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Talk:Siege of Székesfehérvár (1543)

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About the surrender of Székesfehérvár[edit]

Ottoman chronicler Sinan Pasa wrote about the siege. His chronicle was translated to Hungarian. From that, I translated to English using Google/Bing/Yandex translation but none of those do a good job translating Hungarian. Maybe someone can do a better job translating.

Source: Török történetírók: 1521 - 1566, Volume 2, By József Thúry https://books.google.ca/books?id=LRfVWKotiOUC&pg=PA355

Excerpt from : (XVII. 176–185a.) Ez a fejezet Üsztüni-Belgirád elfoglalását adja elő. This chapter presents the capture of Székesfehérvár.

[The events of Saturday, September 1] On the other side, the army of Islām fought hard and fought the despicable Gâvurs below without ceasing. During the fight, Mehmed Paşa ordered the topçubaşı (chief of cannons) to move a cannon forward and direct it towards the necessary target. While he directed the cannon, he was shot in the chest by a small cannon and martyred. In addition, Ahmed Paşa's kapıcıbaşı, Osmân Şâh Beğ's flag bearer, and Ayas Paşa’s war-leader named Mehmed, also became martyrs. Furthermore, Baltacı Mehmed Beğ and Bilâl Mehmed were wounded, and the kethüda (lieutenant) of Kara Hisar Beğ was also martyred. In addition, some of the Yeŋiçeris, Sipâhîs, and Garibs (volunteers) became martyrs, and others were wounded. But even in the castle of the wicked unbelievers, countless Gâvurs fell into dust and were lost.

However, the True Believers occupied the entire wall of their rampart and cut off one part of the Gâvurs, and ran another part to death. They had another breastwork, marched behind it and started fighting from there.

Another hundred wagonloads of wood and, in addition, an infinite amount of shrubs were brought on horses, and from the direction of Mehmed Paşa's station they again made trenches, filled the [enemy] ditches, repaired the gaps and thus prepared the way for the attack.

Then the Army of Islām advanced first, went toward the towers of the Gâvurs, entered their trenches and continued the fight from there. On the other side, Husrev Paşa's division penetrated all the way, took up positions in the temples and houses of the Gâvurs and fought from there. However, beneath the towers of Satan's cursed army were mines; and when the Gâvurs saw that the soldiers of Islām had ascended those towers, they immediately detonated the mines. But by the grace of Allāh, the fire spread towards the Gâvurs, several Gâvurs perished, which made the True Believers (Righteous Ones) rejoice greatly.

Hüsrev Paşa, having taken one of the towers of the Gâvurs, sent his ketkhuda named Ferhâd to Rüstem Paşa, who reported and also complained like this: “We entered; we are in the houses of the Gâvurs; if we withdraw from there, the Gâvurs will occupy it again and then it will be difficult to take it back; and if we want to stay inside, we have to constantly guard and protect, but the army is not capable of this; for our soldiers are all slain. And Mehmed Paşa said that he was not yet prepared, he was not going to make an assault. After hearing his report, he sent him to the High Court, and after interrogating him there, he returned.

At that time, he sent Ali Çelebi, the kethüda (lieutenant) of the kapıcı (gate-keepers), from the Blessed Court, with instructions to go to Mehmed Paşa and let him know that tomorrow, without fail, an attack must be made; because this is the command of the Pâdişâh. When the named one went there and gave him the order, Mehmed Paşa replied: “Our preparations are not yet completed.” When he reported this fact to the court of happiness, a hundred men from among the horsemen were sent to his side, who, going there, that night until until morning they worked so diligently with spades and shovels that they levelled that side with the ground.

During the evening, the criers (heralds) sent by the Pâdişâh announced to the army: “The order of the Pâdişâh is that the one who is the first to enter the castle, if he is a timariot, or enjoys the income of a fief, will receive a sançak, if he is from the Garibs, a ziamet, or some other higher income, so everyone will be promoted. So bear yourselves manfully! There will be an attack tomorrow, get ready!” And the Gâzis, hearing this command of the Pâdişâh, the protector of the world, all turned towards the throne of Allāh and humbly prayed (pled) until the morning: “Oh Lord! give victory to the Army of Islām!” And there is no doubt that their prayer was answered. On the other side, Paşa Rüstem also gave the same decree to his soldiers: “In the morning you will mount your horses; because we will attack from another side.”

When dawned arrived (on Sunday, September 2), he mounted his horse and set off with his army towards the other side, where there was a suburb. Because the previous day he had already given to Ulama some zarbuzans and gave him this command: “ on the day of the attack, you shall shoot the castle from that side.”

And the Warriors of the Faith on this side, when it dawned, waited a little while, then with the cry of “Allāh, Allāh!” they charged on both wings. First, the Rumelian corps with Hüsrev Paşa attacked, and after scaring the Gâvurs from there, they threw it at the Anatolian corps, who pushed back those who had already penetrated and fought very fiercely. Suddenly, at last, a few valiant çavuşes (scouts) of the Anatolian beğlerbeğ appeared, joined the flag bearer standing in front of the sançakbeğ of Koca-ili and, with the flag raised, rushed towards the Gâvurs. The Gâvurs then ran back and the entire Anatolian corps entered; in fact, the Yeŋiçeris had already earlier entered this place. The battle continued for some time; finally the Gâvurs ran away and fled to their temples. The Warriors of the Faith followed them and committed a terrible slaughter among them, so that about 4,000 Gâvurs were put to the sword and fell into the dust. A few of them went to Rüstem Paşa with severed heads and told him that the city was occupied. Hearing this news, he abandoned his former intention and turned back.

