrat Bodorfuli saheb. As a daughter of a oli she was a oli as well, never the less, when women gets married they have to give everything to their husband. This is how even she gave everything to Foultoli saheb and sue to that she went mad. And after few years Foultoli saheb got married to another woman, but still has his first wife.

A book has been published about Foultoli saheb by hes follower; and hes follower narrated that during ramadan Fultali saheb use to fed all the poor people during this Prophet Muhammad (S:) (PBUH)himself use to e there on the dawat. people have seen him.

My brother and sister's even today lot of people do not believe him. they think he is fake Nawzubillah) we believe him as a oli. We believe he fought for Islam. We believe he was a great Mujahid. —Preceding unsigned comment added by Sadek alam (talkcontribs) 20:31, 21 September 2010 (UTC) ''Italic text

Edit request from Tanbircdq, 10 November 2010

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He is ‘Abd’ul Latif ibn ‘Abd’ul Majid ibn Muhammad Hiron ibn Muhammad Danish ibn Muhammad Sadeq ibn Muhammad Elahi Baksh ibn Muhammad Ala Baksh.

He was a descendent of Hazrat Shah Kamal, the companion of Hazrat Shah Jalal Mujjarad Al-Yamani.

He was born in 1913CE [1334AH] in the village of Fultali in Sylhet.

He received his initial education from his family and was then admitted into Fultali Alia Madrasah. He studied qir’at and tajweed under Qari Sa’id Ali [rahimahulLah].

He enrolled into Badarpur Senior Madrasah and then Madrasah-e-Alia Rampur to complete his higher education. He then enrolled into Matla’ul Ulum Madrasah in Rampur to further his knowledge in the science of hadith. Amongst his teachers in hadith were Allamah KhalilulLah [rahimahulLah] and Allamah Wajih Ud-Din [rahimahulLah]. In addition to his hadith studies he also undertook lessons in fiqh and tafsir.

His dedication in the field of ‘ilm-ul-qir’at [the art of Qur’an recitation]

He is renowned for his life-long services to preserving the correct recitation of the Holy Qur’an [‘ilm-ul-qir’at wa’t-tajweed].

He first studied qir’at under the great sage Hazrat Shah Ya’qub Al-Badarpuri [rahimahulLah] who studied under Shaykh ‘Abd’ul Majid [rahimahulLah] who studied under Shaykh ‘Abd’ul Wahhab [rahimahulLah] who has an unbroken chain [isnad] leading to Imam Abu ‘Amr Ad-Danni [rahimahulLah].

After completing his qir’at studies with Shah Ya’qub he begun studying under Shaykh ‘Abd’-ur-Rauf Al-Karampuri [rahimahulLah] who studied under Shaykh-ul-Qurrah ‘Irksus Al-Misri [rahimahulLah] who studied under Shaykh-ul-Qurrah ‘Abd’ulLah Al-Makki [rahimahulLah] who had an unbroken chain [isnad] leading to Imam Abu ‘Amr Ad-Danni [rahimahulLah] via Shaykh-ul-Islam Zakaria Al-Ansari [rahimahulLah].

He perfected and mastered his knowledge and recitation of qir’at from Shaykh-ul-Qurrah Imam Ahmad Al-Hijazi Al-Makki [rahimahulLah] who studied under Shaykh Ahmad Ad-Dardeer [rahimahulLah] leading back to Imam Abu ‘Amr Ad-Danni [rahimahulLah].

Imam Abu ‘Amr Ad-Danni’s sanad in qir’at to RasulAlLah [salla’Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam] is as follows: Abu ‘Amr Ad-Danni > Abul Hasan At-Tahir > Salih Al-Hashimi > Ahmad Al-Ushnani > Muhammad ‘Ubaid As-Sabbah > Imam Hafs > Imam ‘Asim Al-Kufi > ‘Abd’ulLah Habib As-Salami, from the following companions [ashab-e-kiram] > Uthman ibn Affan; Ali ibn Abi Talib; Zayd ibn Thabit; ‘Abd’ulLah ibn Mas’ud; and Ubay ibn Ka’b [radiALlahu anhum] who all heard from > Our Master [sayyiduna], the living and walking Qur’an in action: Hazrat Muhammad Al-Mustapha [salla’Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam] to whom it was revealed, via the medium of the Arch-Angel Jibra’il [alayhis salam], from ALlah Rabbul ‘Alamin [the Lord of the Worlds].