On the other side, Warriors of the Faith, having taken the city, immediately advanced as far as the castle. When a group of Gâvurs saw the attack by the people of Islām, they ran to the gate of the castle and shouted: “Open the gate quickly, because things have turned bad for us!” However, the Gâvurs inside blocked the gate from the within, raised the bridge, and answered them: “The Turk is not scary; why are you afraid of the Turk? Go, fight with him and kill them all!” Thus, seeing this, they all rushed into the swamp. The castle had a total of three suburbs; when one was occupied, the inhabitants of the other two suburbs all left their cities and fled to the swamp. And the people of Islām, after slaughtering the Gâvurs found in the mentioned suburbs, having taken captive those found hiding in hidden places and plundering their possessions, launched an attack into the swamp, captured a large number of Gâvurs found there, and then returned.

The reason is that the people in the castle closed the gate and did not open it for the fleeing Gâvurs, instead, they said “go fight the Turks”, was actually this. When the unbelieving beğ (governor) of the castle said: “Let us not oppose and fight with the approaching Sultan Suleiman, but come, let's hand over the castle to him in a nice way”, - they spoke of such futility (uselessness): “Why are you afraid of the Turk? We will deal with him!” Those who said this were the soldiers among the Gâvurs. This was the reason why they answered them and why they did not open the gate, but allowed them all to perish.

Each of the Warriors of the Faith, bearing himself very bravely, returned with severed heads, and some took them to Mehmed Paşa, others to the Court of Happiness, and the Yeŋiçeris to their Ağa, and, in all three placed they received rewards. In a word, the castle, having been fired at, day and night, for ten days without pause, since August 24th, after 10,000 cannonballs were fired, by the help of Allāh, in the third hour of the tenth day (around 8 o'clock in the morning), it was occupied.

In the heat of the battle, a Gâvur was captured and brought to Rüstem Paşa, to whom the Gâvur said: “If you pardon me and set me free, I will show you the place where the water in the moat can be drained overnight so that not a drop remains in it.” When Rüstem Paşa asked him if it could be done quickly, the Gâvur said: “If I have to open the way for the water myself, it will take a little longer; but your soldiers work extremely quickly, and their work can be done in an hour.” However, during the morning of the following day they surrendered the castle. Then, returning the accursed Gâvur before him, Rüstem Paşa asked him: “Why is it that they are now surrendering the castle?”

And he replied: “The men of the the castle had calculated that if the suburbs and castle were about to fall, they would flee into the swamp and on the road leading to the swamp they set up a few zarbuzans, where no son of man could enter. Because the one who built this castle, brought the water there, and from that time on, no one could ever penetrate to the other side of the swamp, or from there, either on foot or on horseback. But now they see your soldiers constantly walking on it. Seeing this, they lost hope when they realized that neither water nor land was of any defence against your army. Moreover, these walls were filled with grass and earth and for that reason they believed that no weapon of any kind could harm them, but would be powerless against them. However, the exact opposite of what we thought, happened; because God helps you.

Having no place to escape, they surrendered the castle to you out of necessity. The ones who prevented the surrender of the castle were actually the soldiers, part of which was Latin and part German. When these were killed and wounded, only the Hungarians remained, and they wanted to surrender to the Padisah from the beginning. For this reason they came out and surrendered the castle without resistance.” These are the questions he answered.

When the suburbs were occupied on that day, His Majesty, the Pâdişâh, Defender of the World, immediately ordered Rüstem Paşa to quickly go to the castle and see where cannons should be positioned against the inner castle. Thus, according to the Pâdişâh’s order, he hastily mounted his horse and left with his soldiers. Then he saw that they had made a strong earthen barrier had been made in front of the gate of the said suburb. In a moment, he destroyed the barrier, opened the gate, and then at the entrance road, in front of that gate, he made a strong bridge and, having levelled the square in front of the gate, he moved six zarbuzans and three cannons there, and then returned.

And Hüsrev Paşa busily built a breastwork until midnight. But in the morning, after he hired his cannons once, they [defenders] shouted for mercy. At that time Hüsrev Paşa sent his servant Muzaffer Ağa, a man of Hungarian origin, and currently with him in kapıcıbaşı, and to speak with them about it. When they replied that they were willing to give up the castle, through a kethüda named Ferhâd, he informed the paşas. So, hearing the report, they sent him to the Blessed Court to give a report. When His Majesty, the Pâdişâh, Defender of the World, granted them the pardon, the Gâvur named Varkocs, this was actually their beğ, came out and handed over the castle to His Majesty, the Pâdişâh.

Then His Majesty, the Pâdişâh, Protector of the World, ordered the Paşas to move the cannons to set them up against the inner castle. Obeying this command, they immediately mounted their horses and went to the castle; after that, the many cannons that were inside and outside, were quickly pulled out of their positions and placed on the cannon bases; the cannonballs were also collected and put on carts.

On the following morning, Tuesday, September 4, the paşas mounted their horses and went towards the castle, and then the Gâvurs inside were led out, one by one, and given into their hands a letter authorizing that any Gâvur who wanted to, could stay here with all their possessions and chattels, and those who did not want to remain could, with all their belongings, go wherever they want. Thus, granting them full pardon in the name of the Pâdişâh, the Yeŋiçeri Ağa was summoned and left there, with some Yayabaşıs, with their crews, also assigned to protect the Gâvurs in the castle.

At that time, the beğ of the Akinçı was sent to the castles of Csákó and Polat to invite their residents to pay their respects. However, being afraid, they did not come, but said that: “after the departure of the mighty Pâdişâh, we will reconcile with him.”

Therefore, they did not care about them now, thinking that if they remained stubborn, the bey who was left here would punish them.

On the other hand, the bey of the castle of Esztergom, a Gâvur named Varkocs, wished to come to kiss his hand. So the divân summoned me, and the said Gâvur came with another distinguished Gâvur, kissed his hand, and received a kaftan.

Furthermore, the soldiers that remained were released along with their weapons and other equipment, and accompanied by Ulama Beğ as far as they wanted. After that, the infidels in the castle were led out to the suburbs, and the Defterdar Efendi, arriving with his scribes, confiscated the weapons and other military equipment for the state.(see note below) The trenches dug around the castle were filled by the soldiers and the wood that had been brought was moved inside the castle by the Gâvurs. The Beğlerbeğs of Rumelia and Anatolia were ordered to transport the cannons to Buda. So they assigned two sançakbeğs each and sent them to Buda. Ulama Beğ was assigned to accompany the freed Gâvurs from the inner castle and accompanied them to the desired location.

[What happened to the captives]

The beğ who fell first in the battle left behind a beautiful wife, and when she loaded her belongings worth more than 1,000 gold on a cart with three magnificent horses pulling it, Ulama Beğ forcibly detained her.  When the woman asked him: “His Majesty, the Pâdişâh, the Protector of the World, gave us free passage, why are you doing violence to us (bullying us)?” he answered her: “You have no one here; therefore, the Pâdişâh entrusted us to the protection of a distinguished person.”Saying this, he delivered the woman but seized all her wealth, gold, silver, Frenk clothes, cloth, etc. for himself. He also shot one of the others dead with an arrow.In addition, he selected for himself the beautiful ones among the mentioned gâvurs.  Choosing a handsome young man (boy?), he handed him over to Kara Çavuş’s men, saying: “Give him to your master, this is a splendid booty!”  Kara Çavuş was not present at the time, but it didn't take long for him to arrive and when his servants reported to him the affairs of the youth, he sent him back to Ulama Beğ, saying to him: “I have no desire for this kind of booty; because by the supreme command of my Lord, His Majesty, the Pâdişâh, the Protector of the World, they [captives] must be set free.”  It was this Kara Çavuş who was first sent to the Tatar khan by supreme command and was on the side of the Tatars in the campaign.Ulama Beg released all but those he detained.  The gâvurs released from the castle of Tata, with the condition of free passage, were also entrusted to him, and when he accompanied them to the castle of Komaran (Komárom?), but he selected several beautiful (handsome) young men from among them.  Even from the residents of Esztergom, who were free to leave, he took and made a great number of young gâvur men his captives, and thus obtained an extraordinary booty.

[Note on executions after the fall.] Christian writers talk about the execution of some of Fehérvár's citizens. Stella writes that on the 3rd or 4th day after the capture of the city, Suleiman summoned the noble citizens to the field in front of the city under the pretext of taking the oath of allegiance; and when they appeared there in full regalia, he executed them one by one. (Schwandtner II. 383.) We read the same in the Italian note entitled Deditio Albac Regalis (Verancsics II Vol. 303), with the difference that, apart from the judge and those who capitulated, all the others were executed. According to Jovius, Süleymân gathered those who first promised to give up the city, as well as the citizens who formed the authority when the city defected to Ferdinand. He executed some of them, and exiled the others partly to Buda and partly to Belgrade. (II. 2: 505, 506.) Istvánfy writes that most of the citizens, undoubtedly the wealthiest, including Judge Tamás, were called to the camp and executed there; their possessions were confiscated or distributed among the horsemen appointed as guards (167.) But Brutus already says that not long after the Sultan's departure Ahmed Sançakbeğ brought the citizens forward to find out who held office when the city defected after the death of King John to Ferdinand, or as private people, who were the authors of the defection. According to the Hungarians, only 45 people were executed according to Süleymân's order. (III. 336). Finally, in Verancsics' chronicle, we read just this: Süleymân pardoned the citizens, because they handed over the castle, and he dismissed them all in peace. (II. 86.) L. what Peçevi writes about this matter (in a note written to the appropriate place of Celâlzâde). From all these data, it can be concluded that after Süleymân's departure, but most likely on his orders, Ahmed Sançakbeğ executed those citizens who were the authors of the defection to King Ferdinand.

ZidarZ (talk) 22:47, 7 September 2023 (UTC)[reply]

Siege of Székesfehérvár as told by Sinan Pasha[edit]

Ottoman chronicler Sinan Pasa wrote about the siege. His chronicle was translated to Hungarian. From that, I translated to English using Google translation but none of those do a good job translating Hungarian. Maybe someone can do a better job translating and incorporating it into the article.

Source: Török történetírók: 1521 - 1566, Volume 2, By József Thúry https://books.google.ca/books?id=LRfVWKotiOUC&pg=PA349

(XVI. 166a-176.)

Ez a fejezet előadja a világvédő Pâdişâh ő felségének. Üsztüni-Belgirádhoz érkezését. This chapter presents to his majesty the Pâdişâh of the world protector. Arrival at Székesfehérvár.