He devoted his entire life to the service of the Holy Qur’an. Such was his love of the Holy Qur’an that when he first went to the Shaykh Al-Karampuri, he was reluctant to teach him, as his status as a grand scholar was already well known. However, one day the Shaykh saw him practicing qir’at with young children, this humble behaviour of his brought the Shaykh to tears and he begun teaching him the science of Qur’anic recitation.

While he was teaching at Badarpur Senior Madrasah, one of the great sages of his time in Al-Hind [the Indian sub-continent] Imam ‘Abd’un-Nur Al-Gharkafni [rahimahulLah] came to visit him. Sahib Qiblah [rahimahulLah] himself narrated the event as follows:

I was teaching Tirmidhi Sharif in class one day when Moulana ‘Abd’un-Nur Sahib came to visit me. I assumed he came to observe me teaching my students. After class he approached me and said, “I have come to you regarding an important request”. I replied, “What is your request?” He said “teach us qir’at once a week”. I was very busy with teaching hadith and tafsir, as this requires advanced preparation, so I gave him my apologies and refused. He went away and came back the following day. After I finished giving lessons he came to me and said, “I have come back again for the same request”. I, again, told him of my difficulties, but he replied, “This is not my request, but from someone far greater”. I replied, “Did my teacher Moulana Badarpuri Sahib send you?” He replied, “No, some one far greater then him”. I said, “Tell me who it is”. He said, “I saw RasulALlah [salla’Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam] in my dream, I requested that I wish to hear him recite the Holy Qur’an. RasulALlah [salla’Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam] recited the Holy Qur’an in the most beautiful manner. I asked “Ya RasulALlah! I wish to recite as you did!” So he pointed towards a man on his right. When I looked at this man I saw that he was none other then you sitting beside RasulALlah [salla’Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam]”. After hearing this I stood up in utmost respect and informed him that I would teach one hour per week InshaALlah-u-Ta’ala. He asked, “Were will you teach us?” I told him “At the shrine of Hazrat Adam Khaki [rahimahulLah]”. We agreed that we would meet every Thursday at midday. The shrine was one mile away so Moulana ‘Abd’un-Nur Sahib brought me a horse to ride there. The word spread that I would be teaching qir’at and when I went there I found that 250 ‘ulamah and imams had come to learn. The lesson extended all the way to ‘Isha salah.

This incident marked the beginning of Sahib Qiblah starting to teach qir’at, forming the first Dar-ul-Qir’at [intensive qir’at and tajweed course], with now well over 1500 branches around the world. Every year, during the month of Ramadan, until the year he left this mortal world, he taught thousands of students at Fultali Alia Madrasah, the central branch of Dar-ul-Qir’at.

His Khulafah [Successors]

His spiritual inheritor is his oldest son, the guardian of the poor and the orphans, the Shaykh of Tariqah, Ma’rifah and Haqiqah, Hazrat Imad ud-Din Chowdury Al-Fultali.

Amongst his khulafah [successors] are:

Shaykh-ul-Mashayikh Allamah Muhammad Najib-ur Rahman [rahimahulLah] Shaykh-ul-Mashayikh Allamah Harith ud-Din [rahimahulLah] Shaykh-ut-Tariqah Allamah ‘Abd’ul Muqit Monjalali [rahimahulLah] Shaykh-ut-Tariqah Allamah ‘Abd’ur Rahman Barni [rahimahulLah] Shaykh-ul-Hadith Allamah Muhammad Ra’isud-Din [rahimahulLah] Shaykh-ul-Hadith Allamah ‘Abd’ul Jabbar Gutargrami [rahimahulLah] Shaykh-ul-Hadith Allamah Muhammad Mutahir ‘Ali [rahimahulLah] Mufti Muhammad ‘Abd’ul Khaliq [rahimahulLah] Moulana Ghulam Hussain [rahimahulLah] Moulana Is’haaq Ahmad [rahimahulLah] Moulana Ra’is ud-Din Kalaruki [rahimahulLah] Moulana Muhammad ‘UbaidulLah [rahimahulLah] Moulana Irshad Hussain [rahimahulLah] Moulana Khalil-ur Rahman [rahimahulLah] Qari ‘Abd’ul Latif Khadimani [rahimahulLah]

Shaykh-ul-Arab-wal-Ajam, Ustad-ul-Muhaddithun Allamah Habib-ur Rahman [hafidhahulLah] Shaykh-ul-Mashayikh Allamah Najmud-Din Choudury Al-Fultali [hafidhahulLah] Shaykh-ut-Tariqah Allamah Nurul Haqhue Bilafar [hafidhahulLah] Allamah Mujahid ud-Din Dubaghi [hafidhahulLah] Sayyid Mushtaq Ahmad Madani [hafidhahulLah] Sayyid Junaid Ahmad Maddani [hafidhahulLah] Mufti ‘Ala’ud-Din [hafidhahulLah] Mufti Ghiyas ud-Din Choudury Al-Fultali [hafidhahulLah] Moulana Abd’un Noor [hafidhahulLah] Moulana Shu’ayb-ur Rahman [hafidhahulLah] Moulana Qamrud-Din Choudury Al-Fultali [hafidhahulLah]