Miután a nevezett vár teljesen leromboltatott és a földdel egyenlővé tétetett, a következő napon (Aug. 20. hétfő.) Ulama bég és Mohammed khán — melléjök adatván a tatár sereg is előre küldettek a szultáni sátorral. - Ugyanezen a napon elindulván innen, Üsztüni-Belgirádhoz közel egy tó partján, Csákvár vára mellett állapodott meg.

After the aforementioned castle was completely destroyed and razed to the ground, on the following day, (Monday, Aug. 20.) Ulama Bey and Mohammed Khan — with the support of the Tartar army, were also sent forward with the Sultan's tent. - On the same day, departing from here, he settled on the shore of a lake near Üsztüni-Belgirád, next to Csákvár castle.

Azonban ezen a napon a sátorral együtt igen nagy számú katonaság ment el a várhoz és az előtt igen hevesen. harczoltak az ellenséggel. Ulama bég is oda küldetett s miután megérkezett, annak a hadosztálya is részt vett az ütközetben. Sőt Rüstem Paşa hadosztályából is elment velök egy csapat vitéz ember és megütközött az ellenséggel. Ezek közül egy Áli Sah nevű vitéz a csata hevében landsájával leszúrt egy embert amaz átkozottak közül. Ennek elestét látva, segítségére jött egy másik gyaur s mikor Ali Sahot meg akarta szúrni a lándsájával, Áli Sah erősen megragadva annak dsidáját, kivette a kezéből s azután saját lándsáját oly nagy erővel hajította a gyaurra, hogy ámbár az előre tartotta a paizsát, a lándsa a paizson áthatolva czombjába ment s azon is áthatolva a nyeregbe fúródott. S mikor ismét ki akarta húzni, az átkozott elkezdett vágtatni a lován, így a lándsa eltörött, fele a gyaur czombjában maradt, a ki azt magával vitte, fele pedig Áli Sah kezében maradt. Míg Ali Sah ama gyaurral harczolt, társai az általa lesújtott gyaurnak fejét levágták és Rüstem pasához vitték, ez pedig gazdagon megjutalmazta és igen megdicsérte.

However, on this day, together with the tent, a very large number of soldiers went to the castle and in front of it very violently. they fought the enemy. Ulama Bey was also sent there, and after he arrived, his division also took part in the battle. In fact, a group of brave men from Rüstem Paşa's division went with them and clashed with the enemy. Among them, a brave named Áli Shah stabbed one of the damned with his landsa in the heat of battle. Seeing him fall, another gyaur came to his aid, and when he was about to stab Ali Shah with his spear, Ali Shah, firmly grasping his hilt, took it from his hand and then threw his own spear at the gyaur with such great force that, although he held his shield forward, the spear penetrating the shield, it went into his crotch and also penetrated into the saddle. And when he wanted to pull it out again, the cursed man started to gallop on his horse, so his spear broke, half remained in the gyaur's trunk, who took it with him, and half remained in the hands of Áli Shah. While Ali Shah was fighting with that gyaur, his companions cut off the head of the gyaur he had struck down and brought it to Rüstem Pasha, who rewarded him richly and praised him highly.

Azután a következő napon a világ szultánja is elindulván amaz állomásról, ugyanezen a napon, mely Dsemáziül-evvel 19. napja, keddi nap1) volt, szerencsésen megérkezett Üsztüni-Belgirád vára mellé s a vár közelében 2) megszállott.—-—3)

Then the next day, the sultan of the world, departing from that station, on the same day, which was the 19th day of Dsemáziül-ev, Tuesday, luckily arrived near the castle of Üsztüni-Belgirád and stayed near the castle. —-—

1) Azaz augusztus 21. De nem Dsemázi-ül-evvel 19-ike, hanem 20-ika. Föntebb, e fejezet elején, a 19-ikét mar megnevezte így: »a következő napon.« Hibásan mondja tehát Verancsics (I. 247.), hogy a török sereg aug. 13-án, Horváth M. pedig azt, hogy aug. 16-án szállta meg Fehérvárt; hiszen Szulejmán 13-án még Esztergomnál volt s csak 16-án indult el alóla, a török sereg előcsapatai is csak aug. 20-án érkeztek ide.

2) Még pedig a keresztyén írók, ú. m. Jovius (II. 2: 490. és 495.), Brutus (III. 319.) és Istvánfy (165.) szerint a várostól délkeletre, az ú. n. Ráczvárossal szemközt, a budai kapu felől, a Sóstó mellett.

3) Itt a szerző elmondja, hogy Áli Paşa, Kara-Ámid béglerbégje, futárral azt az üzenetet küldte ide, hogy Tahmaszp sah és testvérei közt lázadás tört ki, a bégek is fellázadtak, szóval nagy zavar van Persiában. Ugyancsak ekkor érkezett futár Konstantinápolyból is, teljesen megnyugtató jelentéseket hozva. Végre Khajreddin pasától is érkezett jelentés, hogy Frengisztánban elfogott három hajót és Konstantinápolyba küldte.

A hit harczosai a vár előtt többször megütköztek az alávaló gyaurokkal s folytonosan harczoltak velök.

The warriors of the faith clashed several times with the gyaurs below in front of the castle and fought with them continuously.

A világvédő Pâdişâh ő felsége még azon a napon, melyen elindult Tata várától, ismét azt a legfelsőbb parancsot küldte volt az anatolii béglerbégnek, Ibrahim pasának, hogy a reá bizott ágyúk szállításával siessen. Az pedig a Pâdişâh parancsa szerint lassan-lassan vontatva az ágyúkat, már útban volt velök.