His Works

Amongst his works are:

Al-Qawlus Sadeed fil Qir’at wat-Tajweed, a comprehensive guide to the rule of correct Qur’anic recitation. Composed originally in Urdu, it has been translated in Bengali and English. This kitab is used as a reference in the Al-Qur’an and Islamic Studies Department at the Kushtia Islamic University, Bangladesh.

At-Tanweer ala at-Tafsir, an in-depth elucidation of Sura Al-Baqarah. This kitab is used as a reference at the Kushtia Islamic University, Bangladesh.

Muntakhab-us Siyar, the biography of the Holy Prophet [salla’Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam] in three volumes.

Anwar-us-Salikeen, an Urdu work in the field of Tassawwf, explaining the different stages of the path for the seeker, and elucidating on how to nurture oneself in preparation for the sacred path.

Shajara-e-Tayyibah, the names of the spiritual masters of all the Tariqahs [Chisti, Qadiri, Naqshbandi, Mujaddadi, Muhammadi] going back to the Master, the Holy Prophet [salla’Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam].

Al-Khutba tul Ya’qubiyyah, a compilation of khutbahs in Arabic, including the khutbah for the two ‘Ids and the khutbah for Nikah, based on the ‘aqidah of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama’ah.

Nala’a-e-Qalandar, an Urdu compilation of ode in veneration of the Holy Prophet [salla’Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam] and the Awliya.

Nek Amal, a work in Bengali, elucidating on good actions and the rewards gained for action upon them.

His Karamah [Miracles]

Imam Tahawi states in his famous creed [Al-‘Aqidah Al-Tahawiyyah]: “we believe in miracles of the saints as conveyed and verified by trustworthy narrators”.

Imam Nasafi states in his manual of creed [Al-‘Aqidah An-Nasafiyyah]: “The miracles (karamat) of the Saints are a reality”.

From his childhood up until his passing to the next abode, he was renowned for his miracles. However, he never once mentioned them, instead he always humbly denied them.

Amongst some of his miracles were:

Once he was in a vehicle on his way to a mahfil in Sri Mongol at night. Suddenly a tiger appeared and stopped in the middle of the road and lied down. Dispute the driver’s attempt at horning, the tiger did not move. Sahib Qiblah came out of the vehicle and walked towards the tiger. He begun reciting and tapped the tiger’s back, instantly the tiger got up and left.

In Norzur River, Jagannat Pur, five people had drowned in a boat. The people from the local village searched the river for them but could not find them. They then went to Sahib Qiblah and told him what happened. He handed them a ta’weez and told them to place it where the boat had sank. They carried out this command and to their amazement the corpses emerged from the river immediately.

In 2004, the historic Shan-e-Risalat conference took place in Sylhet presided by Sahib Qiblah. Prominent ‘ulamah and shuyukh from Egypt, Kuwait and other parts of the Muslim World were present. During the final day of the conference it begun to rain. The organisers went to Sahib Qiblah and asked him to make du’a to stop the rain. As soon as he made du’a, the rain stopped and the sun begun to shine with the Will of ALlah Ta’ala.

Leaving this World for the Next Abode

On the 15th of January 2008CE, corresponding to Wednesday the 7th of Muharram 1429AH, at around 20:00GMT, Allamah Fultali Sahib Qiblah left this mortal abode to the hereafter, in his home town of Sylhet.

His janazah was held the next evening after ’Asr salah, led by his spiritual successor and oldest son, Allamah Imad ud-Din Choudury Al-Fultali. The amount of people who took part in the janazah was so great that no exact numbers could be established. This is why so many different figures have been quoted in different newspapers, radio stations and on TV. One of the newspapers, Daily Shobuj Sylhet, estimated that around two million people gathered for his janazah. Other newspaper sources estimated that over 100,000 people were unable to attend due to huge congestion and traffic.

May ALlah Ta’ala accept his contributions to His Din and to the Muslim Ummah and raise his status in the hereafter. Amin.

Tanbircdq (talk) 18:11, 10 November 2010 (UTC)

Not done: please provide reliable sources that support the change you want to be made. -Atmoz (talk) 20:31, 10 November 2010 (UTC)