His Highness Pâdişâh, the protector of the world, had once again sent the highest order to the Anatolian belgium, Ibrahim Pasha, on the same day that he set out from the Tata castle, to hurry up the delivery of the cannons entrusted to him. And according to the order of the Pâdişâh, slowly towing the cannons, he was already on his way with them.

Másrészt a tatár sereget portyázni küldték, az pedig mindazon helyeket, melyeket érintett, teljesen elpusztította és fölégette. Üsztüni-Belgirád környékét pedig a hadsereg pusztította és égette szüntelenül.

On the other hand, the Tatar army was sent to raid, and it completely destroyed and burned all the places it touched. And the area around Székesfehérvár was destroyed and burned incessantly by the army.

Ugyanezen a napon, ikindi után, Rüstem Paşa hadi népe átkelvén a mocsáron, a várhoz ment a déli oldal felől; a várból pedig igen sok gyaur kijött és megütköztek. A többi gázik is mindenik oldal felől a várhoz mentek és szüntelenül harczoltak.

On the same day, after afternoon, Rüstem Paşa's military people crossed the marsh and went to the castle from the south side; and many gyaus came out of the castle and they collided. The other Ghazis also went to the castle from all sides and fought incessantly.

A következő napon, szerdán, (Augusztus 22.) ismét diván tartatván, az állam oszlopai régi szokásuk szerint elmentek és saját helyeikre ültek. Ebben a divánban rendeltetett, hogy a topcsi-basi és a garíbok agája menjenek, vizsgálják meg a vár környékét és szemeljék ki azon helyeket, a hová az ágyúkat kell állítani. Míg a divánban voltak, Rüstem Paşa hadi népe ismét a vár mellé ment és harczolt az ellenséggel; két fejet vágtak le és a divánba hozták.

On the following day, Wednesday (August 22), being held again on the divan, the pillars of the state, according to their old custom, went and sat in their own places. In this divan, it was ordered that the aga of the Topcsi-Bas and the Garíbs should go, examine the surroundings of the castle and select the places where the cannons should be placed. While they were in the divan, Rüstem Paşa's warlike people again went to the side of the castle and fought with the enemy; two heads were cut off and brought to the divan.

A Pâdişâhnak erről jelentés tétetvén, az illetőket jegyzékbe vették, hogy rangjoknak megfelelő jutalomban részesüljenek. A janicsárok már tegnap parancsot kaptak volt, hogy sáncz-kosarakat csináljanak, azok tehát ezzel foglalatoskodtak.

Having reported this to the Pâdişâh, the persons were listed so that they would be rewarded according to their rank. The janissaries had already received an order yesterday to make rampart baskets, so they were busy with that.

Midőn a pasák elmentek a divánból, Száhib-giráj fiától, Emin szultántól egy tatár jött és ezt az örömhírt hozta: »5000 tatár elküldetett volt portyázni és 15,000 foglyot hozott « Rüstem Paşa hallván ezt a hírt, a rajta levő vörös atlasz mellényt levetette és a futárra adta. Azután lóra ült és hadi népével bejárta a vár környékét. A hit harczosai minden oldalon a várhoz mentek, a gyaurok pedig kijövén a várból, csatát vívtak velök. Szulejmán Paşa szintén lóra ülvén, ezen a napon azzal foglalkozott, hogy a hadi népet elhelyezte és mindenkit a saját helyére küldött. Ugyanezen a napon Mohammed Paşa a kapudsik ketkhudájával a ki a boldogságos udvarból ment hozzá lóra ülvén bejárta a vár környékét és kijelölte a meteriszeknek alkalmas helyeket, azután visszatért. A janicsárok is több helyen kiszemelték meteriszeik helyét és készenlétben voltak.

When the pashas had left the divan, a Tatar came from the son of Sáhib-giráj, Sultan Emin, and brought this good news: "5,000 Tatars had been sent to raid and brought 15,000 prisoners." Hearing this news, Rüstem Paşa took off his red satin vest and gave it to a courier. Then he got on a horse and toured the area around the castle with his military people. The warriors of the faith went to the castle on all sides, and the Gyaurs, coming out of the castle, fought with them. Sülejmán Paşa, also sitting on a horse, was busy on this day with settling the military people and sending everyone to their respective places. On the same day, Mohammed Paşa went to him from the happy courtyard with his two horses, riding around the castle and marking suitable places for the meteris, then he returned. The janissaries also selected the location of their meters in several places and were ready.

Az anatolii béglerbég, Ibrahim Paşa, a közelbe érkezvén, ezt az értesítést küldte: »ma este oda érkezhetek; mit parancsoltok ?« Az állam oszlopai pedig ezt az utasítást küldték hozzája: »ma este ne jöjj, hanem holnap szállítsd ide az ágyúkat.« Az tehát éjjelre ott maradt s a következő napon délelőtt (Vagyis aug. 23. csütörtök.) megérkezvén, az emlitett ágyúkat a maga hadi népével ide vontatta és átadta.

The Anatolian Belgian, Ibrahim Paşa, having arrived nearby, sent this notice: »I can arrive there this evening; what did you order?’ And the columns of the state sent him this instruction: "Don't come tonight, but bring the cannons here tomorrow.” So he stayed there for the night and, arriving the next morning (Thursday, August 23), he dragged the mentioned cannons here with his military people and handed them over.

Azután átvevén az ágyúkat, szétosztották, éppen olyan módon, mint előbb Siklovis váránál tették volt, t. i. egy részét Mohammed Paşa hadosztályának adták, melyet az anatolii béglerbég, Ibrahim Paşa és a jelen levő anatolii bégek alkottak. Hüsrev Paşa pedig a rumilii béglerbéggel, Ahmed pasával és a rumilii bégekkel volt. De ez alkalommal a janicsár-aga a janicsárok felével Mohammed Paşa szárnyán volt, a szegbán-basi pedig a janicsárok másik felével Hüsrev pasával együtt a rumilii hadtest szárnyán. Az ágyúknak másik részét tehát ezeknek adták. De mivel a szegbán-basi beteg volt, a jaja-basit állították helyére.”

Then, taking over the cannons, they distributed them, just as they had done before at Siklovis castle, t. i. part of it was given to Mohammed Paşa's division, which was made up of the Anatolian begs, Ibrahim Paşa, and the Anatolian begs present. And Hüsrev Paşa was with the begs of Rumili, Ahmed Pasha and the begs of Rumili. But this time the janissary-aga was with half of the janissaries on the wing of Mohammed Paşa, and the szegbán-basi with the other half of the janissaries together with Hüsrev Pasha was on the wing of the Rumili corps. The other part of the cannons was therefore given to them. But since Szegbán-basi was sick, Jaja-basi was put in his place."

Továbbá Mohammed Khánt elül előőrsnek állították, másik felől pedig Ulama béget szintén előőrsnek; az akindsibégeket két oldalra állították; a tatároknak két hadosztályát, t. i. a krimi tatárokat, kiknek vezérök Száhib-giráj khán fia, Emin szultán volt és a dobrudsai tatárokat, a kiket a boldogult Szeádet-giráj khán fia, Devlet-giráj vezetett, különböző helyekre küldték; Velidsán béget pedig mögéjük állították hátvédnek. Ilyen módon minden oldalra előörsöket rendeltek. S még két oldalra az akindsi-bégeket, harmadik oldalra pedig Mikhál-oglut rendelték.

Furthermore, Mohammed Khan was placed as an outpost in front, and Ulama Bey also as an outpost on the other side; the akindsibegs were placed on two sides; two divisions of the Tatars, t. i. the Crimean Tatars, whose leaders were Sultan Emin, the son of Sáhib-giráj Khan, and the Dobrud Tatars, who were led by Devlet-giráj, the son of the prosperous Seádet-giráj Khan, were sent to different places; And Velidsán beg was placed behind them as a quarterback. In this way, pre-mills were ordered for each side. And the Akindsi beys were assigned to two more sides, and Mikhál Oglu to the third side.

Azután szétosztották az ágyúkat, de még nem vették át és nem állították fel a helyeikre, ámbár a janicsárok elkészítették a meteriszeket; csak éjjel vontatták a vár közelébe. A várból pedig egész reggelig szünetlenül ágyúztak és lövöldöztek puskával.

The cannons were then distributed, but they had not yet been received and set up in their places, although the janissaries had prepared the meteris; they were only dragged near the castle at night. And from the castle, cannons and rifles were fired incessantly until the morning.

A következő napon, (Aug. 24. péntek) mihelyt Hüsrev Paşa és Ahmed Paşa szárnyán felállítottak egy ágyút, néhányat lőttek vele. Sa többieknek felállításával is serényen dolgoztak ezen a napon. A meterişzek teljesen és mind készen voltak egészen a vár közeléig. Ejjel szintén dolgoztak s az összes ágyúkat helyökre állították.

The next day, (Friday, Aug. 24), as soon as Hüsrev Paşa and Ahmed Paşa set up a cannon on the wing, they shot some of them with it. They also worked serendipitously setting up the others on this day. The meters were completely and completely ready up to the vicinity of the castle. They also worked this morning and put all the cannons in place.

Reggel mindjárt mely szombati nap volt (Aug. 25) több helyen megkezdték az ágyúzást. Tényleg már pénteken kezdtek ágyúzni; mert a mint pénteken Hüsrev Paşa állomása felől felállítottak egy ágyút, a föntebb említett módon elkezdtek tüzelni.

Early in the morning, which was Saturday (Aug. 25), shelling began in several places. They really started shelling on Friday; because on Friday they set up a cannon from Hüsrev Paşa's station and started firing as mentioned above.

Vasárnap a világvédő és szerencsés Pâdişâh ő felsége Szulejmán pasával együtt lóra ülvén, a vár környékét minden felől bejárta s azután szerencsésen visszatért.

On Sunday, the protector of the world and lucky Pâdişâh, his majesty, together with Süleymán Pasha, rode around the castle from all sides and then returned fortunately.

Szombaton a bölük-khalkinak és egyebeknek az a parancs adatott vala, hogy fát és földet hordjanak a vár mellé, a két oldalon emeljenek dombokat és azokról harczoljanak. E legfelsőbb parancsnak minden hadosztály engedelmeskedett s ki fát, ki földet hordott.

On Saturday, the Bölük-Khalki and others were ordered to carry wood and earth to the castle, to build hills on both sides and to fight over them. All divisions obeyed this supreme order and carried wood and earth.

Az említett napon Bécsből egy ember szökött ide és azt a hírt hozta, hogy a bécsi király Frengisztán felé ment volt s azóta hírét sem lehetett hallani; s hogy a Tata közelében levő Komaron nevű gyaur várhoz,, midőn a hatalmas padisáh ő felsége arról a vidékről eltávozott, 5000 lovas gyaur érkezett, a kik megnézvén Tatát, ismét visszatértek.

On the said day, a man escaped here from Vienna and brought the news that the king of Vienna had gone to Frangistan, and since then no news of him could be heard; and that 5,000 horsemen arrived at the Gyaur castle called Komaron near Tata, when his majesty the mighty padishah left that region, who, after seeing Tata, returned again.

Vasárnap Jahja-Paşa-oglu Mohammed pasától Uszturgun várából egy jelentés érkezett, melynek tartalma ez volt: » Nyolcz száz gázit küldtünk Tata várához, a kik oda érkezvén, annak környékét mindenfelé bejárták és megvizsgálták, s azonkívül három nap és három éjjel ott maradtak és kémlelődtek, de egyetlen egy gyaurt sem láttak s még nyelvet som hoztak. Végre a komarani révhez száguldoztak, de ott sem találtak senkit és visszatértek. Uszturgun várának kijavítása pedig — ha isten engedi — már legközelebb el fog végeztetni.« Ezen kívül azt is megírta, hogy a Tuna folyónak túlsó, bécsi oldalán fekvő nyolczvan falu teljesen meghódolt s azután lakói szekereikkel eljövén napszámban éjjel-nappal dolgoznak; sőt igen sok árpát, kenyeret és másféle élelmiszert, a mi csak volt nekik, hoztak a vár piaczára.

On Sunday, a report was received from Jahja-Paşa-oglu Mohammed Pasha from Usturgun Castle, the content of which was as follows: » We sent eight hundred Gazis to Tata Castle, who, having arrived there, went around and inspected its surroundings, and also stayed there for three days and three nights and spied. , but they didn't see a single gyur and they didn't even bring any language. At last they raced to the Komaran avenue, but found no one there either and returned. And the repair of the castle of Usturgun - God willing - will be completed next time." In addition, he also wrote that the eighty villages on the other side of the Tuna river, on the Vienna side, had completely surrendered, and then their inhabitants came with their carts and worked day and night; in fact, they brought a lot of barley, bread and other food, whatever they had, to the castle market.

A föld-tornyokat a két szárnyon kedd és szerda közötti éjjel egészen megcsinálták és szerdán rohamot szándékoztak intézni. Kedden (Augusztus 28.) a katonaság a parancs értelmében minden oldalon ásót és lapátot fogott és serényen ásva egészen a vár közelébe érkezett, sőt annak a két szárny felől eső két bástyáját is lerombolta. Azonkívül a két oldalon levő templom is leromboltatván ágyúval, ama templomoknak minden kövét és földjét a kívül levő árokba hányták és így eltöltötték az árkot. Azonban mind a két szárny felől egy-egy rejtek-kapu volt s mikor két oldalon ásóval ásva haladtak előre, a gyaurok a rejtek-kapukon kiütöttek és hevesen harczoltak, de végre is vereséget szenvedvén visszafutottak a várba.

The ground towers on the two wings were completely built during the night between Tuesday and Wednesday, and they intended to attack on Wednesday. On Tuesday (August 28), the military, in accordance with the order, took spades and shovels on all sides and calmly dug until they came close to the castle, and even demolished its two bastions from the two wings. In addition, the church on both sides was destroyed with a cannon, and all the stones and soil of those churches were thrown into the ditch outside and thus the ditch was filled. However, there was a hidden gate on each side of the two wings, and when they advanced digging on both sides with spades, the Gyaurs broke through the hidden gates and fought fiercely, but finally, being defeated, they ran back to the castle.

Kedden ikindi idején kikiáltókkal kihirdettették, hogy reggel, szerdán, roham lesz. Éjjel pedig, az utolsó ima után, Hüsrev Paşa ilyen örömhírrel küldte Ferhád nevű ketkhudáját Rüstem pasához: »a várnak egyik bástyáját elfoglaltuk és igen sok gyaurt levágtunk.«

On Tuesday afternoon, they announced with shouters that there would be an attack on Wednesday morning. And at night, after the last prayer, Hüsrev Paşa sent his ketkhuda named Ferhád to Rüstem Pasha with such good news: »we captured one of the bastions of the castle and cut down a lot of gyaurs.«

Reggel, szerdai napon, (Augusztus. 29-én) Rüstem Paşa zsoldosai közül egy vitéz felmászott a gyaurok várának egyik tornyára s mivel kevés gyaurt látott, a gáziknak ezt kiáltotta: »támadjatok!«, azután ő maga bement és harczolni kezdett. Ezt látván Hüsrev Paşa, rögtön rohamot intézett; de mivel Mohammed Paşa állomása felől senki sem támadott, egy ideig harczolván és igen sok gyaurt leölvén, ezek is vissza fordultak. Az a vitéz is, a ki legelőször hatolt be, egy fejet levágván, visszatért. Minthogy másfelől nem támadtak, nem lehetett elfoglalni a várat s eredmény nélkül tértek vissza. Annak, hogy másfelől nem intéztek rohamot, tulajdonképpeu az volt az oka, hogy Mohammed Paşa állása felől még nem voltak eléggé alkalmas rések. Ezen a napon a rohamban Hüsrev pasának Szuhejl nevű ketkhudája igen vitézül viselte magát, de végre is megsebesült.

In the morning, on Wednesday, (August 29), a brave man from Rüstem Paşa's mercenaries climbed one of the towers of the Gyaurs' castle, and since he saw few Gyaurs, he shouted to the Gázis: "Attack!", then he himself entered and began to fight. Seeing this, Hüsrev Paşa immediately attacked; but as no one attacked from Mohammed Paşa's station, after fighting for some time and killing a great many Gyaurs, they also turned back. The brave man who first entered, having cut off a head, also returned. Since they did not attack from the other side, it was not possible to capture the castle and they returned without results. The reason why they did not attack from the other side was actually that there were not enough suitable gaps in Mohammed Paşa's position. On this day, during the attack, Hüsrev Pasha's horse named Suhejl behaved very bravely, but he was finally wounded.

Ezen a napon Mohammed Paşa egy jegyzéket küldött a boldogságos udvarba Uszturgunból, melyben jelentést tett azokról, a kik kitüntették magokat. Az igazhivő harczosok szultánja pedig megismervén azoknak magaviseletét, jutalomban és előléptetésben részesítette őket.

On this day, Mohammed Paşa sent a list to the happy court from Usturgun, in which he reported on those who had been honored. And the Sultan of the righteous warriors, knowing their behavior, rewarded them and promoted them.

Csütörtökre következő éjjel (Vagyis aug. 30. és 31-ike közötti éjjel.) Hüsrev Paşa embert küldött ide és ezt jelentette: »A mi állásunk felől nagyon alkalmas rés van; mit parancsoltok: támadjunk-e reggel?« Azonban Rüstem Paşa azt izente neki, hogy várjon, Mohammed Paşa szárnya felől is hadd legyen olyan rés, a minő kell, hogy mindnyájan egyszerre támadjanak; míg ott is nem lesz olyan, addig a hatalmas Pâdişâh nem enged rohamot intézni. És így az kénytelen volt várakozni.

On the night following Thursday (That is, the night between Aug. 30 and 31.) Hüsrev Paşa sent a man here and reported: »There is a very suitable gap from our position; what do you order: shall we attack in the morning?" However, Rüstem Paşa ordered him to wait, and let there be such a gap on Mohammed Paşa's flank that they should all attack at the same time; as long as there is no such thing there, the mighty Pâdişâh will not allow an attack to be made. And so it was forced to wait.

Azonban csütörtökön igen nagy csata volt; a gyauroknak külvárosában levő tornyok közül az egyik tornyot elfoglalták és 200-nál több gyaurt aprítottak össze.

However, Thursday was a very big battle; one of the towers on the outskirts of the gyaurons was captured and more than 200 gyaurs were crushed.

Az áldott Dsemázi-ül-akhir elsején, (Augusztus 31. De ez a nap még Dsemázi-ül-evvel 30-ika.) pénteken, ismét díván tartatván, a vezírek és a többi országnagyok eljöttek, a megállapított szokás szerint elfoglalták helyeiket és a vár elfoglalásának dolgáról tanácskoztak; azután pedig mindegyik visszatért a maga szállására és saját sátorába …

On the first day of the blessed Dsemázi-ul-akhir, (August 31. But this day is still the 30th of Dsemázi-ul-ev.) on Friday, again being held in diva, the viziers and the other state dignitaries came, took their places according to the established custom and the they consulted about the occupation of the castle; and after that each returned to his lodging and to his own tent ...

A pénteki napra következő éjjel egy fogoly gyaur kiszökött a várból s reggel a pasákhoz menvén, ilyen értesí téseket adott: »A várban 5000 vitéz harczos volt, de ezekből a mai napig 2000 részint megöletett a harczokban, részint megsebesült, úgy hogy jelenleg csak 3000 gyaur maradt. Sőt pénteken, mikor egy kis ideig harczoltatok, látták, hogy dolguk roszra fordult; egyszerre elakarták hagyni a külvárost. De a mint ismét látták, hogy ti felhagytatok a harczczal, a németek fegyverrel hajtották vissza a gyaurokat a külvárosba. Ha még egy kis ideig harczoltatok és igyekeztetek volna behatolni, kétségtelen, hogy elfoglaljátok vala a külvárost. Három bég volt benne. Ezek közül az egyiket, mivel ezt mondta: »jertek, adjuk fel a várat a töröknek egyezség mellett«, összevagdalták a spanyolok. A másik pedig megsebesült a harczban. A porkoláb János király porkolábja volt, magyar ember. A vár tulajdonképpen a magyarok kezében és hatalmában van.«

On the night following Friday, a prisoner Gyaur escaped from the castle and in the morning went to the Pasha and gave the following information: »There were 5,000 brave warriors in the castle, but of these, 2,000 have been killed in the battles and some wounded, so that at present there are only 3,000 Gyaur left. Moreover, on Friday, when you had been fighting for a little while, they saw that their affairs had turned badly; they wanted to leave the suburbs at the same time. But as soon as they saw that you had given up the fight, the Germans drove the Gyaurs back to the suburbs at gunpoint. If you had fought a little longer and tried to penetrate, there is no doubt that you would have taken the suburbs. There were three beys in it. One of them, because he said: "come, let's give up the castle to the Turks under an agreement", the Spaniards killed him. The other was wounded in the fight. The porkoláb was the porkoláb of King János, a Hungarian man. The castle is actually in the hands and power of the Hungarians.« ZidarZ (talk) 17:14, 9 September 2023 (UTC)[reply]